Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Dr. V. A. Kulkarni, Mr. Varun Patil, Mr. Prathamesh Abhang, Mr. Om Sankpal, Mr. Aayush Pachpande
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.40130
Certificate: View Certificate
Sandwich plates are made of face plates which are separated by core material. They are usually designed in such a way that the face plates carry the bending and in-plane loads, the face plates have relatively high stiffness and density. The core is designed to sustain shear loads; it has relatively low density and stiffness. The face plates and core can be made from various materials metals, composites, plastics, and organic materials but the core can also possess various topologies: a web, a honeycomb. A structural sandwich consists of two thin face sheets made up of stiff and powerful relatively dense Material like metal or fiber composite bonded to a thick light weight material called core. These structures are commonly used in lightweight applications such as airplanes, marine systems and wind turbine instruments. Sandwiched panels have advanced High stiffness and strength to weight ratio and during this work various sandwiched structure is applied to optimize the load of weight lifting platform.
A. Job History
Material handling could be a necessary and major factor of any productive activity. It's one thing which is common in each plant all the time. Material handling is a technique that providing the correct quantity of material, within the perfect condition, at the proper place, at the right time, within the right position and for the correct value, by victimization the correct methodology. It's merely memorizing, moving, and lying down of materials through manufacture. It applies to the movement of raw materials, elements in method, finished merchandise, packing materials, and disposal of scraps. In general, a lot and a thousand loads of materials are handled daily requiring the utilization of enormous quantity of personnel whereas the movement of materials takes place from one process space to a different or from one department to a different department of the plant contributes considerably to the overall cost of producing. In the last many years material handling has become a replacement, complex, and speedily evolving science. For moving material in and out of warehouse many varieties of kit and system are in use, counting on the kind of merchandise and volume to be handled. The instrumentality is employed, in loading and unloading operations, for movement of products over short distances. Existing platform used for material handling has additional self-mass; thus, it's poignant the mass carry capability. This project aims to style and mass improvement of mass lifting platform.
Mass improvement are often achieved by victimization sandwiched structures rather than victimization flat plate as lifting platform. To approaches exist to develop economic structures: either application of recent materials or the utilization of recent structural style. A tried and well-established answer is that the use of composite materials and sandwich structures. During this approach high strength to mass magnitude relation and minimum mass are typically obtained. The sandwich structures have potential to supply a large vary of enticing style solutions. Additionally, to the obtained mass reduction, these solutions will usually bring house savings, fireplace resistance, noise management and improved heating and cooling performance.
B. Significance
Hydraulic lifting platform is a versatile handling of machinery and equipment. Since the lift platform lift system is hydraulically powered, so called hydraulic lifting platform. It is mainly used in mould manufacturing, chemical cans and containers, auto factories and production lines, such as. Hydraulic lifting platform to meet the needs in the different height of the lifting, equipped with various types of forms, using suitable control method, makes the lift is smooth and accurate, frequent starting, and a large capacity, so that you can have small industrial enterprises to solve all kinds of problems when working to facilitate production. Hydraulic lifting platform has many type, like four round mobile type lifting platform, and II round traction type lifting platform, and car modified type lifting platform, and hand push type lifting platform, and hand type lifting platform, and make DC dual-use lifting platform, and battery car type lifting platform, and cut fork itself type lifting platform, and car modified type lifting platform, and diesel engine song arm itself type lifting platform, and folding arm type lifting platform, and fixed type lifting platform, and sets cylinder type lifting platform, and aluminium lifting platform and so on. Hydraulic lift platform manufacturers can also be customized according to customer’s different needs in lifting height different specifications of the hydraulic lifting platform, safe and convenient.
C. Strength Criteria
When the response of the panel is acknowledged, the structure is often checked against strength and maximum displacement criteria. The strength criteria include overall buckling of the panel, local buckling of panel structural member’s faces and web plates and their maximum tolerable local loads.
