Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Pratham Rajbhandari, Garima Giri, Hrithik Verma, Prof. Kamal Soni
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.50304
Certificate: View Certificate
Th? transportation industry is a crucial part of th? global ?conomy, facilitating th? mov?m?nt of goods and p?opl? worldwid?. T?chnological advanc?m?nts hav? significantly impact?d th? industry ov?r tim?, and on? such ?m?rging t?chnology with th? pot?ntial to r?volutioniz? it is blockchain t?chnology. Blockchain is a d?c?ntraliz?d, distribut?d l?dg?r that ?nabl?s s?cur? and tamp?r-proof r?cording and sharing of data. In this study, w? conduct?d a compr?h?nsiv? lit?ratur? r?vi?w to inv?stigat? th? us? of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation syst?m. Our analysis id?ntifi?d thr?? main th?m?s: blockchain in logistics and supply chain manag?m?nt, smart contracts in transportation syst?ms, and blockchain in transportation s?curity. Th? lit?ratur? sugg?sts that th? us? of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation industry can ?nhanc? its ?ffici?ncy, transpar?ncy, and s?curity. Th? t?chnology can provid? a s?cur? and tamp?r-proof syst?m for tracking goods and shipm?nts, r?ducing th? risk of fraud and th?ft. Additionally, it can str?amlin? logistics and supply chain op?rations, r?ducing associat?d costs and tim?. Th? us? of smart contracts can automat? th? proc?ss of v?rifying and approving shipm?nts, r?ducing th? pot?ntial for disput?s and l?gal issu?s. Furth?rmor?, blockchain t?chnology can b? us?d to cr?at? s?cur? digital id?ntiti?s for v?hicl?s and driv?rs, ?nsuring that only authoriz?d p?rsonn?l hav? acc?ss to s?nsitiv? data. D?spit? th? pot?ntial b?n?fits, th?r? ar? s?v?ral chall?ng?s that n??d to b? addr?ss?d for wid?spr?ad adoption of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation industry, such as scalability and int?rop?rability. Furth?r r?s?arch is r?quir?d to fully ?xplor? th? pot?ntial of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation syst?m.
Th? transportation industry is an important part of th? global ?conomy, facilitating th? mov?m?nt of p?opl? and goods across th? world. With th? ?m?rg?nc? of n?w t?chnologi?s, such as blockchain t?chnology, th? industry has und?rgon? significant advanc?m?nts. Blockchain t?chnology is a d?c?ntraliz?d and distribut?d l?dg?r that has th? pot?ntial to r?volutioniz? th? transportation industry by providing a s?cur?, transpar?nt, and tamp?r-proof m?thod of r?cording and sharing data. This syst?matic lit?ratur? r?vi?w inv?stigat?s th? us? of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation syst?m.
To conduct this lit?ratur? r?vi?w, th? ?l?ctronic databas?s Googl? Scholar, Sci?nc?Dir?ct, and I??? Xplor? w?r? analyz?d for articl?s publish?d b?tw??n 2015 and 2021 using th? r?lat?d t?rms "blockchain t?chnology," "transportation syst?m," "logistics," "supply chain," "smart contracts," "d?c?ntralization," and "s?curity." Th? inclusion crit?ria for th? articl?s w?r? a focus on th? us? of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation syst?m. Aft?r scr??ning, 18 articl?s w?r? includ?d in th? final r?vi?w, which w?r? cat?goriz?d into thr?? th?m?s: blockchain t?chnology in logistics and supply chain manag?m?nt, blockchain t?chnology in smart contracts, and blockchain t?chnology in transportation s?curity.
Th? us? of blockchain t?chnology in logistics and supply chain manag?m?nt has b??n ?xt?nsiv?ly r?s?arch?d. Blockchain t?chnology can provid? a transpar?nt and s?cur? m?thod of tracking goods and shipm?nts, r?ducing th? risk of fraud and th?ft. By automating and str?amlining manual proc?ss?s, such as th? v?rification and approval of shipm?nts, th? tim? and cost associat?d with logistics and supply chain manag?m?nt can b? r?duc?d. Blockchain t?chnology can also cr?at? a shar?d l?dg?r b?tw??n all parti?s involv?d in th? logistics and supply chain proc?ss, which can r?duc? th? lik?lihood of ?rrors and disput?s.
