This article describes in detail the role of the Uzbek language in human life today, its reflection in the concept of morality. The article discusses the importance of the category of spirituality in the Uzbek language, its role in human life and science.
The radical changes taking place in social life are reflected in the field of linguistics, as well as in all areas of science. Modern trends in linguistics serve man. The field of linguistics is reflected in the interdependence of the system of language and spirituality, their interaction with each other, especially in the system of human activity. A new democratic society based on high national and universal spiritual values is being built in our republic. The radical socio-political, economic, legal and spiritual reforms that are taking place serve the interests of man and his interests.
Man's humanity is determined, first of all, by his spiritual maturity and purity. The concept of moral education is a multifaceted and broad concept. A spiritually and morally harmonious person cares about the well-being of all his relatives: parents and children, relatives, family members, neighbors, neighborhoods, villagers and the whole country. uradi. The people around him try to be the person he needs.
The role and importance of national spirituality in the life and development of society is determined by the fact that it is the basis of national ideology. National spirituality and national ideology will become a powerful and influential factor in social development, educating the people in the spirit of national pride, patriotism and humanity. Thanks to national spirituality and national ideology, socio-historical practice achieves a clear goal, the development of national and universal values and their implementation in life.
National spirituality can become a powerful factor in social development only if it expresses the integral unity of national and universal values. The role and status of national spirituality in the development and implementation of the national development model is related to this.
Our goal is to ensure the close unity of national spirituality with both national independence and national ideology, the relationship between them, as well as the understanding of national identity, moral and spirituality in all its aspects of social development and integration into modern world civilization. It is necessary to strengthen the research on morality, behavior and spiritual education in order to show that it is inextricably linked with the whole spiritual life of the developing Republic of Uzbekistan, to inculcate it more deeply in the consciousness and movement of the people.
The most important condition for accelerating the building of a humane, democratic society in our country is to strengthen its spiritual and moral foundations. One of the first conditions is to constantly study this issue, to strengthen the spiritual and moral foundations of the new society, not to stop its spiritual and moral development.
National independence is based on the spiritual strength of the individual and the enormous creative potential for the development of society. An important subjective factor in strengthening it is the morality, conscientiousness, responsibility, diligence, honesty, harmony of society and self-interest, patriotism, in short, the overall moral qualities of the individual. In particular, in the field of linguistics, these include the preservation and enrichment of our native language, expanding the scope of its use in the field of information and communication, increasing the effectiveness of its practical use.
The character of a nation can be easily learned from its morals, customs, traditions, behavior, language. Enlightener Abdulla Avloni did not say in vain that the loss of the national language is the loss of the spirit of the nation. That is why a rational approach to our national language is to use all its possibilities.
At a time when a new democratic society based on high national and universal spiritual values is being built in our country, it is important to inculcate the moral system and moral qualities in the minds of each generation in accordance with modern requirements. The ongoing spiritual reforms serve the interests of man and his interests.
Any moral, political, or legal education is aimed at protecting, promoting, and developing a particular idea. The concept of morality is not a new concept for the Uzbek national social thinking, but in its Uzbek linguistic consciousness it has the color of linguistic cognitive form. Morality and its related concepts (morality itself) do not have a negative impact, so it has always lived in the minds of people as a national value and concept. Indeed, the strengthening of independence and the preservation of peace in the country, the strengthening and development of the family is a national need, and the social and linguistic value of the concept of moral units has become more objective.
In world ethics, too, the diversity of causes and conditions that determine a person's spiritual world and behavior is the basis for different descriptions of moral needs. Representatives of "popular culture" who do not recognize the moral norms and foundations of society, ignore the morality of man, his propensity for moral interests and needs, and lead to such negative consequences.
One of the main reasons why human beings live as a family and a society is because of their moral relationship. Moral culture and attitudes are the foundation, the essence, and the "invisible chain" of human life.
This event offers an opportunity for a national approach to the Uzbek language. Any moral, political, legal education is aimed at protecting, promoting and developing our national idea.
From time immemorial, the East has focused on morality, moral education, family and child rearing. In the works created in the East, such themes are widely covered. Educational issues play an important role in the scientific heritage of thinkers. In the XI-XV centuries in the works of such thinkers as Abu Nasr al-Farabi, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Ali ibn Sino, Mahmud Kashgari, Yusuf Khas Hajib, Alisher Navoi, the idea of spiritual and moral education, a perfect man was glorified. By the 19th century, our enlightened artists such as Behbudi, Avloni, Qodiri paid special attention to the importance of education and wrote books on these topics.
Alisher Navoi, the sultan of the realm of words, has always focused on moral relations in his scientific and artistic heritage. In "Mahbub-ul Qulub" he also gave many examples. According to Alisher Navoi, respect for parents is an obligation for children. Do the same for both of them, no matter how much you serve. It is worth sacrificing your head in front of your father and sacrificing your whole body for his head. If you want the two worlds to prosper, get the consent of these two people! Know the moon and the sun, which give light to the day and night, and do not step beyond the line they have drawn. It says, "Do all the service with politeness, and do the same with the word 'dol' in the word 'adab.'
A balanced study of the moral and spiritual qualities, beautiful examples and examples reflected in the Uzbek language will help young people to glorify the priority of the national spirit, as well as a deeper understanding of national pride. In the study of such features will be a direct knowledge of the Uzbek language, demonstration of language capabilities, practical assistance in the comparative study of language units.
Nowadays, as linguistics has reached the stage of scientific knowledge, new directions of its interaction with other disciplines are emerging.
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