Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Lohitha Lakshmi Kanchi, Chandana Sri Narra, Guna Mantri, Madhupriya Palepogu, Chandra Sekhar Reddy Mettu
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.59255
Certificate: View Certificate
The recognition of emotions plays a vital role in various fields such as neuroscience, cognitive sciences, and biomedical engineering. This particular project is centered on the development of a system for recognizing emotions through EEG signals. The main goal is to accurately classify different emotional states like valence and arousal by analyzing EEG brain wave patterns. The study is based on the DEAP dataset, which contains EEG and peripheral physiological signals recorded as participants interacted with video clips and music. The main objective is to explore and compare the efficacy of two classification techniques: Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). A total of 20 electrodes are used to identify and differentiate among 12 emotional states. The principal focus is on arousal and valence-related trends utilizing Russell\'s Circumplex Model, which depicts emotions on a two-dimensional plane determined by these two factors. This model allows for the visualization of emotions within this framework based on their levels of arousal and valence. By conducting extensive training and testing on the DEAP dataset, the accuracy of each classifier in predicting emotional states, including valence and arousal, is evaluated. This comparative assessment helps in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each method for emotion recognition using EEG signals.
Emotions represent intricate psychological and physiological states that encompass diverse subjective sensations, actions, and bodily reactions. They hold a pivotal role in human encounters, shaping our perceptions and engagements with the surrounding environment. Emotions are commonly distinguished by their positivity, negativity, or neutrality, the degree of their intensity, and specific attributes like happiness, sorrow, anger, fear, or disgust.
Due to the increasing availability of various electronic devices in recent years, people have been spending more time on social media, playing online video games, shopping online, and using other electronic products. However, most human- computer interaction (HCI) systems today lack emotional intelligence, which means they are unable to analyze or understand emotional data. These systems cannot identify human emotions and use that information to inform choices and behaviors. Human emotions can be identified by behavior, speech, facial expressions, and physiological cues.
The first three approaches are subjective and unreliable, as subjects may purposefully hide their genuine feelings. It is more reliable and objective to identify emotions based on physiological signals. EEG (electroencephalography) is a technique used to record the electrical activity of neurons in the brain by placing electrodes on the scalp. By leveraging technologies such as EEG signals, we can delve deeper into individuals' emotional states, paving the way for more personalized and responsive systems.
This introduction sets the stage for exploring the real-world requirements and applications of emotion recognition technology, highlighting its transformative impact across diverse fields.
The Russell's Circumplex Model, proposed by James A. Russell, is a psychological model used to understand and measure emotions. It organizes emotions according to two main dimensions: valence and arousal. The model arranges emotions in a circular or wheel-like structure, hence the term "circumplex." The circle was divided into quadrants, with each quadrant representing a different combination of valence and arousal.
For example, high arousal and positive valence emotions such as excitement or joy would be in one quadrant, while low arousal and negative valence emotions such as sadness or lethargy would be in another quadrant.
A DNN architecture is designed and trained using labeled datasets to learn complex relationships between features and emotions. They achieved accuracies of 89.3% and 74.33% for valence and arousal, respectively.
11. Choi et al. used EEG signals from the DEAP dataset to train the LSTM model, enabling the classification of arousal and valence levels associated with mental states. The LSTM architecture enables the model to capture temporal dependencies in the EEG signals, facilitating accurate classification of emotional states in which the achieved valence and arousal accuracies are 78% and 74.65%, respectively.
12. Xiaofen Xing et al. used Sparse Autoencoder (SAE) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to enhance the accuracy of emotion recognition from multi-channel EEG signals. This approach utilizes the capabilities of SAE for feature learning and LSTM for capturing temporal dependencies in EEG data, in which the accuracies achieved are 81.10% and 74.38% for valence and arousal, respectively.
13. Salma Alhagry et al. present an EEG-based emotion recognition system employing LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks. It focuses on leveraging LSTM networks to capture temporal dependencies in EEG signals, enhancing emotion classification accuracy. This demonstrates promising results in discerning emotional states from EEG data, indicating the potential of LSTM models in this domain. The obtained accuracies for valence and arousal are 85.45% and 85.65%, respectively.
14. Hao et al. investigated whether adding synchronization measurements would enhance the way EEG signals were represented. This study shows that adding synchronization measurements improves the discriminative attributes for tasks involving the detection of emotions. They obtained 70.21% and 71.85% accuracy for valence and arousal, respectively, using SVM for classification.
15. Samarth et al. used both CNN and DNN models, respectively. For CNN, they converted the DEAP data into 2D images to classify effectively. Finally, for the DNN model, their valence and arousal accuracies are 75.78% and 73.125%, respectively. For CNN, the valence and arousal classification accuracies are 81.406% and 73.36%, respectively.
16. Lohitha et al. analyzed two different datasets, RAVDESS and TESS, which included seven distinct feelings: neutral, happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgusted, and startled. In the raw audio wave, noise, stretching, shifting, and pitching. have been employed to do the preprocessing and data augmentation that have taken place. The research focuses on using voice signals to reliably discern emotions.
