Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Sonal Tripathi
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.61108
Certificate: View Certificate
Grievance handling systems in organizations like BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) are crucial for maintaining employee satisfaction, ensuring a positive work environment, and addressing concerns effectively. While specific details about BSNL's internal processes might not be publicly available, I can provide you with a general outline of how a grievance handling system in such a large organization might work:
Employees can submit grievances through various channels, such as online portals, email, dedicated grievance hotlines, or physical grievance boxes placed in offices. Grievances can range from issues related to work conditions, harassment, discrimination, policies, or disputes with colleagues or supervisors. Upon receiving a grievance, the system records the details ,including the nature of the grievance, the person filing it ,date, and relevant context. A designated grievance redressal team or committee assesses the grievance to understand its validity and seriousness.
The committee might conduct interviews, collect evidence, and talk to relevant parties involved. If the grievance is found to be valid, efforts are made to resolve the issue. This could involve mediation, counseling, or other conflict resolution techniques. In cases of harassment or discrimination, strict actions are taken against the guilty party, ensuring a safe working environment for all.
If the employee is dissatisfied with the initial resolution, there might be an escalation process where the grievance is reviewed by higher management or an independent ombudsman. After the resolution, the system ensures that the agreed-upon actions are implemented.
Feedback is collected from the aggrieved party to evaluate the effectiveness of the resolution process. Based on the types of grievances received, organizations implement preventive measures such as training programs, policy revisions, or awareness campaigns to avoid similar issues in the future.
"Grievances" refer to concerns, complaints, or dissatisfaction expressed by individuals or groups regarding their experiences, treatment, or conditions within an organization. These concerns can relate to various aspects such as employment practices, workplace environment, policies, procedures, or interactions with others. Grievances may arise from perceived injustices, unfair treatment, discrimination, harassment, or other issues that impact the well- being or rights of individuals within the organization. Addressing grievances promptly and effectively is essential for maintaining a positive organizational culture and fostering trust among stakeholders.
A. Grievance handling Mechanism
A grievances handling mechanism is a structured process designed to address and resolve complaints, concerns, or issues raised by individuals within an organization. It typically involves clear procedures for lodging complaints, impartial investigation, and accountability, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing organizational trust and satisfaction among stakeholders.
B. Scope of the study
The scope of a grievances redressal mechanis mis like the boundaries or limits of what it deals with and who it helps. It includes:
C. Need of the Study
The need for studying grievances redressal mechanisms lies in several key are as:
A grievance is any discontent or feeling of unfairness and in the workplace, it should pertain to work. The objective of this report is to determine the effective handling of the grievances faced by an employee. The study identifies the most common factor for arising the grievances are wages and salary, working environment, promotions, transfer, lack of communication, inter- departmental relationship, etc. The study also looks for the root of grievance faced by an employee, grievance handling techniques, and the management procedures of resolving the grievances. Effective grievance handlingis an essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running the organization smoothly, successfully and gaining the good productivity of work. The employer must identify the cause of grievance and to find the possible way to redressal the grievance face by an employee in an organization.
BSNL, formed on September 15, 2000, through the corporatization of the Department of Telecom Services, inherited its functions, excluding those in Delhi and Mumbai. The government, during corporatization, ensured BSNL's viability by offering measures to support its operations, even for socially desirable yet uneconomic services. BSNL is wholly owned by the Government of India, with an authorized share capital of Rs. 1,50,000 Crores and a paid-up capital of Rs. 38,886.44Crores, which will increase to Rs.2,10,000 Crores due to approved capital infusion. In FY 2022-23, its audited total income was Rs. 20,699 Crores. With expertise in planning, installation, and maintenance of telecom networks, BSNL also boasts a world-class ISO9000 certified Telecom Training Institute.
The telecom services provided by BSNL:
Each of these services underscores BSNL's commitment to leveraging technology to provide comprehensive telecom solutions to its customers, addressing both traditional and modern communication needs
A. BSNL Vision
2. To be a Customer-Focused Organization with Excellence in Customer Care and Marketing:
3. Leverage Technology to Provide Affordable and Innovative Telecom Services/Products Across Customer Segments:
B. Mission
2. Excellence in Customer Service
3.Tailored Products and Services
4. Profit ability and Asset Optimization
C. Objectives
SNL offers a wide range of telecom services with advanced technology, serving a customer base of 1,079.77 Lakh subscribers. Here are the details:
BSNL operates a vast switching network with 20,920 exchanges, providing 163.29 Lakh lines to serve 65.36 Lakh customers.
