Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: A. Selva Priya
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.53799
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In the computerized world, everything is moving online, and data comes in different shapes and sizes and is collected in different ways. By using data mining, frequent pattern in the databases can be identified, and it can be used in numerous applications. Finding frequent patterns in huge databases is important because it reveals important information that cannot be found through simple data surfing. To find common patterns, a variety of methods are utilized, each of which performs differently. Apriori and FP Growth are the fundamental algorithms employed in frequent pattern mining. The functioning and experimental results of various algorithms are compared in this study, and their benefits and drawbacks are discussed.
Data mining has long been the subject of database research. The continually declining cost and growing compactness of storage devices have made it possible to store every transaction in a transactional database [2]. With this storage, individuals may access the data whenever they want, and they can also use it to discover relationships between different data points. Agarwal et al. [1] were the first to present the issue of determining relationships between various data components. The resolution to this issue can increase revenue and optimize storage. The researcher defines transactional databases, database design, frequent patterns, frequent item set, and candidate item set in this part. A database is a collection of material that has been organized systematically so that it may be conveniently retrieved and modified in the future. Although there are many various types of databases, including active databases, cloud databases, embedded databases, and transactional databases, the researcher solely addresses transactional databases in this work. A database that doesn't use auto commit is referred to be a transactional database. Transactional databases are the most common type of relational database today [4]. A database layout explains the representation of data. The horizontal layout and the vertical layout are the two layouts that are most frequently used. Two columns make up the horizontal arrangement. The first provides the transaction identifier and the second the things that were purchased during that transaction. In a vertical style, the first column displays the item ID, and the second displays the transaction ID for the transaction in which the specific item was purchased. A third layout, usually referred to be a predicted layout, exists. There is no actual layout here. In this configuration, the system just keeps track of the transaction identification and related item. It is a divide and conquers mechanism that recursively shrinks the size of the database by only taking into accounts the longest pattern. A pattern that appears in significantly more transactions is said to be common. A frequent item set is one whose support exceeds a minimum support determined by the user. The provided study is divided into seven sections: the introduction, a brief overview of the three common pattern mining algorithms— Apriori, Eclat, and FP Growth—in the second section. The experiment is described in the third section. The dataset is described in the fourth section. The algorithms utilized under various circumstances are compared in the fifth section. The conclusion is presented in the sixth part, and references are included there as well [33].
The performance of three frequent pattern mining algorithms is contrasted in the literature review in order to determine which one that performs the best.
A. Apriori
Agrawal and Srikant initially put forth the Apriori algorithm in 1994.The Apriori property, which asserts that "any sub (k-1)-Item set of frequent k-Item set must be frequent," is the foundation for this technique [5]. The apriori algorithm consists of two main processes: the first is candidate generation, which determines the support count of the corresponding sensor items by scanning transactional databases, and the second is large item set generation, which is produced by removing candidates from the candidate set whose support counts fall below a certain threshold. These processes are iteratively performed until candidate Item sets or big item sets are empty [29].
The candidate set, which consists of one sensor item, is once again scanned for in the initial database, and the support for those items is then tallied. The items with item counts below the user-specified threshold (in the example above, the threshold is 30%) are then simply removed from these 1-Itemset candidates. The database is once again scanned in the second pass to provide candidates for 2-Itemsets that each include two items. These candidates are then once more trimmed to make large 2-item sets using the apriori property. The apriori property states that every sub-item set of two frequent item sets must be frequent.The process is complete when the large item set is empty and the item set candidates are eliminated in the database's fourth scan.
This algorithm has two drawbacks:
There are typically two ways to get over these restrictions:
a. One is to experiment with various pruning and filtering procedures to reduce the size of candidate Item set.
b. The second strategy either replaces the original database with a subset of transactions based on a significant number of frequently occurring Item sets or reduces the frequency of database scans [17, 29].
