Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Bhavana Yadav K, Charushree A, Shreya Vishwas
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.46798
Certificate: View Certificate
Terrorism has stricken fear in the hearts of many people across states and nations. To predict future patterns and gain past insights, in this report we aim to analyse the GTD dataset for various terrorist attacks and try to incorporate meaningful inferences from it along with bringing new novel pat- terns and relations undiscovered till now using various machine learning models like random forest classifier,bagging,k-NN,ANN after applying some initial cleaning and exploratory analysis on the data using classic visualising techniques like wordcloud, heat maps,geographical graphs and more.
With the mass shooting in Iraq and complete invasion of Afghanistan by the Taliban, the whole world has been on its toes. Global terror threats have shook nations and there is a constant need for surveillance all over the planet. Terrorism is one of the major issues plaguing countries and therefore military budgets of all developing and developed countries have increased significantly in the past years with many undergoing debts to finance defense operations.
Randy Borum’s report in 2004 identifies terrorism as ”acts of violence intentionally perpetrated on civilian non combat- ants with the goal of furthering some ideological, religious or political objective.” [1] Annually lots of lives of soldiers and civilians are lost due to terrorist attacks and many places have become hubs or red zones due to their attack frequencies. It is a growing problem across nations and various countries are adopting new security and surveillance measures to tackle this issue.
In this context, we aim to analyse the GTD [4] database and happiness database. The Global Terrorism Database(GTD) dataset is a publicly available free dataset which can be downloaded from the GTD website and is maintained by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland. [5] It includes all the the possible collected data about every terrorist attack all the way from 1970 to end of 2020 nationally and internationally and has over 135 attributes and 201183 entries.On a yearly basis it is updated with new information and additional columns and is used extensively by many researchers and security organisations for the fine level of detail and accuracy of the data. The World Happiness dataset is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness . The report continues to gain global recognition as governments, organizations and civil society increasingly use happiness indicators to inform their policy-making decisions. Leading experts across fields – economics, psychology, survey analysis, national statistics, health, public policy and more – describe how measurements of well-being can be used effectively to assess the progress of nations.
We aim to bring meaningful inferences and predictions from the datasets which would make the tasks easier for the national security analysts and prevent possible terror attacks. We also specifically try to solve two issues here.
It is observed that when an attack takes place, the perpetrators are unknown unless someone claims responsibility for the attack and therefore predicting the attack type based on the attack parameters can help the defense forces counteract follow up attacks with quicker and effective action since they would be more well informed of their techniques. Similarly, we would like to estimate the typical amount of damage a terror group could create if they attacked which would be useful for government entities so that they can prepare their financing and personnel accordingly for conflict areas where attacks are frequent.
We first proceed by analysing work already done in this domain. One report involves Social Network Analysis(SNA) and open source data collection involving information retrieval and entity recognition on the sourced data along with the GTD database and uses various visual techniques using pie- charts, maps and networks and mainly tries to find around the links between the various types of organisation, target and attack networks for all attacks targeted in India.
[2]Centrality for SNA is used here which can account for the degree, betweeness and closeness measure.
Records up to 2014 are taken from GTD and from 2014-16 are taken from online news articles and twitter. From the results, it is found that every group which targeted India for a particular decade was closely linked to every other group and that all terrorist activities revolve around certain concentrated regions. The results were satisfactory but due to the open source nature origin, many data values might appear skewed or incorrect due to propaganda and nationalist news agencies.
Another approach involves using machine learning algo- rithms such as k-NN and random forest to build classifiers which would group and predict various future terrorism activ- ities based on the GTD databse itself after filtering out columns that have less than 20% values and applying mean imputation on the rest of the missing data. They built a weapon classifier with k value 12 in k-NN algorithm which had an accuracy of 88.74% along with a perpetrator classifier built using random forest algorithm which had an accuracy of 90.45%, and precision of 89.95% along with important visualisations involving attacks and fatalities by years along with countries by attack and total attack types. [3] There is further scope for improvement in this work in the preprocessing stage as well as the classification phases.
Similar approach like [3] has been used in [6] where machine learning algorithms notedly, decision trees and ran- dom forest algorithms have been used to build classifiers based on supervised machine learning which would predict geographical areas or regions prone to attacks and even display the probabilities on a map using colour gradients based on the same dataset. The models gave an accuracy of 75.45% and 89.544% for region wise attacks and 79.24%, 90.414% for types of terrorist attacks made on decision tree and random forest algorithms respectively.
