Writing a research paper is a common task for any college student or university student. This can come as a challenge to students who need to present various concepts in a manner that is coherent.
We are writing this article to help research scholar, students and academic researchers to guide on recent trending research topics.
Here, in various fields, we have picked some hot subjects to write about.
Cloud Computing, Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Data Science, IOT, Artificial Intelligence, Six Sigma, Embedded Systems, Robotics, Compiler Designs, High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Neuron Networks, Blockchain, Design and Manufacturing, Fluid Mechanics, Cyber Security, Data Analytics, Bio Mechanics, 3D Object Modelling Security, Privacy and Automation, Applied Electromagnetics, RF Circuits, Computer Vision, Control Systems, Embedded Systems, ECE Education Research, Integrated Circuits and VLSI, MEMS and Microsystems, Human Area Network, Energy Sources, Waste Disposal, Optics & Photonics, Plasma Science & Engineering, Power & Energy, Quantum Science & Technology, Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Signal & Image Processing and Machine Learning, Solid-State Devices & Nanotechnology, Bluetooth, Fibre Optic Communication, Embedded Systems, Nanoelectronics, VLSI, OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diode, Zigbee Technology.
These are a few hot subjects mentioned above. There are multiple research topics under these subjects. We will cover topics under each subject in our future articles.