2. Wireless Services:
3. Broad band Services
4. Value Added Services(VAS)
BSNL provide savariety of Value Added Services to both landline and mobile customers, typically through third-party partnerships on a revenue-sharing basis.
According to Aswathappa.K, a grievance can be defined as any feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction, regardless of whether it's expressed or not, and whether it's considered validor not. It arises from anything connected with the company that an employee perceives as unfair, unjust, or inequitable.
Features of a grievance include:
The formal mechanism for addressing a worker's dissatisfaction is known as a grievance procedure. Procedures for resolving employee grievances may vary based on factors such as organizational structures, decision-making processes, or the size of the company. Large organizations typically have formal grievance procedures involving a series of steps.
Wyman (1971)In 1971, Wyman suggested that executives should provide a written solution to distressed subordinates regardingthe outcome of grievance resolution. He emphasized that unlike oral responses, written answers must adhere to established protocols set by management. Written responses should be devoid of any extraneous details and strictly focus on addressing the grievance.
Aprinted response is essential for grievance management as it serves as a record, particularly if the same issue arises in the future. Recorded grievance resolution results arealso necessary if the grievance is escalated to the next step in the grievance procedure, asper the Industrial Harmony Code for Conduct.
Karambayya and Brett (1989) Intheir1989research, Karam bayya and Brettidentified four roles that managers play in handling employee grievances.
Chaykowski & Slotsve, (1992); Tan, (1994). Ivancevich (2001)Chaykowski & Slotsve (1992) and Tan (1994), along with Ivancevich (2001), highlight that supervisors should handle grievances with care. They should gather all relevant facts, conduct thorough investigations, and provide responses. Once the grievance is resolved, managers should address any additional issues that may arise
Some of the studies regarding the grievance handling mechanism have been mentioned below:
"Grievance Handling Procedure in ITES Companies" by M.R. Vidhya, any discontent or dissatisfaction experienced or perceived by an employee in a company, if not addressed properly, is considered a grievance. When employees join a company, they have certain expectations, and if these expectations arenot met over time, discontent arises, which can manifest as grievances if not handled effectively. No company is entirely free from grievances, but every company should have a proper mechanism for addressing them. Grievances serve as upward communication, alerting management to potential problems in advance. Grievances can be real or imagined, valid or invalid, genuine or false. Addressing employee grievances is crucial as they can lead to unhappiness, frustration, low morale, and negatively impact production.
2. Effectiveness of Grievance Handling procedures-“A study of Bhilai Jaypee Cement limited” byMs. Madhavi Sukhdani
Jai Prakash Associates Limited (JAL) and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) entered into a Shareholders Agreement on March 21st, 2007, marking thelargest joint venture between SAIL and a private corporation. Under this agreement, SAIL would contribute 26% of the total equity, with the remaining 74% being contributed byJAL. The joint venture company ,named "BHILAIJAYPEECEMENT LIMITED"(BJCL), was incorporated on April 11th, 2007, in collaboration with Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL), aiming to produce 2.2 MTPA of cement in Bhilai & Satna.
Theemployeestrengthfortheclinkerisationplantwas400. Inlarge organizations like this, where there are numerous personnel across various levels, it becomes challenging for managers to monitor each individual or be involved in every aspect of the work. Therefore, having a grievance procedure in place is essential. The primary value of a grievance procedure lies in its ability to minimize discontent and dissatisfaction, which can have adverse effects on cooperation and productivity. This paper aims to study the effectiveness of the grievance handling procedure at Bhilai Jaypee Cement Limited.
A grievance is any dissatisfaction or feeling of injustice having connection with one?s employment situation which is brought to the attention of operation. Speaking astronomically, a grievance is any dissatisfaction that negatively affects organizational relations and productivity. To understand what a grievance is, it's necessary to distinguish between dissatisfaction, complaint, and grievance
According to Michael Jucious, „ grievance is any disgruntlement or dissatisfaction whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company which an hand thinks, believes or indeed feels to be illegal, unjust or inequitable In short, grievance is a state of dissatisfaction, expressed or unexpressed, written or unwritten, justified or unjustified, having connection with employment situation.