The behavior of steel sandwich panels under local impact loading will be investigated by means of laboratory testing, FE simulations and analytical modelling. The Finite element analysis simulations follows the impact process and gives detail data about the behavior of a panel throughout the impact. Based on this and the observation during the laboratory experiments, an analytical model will be developed analyzing the deformation energy. The deformation energy, in case of the sandwich structure, can be separated into three main components: bending and in plane load energy of the top plate and shear energy absorbed by the core material. Deformation in shape and displacement can be then evaluated by equalizing the kinetic energy of the striking body with the deformation energy of the panel.
Mr.Patil M.S Prof. Date D.D. and Prof. Ghalake A.B. in paper "MODIFICATION AND OPTIMIZATION IN STEEL SANDWICH PANELS USING ANSYS WORKBENCH" The sandwich panel can be made of various types of core. The selection of core dependent on type of application. The core like Z-core, Tube-core and Hat-core are easier to manufacture and provide good result and also applicable for laser welding process. Special core such as V-core and I-core required specific manufacturing process, but they are much lighter.
Narayan Pokharel and MahenMahendran in paper “Finite Element Analysis and Design of Sandwich Panels Subject to Local Buckling Effects” Experimental analysis and finite element analysis is conducted to find out local buckling of top and bottom plate. Also, appropriate model has been built to represent the result of local buckling of top and bottom plate which are supported by core material of different core structure and experimental result has been compare with model analysis.
A.Gopichand,Dr.G.Krishnaiah, Mahesh Krishna ,Dr.Diwakar Reddy.V, .V.N.L.Sharma in paper “the structural analysis of corrugated sandwich panel with chrome steel face sheets and low-carbon steel” This paper showed the simulation model of which compressive strength has been compared with an experimental value and also on length basis strength to weight ratio is analysed.
W. Scott Burton, A.K. Noor in paper “Structural analysis of the adhesive bond in a honeycomb core sandwich panel sandwich structures with honeycomb cores bond”
This paper showcased about sandwich panel with honeycomb structure which exist between top and bottom plate and structure has been joined by means of adhesive. For proper functioning of joint flow ability of adhesive and properties of adhesive required for heavy duty application.
Quanjin Ma,MRM Rejab1, JP Siregar and Zhongwei Guan in paper “A review of the recent trends on core structures and impact response of sandwich panels”
This paper discussed on various type of core pattern and modes of impact failure. It is proving that core structure of sandwich panel has a vital role in structural performance and application. There are three types of common loading on sandwich panel i.e. compressive load, Impact load, and three-point bending and its application in aerospace, automotive, marine industries.
A. Introduction
Actual lifting plate having dimension 1200*1000*50 mm which is to be supported by the bracket .So manufacturing of such a big lifting plate with bracket is very difficult task that’s why we decided to manufacture only small plate having dimension of 600*500*25 mm.
This plate act as a prototype of the actual plate and subjected the load of 500kg instead of load 1000kg.The load applied on plate is proportional to the actual plate load ,So the results obtain from the Fusion 360 is used to compare with actual solid plate result having same dimension as that of prototype.
Properties |
Aluminium Alloy (6061) |
Structural Steel (S275) |
Density |
2770 Kg/m3 |
7800 Kg/m3 |
Young’s Modulus |
68.9 GPa |
210 GPa |
Poisson’s Ratio |
0.18 |
0.3 |
Compressive yield strength |
276 MPa |
275 MPa |
Tensile Ultimate Strength |
310 MPa |
370MPa |
We have selected Aluminium Alloy (6061) over Structural Steel (S275) as aluminium alloy has a low density as compared to steel but with comparative good amount of tensile ultimate strength and compressive yield strength. So, our main project objective gets satisfied as a pellet should have a less weight but good amount of strength and weight carrying capacity.
B. Cores
We have selected different types of cores for analysis. The cores with dimensions are drawn with the help FUSION 360 2D drawing and are listed below.
A. Introduction
The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical methodology for finding issues of engineering and mathematical physics. Typical issue region of interest consists of structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, and electromagnetic potential. The analytical answer of the issues typically needed the solution to boundary value problems for partial differential equations. The finite element method formulation of the issue leads to a system of algebraic equations. The analysis yields approximate values of the unknowns at discrete wide variety of factors over the domain. To resolve the issue, it subdivides an outsized problem into smaller and less complicated parts that are referred as finite elements. The simple equations that model these finite elements are then assembled into a bigger system of equations that models the whole problem. FEM then makes use of variation technique from the calculus of variations to approximate an answer through minimizing an associated error function.
