Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Rutvij Patel
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.56757
Certificate: View Certificate
Structural engineering relies heavily on loading. It is imperative that structural engineers or their relevant peers possess knowledge of the various loading types and their effects on structural elements. The structure cannot be constructed if the loading notion is not understood. Building a structure is impossible without comprehending this step. For instance, the analysis might not be correct and the building might collapse if there is no wind load conduction in a high-rise structure. This document covers the idea of loading, different types of loading, and how they affect structural parts.
A force, distortion, or acceleration applied to structural parts is referred to as a structural load or structural action. In a structure, a load results in stress, deformation, and displacement. Engineering's topic of structural analysis examines how loads affect structures and structural components. When designing a structure, excess load should be considered and kept under control as it can lead to structural failure. Specific mechanical structures are subject to unique structural loads and actions, including ships, submarines, aircraft, satellites, rockets, and space stations. Engineers frequently assess structural loads using established guidelines, agreements, or specifications. Acceptance testing and inspection follow recognized technical standards.
Static forces that remain mostly constant over a lengthy period are known as dead loads. They could be compressed or in strain. The phrase can be used to describe a material or structure's typical use or a process used in laboratory testing. Typically, live loads are changing or fluctuating loads. These may consider factors like impact, momentum, vibration, fluid slosh dynamics, etc. and may have a substantial dynamic component. An impact load is one that is applied to a material for a duration shorter than one-third of the material's natural vibrational period. A structure may fail, sustain cumulative damage, or experience fatigue damage because of cyclic loads. These loads may be the result of vibrations or recurrent loads applied to a structure.
A. Loads on Architectural and Civil Engineering Structures
In building design, structural loads are a crucial factor to consider. Building codes mandate that structures be constructed in a way that allows them to securely withstand any activity that they may encounter while still being functional. These construction codes include minimum loads or actions for different types of structures, locations, uses, and building materials. By origin, structural loads are divided into many types. Dead and live loading have the same effect on a structure's actual load; nevertheless, the division is made for analytical purposes on more complicated models or for use in safety calculations.
Building regulations stipulate that loads for structural design must be enhanced by load factors to satisfy the requirement that design strength be higher than maximum loads. The theoretical design strength divided by the greatest load anticipated in service is approximately what these load factors represent. They are designed to assist in achieving the intended degree of structural reliability using probabilistic analyses that include the origin, recurrence, distribution, and static or dynamic character of the load.
Types of Loads
1) Dead Load
The weight of the structure itself and immovable fixtures like walls, carpet, or plasterboard are included in the dead load in Fig 1. Dead load refers to loads that are relatively constant across time. Another dead load is the roof. Another name for dead loads is static or persistent loads. Construction materials are not considered dead loads until they are permanently erected. Building materials, parts, and components are given in unit weight by IS875(part 1)-1987.
a. Wind Load
The force that results from wind blowing against a building and acting on its heights is referred to as the "wind load." To prevent structural collapse, wind forces must be safely and effectively absorbed by the building's structural design and sent to the foundations in Fig 3. When wind engineering is used to analyze tall buildings, wind is typically determined to be the dominating load and to be primarily a horizontal force. The structural systems that support dead loads and other internal gravity loads produced by the building are typically not integrated with those that support wind loads. Wind loads can be challenging to anticipate with accuracy since they usually depend on the wind velocity and the form (and surface) of the building. Any consequences of over- or under-pressure may be exacerbated by the design of the building. Wind overpressures on the windward side (facing the wind) can force windows in, while under pressure (suction) on the leeward side (sheltered from the wind) can force windows out. Both a round building as opposed to a square shape and a glass-clad structure with an extremely smooth profile will usually deflect the wind significantly more successfully than one with a sculpted or textured profile.