A. Data Cleaning And Preprocessing
Real world data will always contain some noise, outliers and missing data due to which working directly on the data without any modification might cause some errors in our final results. The data collected here is assumed accurate and consistent due to the fact that it is being maintained by the START organisation on a best-effort accurate basis. There are a lot of values missing for many attributes due to lack of minute information and the data is extremely sparse thereby invoking the need of dimensionality reduction. PCA is not very useful for the initial cleaning stages as manual intervention from experience does a better job.
B. Building a Model
For tackling problem one of finding the attack type(bombing,assassination,etc)based on the the attribute of the attack, we develop and compare 3 machine learning and 1 deep learning models-k-NN,random forest classifier,bagging and ANN. Meanwhile estimating the damage done by a group is solved only using random forest classifier.
The most crucial part of k-NN is finding the correct k value to minimise the bias-variance measure of the classifier with the elbow method being the most prominent technique in choosing k with the minimum classification error.
2. Random Forest and Bagging: Random forest and bag- ging are ensemble learning techniques which employ multiple decision trees. A decision tree composes of 3 parts: root node,decision and leaf nodes. The training dataset is divided into branches based on the attribute values where attributes for a node are selected depending upon the entropy value obtained on splitting the dataset at that node. This is continued till leaf nodes are obtained. In bagging several decision trees are trained in parallel on different subsets of the data and their combined predicted results is used in classifying a test instance. Random forest classifier is an extension of bagging where at each node split only a portion of the features are selected at random for consideration and the attribute with lowest entropy is selected. It is an improvement of bagging since it prevents overfitting and classifies better with different test instances.
For classifying the perpetrator, the k value was obtained by the elbow method by comparing the classification errors of the test instances with k value in the range of 1 to 9. The value of k=3 gave the minimum error of 0.18 and was chosen for the model. The Random Forest model for the first problem was built with 10 estimators where the value 10 was obtained
by trail and error by observing the results that gave optimal accuracy. The bagging technique was devised with the base estimator involving decision trees and a max cap of tree length as 10 .
3. Ann: the deeplearning model takes input dimension 2 with relu activation layer, and it is passed to the hidden layer with 8 neural nodes and output layer with sigmoid activation
, model is compiled with adam optimizer with accuracy as evaluation metrics. The respective model is trained with 50 epochs.It has an accuracy of 94.63% From this model the success rate of terror attack can be analyzed which would give an on which group has more power for specific region.
C. Evaluation
On the cleaned and processed dataset, we make use of cross validation which would estimate the skill of the model on new data and split the data in a ratio of 80-20 for training and testing for all models for first 2 problems. Mean error is a parametric used to determine the accuracy of the model on the testing dataset. And for the Deep learning model input was split into 80-20 ration and accuracy was the metrics to test the model.
A. Model Performance
From the initial exploratory data analysis, lot of inferences and meaningful insights could be obtained from it
1. Correlation Heatmap
a. natlty1(nationality of target victim ) and country where the attack occurred has a value of 0.64 which implies that majority of the attacks have a tendency to target same country individuals.
b. weaptype1(Type of weapon used for the attack) and attacktype1(General method of attack like bombing, hi- jacking, assassination, etc) has a correlation of 0.68. Therefore specific weapons are preferred for specific attacks and given a particular weapon we could predict the attacks that could take place with it.
c. Another relation found(a bit obvious though) is that nkill(Total number of people killed) and nwound(Total number of people wounded) have a value of 0.75 showing that if an attack has resulted in the deaths of many people, a huge number of people would end up alive and wounded.
2. Map Plot
Using matplotlib library of python, the locations of the terrorist attacks are plotted on a world map based on the latitude and longitude attributes with different colour codes for various regions of the world. The plot shows a clear pattern where terror attacks are prevalent all around the globe except some noticeable places where almost no attacks take place or very rarely like the poles, Rus- sia, Central Australia, Canada and North-Eastern South America. This may be explained by the extremely low population occurring in such places where terror attacks might not have much of an effect in accomplishing the terrorist’s demands.