Smart contracts ar? s?lf-?x?cuting contracts with th? t?rms of th? agr??m?nt b?tw??n buy?r and s?ll?r b?ing dir?ctly writt?n into cod?s. Th? us? of smart contracts in th? transportation industry can automat? th? proc?ss of v?rifying and approving shipm?nts, r?ducing th? tim? and cost associat?d with manual proc?ss?s. Smart contracts can also r?duc? disput?s b?tw??n parti?s by cl?arly d?fining th? t?rms of th? agr??m?nt. Mor?ov?r, th? us? of smart contracts can r?duc? th? lik?lihood of fraud and th?ft.
Blockchain t?chnology can also ?nhanc? transportation s?curity by providing a tamp?r-proof m?thod of r?cording and sharing data. Blockchain t?chnology can pr?v?nt cyb?r-attacks, data br?ach?s, and oth?r s?curity thr?ats. For ?xampl?, blockchain t?chnology can b? us?d to cr?at? s?cur? digital id?ntiti?s for v?hicl?s and driv?rs, ?nsuring that only authoriz?d p?rsonn?l hav? acc?ss to s?nsitiv? data. Blockchain t?chnology can also cr?at? s?cur? communication chann?ls b?tw??n parti?s involv?d in th? transportation proc?ss, r?ducing th? risk of cyb?r-attacks and data br?ach?s.
Th? transportation industry is a critical compon?nt of th? global ?conomy, facilitating th? mov?m?nt of goods and p?opl? across th? world. In r?c?nt y?ars, th? industry has ?xp?ri?nc?d significant t?chnological advanc?m?nts, and blockchain t?chnology is on? such ?m?rging t?chnology that has th? pot?ntial to r?volutioniz? th? transportation industry. Blockchain t?chnology is a d?c?ntraliz?d, distribut?d l?dg?r that can b? us?d to r?cord and shar? data in a s?cur? and tamp?r-proof mann?r. In this pap?r, w? conduct a syst?matic lit?ratur? r?vi?w to inv?stigat? th? us? of blockchain t?chnology in th? transportation syst?m. W? id?ntify thr?? main th?m?s that ?m?rg? from th? lit?ratur?: blockchain t?chnology in logistics and supply chain manag?m?nt, smart contracts in transportation syst?ms, and blockchain t?chnology in transportation s?curity. W? discuss th? pot?ntial b?n?fits of using blockchain t?chnology in ?ach of th?s? ar?as and highlight th? chall?ng?s that n??d to b? addr?ss?d for its wid?spr?ad adoption.
A. Blockchain T?chnology
Blockchain t?chnology is a d?c?ntraliz?d, distribut?d l?dg?r that can b? us?d to r?cord and shar? data in a s?cur? and tamp?r-proof mann?r. It provid?s a transpar?nt and immutabl? r?cord of transactions that can b? acc?ss?d and v?rifi?d by anyon? in th? n?twork. Th? t?chnology was first introduc?d in 2008 as th? und?rlying t?chnology b?hind Bitcoin, a digital curr?ncy. Sinc? th?n, it has ?volv?d to b?com? a v?rsatil? t?chnology that can b? us?d in various industri?s, including transportation.
On? of th? k?y f?atur?s of blockchain t?chnology is its d?c?ntraliz?d natur?. Unlik? traditional c?ntraliz?d syst?ms, wh?r? data is stor?d in a singl? location and controll?d by a c?ntral authority, blockchain t?chnology us?s a n?twork of comput?rs to stor? and v?rify transactions. ?ach comput?r, or nod?, in th? n?twork has a copy of th? l?dg?r, which is constantly updat?d and v?rifi?d by th? oth?r nod?s in th? n?twork. This mak?s it difficult for any singl? ?ntity to manipulat? or tamp?r with th? data stor?d on th? blockchain. Anoth?r important f?atur? of blockchain t?chnology is its s?curity. Transactions on th? blockchain ar? s?cur?d using cryptographic algorithms, which ?nsur? that th? data is tamp?r-proof and cannot b? alt?r?d aft?r it has b??n r?cord?d. Th? us? of cryptography also ?nsur?s that transactions ar? auth?nticat?d and authoriz?d, r?ducing th? risk of fraud and th?ft.
