This ?r?je?t ?resents rese?r?h ?n ele?tri?ity ?r?du?ti?n using ? ??mbin?ti?n ?f therm?ele?tri? gener?t?rs ?nd therm?ele?tri?ity. M?st ?f the he?t energy in industry is dissi??ted ?s w?ste he?t t? the envir?nment. This ex?ess he?t ??n be reused t? ?r?du?e ele?tri?ity. The ?r?blems ?ss??i?ted with gl?b?l w?rming ?nd the dwindling su??ly ?f f?ssil fuels h?ve m?de im?r?ving the effi?ien?y ?f ?ny industri?l ?r??ess ? ?ri?rity. ?ne w?y t? im?r?ve effi?ien?y is t? devel?? meth?ds th?t utilize w?ste he?t is ?ften w?sted. Tw? ?r?mising te?hn?l?gies th?t were f?und t? be useful f?r this ?ur??se were therm?ele?tri? gener?t?rs ?nd he?t ?i?es. Theref?re, this ?r?je?t inv?lved m?king ? ben?h ty?e, ?r??f ?f ??n?e?t m?del ?f ??wer ?r?du?ti?n by therm?ele?tri? gener?t?rs using he?t ?i?es ?nd simul?ted h?t ?ir.
In re?ent ye?rs, ?n in?re?sing ??n?ern ?f envir?nment?l issues ?f emissi?ns, in ??rti?ul?r gl?b?l w?rming ?nd the limit?ti?ns ?f energy res?ur?es h?s resulted in extensive rese?r?h int? n?vel te?hn?l?gies ?f gener?ting ele?tri??l ??wer. Therm?ele?tri? ??wer gener?t?rs h?ve emerged ?s ? ?r?mising ?ltern?tive green te?hn?l?gy due t? their distin?t ?dv?nt?ges. ?revi?us rese?r?h sh?ws th?t TEG ?s ? w?ste he?t h?rvesting meth?d is useful. Due t? distin?t benefits ?f Therm?ele?tri? gener?t?rs, they h?ve be??me ? ?r?mising ?ltern?tive green te?hn?l?gy. Therm?ele?tri? gener?t?r dire?t ??nverts w?stehe?t energy int? ele?tri??l ??wer where it is unne?ess?ry t? ??nsider the ??st ?f the therm?l energy in?ut. The ???li??ti?n ?f this te?hn?l?gy ??n ?ls? im?r?ve the ?ver?ll effi?ien?y the ?f energy ??nversi?n systems.
? therm?ele?tri? ??wer gener?t?r is ? s?lid st?te devi?e th?t ?r?vides dire?t energy ??nversi?n fr?m therm?l energy (he?t) due t? ? tem?er?ture gr?dient int? ele?tri??l energy b?sed ?n “Seebe?k effe?t”. The therm?ele?tri? ??wer ?y?le, with ?h?rge ??rriers (ele?tr?ns) serving ?s the w?rking fluid, f?ll?ws the fund?ment?l l?ws ?f therm?dyn?mi?s ?nd intim?tely resembles the ??wer ?y?le ?f ? ??nventi?n?l he?t engine. Therm?ele?tri? ??wer gener?t?rs ?ffer sever?l distin?t ?dv?nt?ges ?ver ?ther te?hn?l?gies..
In recent years, global warming and restrictions on the use of energy sources have increased environmental problems in terms of emissions. The ability of the thermal power system to contribute to "green" technology, especially waste heat recovery from industrial emissions. A large amount of waste heat is discharged into the earth's environment, much of it at temperatures too low to be recovered by conventional generators. The proposed structure is a multi-part and multi-stage distributed network. The goal is to solve the problems faced by traditional single-stage systems and promote the application of TEG in the industrial environment.
Finding a suitable method for electricity through the TEG module and collecting literature on the study.
To design the parameters of heat exchanger TEG
To develop much cleaner noise less cost effective different way of power generation method.
Jihad Haider, Jameel I. Ghozel, "Recovering waste heat from low-powered diesel engine exhaust using thermoelectric generators, 20th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (2001), p. Recovering and using waste heat.
