Emotion is a subjective phenomenon, utilizing knowledge and science behind tagged data and extracting the components that comprise it has been a difficult challenge. With the advancement of deep learning in computer vision, emotion identification has become a popular research topic. This Project presents feature extraction of facial expressions using a neural network combination for the recognition of various facial emotions (sad, happy, neutral, angry, surprised, fear). Convolution Neural Network has been used to achieve a accuracy of 75%, which have excellent recognition of image features. Haar-Cascade has been used to find the region that contains the face, so the model has to only work with the region which has face.
This Paper helps to accurately recognize an emotion of an individual through his facial expressions. Nonverbal communication is possible through facial expressions. This paper uses convolution neural networks to identify facial features. We will use Haar-Cascade to detect the face in a region which is the input to the convolution neutral networks which will then classify the expressions shown by the individual.
A. Machine Learning
Machine Learning is the technique which allows machines to learn in a way as learnt by humans. Machine Learning uses various algorithms, and these algorithms are divided into three categories namely supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. In this project supervised learning is used.
B. Supervised Learning
Supervised Learning is the process in which machines are trained with labelled training data which is given as input. This training data contains both the input and its corresponding output. CNN is a supervised learning algorithm that is mainly used for image recognition. CNNs are trained by using large datasets which contain labeled images, during the training phase the network learns to recognize features and patterns which are associated with corresponding classes or objects. Once the CNN is trained it will be able to classify new images, and extract features.
C. Objective
The objectives of this paper is:
To effectively and efficiently recognize emotions through facial expressions.
To make use of CNN which helps in classifying the extracted features accurately.
D. Scope
The scope of this paper is given below:
To recognize emotions accurately based on training data.
To help various departments and sectors to implement facial recognition to extract emotions.
This project helps in recognizing facial emotions of criminals, Drivers.
A. Problem Definition
Emotions can be recognised based on brain activity, brain activity of an individual can be analysed by using Electroencephalography (EEG). We cannot accurately determine emotions solely based on the EEG signals, it depends upon other factors. Various complex electronic devices are used in EEG which are expensive and need specialised crew to make it function properly. Signal receptors are placed on individuals head to transfer brain activity signals to the EEG monitor which analyses the signals. These signal receptors restrict the movement and are prone to electronic interference and disturbance which may effect the accuracy of signals.
B. Problem Analysis
We are using facial expressions which are fed to CNN as input and we obtain features (Emotions) as output. This can be performed on a computer have a webcam without requiring any specialised hardware with accuracy almost similar to the expensive brain activity detectors. It works on TensorFlow framework which allows the program to be platform independent and can be made to work on various platforms such as web apps, android apps, iOS apps.
C. System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Processor : Intel core i3
Speed : 2.70 GHz
RAM : 4GB (minimum)
Hard Disk Space : 32GB minimum)
2. Software Requirements
Operating System : Windows 10
Technology : Python 3.6 version
IDE : PyCharm
A. Modules Used
The system contains three modules:
B. Modules description
TensorFlow: Tensorflow is an open-source free software library used for deep learning applications. It is also used in machine learning applications such as neural networks. It allows a program to be deployed across variety of platforms independent of what type of architecture they use. The name TensorFlow is derived from operations that are performed by neural networks on multidimensional data arrays, which are referred to as tensors. A tensor is the data unit, and it consists data in the form of arrays which may be of any dimension. Rank of a tensor can be determined by its number of dimensions.
OpenCV: OpenCV stands for Open Source Computer Vision Library. It was built to provide infrastructure for computer vision applications. It is a collection of various types of algorithms which are mainly used for recognition of faces and objects.
NumPy: NumPy is a package which performs all scientific computing operations. It offers several tools for performing operations on arrays.
C. Use-Case Diagram
Use-Case diagram represents the behaviour of system. It provides information about the system functionality by adding use cases, actors, and their relationships.
Emotion Recognition can have various applications in various sectors and departments. In this CNN were used to perform emotion detection. Using this we have achieved an accuracy about 75%. This can be implemented by anyone having a PC and a webcam without the need of any specialised hardware. This works on TensorFlow framework which allows the program to be ported to different platforms and applications. In future further study can be made in the direction of allele of gene matching to the geometric factors of the facial expressions. The genetic evolution can also be studied using facial expression recognition.
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