B. Steps in Apriori Algorithm
There are 3 steps to mine the frequent patterns:
C. FP-Growth
The FP Growth algorithm is the most widely used algorithm for pattern finding in the field of data mining. A novel, compressed data structure called the FP tree a prefix- tree structure that stores quantifiable data about frequent patterns is created to address the two fundamental shortcomings of the Apriori method in [6]. A frequent pattern growth algorithm was created based on the FP tree [37].
It involves a two-step process.
Based on node link property and prefix path property, conditional FP tree base and conditional FP tree are constructed. Each element in the head table has a conditional pattern base. Construction of a conditional tree. For the frequently occurring items of the pattern base, a conditional FP tree is built [39]. Frequent patterns must be extracted after the Conditional FP tree has been created.
Three key goals can be accomplished with the help of the FP growth algorithm,
a. The first of which is that the computing cost is significantly reduced and the database is only scanned twice [35].
b. The generation of any candidate item sets is not the second key goal [35].
c. The third goal is to limit the search space by using a divide and conquer strategy.
On the other hand, there is one problem with the FP growth algorithm. Once new transactions are added to the database, the FP tree must be updated, and the entire process must be repeated, it is challenging to employ in incremental mining.
The two algorithms discussed above were built in Python, and their results on the Groceries dataset were compared by altering the number of characteristics and instances. Execution time is the performance-comparing factor [25].
Based on how much execution time each algorithm used to compile a list of every valid association rule, they were evaluated. Table 1 contains all of the data from the grocery dataset. The findings are displayed in Fig. 1. The graph's longitudinal axis displays time, while its latitudinal axis displays several algorithms [30]. The Apriori and FP- growth algorithms execution times are depicted on the charts in Fig. 1. The size of the created FP-tree will be significantly less due to the overlapping of frequent items because the Grocery dataset and it contain a lot of frequent things. Hence, the experimental findings demonstrated the proposed FP- growth algorithm's advantage in terms of execution time consumption. The FP-growth offers the fastest execution. The most expensive algorithms, however, are Apriori and other algorithms.
Table 1: Dataset Description
Datasets Name |
Number of Instances |
Number of Attributes |
Groceries dataset |
38766 |
03 |
Another development in association rule mining and frequent pattern mining is the FP Growth Algorithm, which addresses the two shortcomings of the Apriori Algorithm [3, 38]. Three essential qualities are necessary for FP-Growth to function effectively: (1) A divide-and-conquer approach is used to condense the search space and extract minor patterns from the mining issue in conditional databases into a number of smaller challenges. (2) The FP-Growth algorithm avoids the challenging process of constructing the candidate item set for a large number of candidate item sets, and (3) the database is compressed into a highly condensed, much smaller data structure known as the FP tree to avoid expensive and repetitive database scans [11, 36].
The performance assessment of three frequent item set mining techniques is demonstrated in this experiment. Based on how much memory each algorithm used to compile a list of every valid association rule, they were compared [21]. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 1. The graph longitudinal axis shows the memory in time in seconds, and the latitudinal axis shows the different algorithms. The charts portrayed in Fig. 1 show the execution time of the Apriori and FP-growth algorithms [30].Figure 2 and Figure 3 shows the lift vs confidence obtained by using Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms. Apriori TID, which has a slightly longer execution time than Apriori, has been shown to be the most expensive one in this category. FP-growth outperformed the earlier algorithms and was able to exhibit moderate behaviour. The best performance among all the other algorithms has once again been demonstrated by FP-Growth [23].
Apriori and FP Growth are two frequent pattern mining algorithms that are tested and examined in this study. The comparison was done using identical database transactions in order to better understand these techniques. The key difficulties in the context of frequent pattern mining were high numbers of database scans, lengthy execution times, and memory requirements for a large transactional database. Because it takes less time to execute and uses less memory than other frequent pattern mining algorithms, FP-growth outperformed them, according to this study.
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Copyright © 2023 A. Selva Priya. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET53799
Publish Date : 2023-06-06
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here