Buildings are typically built to withstand extremely powerful winds, especially if they are extremely tall (above 250 meters). This is done by considering variables such design wind speed, which is dependent on the region and historical meteorological data (average wind velocities). By passing wind forces through their floorplates, into the structural core, and finally down to the foundations, tall buildings can counteract wind forces.
b. Snow and Rain Load
Snow is made up of individual ice crystals that form while in suspension in the atmosphere, mainly inside clouds. After falling to the ground, where they accumulate, the crystals undergo additional transformations. It is made up of frozen crystalline water at every stage of its life cycle Fig 4. Under the right circumstances, ice crystals begin to form in the atmosphere, grow to the size of millimetres, precipitate, and pile on surfaces before changing into a different form in situ and finally melting, sliding, or sublimating away. Snowstorms form and grow because they feed on cold air and moisture in the atmosphere. By drawing supercooled water droplets to the environment, snowflakes form around these particles and crystallize into hexagon-shaped crystals. Snowflakes can take on many different shapes, but the most common ones are needles, columns, platelets, and rime. Snow may blow into drifts when it builds up into a snowpack. Snow accumulates throughout time and changes through sintering, sublimation, and freeze-thaw cycles. A glacier may form in areas where the environment is cold enough for accumulation over time. Other than that, snow usually melts seasonally, replenishing groundwater and generating runoff into rivers and streams.
Within clouds, which are a component of a broader meteorological system, snow forms. Temperature and moisture content are two of the many variables that affect the mechanics of snow crystal formation in clouds. There are several fundamental forms and combinations of them that occur from the falling and fallen crystals. Occasionally, when there is a clear sky and a very cold temperature inversion, certain plate-like, dendritic, and stellar-shaped snowflakes can develop.
c. Seismic Loading
One of the fundamental ideas of earthquake engineering is seismic loading, which is the application of a seismic oscillation to a structure. It occurs at a structure's contact surfaces with the ground or with other structures.
The force or shaking that a structure encounters during an earthquake is referred to as seismic load. When designing and analyzing buildings, bridges, and other structures that are situated in seismically active areas, this factor is crucial. Seismic load calculations consider various parameters, including the kind of soil, the weight of the structure, its dynamic properties, and the intensity and duration of ground shaking.
d. Hydrostatic Load
Any loads or pressures arising from the static mass of water at any point when floodwater meets a structure are referred to as hydrostatic loads Fig 5. They act perpendicular to the surface they are applied on and are equal in all directions.
Fluid mechanics' study of fluids at hydrostatic equilibrium and "the pressure in a fluid or exerted by a fluid on an immersed body" is known as fluid statics or hydrostatics.
Unlike fluid dynamics, which is the study of fluids in motion, it includes the study of the circumstances under which fluids are at rest in stable equilibrium. Fluid statics is the study of all fluids at rest, compressible and incompressible. Hydrostatics is a subdivision of fluid statics.
e. Temperature Load
Temperature is a physical quantity that represents hotness or coldness in quantitative terms. A thermometer is used to measure temperature. It represents the kinetic energy of the constituent atoms' vibrations and collisions in Fig 6.
Different temperature scales, which have historically relied on different reference points and thermometric substances for definition, are used to calibrate thermometers. The Celsius scale (°C, formerly known as centigrade), the Fahrenheit scale (°F), and the Kelvin scale (K), which is primarily used for scientific purposes, are the most widely used scales. One of the seven foundational units in the International System of Units (SI) is the kelvin.
f. Ponding Load
Ponding is the term for the (usually undesirable) collection of water, usually on a road or flat roof. Ponding water speeds up the deterioration of various materials, especially roofing asphalt, steel equipment supports, and seam adhesives used in single-ply roof systems. Ponding water on low-slope asphalt roofs causes the asphalt's oil solvent components to seep out and evaporate, making the roof membrane brittle and prone to breaking and leaking where the ponding occurs. The term "ponding time" or "time of ponding" refers to how long it takes for water to saturate an area, usually because of rainfall.
g. Frost Heaving
A soil-building interaction known as "frost heaving" occurs when the freezing process causes the soil to expand inside. Structures that impede soil expansion cause frost heaving-induced pressure, or FHIP (Xu et al., 1995).
h. Lateral Load
The mixture of organic materials, minerals, gasses, liquids, and creatures that makes up soil—also called earth or dirt—allows plants and soil organisms to survive. Certain scientific definitions differentiate between dirt and soil by limiting the former term to soil that has been moved.
i. Flood Load
A flood is the result of water (or, occasionally, other) overflowing and submerging normally dry land. The expression "flowing water" can also refer to the tide's inflow. Floods are a major concern in public health, civil engineering, and agriculture. They are studied in the field of hydrology. The frequency and severity of flooding are frequently increased by human-caused environmental changes. Examples of these changes include deforestation and wetlands removal, modifications to waterway courses or flood control measures like levees, and more significant environmental problems like climate change and sea level rise.
j. Permafrost Load
Permafrost, which derives from the words "permanent" (perma) and "frost," is defined as soil or aquatic silt that consistently stays below freezing temperatures (32 °F) for at least two years in Fig 7. The earliest known permafrost dates back around 700,000 years. The deepest permafrost is more than 1,500 m (4,900 ft), while the shallowest has a vertical area of less than one meter (3 ft). Likewise, the extent of distinct permafrost zones could be confined to slender mountain peaks or encompass enormous Arctic regions. Permafrost is often found beneath a "active layer" of soil on land, which freezes and thaws according on the season. Permafrost is not typically characterized as the ground beneath glaciers and ice sheets.
