Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Disha A. Date, Rugvedi Y. More, Rutuja P. Harne, Mr. Dilip M. Dalgade
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.47432
Certificate: View Certificate
Credit card fraud has existed ever since credit cards were introduced, resulting in financial losses, identity theft, severe security threatas, and misuse of personal information. Such a situation already dire at an individual level only worsens when an organization gets involved. With the COVID-19 pandemic taking over the world and the introduction of quarantine, online transactions have surged exponentially. Naturally, credit cards have become one of the main means to process these transactions. With an extraordinary number of people making transactions every second, it becomes difficult to keep track of fraudulent ones. An increase in online transactions also increases the risk of cybercrimes, in this case, fraudulent transactions. In this paper, we proposed a fast yet light system to detect fraudulent transactions in the IEEE-CIS dataset. We used feature engineering and data mining techniques to analyze the dataset and make it usable for the model. Then, we fit the dataset to LightGBM and XGBoost to classify the transactions as fraud or non-fraud. Finally, we compared the performance of the two models. Since we were dealing with a heavily skewed dataset, we gauged the performance of our model with the F1 score and ROC AUC score. The obtained ROC AUC score was 95% for our proposed model.
The number of e-commerce users has been steadily increasing in recent years, as has the size of online transactions. Fraudsters frequently employ a variety of channels to steal card information and transfer big sums of money in a short period of time, resulting in significant property losses for both customers and banks. As a result, machine learning and data mining can be used to create fraud detection systems. Techniques used for this purpose are primarily classification-based. Data mining is applied to the dataset in question, then, classification algorithms are implemented to detect fraudulent transactions.
Credit Card fraud detection is a heavily researched problem. Due to that, we were able to look at popularly used datasets and algorithms for the same purpose as well as devise a way that would prove to be better than them. SVM [1], Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Networks, Decision Trees, and K-Nearest Neighbours were initially widely used for classification in this domain [7][17]. They provided a moderate accuracy between 80-90% but improved with the incorporation of data mining techniques and hybrid models [3][5] the scores went up further. As we moved up the years, Random Forest was observed to be the preferred choice to classify fraudulent data [2][4][6]. It was better at overcoming the errors caused by highly imbalanced data in the fraud detection dataset. This occurs because each tree is generated by a random vector and each tree votes for the most popular category to classify the inputs. Random Forest’s generalization performance is superior. Although it did extremely well, it had a high training time and didn’t provide excellent results while working with a huge dataset. XGBoost, a step above Random Forest, significantly reduced training times and increased the efficiency of memory usage [24][9]. However, in the year 2017, a faster algorithm based on decision trees was released by Microsoft by the name of Light Gradient Boosting Machine or LightBGM. It is lighter and faster than XGBoost hence, we selected that as our classifier [8].
In this paper, we establish a fraud detection system based on the Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) techniques of LightGBM and XGBoost. Also, the data processing done is related to feature engineering. The hidden knowledge behind the data is gained through the cleaning, correction, extraction, selection, and summary of a vast number of data attributes. Our goal is to extract the different information between the upcoming Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) model in better achieving the goal of detecting fraudulent transactions, to find various behaviour patterns of actual users and fraud activity patterns in the data.
A. Organisation of the Paper
Section 2 discusses the related work – the base concepts and the reasons for choosing those concepts. Section 3 talks about the proposed system – a brief breakdown of our system, analysis of the dataset, and application of feature engineering techniques.
In section 4 we discuss the results of our machine-learning model. In section 5, we discuss our results and show the comparison between LightGBM and XGBoost models. The performance of the algorithms is compared with respect to recall, f1 score, and AUC score parameters. Lastly, in section 7 we conclude our paper.
A. Ensemble Learning
Ensemble learning requires combining the strengths of a number of simpler base models to generate a prediction model. It can be broken down into two tasks: developing a population of base learners from the training data, and then combining them to form the composite predictor [11].
Ensemble learning methods exploit multiple machine learning algorithms to produce weak predictive results based on features extracted through a diversity of projections on data, and fuse results with various voting mechanisms to achieve better performances than that obtained from any constituent algorithm alone [10].
Ensemble learning has two methods that serve as umbrella terms for several methods under them: The first is averaging methods, the driving principle here is to make multiple estimators individually and average their predictions. On average, the combined estimators are usually better than the individual base estimators because of the small variance [12]. This includes methods such as Random forests, bagging ensembles, etc.
The second, in contrast to the first, is boosting methods. Here, base estimators are built sequentially, and one tries to reduce the bias of the combined estimator. The motivation is to combine several weak models to produce a powerful ensemble [12]. Examples of these are AdaBoost, and Gradient tree boosting (LightGBM, XGBoost, etc.)
Ensembles have been shown to be an efficient way of improving predictive accuracy or/and decomposing a complex, difficult learning problem into easier sub-problems [13].
