Improved traffic management and control systems are widely reported to be cost effective investments. As vehicular traffic began to increase, the congestion on the street to begin to hamper thus safe and efficient movement of traffic. The problem of traffic accidents and congestion in urban roads is being viewed with grave concern in the recent years. The main cause for this problem improper planning of road network and other roadway facilities and poor traffic planning. Simply retiming signals can provide significant benefits by reducing vehicle stops, travel times, and fuel consumption. The installation of advanced traffic management systems (ATMS) can provide even greater savings. However, many hardware and software obstacles are impeded the actual implementation of advanced traffic management systems. For this project we have chosen an intersection at Kacherippadi, where traffic congestion is more and we are planning to do a traffic signal, for that we counted traffic in that area, after analyzing and examining the speed data, average vehicle at a peak time, number of vehicles per day. Pedestrian movements, to reduce the congestion problems.
The study consists of conducting various types traffic survey for collecting data for the preparation of development plan. The traffic survey include road inventory survey, traffic volume survey, speed and delay survey, parking surveys and pedestrian surveys. The data collected are being analyzed. The total station survey is also conducted for understanding the geometrical features of accident spots identified in accident survey. The application of GIS is also used to represent the traffic features of study area.
The basic object of traffic engineering is to achieve efficient free and rapid flow of traffic, with least number of traffic accidents
The objectives identified for the study are as follows:
To obtain current traffic volume and characteristics of road.
To reduce accidents.
To identify the traffic conflicts in major & minor streams in a particular intersection/junction.
To estimate the basic traffic stream parameters for the selected road.
To estimate the condition of study road.
Reduce the frequency of accidents and delays.
To evaluate the condition of study road.
To better categorize and orderly traffic movement.
To design and provide the signal timings at “Kacherippadi junction”.
We would remember with grateful appreciation, the encouragement and support rendered by Dr Vince Paul, Principal eranad knowledge city Technical Campus, Manjeri. We express our deepest sense of gratitude to Mr Shyam P, Professor and head of department of civil engineering and Mrs Fathima fayiza Elachola assistant professor, project co Ordinator and guide, department of civil engineering for their valuable advice and guidance. We would always oblige for the helping hands of all other staff members of the department and all our friends and well-wishers, who directly or indirectly contributed in this venture.
Last but not least, we are indebted to God almighty for being the guiding light throughout this project and helped us to complete the same within the stipulated time
In our locality many people shifting to use public transport and carpooling also helps to reduce the traffic congestion, in our project site Kacherippadi we were planned to do some traffic signals, for that we have analyzed the traffic congestion on the particular area, for that we identified. The peak hours are 9:45-10:45 in the morning and 4:00-5;00 in the evening. Based on the calculations done on the PCU values obtained from the traffic survey. The optimum cycle length was found to be 180s. The signal is designed as per IRC guidelines IRC: SP-106, IRC: SP-41 so that the signal can justify the proper movement of traffic. Here we found that the kacherippadi junction was suffering heavy traffic and we are provided the effective traffic signal timing. By providing the signals, there will be reduction in the conflicts. And also, there will be an orderly movement of traffic in the cross-section for the roads.
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