Today there is a need for an alternative source of energy for transportation sector. The use of e-bike as a mode of transportation is the most promising step towards developing green transportation. The basic aim behind the project is to make an environmental friendly portable automobile that would be easy to handle by everyone. Specially for physically challenged people. This project is designed for carrying single person. This project is designed taking into consideration of non-polluting, cost effectiveness. Two 12V batteries used to drive the motor, chassis is made by using the steel, controller for electric motor, wheels are used.
As the population is increasing there is increase in demand of automobiles. Due to increase in automobiles, people will require space for driving and also for parking. As we know there is limited space available and due to increase in the number of cars on roads they are causing traffic congestion and with that they require a place for parking. In addition to these, pollution is also a priority nowadays. The pollution is reaching new limits day by day. So the idea of a foldable and portable vehicle comes into concept. The Foldable e-bike is a bike which can be folded easily, hence it does not require the parking place. Transportation has become one of the most significant concerns to address in the current circumstances, since commuting from one location to another within the city has become a time-consuming and costly task. Due to its compactness it can be used in various shopping malls, industries, college campuses etc. foldable e-bike can be used to cover short distance at many instances. Electric bikes have simultaneously gained popularity in many regions of the world. Design of this project will be completely focused on comfort to the rider.
Design of Electric Bike with Higher Efficiency Rahul Sindhwani[1]:From this paper it can be found that they are focused on the improvement of efficiency of E-bike. Generally the speed of E-bike is in the range of 40-45 km/hr at maximum. So there they increase the speed of E-bike and design the aerodynamic shape in such a way that the efficiency of E-bike is improved
Design and Fabrication of Power Scooter Nirmal Bhargava[2]:It is specially designed for those who having difficulty in moving or walking frequently from one place to another. An electric scooter is different from a wheelchair which is motorized, and is generally used for indoor use.
Design and Development of Compact Three Wheeled Foldable Electric Moped AdityaGanjapure[3]:This paper discuss in detail about design, fabrication methodology and characteristics of compact three-wheeled foldable electric moped. It also discuss in detail about the main components of this electric moped and its working operation.
Design, fabrication and performance analysis of solar power bicycle Rajendra al.[4]: Analyzed about the design, assembly and performance of solar powered bicycle.
Design and Analysis of Tricycle Powered by Solar Energy Jean Pierre al.[5] : Analyzed and designed a tricycle which requires less physical effort for driving. Specifically designed for covering long distance.
Design and development of solar powered hybrid tricycle Mr. Prashant Kadi.[6]: Designed solar powered hybrid tricycle with efficient conversion of trapped solar energy into electrical energy and storing it in the battery for using in the absence of sunlight.
Feasibility Study of a Partially Solar Powered Electrical Tricycle Mohammad al.[7]: Feasibility Study of a Partially Solar Powered Electrical Tricycle. It is observed that the solar charging energy that is obtained to charge the battery bank rises gradually as the solar radiation increases throughout the day. The maximum energy is obtained from 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM.
Electric Bicycle Using Batteries and supercapacitor D. M. Sousa[8] : They investigate electric converters. In this paper an electronic converter using two electric sources connected through two DC-DC converters is described having potential application in electric bicycles or in other vehicles for individual use without internal combustion engines.
Design and Fabrication of Hybrid Electric Bike Jerin Sam[9] :This paper is about designing a electric bicycle. Now-a-days there are so many vehicles on road, which consumes more fuel and also hazards environment. Taking this into consideration they have taken step towards reducing the use of more fuel consuming vehicles and attract the eye of people towards its alternatives i.e. Electric bicycle.
Customer perception towards electric two-wheeler innovation Hemanth Kumar.G[10]:The research paper is about study on customer’s perception towards electric two-wheeler. The objective of the study is to identify the factors that influence electric bikes purchase. It was found that factors related to customer perception are charging time, a smaller number of models, distance travelled for one full charge and environmental concern.
To design and develop three wheeler foldable electric vehicle.
To develop a light weight e-bike which can be portable and eco-friendly.
To optimize the cost.
The steps involved in this are as follows
Literature Survey
Material Selection
Conceptual Design
Components used are Battery, Shaft, Sprocket, Wheels, Fasteners, Motor, Seat
The aim of this project is design and build a coaxial, light weight vehicle which will consume less space for parking and can be carried along. This aim has achieved and a foldable three wheeler e-bike has manufactured. The structural design has considered concurrently with component selection, aesthetics, and ergonomics to minimize mechanical, electrical and rider integration problems. It can be used in college campuses and industrial areas to minimize the walking distance. As it is electric motor powered, it is easy to operate. The vehicle is compact, light weight, has simple design and hence easily portable. Cost of manufacturing is moderate.
[1] Rahul Sindhwani, Punj L. Singh , Anjum Badar , Ankur Rathi “Design of Electric Bike with Higher Efficiency” International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2014) 247-251
[2] Sasank Sekhar Panda , Nirmal Bhargava , Kamal Lochan Pradhan , Prashanta Mishra “Design and Fabrication of Power Scooter” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
[3] Aditya Ganjapure, Palash Kawale, Mangesh Deshpande Roshan Patil “Design and Development of Compact ThreeWheeled Foldable Electric Moped” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 5 Issue 05, May-2016
[4] Rajendra Beedu “Design, fabrication and performance analysis of solar power bicycle” International Journal of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering Vol. 02, No. 03 (July 2014).
[5] Jean Pierre Twajamahoro, Emmanuel Mudaheranwa “Design and Analysis of Tricycle Powered by Solar Energy” International Journal of Science and Research,IJSR , 2018
[6] Mr. Prashant kadi “ design and development of solar powered hybrid tricycle” IJRAR, July 2018, volume 5, issue 3
[7] Md.Fahim Bhuiyan, Mohammad Rejwan , “Feasibility Study of a Partially Solar Powered Electrical Tricycle” (4th International conference ICEEICT),2018
[8] D. M. Sousa P. J. Costa Branco J. A. Dente DEEC ACEnergia /CAUTL, Instituto Superior Técnico, TU Lisbon DEEC AC-Energia, “Electric Bicycle Using Batteries and supercapacitor” Institute Superior Técnico, TU Lisbon Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 – 1049-001 Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal
[9] Jerin Sam.C.Rb “Design and Fabrication of Hybrid Electric Bike” International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (7) (2021) Page 1061-1066
[10] Hemanth Kumar.G “Customer perception towards electric two-wheeler innovation” Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 26, No. 2, 2020