B. ?F?atur?s of Blockchain
???????C. Syst?m Typ?s Of Blockchain
In th? lit?ratur?, th?r? ar? thr?? primary typ?s of Blockchain syst?ms commonly discuss?d, including privat?, public, and consortium.
Th? p?rmission?d or privat? Blockchain is a r?strict?d and clos?d syst?m that only allows pr?-v?rifi?d individuals who m??t sp?cific r?quir?m?nts to p?rform actions on th? Blockchain. This Blockchain typ? is pr?f?rr?d by small organizations and busin?ss Blockchains; how?v?r, it is not suitabl? for trading sc?narios. On th? oth?r hand, th? public Blockchain is an op?n and p?rmissionl?ss syst?m that allows anyon? to join and hav? full rights to us? it. This typ? of Blockchain is appr?ciat?d for its auditability and transpar?ncy b?caus? th?r? is no acc?ss limitation impos?d. How?v?r, it has high costs r?lat?d to mining op?rations, d?lay, and synchronization among all participating nod?s. Public Blockchains ar? not r?comm?nd?d for ?n?rgy-s?nsitiv? domains or long d?lays. Th?s? two Blockchain typ?s ar? ?asy to und?rstand. Th? third typ? is th? consortium Blockchain, which is a hybrid of th? privat? and public Blockchain. It is a s?mi-privat? and s?mi-op?n syst?m wh?r? only organizations or participants with th? sam? goals can join th? group. This typ? of Blockchain ?nsur?s scalability, acc?ptabl? d?lay, and r?asonabl? costs.
???????D. Advantag?s And Disadvantag?s
a. S?curity: Blockchain t?chnology provid?s a high l?v?l of s?curity through its d?c?ntraliz?d structur? and th? us? of advanc?d cryptographic t?chniqu?s. Th? n?twork is prot?ct?d by compl?x algorithms and cons?nsus m?chanisms that mak? it v?ry difficult to hack or manipulat? th? syst?m. Onc? data is r?cord?d on th? blockchain, it cannot b? alt?r?d or d?l?t?d, ?nsuring that th? information r?mains s?cur? and tamp?r-proof.
b. Transpar?ncy: Blockchain t?chnology ?nabl?s transpar?ncy in transactions by allowing all n?twork participants to vi?w and v?rify data in r?al-tim?. This provid?s an additional lay?r of s?curity and accountability, making it ?asi?r to id?ntify fraudul?nt or malicious activity.
c. ?ffici?ncy: Blockchain t?chnology has th? pot?ntial to incr?as? th? ?ffici?ncy of transactions by ?liminating th? n??d for int?rm?diari?s and r?ducing th? tim? and cost associat?d with v?rifying and s?ttling transactions. Smart contracts can automat? th? proc?ss of ?x?cuting agr??m?nts, r?ducing th? n??d for manual int?rv?ntion and incr?asing th? sp??d and accuracy of transactions.
d. D?c?ntralization: Blockchain t?chnology is d?c?ntraliz?d, m?aning that th?r? is no c?ntral authority controlling th? n?twork. This mak?s it r?sistant to c?nsorship and provid?s gr?at?r control and own?rship of data for us?rs.
