Facial expression conveys non-verbal cues, which play a crucial role in social relations. Facial Expression Recognition is a significant yet challenging task, as we can use it to identify the emotions and the mental state of an individual. In this system, using image processing and machine learning, we compare the captured image with the trained dataset and then display the emotional state of the image. To design a robust facial feature recognition system, Local Binary Pattern(LBP) is used. We then assess the performance of the suggested system by using a database that is trained, with the help of Neural Networks. The results show the competitive classification accuracy of various emotions.
A person's facial expressions serve as a medium of communication in verbal and nonverbal communication because they are the outward expression of their affective response, line of thinking, intent, and persona. Generally, gestures or facial expressions or even involuntary languages are used by humans to express their emotional state, instead of verbal communication. It has been studied for a long time and has made significant progress in recent decades. Despite the progress, identifying and understanding facial expressions accurately is still challenging since the complexity is very high and the variety of facial expressions are too many. It has the ability to become a very useful, nonverbal way for people to communicate with one another in the near future. What matters is how well the system detects or extracts facial expressions from images. It is gaining popularity because it has the potential to be widely used in a variety of fields such as lie detection, medical assessment, and human-computer interface.
A. Facial Expression Recognition
Facial expression recognition is the process of classifying the expressions on face images into various categories, such as anger, disgust, sorrow, happiness, surprise and so on. Human relations rely heavily on facial expressions. Recognition of these expressions can prove to be useful to understand the individual’s emotions and their way of communication.
B. Haar Cascade Classifier
Viola-Jones Face Detection Technique, popularly known as Haar Cascades,is an object detection algorithm used to identify faces in an image or a real time video. It uses edge or line detection features which Viola and Jones described in their research paper, named Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features. The algorithm is given a lot of positive images containing faces, and a lot of negative images not consisting of any face for it to train. Haar Cascades is described in detail in section 3.
C. Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
Local Binary Pattern is a technique used for feature extraction. The original LBP operator initially points all the pixels in an image with decimal numbers, which are called LBP codes. These LBP codes of each pixel then encode the structures that are local to or around every pixel. The value of each pixel is then compared with its eight neighboring pixels in a 3x3 neighborhood by removing the center pixel value, which is the pixel itself. As a result, the non-negative values are encoded as 1 and the negative values are given 0. For a particular pixel, we get a binary number by combining all the neighboring binary values in a clockwise direction, starting from any one of its top-left neighbors [1]. Thus, the decimal values for every binary number generated is obtained and used for labeling that particular pixel. The binary numbers obtained are known as LBPs or LBP codes.
D. Convolutional Neural Networks
A convolutional neural network is an architecture in deep learning that usually directly learns from the data, thus reducing or eliminating the manual effort needed for feature extraction. Convolutional neural networks perform better than other neural networks with image, speech, or audio signal inputs. There are 3 important types of layers of ConvNets: Convolutional layer, Pooling layer and Fully-connected layer. These layers eliminate the need for manual feature extraction, produce highly accurate recognition results and can be retrained for new recognition tasks, enabling us to build on pre-existing networks.
Facial expressions not only represent the emotions of an individual but also their mental state, the way they think and communicate. So, due to its significance in our lives, detecting them and analyzing them has become quite important and active in terms of research [2]. It can be applied in various fields which require analysis of facial expressions. The most commonly used analysis methods and the comparison between them are presented in [3].
Approaches for extracting facial movement and deformation and classification techniques are addressed not only with regard to issues including face normalization, the dynamics of facial expression, and the intensity of facial expression, but also their robustness to environmental changes [4].
In paper [5], a brand-new technique for detecting facial signals that relies on alterations to the position of the facial points captured in a video showing a close-up of the face was introduced. The existing systems use techniques to detect the entire face of the user. The paper [6] suggests the use of Local Binary Pattern to develop a robust facial expression detection system that can give more accuracy by locating only certain landmarks of the face.
The proposed system offers a solution which minimizes the resources required for identification of emotion using facial features. The trained face detector scans an image by a sub-window at various scales. A cascade classifier made of several stage classifiers tests each sub-window. If the sub window clearly does not consist of a part of the face, one of the initial stages in the cascade will reject it. If it is difficult to identify, a more specific one will further classify it.
The proposed system uses the Haar Cascades or Viola-Jones Technique to identify if the images consist of a face or not. If a face is present, the areas containing eyes, mouth are determined and cropped out from the image. Sobel edge detection method is used to detect filters and edges, followed by feature extraction. We train the feature extraction model using the neural networks and then use it to classify the emotions.
A. Phases in Facial Expression Recognition
After detecting the face and extracting features from the images, we classify them into six classes belonging to six basic expressions. The system includes the training and testing phase followed by image acquisition, face detection, image preprocessing, feature extraction and classification.
Image Acquisition:Images used for facial expression recognition are static images or image sequences. Images of faces can be captured using web camera.
Face Detection: Face Detection is carried out on a training dataset using a Haar classifier called the Viola-Jones face detector. It uses the intensity in different parts of the image to get the difference in the average intensities. It consists of black and white connected rectangles. The difference of the sum of pixel values in these regions is the value of the feature.
Image Pre-processing
The major part of any image pre-processing is noise removal and normalization against variation of the pixel position. It includes:
a) Color Normalization
b) Histogram Normalization
4. Feature Extraction:We use the image of the face after preprocessing for extracting the significant features from it. Such features are identified and extracted using the Linear Binary Pattern algorithm, which is described below.
5. Local Binary Pattern: As described in section 1.2, LBP codes are obtained for each pixel. Further extension of LBP is to use uniform patterns. We consider the binary string as circular and check if there are any transitions from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. If any such transitions are present, the LBP is said to be uniform.
6. Classification:The dimensionality of data obtained from the feature extraction method is very high so it is reduced during classification. Features take different values for objects belonging to different classes so classification will be done using CNN. A typical architecture of a convolutional neural network contains an input layer, some convolutional layers, some fully connected layers, and an output layer at the end. The CNN is designed with some modifications on LeNet Architecture. The architecture of the Convolution Neural Network used in the project is shown in the following Figure 3.1.1.
We can say that the model was successfully able to detect and classify various human emotions. There is a difference in the accuracy obtained from the model as the landmark positions of the face are known and fixed, i.e. the mouth and both the eyes. So it can be concluded that this method can be used instead of a traditional face detection, which requires locating more landmarks. A good combination of efficiency and accuracy can be achieved using Haar Cascades for detection and identifying various types of emotions through neural networks.
[1] Dornaika, Fadi & Bosaghzadeh, Alireza & Salmane, Houssam & Ruichek, Yassine. (2014). Graph-based semi-supervised learning with Local Binary Patterns for holistic object categorization. Expert Systems with Applications. 41. 7744–7753. 10.1016/j.eswa.2014.06.025.
[2] Y. Tian, L. Brown, A. Hampapur, S. Pankanti, A. Senior, and R. Bolle, “Real world real-time automatic recognition of facial expression,” in IEEE PETS, Australia, March 2003.
[3] B. Fasel and J. Luettin, “Automatic facial expression analysis: a survey,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 36, pp. 259–275, 2003.
[4] Fasel, Beat & Luettin, Juergen. (1999). Automatic Facial Expression Analysis: A Survey.
[5] Srivastava, Saumil. (2012). Real Time Facial Expression Recognition Using a Novel Method. The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications. 4. 10.5121/ijma.2012.4204.
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