B. Basic Concept
The subdivision of an entire area into less complicated element has numerous advantages:
A common work out of the approach involves (1) dividing the area of the problem into a set of subdomains, with every subdomain represented by a group of element equations to the initial problem, followed by (2) systematically recombining all units of detail equations into a global system of equations for the final computation.
The global system of equations has known solution techniques and might be calculated from the initial values of the initial problem to get a numerical answer.
In the step one above, the element equations are simple equations that locally compare the original complex equations to be studied, where the original equations are frequent partial differential equations (PDE). To explain the approximation on this method, FEM is generally introduced as a special case of Galerkin method. The process, in mathematical language, is to construct an integral of the inner product of the residual and the weight functions and set the integral to zero. In easy terms, it is a procedure that minimizes the mistake of approximation by fitting trial functions into the PDE. The residual is the mistake because of the trial functions, and the weight functions are polynomial approximation functions that project the residual. The method removes all the spatial derivatives from the PDE, thus approximating the PDE locally with
a. A group of algebraic equations for steady state problems,
b. A group of ordinary differential equations for transient problems.
These equations are the element equations. They're linear if the underlying PDE is linear, and vice versa. Algebraic equation sets that rise up with inside the state problems are answered using numerical linear algebra methods, while ordinary differential equation sets that rise with inside the transient problems are answered by numerical integration using standard ways similar as Euler's system or the Runge-Kutta system. In step (2) over, a global system of equations is generated from the element equations through a coordinated transformation from the subdomains' local nodes to the domain's global nodes. This spatial transformation includes adequate orientation adjustments applied related to the reference coordinate system. The process is often performed by FEM software using coordinate data generated by the subdomains’ is best understood from its practical application, known as finite element analysis (FEA). FEA as implemented in engineering is a computational device for performing engineering analysis. It consists of the usage of mesh technology strategies for dividing a complicated problem into small factors, in addition to the usage of software program application coded with FEM algorithm. In making use of FEA, the complicated problem is often a physical system with the underlying physics which includes the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation, the heat equation, or the Naiver-Stokes equations expressed in both PDE and necessary equations, at the same time as the divided small factors of the complicated problem represent distinctive regions in the physical system.
FEA is a great choice for analysing issues over complex domains (like automobiles and oil pipelines), while the area changes (as during a solid-country response with a shifting boundary), while the preferred precision varies over the complete area, or while the answer lacks smoothness. For instance, in a frontal crash simulation it's far viable to increase prediction accuracy in "essential" regions just like the front of the automobile and decrease it in its rear (as a consequence decreasing price of the simulation).
Another example would be in numerical weather prediction, wherever it's additional necessary to own correct predictions over developing extremely nonlinear phenomena (such as tropical cyclones within the atmosphere, or eddies within the ocean) instead of comparatively calm areas. So, we've used Fusion 360 software program for designing and Analysis. Following are the various plates’ analysis.
C. Finite Element Analysis of Sandwich Pallet
A. Results
Type of Core |
Mass (In Kg) |
Maximum Stress (In MPa) |
Displacement(mm) |
1.C-Core |
14.213 |
14.28 |
0.01992 |
2.Honeycomb |
12.343 |
32.72 |
0.1137 |
3.O-Core |
13.439 |
23.16 |
0.07822 |
4.Z-Core |
14.606 |
28.85 |
0.05126 |
5.V-Core |
12.667 |
69.05 |
0.1341 |
6.Simple Solid Plate |
20.288 |
30.42 |
0.09013 |
After performing several non-destructive finite element analysis on fusion 360, we have come to conclusion that C-core has a less amount of stress as well as a minimum deformation and also has an optimum weight than other core and conventional solid plate.
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Copyright © 2022 Dr. V. A. Kulkarni, Mr. Varun Patil, Mr. Prathamesh Abhang, Mr. Om Sankpal, Mr. Aayush Pachpande. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET40130
Publish Date : 2022-01-29
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here