A. Features Of Grievances
The crucial features of grievances are
B. Causes Of Grievances
C. Effects of Grievances
Grievances, if not identified and redressed, may adversely affect workers, managers, and the organization.
2. On Employees
3. On Managers
D. Types of Grievances
E. Grievance Handling Process
A grievance procedure is a way for employees to address their concerns internally. It's often included in collective bargaining agreements and involves steps to resolve disputes.
Here's how it typically works:
An effective grievance procedure provides a way for employees to address concerns, potentially preventing serious issues or legal action.
At this stage of the process, three outcomes are possible:
The next step involves the next level of supervisor. In most union environments, the employee is represented by the union and is not present. If unresolved, it moves to a higher level of company management and potentially a higher-level union representative.
If still unresolved at the highest levels, an outside arbitrator may be called in. This typically involves senior leaders from both sides.
An effective grievance procedure provides a mechanism for employees to resolve concerns, potentially preventing serious issues or litigation.
b. Need for a Formal Procedure to Handle Grievances
Agrievancehandlingsystemservesasanoutletforhandfrustrations,discontents,andgripes like a pressure release value on a brume boiler. workers don't have to keep their frustrations bottled up until ultimately disgruntlement causes explosion. The actuality of an effective grievance procedure reduces the need of arbitrary action by administrators because administrators know that the workers are suitable to cover similar gest and make demurrers to be heard by advanced operation. The very fact that workers have a right to be heard and are actually heard helps to amelioratemorale. In view of all these, every association should have a clear- cut procedure for grievance running.
F. Grievance Handling Procedure
Under two common types of grievance procedures:
In an open door policy, employees are encouraged to bring their grievances directly to higher levels of management without any formal barriers. This approach promotes transparency and accessibility, allowing employees to discuss their concerns with supervisors, managers, or even top executives.
2. Step-Ladder Policy
In a step-ladder policy, grievances are addressed through a structured series of steps. Typically, employees must first discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor. If the issue remains unresolved, they can escalate it to higher levels of management, following a predetermined hierarchy or ladder of authority. This approach ensures that grievances are addressed systematically and progressively.
G. Five Steps To Use To Conduct A Grievance Procedure In A company
To conduct a grievance procedure effectively, follow these five steps:
Encourage employees to first raise their grievance verbally to see if it can be resolved. This step is suitable for minor incidents that can be resolved through discussion, such as disagreements or minor conflicts. However, it's important not to insist on resolving serious matters informally, as it may be seen as disrespectful to the employee.
Advise your employee to lodge a written complaint. It's essential to support your employee throughout this process. As a manager, showing emotional intelligence means being able to encourage grievances without taking them personally. Remember, having grievances is natural in any workplace; it's how you manage them that matters.
During the induction phase and when an employee raises a grievance, guide them through the process and explain how to complete the grievance form effectively. The complaint should include:
Encourage the employee to provide as much detail as possible, including dates, times, people involved, and a precise description of the incident. This thoroughness will help in addressing the grievance effectively.
3. Step#3:Investigatethe grievance
This process can occur either with both parties present (the grievant and the accused) or through separate investigations. After investigating, it's crucial to bring both parties together for a discussion. Your mediation skills are key in resolving the issue effectively.
4. Step#4:Hold a grievance hearing
5. Step#5: Lodge further grievances with senior management
H. Grievance Procedure In Indian Industry
The15th session of the Indian Labor Conference in 1957 highlighted the necessity of an established grievance procedure acceptable to both unions and management. In the subsequent 16th session, a model for a grievance procedure was formulated, aiding in the creation of grievance machinery. This model outlines specific steps to be followed for addressing grievances:
I. Grievance Redressal Mechanism under Industrial disputes Act
The objective of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 is to secure industrial peace and harmony by providing machinery and procedure for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes by negotiations. This act deals with the retrenchment process of the employees, procedure for layoff, procedure and rules for strikes and lockouts of the company.