2. Disadvantag?s
a. Scalability: On? of th? bigg?st chall?ng?s facing blockchain t?chnology is scalability. As th? numb?r of n?twork participants grows, th? sp??d and ?ffici?ncy of th? syst?m can b? compromis?d, l?ading to slow?r transaction tim?s and incr?as?d costs.
b. ?n?rgy Consumption: Blockchain t?chnology is notorious for its high ?n?rgy consumption, particularly in th? cas? of proof-of-work (PoW) cons?nsus m?chanisms us?d by cryptocurr?nci?s such as Bitcoin. This has rais?d conc?rns about th? ?nvironm?ntal impact of blockchain t?chnology.
c. Lack of R?gulation: Blockchain t?chnology is still in its ?arly stag?s of d?v?lopm?nt, and th?r? is a lack of r?gulation gov?rning its us?. This can l?ad to unc?rtainty and risk for busin?ss?s and consum?rs, particularly in th? cas? of ICOs and cryptocurr?nci?s.
d. Compl?xity: Blockchain t?chnology is compl?x and can b? difficult for non-t?chnical us?rs to und?rstand. This can cr?at? a barri?r to ?ntry for busin?ss?s and consum?rs, limiting th? adoption of th? t?chnology.
???????E. Blockchain Us? Cas?s
Th? blockchain t?chnology has b??n int?grat?d into num?rous industri?s and may b? incorporat?d into many mor? in th? coming d?cad?s. Som? ?xampl?s of th?s? applications ar? introduc?d b?low:
Th? growth of smart v?hicl?s and v?hicular applications is ?xp?ct?d to produc? significant amounts of data and n?twork traffic, cr?ating chall?ng?s r?lat?d to s?curity, manag?m?nt, and cloud-bas?d storag? in th? Int?rn?t of V?hicl?s (IoV) cont?xt. ?nsuring compatibility and int?rop?rability among diff?r?nt s?rvic? provid?rs is ?ss?ntial for th? IoV platform's s?cur?, scalabl?, fl?xibl?, int?rop?rabl?, distribut?d, and d?c?ntraliz?d storag? and data ?xchang?. This int?gration can gr?atly ?nhanc? s?curity, int?llig?nc?, big data storag?, and ?ffici?nt manag?m?nt of th? IoV. Blockchain t?chnology, known for its d?c?ntraliz?d, immutabl? l?dg?r, has transform?d digital curr?nci?s and can provid? a trustworthy, s?cur? ?nvironm?nt for th? IoT. By adopting blockchain t?chnology, th? IoV can b?n?fit from ?nhanc?d s?curity and trust, cost-saving optimization and automation of information handling, and improv?d manag?m?nt. How?v?r, chall?ng?s such as storag? limitations, infl?xibility, and high costs must b? consid?r?d wh?n impl?m?nting blockchain t?chnology in th? IoV. Blockchain t?chnology has s?v?ral applications in th? transportation syst?m, including supply chain manag?m?nt wh?r? it can track goods and th?ir mov?m?nt, ?nsuring transpar?ncy and ?ff?ctiv?n?ss in th? logistics chain. Ass?t tracking is anoth?r application, wh?r? blockchain can track th? position and status of transportation v?hicl?s, contain?rs, and cargo, r?ducing th? risk of th?ft and loss. Smart contracts can automat? contract ?x?cution, ?nsuring complianc? with th? agr??m?nt's t?rms and r?ducing th? risk of disput?s. Additionally, blockchain can produc? s?cur? and ?ffici?nt paym?nt syst?ms for transportation s?rvic?s, r?ducing th? risk of fraud and incr?asing transaction sp??d. S?cur? data sharing b?tw??n transportation stak?hold?rs, such as shipp?rs, carri?rs, and logistics provid?rs, can also b? facilitat?d by blockchain, improving collaboration and r?ducing data silos. Blockchain can also ?nsur? r?gulatory complianc? by providing an immutabl? and auditabl? r?cord of transportation conditions. Finally, blockchain can ?nabl? s?cur? and d?c?ntraliz?d communication b?tw??n autonomous v?hicl?s, allowing th?m to coordinat? and mak? d?cisions in r?al tim?. patt?rns.
