Over the past 20 years, a wide range of useful assistive devices have been proposed, planned, and made in an effort to aid visually Blind people in navigating their living and working environments. In this study, an obstacle detection and alert device is proposed. [6] The individuals who are all affected by these visual impairments can benefit from this effort and improve their current situation. The use of an ultrasonic sensor in this endeavor is essential. It is capable of detecting objects in front of it within a specific area. When an object is found, a buzzer notifies the user of its discovery. They are able to identify obstacles in their way when they hear this sound. [4]
Blind people frequently encounter obstacles and battle with issues like crossing the street in a densely populated area. They are therefore more susceptible to harm and occasionally even death. There is no equipment available to assist these people in crossing highways when there is heavy traffic. It is an embedded device that warns blind people about dangers and guides them around nearby items and obstacles.
The mobility required of the visually impaired is not only seen from a social point of view. It is very difficult for blind individuals to lead normal lives. This idea can be developed as a tool or a portable device that can detect barriers. Because it is more precise and affordable, this device is more efficient than the existing one. In this instance, an Arduino UNO board is what we're using to carry out this procedure. For blind people to lead as regular a life as possible, this device could be very helpful. By holding this tool or device in their hands and becoming accustomed to the buzzer sound, they can quickly appraise an item on their own. [5].
To recognize objects at a greater distance, the device makes use of an ultrasonic sensor with a wide field of view. Based on this initiative, we conduct a survey within our institution.
This paper aims to develop a product that any blind individual can use to travel safely and comfortably. The growing number of visually impaired people in India and around the world has sparked our desire to truly apply our technological know-how for a social purpose. Visually impaired people struggle to navigate independently when they aren't in their familiar settings. Even walking down, a busy thoroughfare might be extremely challenging for them. They consequently need constant help when navigating. Blind or visually impaired people must learn how to navigate their home's obstacles, such as the tables, seats, and shelves. [6]
For individuals who are blind or visually impaired, numerous new technologies have been developed in recent years. But these new innovations come with a lot of restrictions and limitations.
“Smart Assistive System for Visually Impaired People Obstruction Avoidance Through Object Detection and Classification” [7] is a technique for the blind that Usman Masud suggested. The system's primary flaw is that it always recognizes the object in this specific circumstance, independent of the frame.
[8]“Wearable Obstacle Detection System for People with Visual Impairments” was first proposed by Sylvain Cardin, Daniel Thalmann, and Frederic Vexo. The system that is being suggested uses a stereoscopic sonar system to locate the closest obstacle and then sends back vibro-tactile feedback to the user. The system's primary drawback is the blind angles that constrict its range of motion. The "Blind Guide," [9] an ultrasound sensor-based body area network for guiding the blind, was suggested by Elsevier B.V. The drawback of this phrase is that sometimes head-level obstacles go undetected.
[4]MA. Espinosa and S. Ungar proposed a more expensive concept than the norm. He didn't take into account how expensive those items are for the impoverished.
All of the aforementioned existing systems fall short of meeting the precise needs of blind people. This research will aid in overcoming a number of obstacles. There are many technologies for the blind and visually impaired accessible today, but our device is the least expensive of them all.
There are several million blind or visually impaired people in the world. Blind people not be able to see objects and they can not be recognize known, unknown people.
The proposed system deals with the more affordable and accurate obstacle detection with broad coverage.
Overall, the obstacle detection system using ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, GPS, GSM module, and emergency switch can be designed to detect obstacles in the path of the vehicle, alert the driver, and send the location of the vehicle to an emergency contact in case of an emergency. The system can be programmed to work mathematically based on the specifications of the individual components.
The blind device can be trained by using machine learning techniques for more number of objects which in turn would help the blind person to move around in various neighbourhoods with increased level of safety. Also, the voice sensor can be used for give instructions to the model from user and by using sound sensor instruction given by model can be received by user. In the future, the integrated Device is being folded and portable to use. These changes can increase the safety and convenient to use for the Blind people.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. D. R. Kamble for her insightful recommendations. We also want to thank our friends especially for helping us with our study.
This device will help the blind person be more about the obstacles. This project is mainly for the blind peoples to avoid obstacles by themselves. This project provide efficient and a economical security system for the blind people. This project proposes an obstacle detection system for blind people to enhance their independence and safety. The system is portable, cost-efficient, and easy to use, offering various advantages. It utilizes sensors to detect obstacles in all directions, allowing blind individuals to navigate without relying on others. The combination of different components creates a real-time system that monitors the user\'s position and provides feedback, making navigation safer.
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