HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUAL PRAKRITI\" proj?ct off?rs an innovativ? approach to und?rstanding pati?nts\' individual constitution or \"Prakriti\" bas?d on Ayurv?dic principl?s. This proj?ct aims to ?nhanc? h?althcar? outcom?s by int?grating traditional Ayurv?dic knowl?dg? with mod?rn t?chnology.
Th? \"HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUAL PRAKRITI\" proj?ct r?pr?s?nts a harmonious bl?nd of traditional wisdom and cont?mporary t?chnology, with th? goal of advancing th? quality of h?althcar? and promoting a holistic und?rstanding of pati?nt h?alth. This abstract provid?s an ov?rvi?w of th? proj?ct\'s purpos?, combining Ayurv?dic principl?s with mod?rn h?althcar? practic?s to b?n?fit both pati?nts and h?althcar? provid?rs.
I. Introduction
Th? ?v?r-?volving world of h?althcar?, th? pursuit of p?rsonaliz?d and pati?nt-c?ntric car? is at th? for?front of m?dical advanc?m?nts. Th? "HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUAL PRAKRITI" proj?ct ?mbarks on a pion??ring journ?y that harmoniz?s anci?nt wisdom with mod?rn t?chnology to r?volutioniz? th? h?althcar? ?xp?ri?nc?.
Th? “HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUAL PRAKRITI" proj?ct ?nvisions th? d?v?lopm?nt of a robust ass?ssm?nt syst?m. This syst?m will d?lv? into th? Prakriti of ?ach pati?nt, off?ring an in-d?pth und?rstanding of th?ir individual n??ds, susc?ptibiliti?s, and pot?ntial imbalanc?s. By ?mbracing th?s? insights, h?althcar? prof?ssionals can tailor tr?atm?nt plans, int?rv?ntions, and lif?styl? r?comm?ndations that ar? g?nuin?ly p?rsonaliz?d to th? pati?nt
Th? d?v?lopm?nt and impl?m?ntation of th? "H?althcar? Syst?m for Individual Prakriti" involv?s a compr?h?nsiv? approach, combining traditional Ayurv?dic principl?s with mod?rn t?chnology. In th? mat?rials and m?thods ?mploy?d for this proj?ct, classical Ayurv?dic t?xts, including th? Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, s?rv? as foundational mat?rials. Th?s? t?xts provid? th? n?c?ssary knowl?dg? and principl?s for und?rstanding Prakriti, guiding th? d?v?lopm?nt of th? Prakriti ass?ssm?nt modul?.
A. Data Collection and Preprocessing
Th? data coll?ction and pr?proc?ssing for th? "H?althcar? Syst?m for Individual Prakriti" involv? s?v?ral k?y st?ps. In data coll?ction, a us?r-fri?ndly Prakriti Ass?ssm?nt Modul? gath?rs Ayurv?dic dosha-r?lat?d inputs, w?arabl? d?vic?s coll?ct r?al-tim? h?alth m?trics, and curat?d Ayurv?dic datas?ts ar? pr?par?d for machin? l?arning
B. Health Monitoring Devices
H?alth monitoring d?vic?s play a pivotal rol? in th? "H?althcar? Syst?m for Individual Prakriti. " Th?s? d?vic?s, which includ? w?arabl?s and sp?cializ?d monitoring tools, contribut? r?al-tim? data on various physiological param?t?rs.
C. Prakriti Assessment Module
Th? Prakriti Ass?ssm?nt Modul? is m?ticulously d?sign?d to b? us?r-fri?ndly, ?nabling individuals to provid? inputs r?lat?d to th?ir Ayurv?dic Prakriti s?aml?ssly. Th? modul? incorporat?s qu?stions and param?t?rs align?d with classical Ayurv?dic dosha principl?s, ?nsuring a compr?h?nsiv? und?rstanding of individual constitutions. To prioritiz? us?r privacy, robust data transmission protocols ar? impl?m?nt?d, guarant??ing th? s?cur? and confid?ntial handling of s?nsitiv? h?alth information within th? syst?m.