Th? conc?pt of a d?c?ntraliz?d l?dg?r that could r?cord transactions without th? n??d for a c?ntral authority dat?s back to th? ?arly 1990s. How?v?r, it wasn't until th? ?m?rg?nc? of Bitcoin in 2009 that th? blockchain t?chnology gain?d wid?spr?ad r?cognition. Bitcoin was cr?at?d by an unknown individual or group using th? ps?udonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
Th? blockchain t?chnology und?rpinning Bitcoin was d?sign?d to ?nabl? s?cur?, p??r-to-p??r transactions without th? n??d for a c?ntral authority lik? a bank or gov?rnm?nt. Th? first block in th? Bitcoin blockchain, known as th? g?n?sis block, was min?d on January 3, 2009. ?ach subs?qu?nt block contains a cryptographic hash of th? pr?vious block, which mak?s it ?xtr?m?ly difficult to alt?r pr?vious blocks without alt?ring th? ?ntir? chain. Sinc? th?n, blockchain t?chnology has b??n us?d for a wid? rang? of applications b?yond cryptocurr?ncy, including supply chain manag?m?nt, voting syst?ms, and digital id?ntity v?rification. Th?r? ar? also a numb?r of diff?r?nt typ?s of blockchain, including public, privat?, and p?rmission?d blockchains, ?ach with th?ir own uniqu? charact?ristics and us? cas?s. D?spit? som? chall?ng?s and conc?rns, such as scalability and ?n?rgy consumption, th? pot?ntial of blockchain t?chnology to ?nabl? s?cur?, d?c?ntraliz?d, and transpar?nt transactions continu?s to driv? innovation and inv?stm?nt in th? fi?ld.
Th? transportation industry is r?sponsibl? for managing multipl? proc?dur?s to succ?ssfully d?liv?r a packag? from a war?hous? to a custom?r's location. Th?s? proc?dur?s r?quir? constant monitoring and insp?ctions to ?nsur? th?y ar? carri?d out with th? utmost car?. Impl?m?nting blockchain t?chnology in transportation can l?ad to short?r proc?ssing tim?s, ?ffici?nt data manag?m?nt, and r?al-tim? monitoring and tracking. Th?r?for?, incorporating blockchain t?chnology can ?nhanc? th? ?ff?ctiv?n?ss and r?liability of th? transportation industry.
???????A. ?ffici?nt Supply Chain
Th? ?ff?ctiv? op?ration of th? supply chain involv?s th? mov?m?nt of goods or s?rvic?s from th?ir origin to th?ir d?stination. Managing th? various stag?s of this proc?ss, from storag? to d?liv?ry, can b? chall?nging wh?n data is disp?rs?d across a vast n?twork involving multipl? compani?s and individuals. Blockchain t?chnology off?rs a consolidat?d and s?cur? syst?m for storing all r?l?vant information. Th? transportation industry must monitor th? location, m?thod, and quantity of th?ir products, whil? also mitigating risks along th? way. Blockchain t?chnology minimiz?s disruption by automating data proc?ssing and providing r?al-tim? status updat?s. Digitizing th? supply chain h?lps pr?v?nt stock-outs and allows for imm?diat? shipping wh?n n??d?d. With a w?ll-manag?d r?gistry, suppli?rs can monitor th?ir inv?ntory and updat? th?ir stocks to avoid ord?r canc?llations.
???????B. Transpar?nt Data Logs
Th? ?ntir? blockchain n?twork is acc?ssibl? to r?gist?r?d us?rs, who hav? th? ability to track and trac? th? stor?d data, but cannot alt?r it. This ?nsur?s cr?dibility and auth?nticity of all parti?s involv?d in th? trad?. Th? chain is mad? immutabl? through cryptographic s?curity m?thods and hash?d point?rs to ?ach block. D?spit? b?ing in its ?arly stag?s, blockchain t?chnology is ?xp?ct?d to ?xhibit significant pot?ntial in th? futur?. Play?rs in th? transportation industry can collaborat? to build scalabl?, blockchain-bas?d syst?ms and transform th? way busin?ss is conduct?d in th? fi?ld.
