Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Dr. S. S. Kadlag, Shembade Shrikrushna, Udar Ashutosh, Sinare Rohan, Phapale Akshay
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.52495
Certificate: View Certificate
EV, the major problem that occurs is the burning of EV. After burning of the EV there are no data available for analysis, for that purpose we have proposed a system to address this issue. Inside that, we use different sensors to collect data such as temperature, voltage, current, humidity of motor and battery. Also, from the safety point of a view we have used GSM Module, GPS module, Flex sensor and LDR sensor. Which will help to find the exact location of an accident and provide emergency service.
Every year, more than a million people worldwide die from transportation-related accidents, according to the World Health Organization. To address this problem, the black box system was developed as the first step in improving road safety across national boundaries [1].
While the black box system was first introduced to a portion of the United States market in 1999, it has since proven to be an efficient tool for investigating accidents and helping insurance companies with their investigations [2]. Black box technology, similar to the flight data recorders used in aircraft, is now increasingly used in motor vehicle crash investigations [3].
Many vehicles already contain electronic systems that record information during a crash, making it important to have objective recordings of what happens before, during, and after the event to complement subjective inputs such as eyewitness accounts and police reports [4]. The black box system has two main approaches: detecting and recording data from the vehicle, and presenting the recorded data to the user in a simplified way [5].
To detect and record data, major components and different types of sensors are used [6]. To present the data, a Visual Basic. Embedded C computer program is used to receive the data serially from the black box memory, display it in real-time graphics, and save it to a formal excel report for future use [7]. In addition to improving treatment for crash victims and road conditions, constructing safer vehicles, and aiding in accident investigations, the development of a black box system that can be installed in any vehicle worldwide can greatly improve road safety [8].
As the adoption of electric vehicles and motors continues to grow, the need for effective control and monitoring systems becomes increasingly critical. However, the implementation of such systems presents emerging challenges, including the need for improved battery management systems to address issues such as range anxiety and battery degradation [9]. Additionally, the use of advanced power electronics and sensors raises concerns regarding their reliability and cybersecurity. This paper explores these emerging problems and proposes potential solutions for ensuring the efficient and safe operation of electric vehicles and motors [10].
There are various proposed solutions to address the problem at hand, each with its unique advantages. One current solution is the implementation of a tracking system in vehicles to prevent accidents and preserve human life. This system utilizes a microcontroller. However, such monitoring systems are only present in high-end vehicles due to their costliness [10].
The black box provides information on the cause of accidents in remote areas, such as hill stations, and can inform nearby hospitals, traffic control, or ambulance of the accident location.
The transmitter side of the system uses GSM to send relevant alert messages to nearby safety sources, and sensors are included for safety purposes. The LCD display is used to show the stored data. The black box, which includes basic data recording features, is useful for electric vehicles and also includes advanced web tracking features that can be accessed from anywhere.
The system uses an Arduino (ATmega2560) microcontroller as the "brain" of the system, as it stores the program instructions. Temperature, flex, LDR, CT, and PT sensors are used to monitor vehicle status, as well as voltage, current, and temperature of the motor and battery. The GSM module is used to inform relatives and nearby ambulances. All data is updated to the cloud, allowing for remote control or monitoring using IoT technology [12].
A. Working
The hardware setup includes the following components: -
a. GSM module for communication.
b. GPS module for detecting the accident location.
c. Flex sensor to determine the side of the accident.
d. Arduino Mega for central monitoring and control system.
e. Motor driver for controlling the speed and direction of the motor.
f. Temperature sensor to monitor the temperature of the motor and battery.
g. IoT module for storing data on the cloud.
h. LDR to detect the upper light of the vehicle.
i. RTC for tracking the travel distance of the vehicle.
j. CT for measuring the current of the motor and battery.
k. PT for measuring the voltage of the motor and battery.
2. LCD Initialization: Upon vehicle startup, all battery and motor parameters are displayed on the LCD.
3. Accident Detection: In the event of a sudden accident occurring on the front or back side of the vehicle, the flex sensor will bend, indicating the incident on the LCD display. Additionally, an SMS will be immediately sent to relatives to request emergency services.
4. Data Storage: To address the issue of data loss in case of EV fire incidents, data is stored on the cloud. The IOT ESP8266 module is utilized for this purpose.
5. Controlling of EV: The temperature sensor senses the temperature of motor and give signal to the Arduino through the motor driver to control speed of motor. If temperature of motor is greater than the curie temperature the magnet in DC motor is demagnetize.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Amrutvahini college of Engineering and the valuable references provided. Any opinions, findings, and recommendations expressed in this material are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of others. The authors also express their gratitude to the faculty of Electrical Engineering department for their cooperation and support. Additionally, the authors would like to thank their parents for their continued support. Finally, the authors express their appreciation to their friends for their cooperation and encouragement.
The CONTROL AND MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL VEHICLE AND MOTOR system was successfully implemented, comprising an Arduino-Mega board, GPS Module, GSM Module, various sensors, and IoT module. The system is designed to be user-friendly. Furthermore, the project has achieved its objectives, which are as follows: 1) Determining the precise location of accidents. 2) Transmitting data to the internet via the IoT module. 3) Monitoring and controlling the motor in the event of a temperature increase. 4) Regulating the Upper (High Beam) Dipper light of the electric vehicle. 5) Providing emergency services to accident areas.
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Copyright © 2023 Dr. S. S. Kadlag, Shembade Shrikrushna, Udar Ashutosh, Sinare Rohan, Phapale Akshay. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET52495
Publish Date : 2023-05-18
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here