B. XGBoost
XGBoost or Extreme Gradient Boosting is a large-scale, distributed general-purpose Gradient Boosting library, or a Boosting iterative method [18]. The XGBoost model has the following benefits: great generalization, high expandability, and quick processing speed. A series of base classifiers make up the XGBoost algorithm. Decision trees, KNN, SVM, logistic regression, and other algorithms are among the available base classifiers. Following the determination of the base classifier, the base classifiers are linearly overlaid to optimize the method.
C. LightGBM
Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) techniques have been shown to be among the top machine learning algorithms. And LightGBM is one of the superior ones. Both LightGBM and XGBoost are decision tree-based algorithms. The difference in them arises from how the trees are formed. LightGBM splits the tree leaf wise according to the best fit unlike XGBoost, which splits the tree depth wise. This means that when growing on the same leaf in LightGBM, the leaf-wise algorithm can reduce more loss than the level-wise algorithm leading to much better accuracy which can rarely be achieved by any of the existing boosting algorithms [21-23]. It is intended to be distributed and efficient. It offers the benefits of increased training efficiency and speed, reduction in memory utilization and better precision. Parallel, distributed and GPU learning are all supported, and it can deal with massive amounts of data.
D. Performance Metrics
The predicted values right or wrong are given a label on the basis of their correctness.
Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)
6. Precision: Percentage of correct positive predictions out of all positive predictions.
Precision = TP/(TP+FP)
7. Recall or True Positive Rate (TPR): Percentage of correct positive predictions out of all the actual positive values.
Recall = TP/(TP+FN)
8. F1-Score: Combines precision and recall into one single metric. Harmonic mean of precision and recall or the weighted average of precision and recall.
F1 score = 2*(Precision*Recall)/(Precision+Recall)
9. False Positive Rate (FPR): Percentage of incorrect negative predictions out of all the actual negative values (actual negative values predicted as positive).
False Positive Rate = FP/(FP+TN)
10. ROC AUC Score: The term ROC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristics and AUC refers to the area under the curve. To speak about the ROC AUC score, we must first establish the ROC curve. It's a graph that depicts the trade-off between the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR). Basically, we calculate TPR and FPR for each threshold and plot them on a single chart. Naturally, the higher the TPR and the lower the FPR for each threshold, the better, therefore classifiers with more top-left-side curves are better. The more top-left the curve is the higher the area and higher the ROC AUC score.
We used Recall and ROC AUC as our performance metrics. Precision and Recall are sensitive to imbalanced data. Given a dataset, if actual positive values increase, true positive rates also increase. And if all the values in the dataset increase, actual negative values may also increase, meaning the value of true negative also increases. Hence, Recall is a good measure for imbalanced dataset as it can change significantly with a change in the values of TP and TN.
AUC is a better performance measure than accuracy for comparing learning algorithms [19]. The closer the ROC score to 1, the better will be the classifier. ROC AUC is a better measure of classifier performance than accuracy because it does not bias the size of test or evaluation data. Accuracy is always biased on the size of test data.
Another reason to use metrics other than accuracy for imbalanced data is that accuracy is insensitive to it [20]. This is because as the skew in our data increases, predicting the accuracy also increases - giving an illusion that our model is doing good. If some data has 1 fraudulent transaction and 99 nonfraudulent transactions, if the model always predicts nonfraudulent transactions, its accuracy will be 99%. Since our data is heavily skewed, judging the model’s performance on the basis of accuracy will not be correct.
To get the most efficient results, every stage of our project had to be analyzed in detail. Our project is divided into the following steps:
A. IEEE-CIS Dataset
The dataset transaction table and the identification table are the two types of tables in the IEEE-CIS dataset. The key transaction id connects these two types of tables, however not all transactions provide identity information. The data has been classified into two categories: isFraud = 0 or isFraud = 1. However, because some characteristic information is still missing, we clean and pre-process the data before combining it to create the final training data. We can examine the two tables separately in order to better handle data.
Table I - Transaction Table
Name |
Description |
Type |
Transaction ID |
ID of transaction |
ID |
isFraud |
Binary values |
Categorical |
TransactionDT |
Transaction date |
Time |
TransactionAmt |
Transaction amount |
Numerical |
card1-card6 |
Card (credit card) |
Categorical |
ProductCD |
Product code |
Categorical |
addr1-addr2 |
Address |
Categorical |
M1-M9 |
Anonymous features |
Categorical |
P_email domain |
Purchaser email domain |
Categorical |
R_email domain |
Receiver email domain |
Categorical |
dist1-dist2 |
Country distance |
Numerical |
C1-C14 |
Anonymous features |
Numerical |
D1-D15 |
Anonymous feature |
Numerical |
V1-V339 |
Anonymous features |
Numerical, Categorical |
Table II - Identity Table
Name |
Description |
Type |
TransactionID |
ID of transaction |
ID |
DeviceType |
Type of device |
Categorical |
DeviceInfo |
Device information |
Categorical |
id01-id11 |
Identification data |
Numerical |
id12-id38 |
Identification data |
Numerical, Categorical |
The above-mentioned dataset is highly skewed, meaning, the ratio of fraud and non-fraud data is drastic.