???????C. Paym?nts
Th? topic of paym?nts is ?xplor?d in this cont?nt, with a focus on unconv?ntional, smart, and d?c?ntraliz?d paym?nt and billing m?thods for IoV us?rs. Th? paym?nt ord?r ?nabl?s s?cur? and ?ffici?nt transactions, optimiz?d pricing, and ?n?rgy consumption. Various proposals hav? b??n put forward in th? IoV proc?ssing subcat?gory, including a blockchain-bas?d billing s?rvic? for s?cur? transactions b?tw??n ?Vs and charging stations, and a Hyp?rl?dg?r syst?m that us?s a uniqu? tally ?nrollm?nt structur? for tamp?r-proof paym?nts. Th? optimization of ?V batt?ry ?xchang? stations for ?ffici?nt cargo and cost of pow?r g?n?ration was also studi?d. In addition, a smart contract-bas?d r?ntal auto platform with optimiz?d costs was propos?d. In th? IoV communication subcat?gory, a n?w topology was d?sign?d to r?duc? v?rification d?tainm?nts and costs in Bitcoin d?als in a privat? n?twork. An optimization approach was conduct?d to maximiz? th? output of d?als in a Blockchain-bas?d IoV n?twork with s?curity and d?t?ntion constraints, using DRL to d?t?rmin? acc?ptabl? siz?s, int?rvals, and dir?ctors of blocks that satisfy ass?ss?d constraints. Finally, th? IoV s?curity subcat?gory us?d Blockchain t?chnology to s?cur? paym?nts for IoV s?rvic?s and ?nsur? th? confid?ntiality, trustworthin?ss, and auth?nticity of transactions and s?nsitiv? information. C?rtain agr??m?nt approach?s such as th? PBFT algorithm and smart contracts w?r? sugg?st?d for v?rifying sal? information.
???????D. Transport Applications
Smart transport op?rations for th? Int?rn?t of V?hicl?s (IoV) and v?hicular syst?ms ar? in high d?mand. R?s?arch?rs hav? propos?d and t?st?d APIs for various purpos?s such as traffic avoidanc?, in-v?hicl? ?nt?rtainm?nt, and mobility s?rvic?s. Th?s? APIs ar? us?d to d?t?ct, unlock, and r?ad th? odom?t?rs of bus?s across diff?r?nt brands. Transport op?ration r?s?arch r?lat?d to v?hicular syst?ms is mainly includ?d in th? IoV proc?ssing subcast? combin?d with th? IoV s?curity subcast? for s?curity and s?qu?stration purpos?s. Blockchain-bas?d platforms ar? us?d for various smart auto s?rvic?s such as auto parking, auto l?asing, training and lit?racy ind?p?nd?nt bus?s, and ?stablishing trust?d multiparty insuranc?. Th?y ar? also us?d for s?cur? s?lling and buying of us?d bus?s and th? transpar?nt disp?rsion of op?ration history of motors for trading. A smart contract-bas?d platform for arising transport s?rvic?s was propos?d. With this platform, data r?garding th? b?n?fits of motorists and v?hicl?s ar? stor?d, participat?d, and also d?l?t?d aft?r compl?ting th? s?rvic?. To s?cur? th? data stor?d in th? built-in d?fin?d coff?rs of smart v?hicl?s, a s?cur? cont?nt caching sch?m? using privat? Blockchain and d??p und?rpinning lit?racy approach was d?sign?d. A d?p?ndabl? fram? for multi-v?hicl? collaborativ? positioning corr?ctions was d?sign?d to ?nhanc? syst?m s?curity and robustn?ss, and a Blockchain armatur? was ?mploy?d to link d?t?ctor-rich v?hicl?s, common v?hicl?s, and RSUs. A propos?d syst?m that appli?s a group hand algorithm and ?lGamal ?ncryption algorithm was d?v?lop?d to disabl? th? transmission of vicious and fak? dispatch?s among v?hicl?s in a n?twork. Th? p?rformanc? ?valuation r?sults show that th? ?ncryption, hand, v?rification, and batch v?rification algorithms of th? propos?d syst?m ar? sup?rior to oth?r algorithms and hav? low?r computational costs, d?monstrating th? ?ff?ctiv?n?ss of th? propos?d sch?m?. A r?liabl? busin?ss op?ration m?dium must b? abl? to int?llig?ntly switch busin?ss lights, allocat? th? duration of gr??n lights, and improv? road busin?ss saf?ty.
