The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (Mo HUA) through its flagship mission “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana” – Urban (PMAY-U) ensures a PUCCA HOUSE to all eligible urban house-holds. PMAY-U aims to achieve Urban Development through Transformation, Innovation and Sustainable Inclusions. Due to Rapid increase in urbanization and believing it as an opportunity to reduce poverty.
This paper aims towards the design solution example after study of effective housing demand , current patterns of development and finding the Innovative Contraction techniques , Materials (local and eco friendly) , Planning and designing methods , to make the solution.
At an average household size of 5.8 persons and assuming 2% as dilapidation rate per decade, the projected housing requirement for Lucknow city for the year 2016 would be 544270, in 2021 it would be 625011 and 717730 in the year 2026. The housing shortage for the city is calculated based on census data, estimations and assumptions pertaining to existing housing stock in the city, dilapidated housing structures, vacant houses, slum households. The housing shortage for the city is estimated for the next 15 years under two circumstances
A) Taking into account the existing slum household stock and assuming they will remain same in future.
B) assuming that all the existing slum households are developed into a decent affordable housing under PMAY-U and other slum development programmes. The Housing requirement and shortage projections for the city is shown in
Table 1: Projection of Housing & Housing shortage in Lucknow city
Projected housing
Housing shortage*
Housing shortage**
Note: * - Estimated housing shortage of the city if existing slums in the city are not improved in the city
**- Estimated housing shortage, considering that all the slums in the city are improved under slum developed programmes like RAY.
Working towards slum free Lucknow city, there is need to build up EWS and LIG housing stock. EWS housings are meant for people whose annual income is below Rs 60, 000 while LIG housing are meant for people whose annual income is less than Rs 1,20,000. As mentioned in City Development Plan 2006, estimates that there is need to create at least 7000 housing units per annum. Most BPL/EWS and LIG households in cities live in informal settlements/slums on encroached public lands. There is no data on numbers of poor families without adequate housing in cities. Census of India provides estimates of number of poor in each city and they also project future population growth for cities using an urban growth rate.
City Master Plans etc. make estimates on housing demand on the basis of Census information. Considering the past census data and development plans of the city it is assumed that 30% of the Lucknow households belongs to either EWS or LIG population.
In Lucknow city Slums, 68% of the slum households are living under below poverty line (BPL), which accounts 21% of the total city households. Assuming the other 9% of the households live in other parts of the city, the EWS/LIG housing projections are calculated for the next 15 – 20 years.
There area many points and aspects which are considered in Designing the project as per
Study are as follows :
High rise housing is more effective in cost due to shortage land high cost of urban land.
Pre cast construction (in site construction) time , cost and transport can be saved .
Less wastage of materials like steel , cement in Pre Cast construction .
Saving of water and other natural resources in pre cast construction.
Saving of shuttering , curing and man power in pre cast construction
More building life and durability
Climatic consideration in design for user’s comfort .
Good building quality and low cost maintenance
A. Site location
B. Site Area :
31286.825 SQ.M.
C. Site Neighbourhood
D. Road And Connectivity
Site location is connected with Amar shahid path Awadh-vihar entrance gate by 1.5 k.M. and 13.4 k.M. From Charbagh Railway station.
E. Topography And Amenities
Site topography is mostly Leveled and average level is .5 to 1 m.
Storm water drains , metaled roads , Sewer line , Street light are available at all around the site.
B. Planning Consideration And Proces
Modular Construction Design: Modular construction is a process in which a building is constructed off-site, under controlled plant conditions, using the same materials and designing to the same codes and standards as conventionally built facilities – but in about half the time. When these modules are put together on site, it reflects the identical design intent and sophisticated specifications. Advantages of this technique are, it is a sustainable practice (green practice), faster and smarter ways of constructing a house.
ADVANTAGES: Modular construction has the following advantages:
Weather delays can be eliminated.
Materials are less wasted.
Can be reused and has greater flexibility.
It is the safest method of construction.
2. Passive Design Techniques:
Passive design techniques use the naturally available sources of energy like sun and wind for the purposes of heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation.
This will reduce the energy bills in a building and also the heating load on a building.
A building can be made comfortable for the people to live in, by naturally reducing the fluctuations in temperature and also it improves the indoor air quality.
There is no need to incorporate much heavy external loads on a building to keep it cool.
Hence it reduces the cost of HVAC systems or cost of air conditioners in a normal building.
Passive design can be achieved only if a building is oriented properly so that it allows good ventilation and sunlight into the rooms.
3. Precast Techniques
If many numbers of houses (mass housing) are constructed with precast elements, then cost reduction can be observed.
Installation of precast elements is an easy process. While conventional construction takes lot of time for the construction. It requires less movement of materials in the construction site. There is no need to maintain inventory of cement, sand and coarser materials in the site, except for smaller works.
Also, a conventional construction requires lot of equipment's and also lot of labours. But in a precast method of construction, it requires only few skilled personnel to install the various concrete elements.
Acoustic performance of the precast elements is high as they contain hollow spaces and allows for sound dispersion.
Flexible designs can be obtained. Even designs with long spans are also possible with the help of precast technology.
Most of the precast elements are recyclable. Used elements can be crushed in a crusher and can be used again for various purposes like road filling, basement filling, or road bases, etc.
Even doors and window frames can also be replaced by precast frames which will reduce the cost of material and also cost of maintenance.
A. Prefabricated Or Pre-Cast Structure System
India is the world’s fastest developing country. We are currently on the verge of large-scale urbanisation hence facing a huge demand for building houses. The construction industry contributes to about 10% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of the Nation. Housing is the primary need of everyhuman being. With the rapidly growing population, and to fulfil the housing demand, a more reliable, faster, sustainable method of construction is deemed necessary by the construction industry. The concept of “built it fast” in the most economical way has not changed since the beginning; however, new technologies have been developed to suit the modern world construction. B. Advantages Of Pre-Cast Structure System
There are many advantages use of precast concrete components.Of course, these require proper design, use of the correct materials and manufacturing processes with skilled and knowledgeable personnel. Properly designed and specified precast concrete go a long way toward reducing and eliminating many common utility construction problems, while the economics of precast translate into faster, more cost-effective projects. Benefits available include:
Fast construction
Cost and time saving
Required less man power
Great finishing and durability
Less maintenance
Climate friendly
Less wastages of materials
Less uses of transportation and other natural resources
C. Precast Components & Connections
Structural precast elements can largely be classified into two categories based on their production methodology, namely tilts and hollow core. For a typical residential unit construction, the major elements are columns, beams, canopy, wall panels, cladding, balcony, staircase, slabs etc. Out of these columns, beams, canopy, wall panels, cladding and balcony, stair case, landings are tilts and slabs are hollow core of varying thickness. The common area of a building has many other precast elements such as lift core, boundary walls, curb stones, etc. Figure 1 shows the typical precast elements and their assembly for a residential unit.