4. Other Loads
a. Fire Loading
A structure fire, such as a barn fire, is a fire that affects the structural elements of a variety of residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. Commercial buildings include offices and shopping centres, whereas residential buildings include tower blocks, townhouses, and single-family detached homes. As opposed to wildfires, car fires, chimney fires, "room and contents" fires, and other outdoor fires.
Engines, ladder trucks, rescue squads, chief officers, and an EMS unit are the traditional fire department responses to structure fires. Each will be assigned a specific task at first. Each fire department will have a different real reaction and set of assignments.
b. Explosion Loading
An explosion is the quick expansion of a specific amount of matter's volume accompanied by an intense energy release that typically results in the creation of high temperatures and the release of gasses under high pressure. Another way that slower, less forceful expansion might cause explosions is if it is prevented from expanding, which means that when the pressure inside the expansion breaks the material that is trying to expand, the forceful expansion of the matter results. A volcanic eruption, which is caused by magma expanding in a magma chamber as it rises to the surface, is an illustration of this. Detonations, or supersonic explosions produced by powerful explosives, propagate by shock waves. Deflagration, a slower combustion process, is how low explosives produce subsonic explosions. This word's onomatopoeia is boom.
5. Load Combinations
When multiple different types of loads act on the structure, a load combination is created. Building codes typically outline a range of load combinations along with load factors (weightings) for every type of load to guarantee the structural integrity under various maximum anticipated loading scenarios. A staircase, for instance, might have a live load factor of 1.6 times the highest anticipated live load and a dead load factor of 1.2 times the structure's weight. To find the "required strength" of the staircase, these two "factored loads" are summed together.
Based on the likelihood of surpassing any given design load, the load factor's magnitude is determined. When it comes to structural members, architectural elements and finishes, large pieces of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) equipment, and buildings, it is common practice to include a Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL) of approximately 5 pounds per square foot (psf) to account for miscellaneous weight such as bolts and other fasteners, cabling, and various fixtures or small architectural elements. This results in dead loads having small load factors, such as 1.2.
However, live loads—which include furniture, movable equipment, and people themselves—may increase above typical or anticipated levels in some circumstances. For this reason, a greater factor of 1.6 is used to try and quantify this additional unpredictability. A maximum factor of 1.6 will also be used for snow, although a realistic load factor of 1.0 will apply to lateral stresses (such as wind and earthquakes). Different methods can be used to put multiple loads together, for example, 1.2*Dead + 1.0*Live + 1.0*Earthquake + 0.2*Snow, or 1.2*Dead + 1.6(Snow, Live(roof), OR Rain) + (1.0*Live OR 0.5*Wind).
6. Aircraft Structural Loading
Limit loads and ultimate loads are the two main classifications of loading for aircraft. The utmost loads that a structure or component is safe to support is known as its limit load. The limit loads multiplied by 1.5, or the point at which a component or structure will fail, are the ultimate loads. A body like the Federal Aviation Administration provides the scientifically established gust loads. The ability of buildings to withstand the deceleration of a significant ground impact serves as a loose limit on crash loads. Ground loads and pressure loads (for pressurized, high-altitude aircraft) are additional loads that could be crucial. Loads on the ground may result from manoeuvring or adverse braking when taxiing. Aircraft experience cyclic loads continuously.
Loading concepts do not grasp when and how to apply them, which leads to intense complications. First, the analysis is inaccurate since there are no clear concepts. As a result, the structure\'s life expectancy is not reached and its purpose is undermined. Second, the structure can collapse or use more material than necessary if the load path of a particular element of the structure is unknown. The last thing to remember is that the building cannot be constructed if the load is not identified. To prevent all these issues, loading principles are recommended in this document.
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Copyright © 2023 Rutvij Patel. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET56757
Publish Date : 2023-11-18
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here