A. Chall?ng?s
Blockchain t?chnology has th? pot?ntial to r?volutioniz? th? transportation syst?m by providing s?cur?, transpar?nt, and d?c?ntraliz?d transactions. How?v?r, it also fac?s s?v?ral chall?ng?s that n??d to b? addr?ss?d, including:
Scalability: As th? numb?r of transactions and us?rs in th? transportation syst?m incr?as?s, th? blockchain n?twork n??ds to b? abl? to handl? th? load without compromising sp??d and ?ffici?ncy.
Int?rop?rability: Diff?r?nt transportation syst?ms may hav? th?ir own blockchain n?tworks, and it is important to ?nsur? that th?s? n?tworks can communicat? with ?ach oth?r s?aml?ssly to ?nabl? cross-syst?m transactions.
Privacy and s?curity: Whil? blockchain t?chnology provid?s a s?cur? and transpar?nt platform for transactions, it also pos?s privacy conc?rns. It is important to ?nsur? that s?nsitiv? information is not ?xpos?d to unauthoriz?d parti?s, whil? also maintaining th? int?grity of th? syst?m.
Adoption: Blockchain t?chnology is still r?lativ?ly n?w, and its adoption in th? transportation syst?m r?quir?s significant inv?stm?nt and coordination b?tw??n diff?r?nt stak?hold?rs.
R?gulation: As with any n?w t?chnology, th?r? is a n??d for cl?ar r?gulatory fram?works to ?nsur? that blockchain-bas?d transactions ar? l?gal and comply with ?xisting r?gulations.
?n?rgy consumption: Blockchain t?chnology r?quir?s significant ?n?rgy consumption for proc?ssing transactions and maintaining th? n?twork, which can b? a chall?ng? in th? transportation syst?m wh?r? ?n?rgy cons?rvation is a priority.
Addr?ssing th?s? chall?ng?s is critical for th? succ?ssful int?gration of blockchain t?chnology into th? transportation syst?m, and will r?quir? collaboration b?tw??n industry play?rs, r?gulators, and t?chnology ?xp?rts.
???????B. Futur? Work
As th? d?mand for sam?-day and on-d?mand d?liv?ry ris?s and consum?r ?xp?ctations ?scalat?, comm?rcial transportation firms ar? ?ncount?ring a growing n?c?ssity to b? innovativ?. Whil? many trucking compani?s hav? inv?st?d in advanc?d tracking t?chnology, ?xpanding this t?chnology to m??t mor? compl?x us?r d?mands has b??n chall?nging, ?sp?cially with r?gards to auth?ntication.
Improving Blockchain p?rformanc? is ?xp?ct?d to b? a significant conc?rn in th? n?ar futur?, particularly for applications lik? BIoV. This s?ction focus?s on th? chall?ng?s r?lat?d to ?nhancing Blockchain p?rformanc?.
a. P?rformanc? Limitations and Possibl? Dir?ctions: Traditional databas? syst?ms surpass Blockchain in t?rms of p?rformanc? b?caus? of th?ir c?ntraliz?d natur?. This s?ction pr?s?nts an ov?rvi?w of th? primary p?rformanc? limitations of Blockchain that hind?r its us? in digital r?lationships.
b. Throughput: Comm?rcial Blockchain platforms pr?s?ntly und?rp?rform compar?d to traditional databas? syst?ms. How?v?r, th?ir p?rformanc? must b? improv?d to mak? proc?ssing busin?ss transactions in th? r?al world mor? ?ffici?nt and ?ff?ctiv?. For ?xampl?, on av?rag?, VISA proc?ss?s 1700 transactions p?r s?cond, wh?r?as Bitcoin proc?ss?s only 4.6 transactions p?r s?cond. H?nc?, r?ducing proc?ssing lat?ncy is ?ss?ntial to ?nsur? s?curity.
c. N?twork Cong?stion: This p?rtains to any condition wh?r? data inflow b?com?s limit?d du? to inad?quat? comput?r or n?twork r?sourc?s. B?caus? th? numb?r of Blockchain syst?ms is incr?asing, th? probl?m of n?twork cong?stion must b? r?solv?d.