Research/Exploration is defined as a" careful disquisition or inquiry, especially through the hunt for new data in any branch of knowledge.
A project, on the other hand, is a systematic presentation that includes a formulated hypothesis, collected data, analysis of the facts, and proposed conclusions presented in the form of recommendations.
The research conducted is descriptive research, which focuses on describing situations rather than making predictions or determining cause and effect.
In survey method research, participants respond to questions either through interviews or questionnaires. Researchers then describe the responses provided. To ensure the reliability and validityof the survey, it's crucial that questions are constructed properly. They should be clear and easy to comprehend for participants.
The research design refers to the method and procedure specified to acquire the information necessaryto address orsolveaproblem. It encompasses the overall operational framework of the project, outlining what information is to be collected from which sources and through whatprocedures.Theresearchdesignarrangesconditionsfordatacollectionandanalysisina manner that aims to balance relevance to the research purpose with efficiency in procedure.
The data analysis was based on units, age, years of experience, and various factors. Simple average method was used for analysis to ensure that the survey findings are easily understandable by all.
Method of Data Collection:
The researcher opted for the questionnaire method due to time constraints. When designing the data collection procedure, measures were taken to ensure safe guards against bias and unreliability. Thecollecteddatawereexaminedforcompleteness,comprehensibility,consistency,andreliability.
Additionally, secondary data were gathered from sources such as journals, historical documents, magazines, and reports prepared by other researchers. The following methods were used for the present research: Questionnaires Interviews Observation
D. Sampling And The Method Used
Sample Design: Care was taken to select the sample based on considerations such as age, sex, and work experience of respondents to ensure better representation of the heterogeneous population. However, the sample design was that of "convenience sampling" or "haphazard sampling" only.Timeconstraintsandthesizeofthepopulationweremajorfactorsindeterminingthe choice of sample design.
Sample Size: Asamplesizeof50.Questionnaireswererandomlyadministeredtoemployees from different units.
Statistical Tools Used: Thestatisticaltoolsthatisbeingusedfordatacollectionandanalysisinclude: Pie Charts Tables
E. Methodology
A. Findings
B. Suggestions
Fortheeffectiveworkingoftheorganisationthecompaniesshouldconsiderthe following:
Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is no exception. I would like to thank Ms. Dr. Pratibha Varma (Assistant Professor, GU) for providing me all the necessary guidance for carrying out this research report. Her valuable guidance and encouragement have really led me to the path of completion of this report.
These words of thanks are just a token of my true appreciation for all who have supported me to give this report its shape.
Grievance procedures are related to other attitudinal measures and the actions of shop servants in the grievance procedure It\'s procedures have been set up to relate to union commitment, employer commitment and binary commitment. The grievance procedure provides a means for relating practices, procedures, and executive programs that are causing hand complaints so that changes can be considered still, the operation platoon comprising of the CEO, applicable Heads of Department( Jugs), If the organization is unionized. This is needed contractual obligation because when an employer recognizes a union, it acknowledges that the union represents all workers within the compass of the collaborative agreement. Communication with the workers can be carried out through notices or leaflets, followed up staff meetings for the purposes of carrying feedback, addressing enterprises and furnishing assurances. In a unionized organization, the operation should accept the Trade Union’s backing in communication because generally, workers are more open to communication from the Trade Union. Administration should insure that the grievances should be entered and stable instantly, so that the workers get the necessary intelligence of satisfaction. As former stated, redressal of the grievances is a must to save good labor operation relations and artificial peace. therefore, the operation should certify that the grievance should be entered and settled instantly, so that the workers get the essential sense of satisfaction. The worried hand approaches the frontal line administrator first. However, a representative of trade union also links the administrator in handling the grievance, If the concern is unionized. All grievances cannot be resolved in this step, as these may be beyond the authority and capability of the director. In the coming step, the mid-level director, generally the labor force officer, along with amid-union officer attempt to attack the grievance. In the third step, the top administration and top union leaders be seated together to settle grievances concerning company wide issued. However, it\'s appertained to an external adjudicator for redressal, If the grievance keeps on unsettled.
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Copyright © 2024 Sonal Tripathi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET61108
Publish Date : 2024-04-27
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here