Using Ayurveda Nasa Roga has a description of Pratishyaya. the symptoms of which are Shira sula (headache), Nasa srava (rhinorrhea), Jwara (fever), Angamarda (bodyache), Kshawathu (sneezing), Kasa (cough), and Aruchi (Anorexia). In contemporary medicine, pratishyaya may be compared to rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane brought on by various allergen infections. Present day Pratishyaya is one of the diseases that needs to be addressed in this age of industrialization and modernization.
Pratishyaya is made up of two words “Prati” and “Shyay”1. Prati means Abhimukha, which means going the other way, and Shyay means Gamana, which means gushing of an over formed secretion. Pratishyaya is causative factor for all the other diseases of nasal cavity and hence it is explained with priority in the Nasa rogas. The vitiated Vayu, Kapha, Rudhira/Rakta/Pitta located in the upper portion of the nasal tube travel towards the Vayu (placed in the head), according to Acharya Charak2, which results in the development of disease. Pratishyaya. Pratishyaya. Large amounts of mucus are produced as a result of the inflammation, frequently resulting in runny, stuffy, and post nasal drip. Patients with allergic rhinitis use medications like anti-histamines, nasal decongestants, steroids, etc. as a form of treatment3. However, these methods are unable to completely satisfy the patients because the medications promote future illness recurrence and only partially relieve symptoms. Ayurveda, the science of longevity, offers numerous recommendations to avoid these side effects of western medications. By boosting the body’s immunity and adhering to pathya and apathya (wholesome and unwholesome) principles, effective treatment can offer the best cure and prevent further recurrence.
The details of the drugs, dosages and Anupana are given in Table.
Sitopladi Churn
3 gm
Tankan Bhasm
250 mg
Gojihvadi Kwatha
30 ml
Look warm water
Trikatu Churn
3 gm
Look warm water
Anu Tail
2 drops
Pratimarsh nasya
Centre of the study: Institute of National institute of ayurveda, Jaipur.
Type of study: Simple single clinical case study.
Plan of treatment: It is a OPD based treatment in this case study patient was treated with (Table)
a. Sitopladi churna 3 gm with Tankan Bhasma 250 mg
b. Gojivhadi Kwath 30 ml
c. Trikatu Churna 3 gm and
d. Anu taila 2 drop Pratimarsh Nasya, followed Pathya Apathya and Anupana.
4. Collection of medicine: All the medicines are collected from of Institute of National institute of ayurveda, Jaipur.
B. Case Report
A 30-year-old Hindu male patient, occupation nursing student came to our OPD with these symptoms Shira Sula (headache), Nasa Srava (rhinorrhoea), Jwara (fever), Angamarda (bodyache), Kshawathu (sneezing), Kasa (cough), Aruchi (Anorexia).
History of present illness: Patient was suffering from above symptoms for four days. Patient did not want to undergo any type of allopathic medicine and he was willing to undergo Ayurvedic treatment.
Clinical examination: (Ashtavidha pariksha)
Nadi : 72 beats/min
Mutra : Normal
Mala : Mild Constipation
Jihva : Coated
Sabda : Mild heaviness in vocal sound
Sparsha : Ushna
Drik : Blurred vission
Akriti : Sama
3. General examination:
Appetite : Poor
Sleep : Disturb
Bowel : Constipated
Bladder : Normal
Weight : 69kg
Height : 5’8”
Face : Normal
Blood pressure : 120/80 mm of Hg
Respiration : 24/min
The patient was under observation for 14 days and assessments of objective parameter were made by interrogating with patient on each 7 days.
1st Day
After 7 days
After 14 days
Shira sula (headache)
Nasa srava (rhinorrhoea)
Jwara (fever)
Angamarda (bodyache)
Kshawathu (sneezing)
Kasa (cough)
Aruchi (anorexia)
The word rhinitis means “inflammation of mucous membrane inside the nose.” Inflammation is brought on by bacteria, viruses, irritants or allergens. Mucus is the fluid that the nose produces. Normally, this liquid is transparent and thin. It aids in preventing the inhalation of dust, debris, and allergens. Dust, pollen, bacteria, viruses, irritants, and allergens (things that cause an allergic reaction) can all be trapped in mucus and lead to rhinitis. In response to these irritants or allergens, body cells release histamine and other chemicals. According to Ayurveda, vata and kapha dosha become vitiated as a result of consuming foods high in vata and kapha prakopaka ahara (diet) and vihara (habit). Individually or collectively, the vitiated vata and kapha dosha build up in the siras, spread to the nose, and result in Pratishyaya disease.4 Samprapti Pratishyaya holds that the predominant doshas in this system are vata and kapha, so management should be based on pacifying these doshas. On the other hand, agitated kapha prevents nasamarga from working properly, which results in srotaavarodh and vata aggravation. Sitopaladi Churna is a classical ayurvedic medicine beneficial in a variety of disease relating to respiratory system, digestive system and immune system.
Most commonly, it is used as base for several remedies beneficial in respiratory diseases. All ingredients present are immunomodulator. Long pepper and cinnamon also act as Bioenhancer. Piperine in the long pepper is most studied for its bioavailability enhancer action. Cardamom seeds have potent antioxidant action by increasing the level of glutathione. According to ayurveda, Misri has strengthening action and pacifies Vata and Pitta. Vanshlochan also has same functions. An ayurvedic calcined formulation made from borax powder is called Tankan Bhasma (Calcined Borax or Suhaga). According to ayurveda, calcined borax, also known as Tankan Bhasma, is used to treat bronchitis, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, dandruff, bad breath, and urine with an unpleasant odour. However, Tankan Bhasma does not alone work in bronchitis. There is also a requirement of other remedies including Sitopaladi Churna. It is used in bronchitis when mucus is thick and harder to expelling it out. Gojihvadi kwath/decoction is Polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is described under jwar rogaadhikara and useful in the treatment of cold, cough, respiratory infections and fever due to cough. Trikatu, also known as the “Power Trinity,” is a traditional ayurvedic formula that combines the benefits of three herbs or spices, primarily long pepper, black pepper, and ginger, to create an unbeatable remedy for the majority of Vata and Kapha derangements, including digestive anomalies, respiratory problems, inflammatory conditions, liver disturbances, various infections, sexual and reproductive oddities, hypercholesteremia, sluggish metabolism, and obesity. A herbal oil called Anu Thaila is used to treat illnesses of the head, brain, eyes, face, nose, ear, and neck. Anu Thaila is actually an ayurvedic preventative medication that aids in preventing diseases of the upper parts of the body.
It is possible to infer from the aforementioned study that Pratishyaya is a vatakapha predominant vyadhi. Acute rhinitis in modern times is very similar to the ancient condition of pratishyaya. Treatment for Vatakaphanaska, such as taking Sitopladi Churna 3 gm with Tankan Bhasma 250 mg BD as well as Gojihvadi Kwath 30 ml Bd before meals, Trikatu Churna 3 gm after meals, and Anu taila 2 drops for pratimaarsh nasya daily, could demonstrate a satisfactory curative effect over pratishyaya. No significant side effects have been noticed while receiving therapy.
[1] Charya D.L, The Shalakya Tantra, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, 2013, Pg156.
[2] Shastri K, Charaka Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi, Reprinted 2013, Chikitsa Stana 8/48- 49, Pg. 285.
[3] Kumar De, Fundamentals of Ear, Nose, Throat disease and Head-Neck Surgery 6th edition, New Delhi; published by Mahendranath Paul, The newbook stall, 1996, Pg 215, 216.
[4] Charya D.L, TheShalakya Tantra, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, 2013, Pg158.