Bibliography 2: 2017 International Conference on Smart, Monitored and Controlled Cities (SM2C), Kerkena, Tunisia 59, 17, 19, February 17 , Document 2, we analyzed the thermoelectric generator and its technical parameters.
Document Review 3: Ahad Hussain Aladdin, Shanshui Yang, Yazu Liu, Fang Cao, DC Bus, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference 2017 2017 and Excerostite Heatmal Power Review with Cover Conditioning for IcE for Temperature Using Conditioning Power Supply for Asia | From the study of 2017, 3 documents, we have studied other types of refrigeration systems and different types of refrigerants.
Documentary Study 4: Arash Edwin Rise, IEEE Transactions on Electrical Energy Conditioning Systems, Transport Electrification for Thermal Waste Heat Recovery in Commercial Vehicles, 2018, p. 216, Document 4 study, we find out how to recover waste heat from automotive applications.
Literary Survey 5: T.J. Zhou, Y.Q. Cao, F. Yan and X.B. Zhao, Nanostructuring and Thermoelectric Properties of Semiconductor Tellurides, 2007 International Conference on Thermoelectrics. From Literature Survey 5 we learned about thermoelectric material and its properties.
In the concept of this project it has invented an exhaust gas based thermoelectric power generator for industries application. In this invention, the exhaust gases in the pipe provide a heat source for the thermoelectric power generator. Therefore, the project proposes and implements a thermoelectric waste thermal energy recovery system from exhaust heat from machines operating in industries. Using a thermoelectric generator is crucial to convert electrical energy directly from industries waste heat into electrical energy.
TEG ??nsists ?f ?ne h?t side ?nd ?ne ??ld side. The h?t side with higher tem?er?ture, will drive ele?tr?ns in the nty?e leg t?w?rd the ??ld side with l?wer tem?er?ture, whi?h ?r?ss the met?lli? inter??nne?t, ?nd ??ss int? the ?ty?e leg, thus devel??ing ? ?urrent thr?ugh the ?ir?uit.
If tem?er?ture differen?e is ke?t ??nst?nt, then the diffusi?n ?f ?h?rge ??rriers will f?rm ? ??nst?nt he?t ?urrent, hen?e ? ??nst?nt ele?tri??l ?urrent.
We can generate maximum power using series / parallel connecting thermoelectric generators
Body heat also generates heat, which is used to generate power to charge portable devices such as laptops and mobiles using TEG.
Installing the radiator on the vehicle means that the vehicle battery will be charged automatically.
Clean, low noise, low cost.
It is an unconventional system, does not require fuel
Easy maintenance, portable, low charging time (maximum temperature)
Promising technology to solve the power crisis economically.
Simple in construction, pollution free, minimizes transmission losses.
Wide application field # Requires less space
It can be used anytime and when needed.
Requires a small number of components.
We can charge any electronic device
Electricity can be used for many purposes
Effective and eliminate grid search.
Improper variation of temperature gradient difference can damage TEG, complex design.
Proper maintenance is required every time.
Thermoelectric generators are primarily used where power generation is low.
The amount of heat that is applied and dissipated in many vehicles. We can use this listening to power using TEG.
Automobile vehicles use TEG to generate heat used to generate electricity.
Recharge the battery where the waste heat is received.
Self-charging the battery by applying TEG to the radiator or two wheeler silencer pipe.
W?ste he?t re??very is the ?r??ess ?f ???turing ?nd reusing w?ste he?t fr?m industries ?nd using it t? gener?te ele?tri??l ??wer. It will ?ls? hel? d??ument im?r?vements in m??hine effi?ien?y ?nd emissi?ns if these te?hn?l?gies ?re ?d??ted by m?nuf??turing industries. If this therm?ele?tri? system ??n?e?t is ???lied ?n ? ?r??ti??l level, ? l?rge ?m?unt ?f ele?tri?ity ??n be gener?ted, whi?h will be used t? ??er?te the industri?l l??d itself. In ?dditi?n, ? l?rge ?m?unt ?f ??lluting w?ste he?t is ?ls? ??ntinu?usly used in this system. ?nd these industries ?ls? hel? in ?ne w?y ?r ?n?ther t? ?r?te?t the ??lluted envir?nment.