Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Sudheer Chandra, Tanu Rizvi
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.42651
Certificate: View Certificate
This paper presents a model based on physical and structural industrial load control. Lighting is an important service for all industries. Depending on the type of industry, industrial lighting consumes 2 to 10% of total energy. Innovation and continuous improvements in the lighting industry have opened up considerable opportunities for energy efficiency in the area. Lighting is a space that, during the design process, provides a wide range of energy efficiency by combining new & advance energy-saving bulbs, lamps and gears, as well as high performance techniques. It only provides an indication of some of the options a power auditor may consider when conducting an industry analysis. Energy conservation and exploration of new energy options is an acceptable solution to meet the growing demand of industry in the future. The implementation of energy research can improve equipment efficiency and thus reduce energy losses.
Power availability is a critical factor in the country's economic progress. In today's world, energy is extremely valuable, and India ranks third in the world in terms of overall energy consumption. By 2030, the country's power usage is predicted to exceed 4 trillion units. Fossil fuels, particularly coal, dominate the country's electricity sector. The Indian government is working to enhance renewable energy investment, with a goal of 175 GW capacity by 2022 [1]. As of 31 December 2021, In India, the total installed capacity of electric power generating plants owned by various electric utilities was 393389.46MW. The following is a breakdown of the share of various types of generating stations:
Thermal power plants - 235218.72MW Hydro power plants - 46512.22MW Nuclear power plants – 6780MW Renewable Energy Source - 6780.0MW[3]
In fiscal year 2021, the industry sector consumed the most energy, accounting for 41% of total consumption in India. The domestic sector came in second with 26% of the vote. Traction and railways, on the other hand, accounting for 1% of India's total electricity consumption. [3] Energy conservation entails lowering energy usage without compromising quantity or quality. A comprehensive energy management programme starts with energy conservation, which leads to proper equipment rating, the adoption of max-efficiency technology, and a shift in habits that waste a lot of energy. [4] Problem rise in electrical equipment due to many factors such as ageing of the device, ageing of the wires used, dust factor, humidity, and various factors, the quality and performance of this electrical system is distorted [5]. As an outcome, electrical energy is lost and transformed to heat energy, lowering system efficiency and increasing power consumption. It is possible to bring down losses by using the methodology energy audits, which aids in determining the overall operation of the electrical system. If there are any leaks, they will be discovered and repaired. As a result, the methodology energy auditing activity will aid in the long-term durability of electrical and electronic equipment [6].
Vandana global limited, Power plant industrial area phase-2, Siltara Raipur, Chhattisgarh, undertook an energy audit to determine the power plant's energy usage and losses in the lighting sector. Energy Audit can include a variety of activities, depending on the type of energy assessment and the objectives of the energy research center. The power test can start by looking at the electrical account to see how much energy is used. The study was conducted by various researchers with a variety of methods to assess energy consumption in [7], who said that by using the results of energy research they could strive to reduce their energy costs by reducing costs. Energy auditing is needed to reduce energy debt and reduce energy losses. Governments should take steps to make periodic inspections of industrial buildings compulsory. [8] Electricity is a very important factor in private and public health. Power testing is a useful way to determine the energy consumption of a building and to determine the best solution. Regular power inspections will expose energy consumption and waste, and help identify new energy saving opportunities. [9] Decreased energy consumption indicates a decrease in carbon emissions. Power assessment is a powerful tool for identifying and evaluating a complete energy management system. Energy Auditing is a compelling tool for isolating and evaluating a complete energy management system. This approach can be important in an industry that is cost-effective and costs a few different benefits such as improved creativity, higher profitability, better quality, and the most important fulfillment of the goal of saving energy in the world.
A. Energy Audit
An energy audit examines a building's energy usage in order to determine the elements that contribute to increased energy consumption. The information acquired during the inspection serves as the foundation for the suggestions made to reduce energy expenditures. An energy audit entails a complete walkthrough inspection by a qualified energy auditor, who will then offer a report detailing their findings as well as proposals for energy efficiency improvements. [10]
An energy audit allows us to better understand how electricity is used in the industry and to find out locations wherever energy is wasted and where there is opportunities for improvement. An energy audit must meet the following criteria: [11, 12]
B. Need of Energy Audit
The demand for electricity is increasing every day. More energy sources will be required to meet this requirement. Fossil fuels produce both energy and pollution, both of which are damaging to humans. [13]. Pollution testing and emission calculators are available online and are used to measure pollution levels and environmental emissions. Strength testing will decrease the environmental effect directly or indirectly [14]. The functions of energy research are,
Energy testing is a major and important step money. It may seem that organizational power research provides a point of reference for controlling energy use and provides a better system of vital energy use in the organization. [15]
C. Types of Energy Audit
Energy auditing is the most effective way to reduce energy debt and usage in the commercial and non-commercial industries [16]. The type of strength test that must be performed is determined as
There can be three types of energy audits [17], and they are walk-through energy audits, target energy audits, and detailed energy audits.
