India is progressing at large rate. With the progress at such rate, parking a car is the major issue in the nation. Insufficient parking space has become a major issue in top Indian cities. The vehicles are parked insensitively on the streets which indirectly leads to occupancy of more space. Also demand for personal vehicles is on its high. Thus, parking a vehicle is a big concern today and callously parked vehicles add congestion to the roads. To overcome this issue various parking systems are available. But the problem with these parking systems is they require more space and also are not cost-effective. So, our project is focused on developing a parking system that is fully automatic.
The other major problem we are facing today is Inefficient Premises Security Systems. Due to some loopholes, Intruders can easily harm us or can rob our valuables. Our Premises Security System keeps your home and your surroundings safe, deters crime and is quite helpful in emergency situation. We automated it to make it much more secure and safe which will help us in maintaining the safety of the residences.
The first question that may come while working on this project was “Why not any other parking system and only Vertically Automated Rotary Parking System Only?” Therefore, we will answer this question by introducing our project and explaining disadvantages of other system compared to our system. Vertically Automated Rotary Parking System is a type of rotary parking system. The vehicle parking system nowadays available in today's market reduce parking problem and implemented to large-scale implementation. But these systems have a major disadvantage of large space consumption which is successfully eliminated with the use of a rotary car parking system. Seeing the current scenario our system gives many advantages like Redundancy structure, less initial cost compared to other system, malleable operation without needs of any operator, it is easy to assemble and dismantle, 100% security assured, no issue of damage and hence more suitable than the typical Vehicle parking systems. In this parking system cars are parked in a parallel space of three cars. This system is used to increase numbers of car parking efficiently. The concept of this parking system is to shift vehicles with no interruption to the existing parking system.
Other Premises security systems have many problems in it. In our project. first, we have a gate at the entrance of the society which has number plate scanners and they perform number place recognition, only then the car can enter the society premises. At the entrance of the lobby the person has to give his fingerprint and the CCTV cameras installed in the lobby will perform face recognition of that person, if the person is a stranger, it will store his face data, and if the person is a society member it will go through the database and cross-check, and track him through ought the lobby space. Due to this, our Security System is very effective.
Madhav Bahgdev and Nitika Agarwal R.K University. Vertically automated rotary parking system. May 2017, India.
In this paper, we learnt about the working of VARPS. It’s working and how we can construct our Project with minimum parking space, and how we can make it more efficient. We also learned how we can place IR sensors fitted in each bucket, to check the car position or availability of car space. By studying this paper, we included DC Motor in our project to rotate the Car spaces.
2. Eswaran P, Manikandan AVM, Saurabh Godha Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering SRM University, Kancheepuram Dt., Tamil N?du, 603203, India, “Prototype of an underground multi-storied car parking system,” IEEE International conference 2013.
Through this paper we learned the detailed use of the IR Sensors, the working of the lift and conveyer belts, which helped in our project.
3. Javier Galbally, Sébastien Marcel, Member, IEEE, and Julian Fierrez “ Application to Iris Fingerprint and Face recognition.” IEEE Transaction 2014.
We used IQA (Image Quality Assessment) to track fake Live detection, which will help us to identify original person which is the main purpose of our project. Also, we used anti-spoofing approaches for fake biometric detection.
4. Andrea R. Deme Gillo, Francis F. Balahadia, John Kerwin D. Dizon, Kenneth Bryan A. Talon, Orlando M. Lingo Lyceum of the Philippines University, College of Computer studies Manila, Philippines “Real-Time Viewing Automated Parking System”.
In this research paper, we studied in detail the Architecture of Automation of a system or a website of Parking System which is Fully automated. This website had User authentication for Car Parking through which the system controls the access of the user.
5. Jinu Celine and Sheeja Agustin A. Department of CSE, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum India. “Face Recognition in CCTV System's”.
We learnt through this research paper, how to use multiple CCTV’s cameras connected in parallel to different monitoring Systems. The in-detail process of facial Recognition. In first part the CCTV’s does evidence testing where it where it uses the
various combination techniques and information gets stored in databases by using different distances and angles between the subject with the parameters of the camera. In the second part we perform the comparison of the images with
the already stored in databases in the enrollment sections.
6. Hoshiyaar Sing Kanyal, Mukulit Goel, Amit Singh Tomar, Harshit Kumar Yadav, Koshinder Singh “Object Recognition and Security Improvement by enhancing features of CCTV”.
In this research paper, the researchers focused on the enhancement of the CCTV’s by adding User Authentication and Firewall system which detects the intrusion attacks and activates the alarm system.
The In our car parking system, we are using the DC motor to rotate the blocks through the gears, then we use buttons, and we are using Arduino for the automation of our parking system.
For our Premises Security system, we are using a servo motor for the gate, and a camera to detect and store the car number plate. Then at the entrance of the lobby space, we used a Fingerprint scanner and cameras to perform finger print recognition and face recognition respectively.
The Components we used are Arduino for the Automated Parking System. And for Premises Security System we used Raspberry Pi, which performs face recognition and fingerprint recognition and stores the data in the database, and even cross-checks the new data with the old data. Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board. Raspberry Pi is popularly used for real time Image/Video Processing, IoT based applications and Robotics applications. The raspberry pi board comprises a program memory (RAM), processor and graphics chip, CPU, GPU, Ethernet port, GPIO pins, Xbee socket, UART, power source connector. And various interfaces for other external devices.
An Automated Car Parking system which is much more efficient and can store more cars in less space, and solve many problems. And through the Premises Security Systems that can track and detect live objects and can perform their biometric Authentication, which will indirectly secure the Premises area.
Our Project solved various problems such as live tracking and fingerprint recognition also face recognition and the hectic issue of parking the car outside the society which blocks the road which indirectly create traffic and burns more fuel which causes more pollution.
[1] Madhav Bahgdev and Nitika Agarwal R.K University. Vertically automated rotary parking system. May 2017, India.
[2] Eswaran P, Manikandan AVM, Saurabh Godha Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering SRM University, Kancheepuram Dt., Tamil.
[3] N?du, 603203, India, “Prototype of an underground multi-storied car parking system,” IEEE International conference 2013
[4] Javier Galbally, Sébastien Marcel, Member, IEEE, and Julian Fierrez “ Application to Iris Fingerprint and Face recognition.” IEEE Transaction 2014. Andrea R. Deme Gillo, Francis F. Balahadia, John Kerwin D. Dizon, Kenneth Bryan A. Talon, Orlando M. Lingo Lyceum of the Philippines University, College of Computer studies Manila, Philippines “Real-Time Viewing Automated Parking System”.
[5] Jinu Celine and Sheeja Agustin A. Department of CSE, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum India. “Face Recognition in CCTV System\'s”.
[6] Hoshiyaar Sing Kanyal, Mukulit Goel, Amit Singh Tomar, Harshit Kumar Yadav, Koshinder Singh “Object Recognition and Security Improvement by enhancing features of CCTV”.