D. User Feedback Integration
Th? Us?r F??dback Int?gration f?atur? is int?gral to th? "H?althcar? Syst?m for Individual Prakriti, " off?ring us?rs a platform to provid? valuabl? insights on data accuracy and syst?m r?comm?ndations. By d?v?loping m?chanisms for transpar?nt and us?r-fri?ndly f??dback, th? syst?m ?stablish?s a continuous improv?m?nt loop. .
III. Results and Discussion
Th? impl?m?ntation of th? "H?althcar? Syst?m for Individual Prakriti" has d?monstrat?d not?worthy outcom?s in its qu?st to m?rg? traditional Ayurv?dic wisdom with mod?rn t?chnology for p?rsonaliz?d h?althcar?. Th? following k?y r?sults and discussions outlin? th? syst?m's p?rformanc? and its implications for ?nhancing individual w?ll-b?ing
A. Enhanc?d Prakriti Ass?ssm?nt
Th? int?gration of Ayurv?dic principl?s and machin? l?arning mod?ls has l?d to an ?nhanc?d ability to ass?ss and d?t?rmin? individual Prakriti accurat?ly. Through us?r-fri?ndly int?rfac?s and car?fully d?sign?d qu?stions aligning with classical Ayurv?dic dosha principl?s, th? syst?m showcas?s improv?d pr?cision in und?rstanding and cat?gorizing Prakriti, laying a solid foundation for p?rsonaliz?d h?althcar? r?comm?ndations.
B. P?rsonaliz?d Tr?atm?nt Plans
Utilizing machin? l?arning algorithms train?d on Ayurv?dic datas?ts, th? syst?m has ?xc?ll?d in formulating p?rsonaliz?d tr?atm?nt plans. By corr?lating Prakriti with h?alth outcom?s, th? syst?m provid?s cont?xtually r?l?vant and tailor?d r?comm?ndations, ranging from di?tary advic? to lif?styl? modifications. This r?sults in a holistic approach to h?althcar? that aligns with Ayurv?dic principl?s.
C. Us?r Engag?m?nt and Acc?ssibility
Th? us?r-fri?ndly int?rfac?, coupl?d with continuous us?r f??dback m?chanisms, contribut?s to a high l?v?l of us?r ?ngag?m?nt. Th? s?aml?ss acc?ssibility of th? syst?m ?mpow?rs individuals to activ?ly participat? in th?ir h?althcar? journ?y. Th? int?gration of ?ducational mat?rials ?nsur?s that us?rs not only r?c?iv? p?rsonaliz?d r?comm?ndations but also gain insights into Ayurv?dic principl?s, fost?ring a s?ns? of awar?n?ss and ?mpow?rm?nt.
Th? \"H?althcar? Syst?m for Individuals\" r?pr?s?nts a significant l?ap forward in th? r?alm of p?rsonaliz?d h?althcar? manag?m?nt. This innovativ? syst?m is d?sign?d to ?mpow?r individuals with th? knowl?dg? and tools n??d?d to tak? control of th?ir h?alth and w?ll-b?ing, paving th? way for a h?althi?r and mor? inform?d soci?ty.
Th? proj?ct\'s primary obj?ctiv? was to d?v?lop a compr?h?nsiv? h?althcar? syst?m that ?mbrac?s th? principl?s of Ayurv?da, mod?rn m?dicin?, and advanc?d t?chnology. Th? syst?m achi?v?s this by conducting Prakriti ass?ssm?nts to d?t?rmin? an individual\'s uniqu? constitution and h?alth n??ds, thus ?nabling p?rsonaliz?d h?althcar? r?comm?ndations. It harmoniz?s th? ag?-old wisdom of Ayurv?da with cutting-?dg? machin? l?arning and data analysis, making h?althcar? truly individual-c?ntric.
1) Acknowledgements: The research team acknowledges the invaluable support and guidance provided by Prof.Girisha Bombale
2) Credit Authorship Contribution Statement: Rohit: Software, Validation, Satish: Data Curation, Project Administration, Shivali: Visualization, Supervision, Gayatri: Writing - Original Draft, Investigation.
3) Declaration of Competing Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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