Fig. 2 Comparison of fraudulent and non-fraudulent data
To deal with data of such nature, it is essential to clean and analyze it to extract the essential or useful attributes. By performing feature engineering, we were able to reduce many features that were redundant or highly correlated which could have easily biased our model and led to overfitting. We will elaborate on these techniques further.
B. Data Pre-processing
Since the dataset stage deals with data loading and integration. We focused on reducing the memory of the dataset and eliminating highly correlated columns. Removing collinear features can aid in the generalization of a model while also improving its interpretability. If the correlation coefficient exceeds the threshold, those collinear features are removed. Finally, we used frequency encoding for training and testing. Frequency encoding is the optimal solution for this data since one hot encoding and label encoding are not suitable for the nominal categorical data.
???????C. Data Analysis
Since the dataset has over 1 million samples, it is necessary for us to get rid of unnecessary data and extract valuable information from usable data. Data mining and feature engineering are performed on the dataset to clean the data and handle missing values. While cleaning the data, we deleted the columns which have a greater percentage of missing values. We deleted the columns having only 1 unique value and having more than 90% missing values.
A very important attribute in the dataset is TransactionDT, but on its own, it is not very helpful. To obtain more accurate information from it, we used a time series split. Because raw time-series data usually only has one single column to describe the time attribute, namely date-time, feature engineering is critical in this area. Regarding this date-time data, feature engineering can be seen as extracting useful information from such data as standalone (distinct) features - day of the week, month, hour, etc. With the help of data visualization, we can get an insight of the data and visual graphs of the same.
To give an example, we can observe from Fig.3 that in December, the Fraud rate decreased. The month of December is prominent in both train and test datasets.
Fig. 3 Month-wise fraud rate
Similarly, in the following Fig. 5, we can see that the fraud rate tends to increase from the beginning of the week and tends to decrease on Friday and Sunday.
Fig. 4 Day and week wise fraud rate
Further, we individually analysed categorical variables to either reduce their size, combine columns, or extract meaningful data by splitting them further. We found that in the DeviceType attribute, test data had new devices train data didn’t have. To sort that anomaly, we replaced those missing values with nan values. Then to get an idea of the device types, we visually represented it. It is interesting to see here that most fraudulent transactions have taken place from mobile phones (Fig. 6).
Fig. 5 Device type distribution of fraud |
For the attributes R_emaildomain and P_emaildomain, we split them into the mail server and domain name (.com, .net, .jp, .fr, etc.). Hence two new useful attributes were created out of one which made processing easier.
This stage dealt with dropping highly correlated columns, creating aggregated features, handling missing values and reducing the memory and dimensionality. Reduction of dimensionality was done by using frequency encoding for nominal categorical variables. Finally, the datasets were saved in pickle format.
???????D. Model Building and Evaluation
PCA is a popular strategy for speeding up Machine Learning algorithms by removing linked variables that don't aid decision making. The training time of the algorithms is considerably decreased by having fewer features. Furthermore, when a dataset has too many variables, over fitting occurs. As a result, PCA helps Gto alleviate over fitting by reducing the number of features. PCA was applied to the ‘V’ columns for 62 features.
Section 3 elaborated on ensemble learning, LightGBM and XGBoost model and the reason why we chose to use it. It is particularly good at dealing with a large amount of data.
The confusion matric and the AUC ROC curve for our LightGBM model are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively.
Since we were dealing with a heavily skewed dataset, we gauged the performance of our model with F1and ROC AUC. Table III shows the comparison of ROC, Recall and F1-score for LightGBM and XGBoost. As seen from the table, LightGBM outperforms XGBoost in all the above metrics for the same dataset.
Table III - Comparative Analysis
Model |
Recall |
F1 Score |
LightGBM |
0.9547 |
0.8337 |
0.4478 |
XGBoost |
0.8824 |
0.2704 |
0.4117 |
LightGBM (Fig. 8) performs better than XGBoost (Fig. 9) in terms of training time and memory use as well.
Fig. 8 Training time for LightGBM Fig. 9 Training time for XGBoost
In this paper, a machine learning based model---LightGBM---has been used for effective detection of financial fraud. Its effectiveness is verified on the IEEE CIS dataset. The imbalance or skewed nature of the dataset has been investigated in this project. Data pre-processing, particularly feature extraction, has been crucial to the performance of this model, as it is for any machine learning workflow. This model has displayed effective handling of imbalanced cases in credit card fraud, showing an ROC-AUC score of 0.95, Recall of 0.83 and, F1-score of 0.45 and performing better compared to the XGBoost Model on the same dataset which gave an ROC-AUC score of 0.94, Recall of 0.47 and, F1-score of 0.41.
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Copyright © 2022 Disha A. Date, Rugvedi Y. More, Rutuja P. Harne, Mr. Dilip M. Dalgade. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET47432
Publish Date : 2022-11-12
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here