3. Pie Chart
Using matplotlib library of python,pie chart is created with top 15 highly affected countries by human loss . So each country is grouped with number of kills made over the years. From this we can infer that middle east countries are most affected by terror attacks.
4. Geographical Map
Using matplotlib library of python, the locations of the terrorist attacks are mapped to the happiness difference that is occurred during the years when the terror attack happened with different colour codes for various regions of the world. The plot shows a clear pattern where terror attacks are prevalent all around the globe except some noticeable places where almost no attacks take place or very rarely like the poles, Russia, Central Australia, Canada and North-Eastern South America. This may be explained by the happiness index of ones country ,if the happiness index of the country is more its more likely to get attacked which reduces its GDP and happiness index . So when an attack happens the happiness index of the country reduces drastically and this will affect the progress of ones country.If the happiness index of the country is more then the probability of it getting attacked in near future is really high. We were unable to make a model to predict the probability as the happiness dataset was insufficient to build the model.
5. Scatter Plot
Similar to the map plot, this time the coordinates of the attacks are plotted on a scatter plot(due to two continuous variables) and from this we can narrow down on the location of the attacks at a higher level. The bulk of the attacks take place between latitudes 0 and 40 and longitudes 0 and 100 thereby signifying majority of attacks of the world are concentrated near Africa, Western Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia.
6. Bar Graph
A bar chart is visualised with the number of attacks on Y axis and the corresponding years on the X axis. The number of attacks shows a clear growing trend over the years with the last decade having shown the maximum number of attacks with the highest number of attacks reported in 2014(possibly due to the Gaza conflict).
Trying to find out the main groups behind the attacks from the bar graph(due to categorical variables), we discover that majority of attacks are not claimed by any organisation or are attacks with unknown perpetrator groups. The most notable ones leading in terror attacks are the Taliban, ISIL(Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and Boko Haram groups which are known by all.
7. Word Cloud
A wordcloud is an ingenious way of analysing and representing strings whose appearance is most prominent and frequent. While constructing a wordcloud of the types of attack which take place, the words assault and armed are most observable and since there is a value for the attribute attacktype1 known as ”Armed Assault”, it is the preferred mode of attack for terrorists which is relatively easy to carry out along with slight emphasis on infrastructure attacks and bombing ones which require a good amount of funding.
Another wordcloud on the attack summaries reveal the keyword responsibility. This shows that all attack reports with high priority tend to find the group or persons associated with the attack. Other common words which are common and come in conjuction with responsibility are attack, group, claimed, incident and more.
Our analysis of the dataset concludes with the fact that there is a lot of inferences which can be derived from multiple records and attributes present and models could be toyed around and built upon it using various machine learning techniques such as bagging, decision trees, random forest, k-NN, etc.Future Improvements is to build a model with sufficient happiness dataset or an alternate approch is to predict the probabiltiy of decrease in happiness index of a country when there is an attack. The deep neural network with ann architecture performed well in creating better success rate compared to linear models for predicting success rate of an attack. Through our experiment we found out that random forest is better than bagging and K-nn with respect to this data set. Our models built can predict information about an attack accurately and therefore would be a valuable asset to professionals and government entities which would help in keeping the terrorists at bay.
[1] Randy Borum, The Psychology of Terrorism, University of South Florida, 2004. [2] Lavanya Venkatagiri Hegde, Nerella Sreelakshmi and Kavi Ma- hesh.,”Visual Analytics of Terrorism Data”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM),2016. [3] S. Kalaiarasi, Ankit Mehta, Devyash Bordia, Sanskar.,”Using Global Terrorism Database (GTD) and Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Terrorism and Threat”, IJEAT,ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019 . [4] Start, “Global Terrorism Database.” [Online]. Available: https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/. [5] Start, Global Terrorism Database Codebook, no. October. 2019 [6] Kaggle,World Happiness Report up to 2022,January 2022. [7] Enrique Lee Huaman´?, Alva Mantari Alicia and Avid Roman- Gonzalez.,”Machine Learning Techniques to Visualize and Predict Ter- rorist Attacks Worldwide using the Global Terrorism Database”, Inter- national Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020.
Copyright © 2022 Bhavana Yadav K, Charushree A, Shreya Vishwas. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET46798
Publish Date : 2022-09-16
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here