D. Walk through Energy Audit
Audit your energy usage. It's also known as a preliminary audit because it's a primitive surveying audit in which the auditor only verifies an organization's energy usage. No substantial steps for energy usage will be made in this type of energy audit. It's the first step in the auditing process, as well as the simplest and least expensive. And it's focused on the regions that use the most energy. [18]. The walk-through energy audit takes less time to complete than spam.
The auditor will locate the energy usage area and compile a comprehensive list of energy-saving strategies [19].
The certified energy manager, certified auditor, or professional engineer is in charge of the walkthrough audit. For finding an Energy saving strategy, walkthrough energy audit details are insufficient. The auditor can operate with greater precision and profitability in less time. The auditor obtains all of the information of an organization from this sort of energy audit, which are then used in a detailed energy audit [20, 21]. The walkthrough energy audit's will include: -
1. Determining energy use in an organization.
2. Determine the amount of energy consumed in a company.
3. A brief interview with the organization's point of contact.
4. During this form of auditing, the only primary problem area will be addressed.
5. To determine the most likely (and easiest) solutions to cut consumption and enhance efficiency metrics [22].
6. To discover improvements and cost cutting opportunities (special/low-cost).
E. Targeted Energy Audit
A walk through energy audit the results of targeted energy tests. A detailed study of a particular project is provided by this research method. This method of energy research varies depending on the type of institution, whether corporate, local, or industrial building, but detailed knowledge and data are required for all sectors.[23,24] The results are suggestions for what action to take. A clear and concise energy report, as well as an application for "how to improve energy efficiency," should be presented. The following are the objectives of targeted energy research:
F. Detailed Energy Audit
A comprehensive energy audit or an investment-grade audit are also terms used to describe this type of assessment. A detailed study of prospective capital-intensive upgrades, including design and control, may be necessary as part of the comprehensive energy audit. A comprehensive energy audit may necessitate collecting data over a long period of time and delivering accurate energy usage and savings statistics so that contractors know exactly what solutions to deploy. [27]. The detailed energy audit was conducted in three parts [28], namely, the pre-audit phase, the audit phase, and the post-audit phase, as shown in Figure 1.
The first phase or step of intensive energy research is the phase of previous research. For the duration of the pre-study phase, the energy auditor plans and arranges the energy audit. all through this step, a proper interview with the chief government officer (CEO), plant manager, energy manager, and challenge supervisor turned into held. At this factor, a brief assembly with all the heads and the proper man or woman is convened. [29]. The Auditor-General or the Auditor-General plans to take the following steps during the previous research phase.
Under this phase, we schedule a schedule within 1 week where we do observation, evaluation, and analysis industry. The program is given in the following table.
Table -1
Schedule of energy audit phase-1
S.No. |
Analysis Observation and inspection |
Result |
1. |
Plan & organized a walkthrough audit of plant with plant Manager |
Done |
2. |
Conduct a Awareness program with department |
Done |
3. |
Organize a survey and monitoring |
Done |
4. |
An analysis of Power Consumption |
Done |
5. |
Finding and developing energy efficiency opportunities |
Done |
6. |
Choosing the instruments that will be utilised in an energy Audit |
See Table |
7. |
Inspection and report to upper Management |
See Table |
Table-3 Instruments used for Audit
S.No |
Electrical Measuring Instrument |
1. |
Lux Meter |
2. |
Power Analyser |
3. |
Synergy Meter |
4. |
Pitot Tube & Manometer |
5. |
Contact/Infrared Thermometer |
2. Phase -2 Audit Phase
a. Energy Saving Of Lighting System
Several areas are found during the industry audit as spots where savings are effectively guaranteed. After determining the right places, a lighting count is required. The following are the most popular ways to save energy on lighting systems
b. Led Lights In Place Of Old/Defective Lights
G. Bill Analysis
Power consumption by 300 Bulb in 1 hours =48.80kWh Power consumption by 300 Bulb in 1 day =48.80X14
Power consumption by 300 Bulb in 365 days= 249368kWh
A. FAD Test for Compressors (Conveying Air)
B. Observations
C. Recommendations
???????D. Notable /Remarkable Points for Energy Savings
3. Manometer / differential pressure gauge should be installed across the suction filter for easily identification of duty suction.
The author is grateful to M/s Vandana Global ltd’ Siltara Phase-II Raipur CG, for giving chance to conduct an energy audit. I am particularly grateful to Ramnaresh Choubey, assistant manager {energy audit} that help me to write this paper.
\"Energy saved is energy generated,\" says a famous quote. This shows that, in addition to increasing generation capacity at a higher price, an energy audit is required to conserve electricity at a considerably lower cost. Because the demand for electricity is always on the increasing, power companies are under pressure to expand capacity to fulfil the demand. Because industries are the largest electricity consumers, the authors conducted a case study of an industrial unit to achieve this goal. The information presented in this paper demonstrates how we can save electricity by making improvements to the system and making it more energy efficient. The government needs to make an energy audit compulsory for each industrial facility in the country.
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Copyright © 2022 Sudheer Chandra, Tanu Rizvi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET42651
Publish Date : 2022-05-13
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here