17. Bhargavi et al. examines the use of genetic algorithms (GA) to assess and distinguish between breast cancer tumour and normal breast gene data sequences. GA is a population-based evolutionary algorithm that employs mutation and crossover to forecast the best solutions. The research intends to create a progressive framework for distinguishing between cancer and non- cancer data sequences.
An Emotion Analysis Database incorporating brain electrical waves and physiological signals captured while individuals react to external stimuli. The collection, known as DEAP, comprises brainwave, environmental, and facial signal recordings observed during the viewing of 40 music videos selected to evoke a wide range of emotions. The study involved 32 healthy participants aged between 19 and 37, with an average age of 26.9 years.
Data were collected from 40 channels, including 32 EEG and eight physiological channels. Each music video lasted 63 seconds, consisting of a 3-second preparation phase and a one-minute viewing duration. Post-viewing, participants rated the videos on the Valence, Arousal, Dominance, and Liking scales, serving as standard metrics for each individual.
Arousal signifies the intensity of one's emotions, with higher values indicating stronger feelings and lower values suggesting weaker emotions, ranging from placid to excited. Valence measures the level of pleasure in one's emotions, with higher values reflecting happier and more positive feelings and lower values indicating a more negative emotional state, ranging from unpleasant to pleasant.
The EEG signals were captured using a 512 Hz sampling rate. Their EEG data were downsampled to 128 Hz and then averaged to the common reference, after which eye artifacts were removed and a high-filter bandpass was applied.
A. EEG Signal Processing:
The EEG data were downsampled to 128 Hz. Electrooculography (EOG) is a technique used to measure the corneo-retinal standing potential between the front and back of the human eye. To remove the noise produced from this type of eye movement, a method for removing EOG artifacts in the EEG called Automatic Removal of Ocular Artifacts is applied. A bandpass frequency filter was used to generate bands 4.0–45.0 HZ. The data were segmented into 60-second trials, and a 3-second pre- trial baseline was removed.
B. Feature Extraction:
EEG signals are high-dimensional data that may contain many features. The major goal of feature extraction in the emotion recognition process using EEG data is to obtain information that effectively reflects an individual’s emotional state. Subsequently, this information can be used in emotion classification algorithms. The accuracy of emotion identification is primarily determined by the extracted features. Therefore, identifying key EEG properties of emotional states is vital.
Typical methods include statistical metrics of the signal's first difference (i.e., median, standard deviation, kurtosis symmetry, etc.), spectral density (i.e., EEG signals with specific frequency bands), logarithmic power (Log BP) (i.e., power of a band within the signal), Hjorth parameters (i.e., EEG signals described by activity, mobility, and complexity), wavelet transform (i.e., decomposition of the EEG signal), and fractal dimension (i.e., complexity of the fundamental patterns hidden in a signal). EEG signals were classified into five categories based on the variation in frequency bands: delta (0.5–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), beta (13–30 Hz), and gamma (30–45 Hz).
The FFT uses a 256-window that averages the band power of 2 seconds per video, with the window sliding every 0.125 seconds.
C. Feature Selection:
In this study, we employed an effective feature selection technique called Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (MRMR).
MRMR operates iteratively by selecting one feature at a time. At each step, it calculates the feature with the maximum score among the remaining unselected features using either a difference (relevance minus redundancy) or a quotient (relevance divided by redundancy) approach.
We considered the readings from the EEG electrodes as features and selected various numbers of features using the top 10 and 20 channels from a set of 32 channels and started our research.
Two different classification problems are posed: low or high arousal and low or high valence. Because there are only two levels for each classification problem, the continuous rating range per class is thresholded in the middle, such that if the rating is greater than or equal to five, then the video or trail belongs to the high class; otherwise, it belongs to the low class.
A. Long Short Term Memory
LSTM stands for Long Short-Term Memory, which is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture designed to handle sequence prediction problems and learn long-term dependencies in data.
Unlike traditional RNNs, LSTM networks have a more complex structure, with a series of gates that control the flow of information. These gates include an input gate, forget gate, and output gate, each responsible for regulating the information that enters and exits the memory cell. This mechanism helps LSTM networks selectively remember or forget information over long sequences, making them particularly effective for tasks such as speech recognition, language modeling, and time series prediction.
We would love to express our appreciation for all of the guidance and support we received in completing this paper. We express our gratitude to Dr. N. Sri Hari, our project coordinator, and Dr. K. Lohitha Lakshmi, our project guide, for their invaluable assistance and direction throughout the project.
In this research, we propose an EEG-based technique for recognizing emotions. Unlike other approaches, our strategy improves the prediction accuracy of LSTM and CNN emotion classifiers based on two-dimensional emotion models (i.e., valence and arousal) by using the MRMR feature selection method as a signal preprocessing step. Furthermore, in comparison with the state- of-the-art emotion recognition techniques, the problem becomes more realistic and the training task becomes more challenging. Based on the findings, we can conclude that increasing the number of channels enhances the performance of both LSTM and CNN models in predicting valence and arousal. Furthermore, the LSTM model outperforms the CNN model, especially when the number of channels is enormous.
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Copyright © 2024 Lohitha Lakshmi Kanchi, Chandana Sri Narra, Guna Mantri, Madhupriya Palepogu, Chandra Sekhar Reddy Mettu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET59255
Publish Date : 2024-03-21
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here