Oil has become an essential commodity in various fields, including cooking. In India, coconuts are produced abundantly, making it the third-largest coconut-producing nation worldwide. Despite the massive demand for coconut oil, there is a shortage of its production, & the majority of the entities producing the oil are large-scale industries, with only a few operating in local shops.
The solution to this problem lies in the \"Compact & Cost-Effective Coconut Oil Expeller,\" which has the potential to increase oil production & address the current gaps. The machine can operate with low quantities of copra, allowing customers to produce oil based on their requirements. Furthermore, it is a zero-waste process that enables the sale of the leftover parts after oil extraction. By facilitating chemical-free oil extraction & reducing space & initial purchase costs, the expeller machine offers an opportunity for small-scale industries to set up a profitable business, similar to flour mills in the area. This project addresses the issues with the currently used oil extractors, leading to the design & fabrication of an automatic portable oil extractor that could enhance the life & functionality of the unit for small-scale industries.
The project also incorporates a solar panel for multipurpose use, making it functional even in the absence of electricity. Ultimately, this work contributes to reducing the running cost of an industry & prevents sudden breakdowns on the shop floor, making it a valuable addition to the oil extraction industry.
The groundnut oil expelling machine is a crucial tool for extracting oil from groundnut seeds. The process involves a roller mill, direct firing of the barrel, and pressing using an engine-driven oil expeller. This need for oil extraction machines has existed for a long time, driven by the demand for oil in both domestic and commercial settings.
Groundnut seeds, also known as peanuts and earth nuts, are primarily grown for their protein-rich seeds and edible oil. The oil content of the seed’s ranges between 45% and 55%, depending on the variety. To extract the oil, the process of oil extraction, expelling, or expressing is carried out.
Groundnut oil extraction technologies involve sub-processing operations, such as shelling, roasting, de-skinning, milling, and kneading, which are performed using specialized machines. There are also machines developed to extract groundnut oil directly from shelled seeds, such as hydraulic press and screw press machines.
The groundnut oil expelling machine is a critical tool for extracting oil from groundnut seeds using a horizontal rotating metal screw that feeds the oil-bearing seeds into a barrel-shaped outer casing with perforated walls. The expeller continuously grinds, crushes, and presses the oil out of the seeds as they pass through the machine. The pressure ruptures the oil cells in the product, and the oil flows through the perforations in the casing before being collected in an oil receiving container. The remaining material from which oil has been extracted is sent out through the cake outlet.
This project seeks to thoroughly evaluate a groundnut oil expelling machine that boasts of locally-sourced materials and increased durability. The main purpose is to examine and present a comprehensive assessment of this innovative machine. The following are the primary goals that this project intends to achieve:
Develop an efficient machine that can extract oil from groundnuts in a minimal amount of time.
Design, build, and test an expeller that is affordable for small-scale oil millers.
Create a compact cold-pressed coconut oil expeller that is suitable for local shops and capable of producing oil in accordance with customer demands.
Ensure that the machine is affordable in terms of both initial purchasing cost and ongoing operating costs.
Implement renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to make the machine more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
A Compact and Cost-Effective Coconut Oil Expeller: Design and Fabrication.” Copra is a plentiful source of oil that can meet the rising demand for daily use. By setting up local market expellers that produce fresh oil from copra, we can attract more customers and increase our profit. Industrial groundnut oil expellers are available in various sizes, shapes, and materials, but they are too costly and complex for small-scale and low-income oil millers. To help them, we need to design and construct small-scale groundnut oil expellers with locally sourced materials. Non-renewable energy sources are becoming more expensive and harmful to the environment. We need to explore alternatives that are renewable and clean. Solar energy is one such alternative that can power our expellers and reduce our carbon footprint
We would like to sincerely acknowledge the courageous efforts of Mechanical Engineering Department of DMCE Airoli. Our heartfelt thanks to faculty members who helped us in preparing research paper and give direction with their precious suggestions & rich experience.
The machine is simple and secure to use, consumes less energy and does not harm the environment. We have achieved our goal. However, the machine needs some improvement despite its high oil extraction rate. FEA of Oil Extraction Machine Screw, we conclude that Steel Grade Selection Will Be Based on Analysis. Vibration Analysis of Oil Extraction Machine is done and we get resonance frequency. Solar energy powers the set-up which preserves the non-renewable energy sources. Therefore, this system is cost effective and sustainable
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