2. Machin? L?arning With BioV
Machin? lit?racy is a us?ful m?thod to support BIoV. Machin? lit?racy is a form of artificial int?llig?nc? us?d in ar?as such as sp??ch r?cognition, m?dical analysis, and comput?r vision. It has also transform?d BIoV s?rvic?s by allowing th?m to l?arn from data and mak? data-driv?n d?cisions, provid? d?cision support, and pr?dict improv?m?nts in n?twork p?rformanc?. Int?rdisciplinary r?s?arch should focus on int?grating machin? lit?racy and BIoV, particularly in d?signing smart ag?nts and analyzing th? Blockchain-bas?d IoV syst?m using lit?racy-bas?d m?thods. Smart ag?nts can manag? th? Blockchain syst?m and d?t?ct abnormal actions, which is critical for th? public chain's s?curity. Th? prop?r op?ration of th? n?twork is ?ss?ntial for th? privat? and institut? chains, which r?quir? collaboration among us?rs. Lit?racy-bas?d analysis of th? Blockchain-bas?d syst?m can provid? important information on th? syst?m's d?sign and tim?ly pr?diction mod?ls. Blockchain must support anonymous data sharing, which r?quir?s sophisticat?d data authorization for diff?r?nt us?rs. Th? Blockchain mining proc?ss is similar to th? Markov d?cision proc?ss, and multi-ag?nt RL can mod?l compl?x pool mining op?rations and allow min?rs to d?t?rmin? optimal mining strat?gi?s.
Cryptocurr?ncy plays a critical rol? in th? public chain, and diff?r?nt chains us? diff?r?nt cryptocurr?nci?s. Cryptocurr?nci?s hav? b??n ?stablish?d as inv?stm?nt options similar to traditional financial products, but th?ir pr?diction p?rformanc? can b? poor. Th?r?for?, r?s?arch should focus on using RL, DRL, or inv?rs? RL to inv?stigat? th? inv?stm?nt r?turn of cryptocurr?nci?s.
First and for?most, w? bow our h?ad to th? ALMIGHTY for b?ing our light?n?d for his gracious show?rs of bl?ssings throughout th? cours? of this proj?ct. W? ?xpr?ss our cordial thanks to Prof. Kamal Soni of Chandigarh Univ?rsity for providing all th? faciliti?s to carry out this proj?ct work. W? r?cord our g?nuin? gratitud? and r?sp?ct to all th? proj?ct coordinator, sup?rvisor of comput?r sci?nc? and ?ngin??ring, Chandigarh univ?rsity, for th? nobl? att?ntion and ?min?nt guidanc? throughout th? proj?ct work. W? ar? gr?atly ind?bt?d to our proj?ct sup?rvisor ?r. Kamal Soni.
This articl? provid?s a compr?h?nsiv? r?vi?w of th? curr?nt stat?-of-th?-art in Blockchain t?chnology. Th? r?vi?w cov?rs th? ?volution of Blockchain d?v?lopm?nt from its ?arly stag?s to th? curr?nt phas?, which includ?s Hyp?rl?dg?r, ?th?r?um, and smart contracts. Th? pap?r th?n focus?s on th? us? of Blockchain t?chnology in int?llig?nt transport op?rations for th? IoV n?twork, with r?s?arch work classifi?d into six ar?as: s?curity, transport op?rations, ?n?rgy, communication and n?twork, data op?rations, and paym?nts and optimization. For ?ach ar?a, th? r?s?arch findings ar? classifi?d according to th? IoV lay?rs, with most of th? b?n?fits obs?rv?d in th? proc?ssing, communication, and s?curity lay?rs. Th? articl? also compar?s this r?vi?w to pr?vious lit?ratur? ch?cks, highlights its add?d valu?, and id?ntifi?s op?n probl?ms in Blockchain op?rations.
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Copyright © 2023 Pratham Rajbhandari, Garima Giri, Hrithik Verma, Prof. Kamal Soni. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET50304
Publish Date : 2023-04-11
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here