Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: S. Rajalakshmi, R. Ragulraja, K. Kalvi, S. Dhinesh Kumar, B. Murugan
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.51836
Certificate: View Certificate
In recent years, the volume in globally recognized medical data sets are increasing both with attributes and number of records. Machine learning algorithms aiming to detect and diagnose ischemic heart diseases requires high efficacy and judgment. The state of art ischemic heart disease data sets present several issues, including feature selection, sample size, sample imbalance, and lack of magnitude for some characteristics etc. The proposed study is primarily concerned with improving feature selection and reducing the number of features yet giving better decisions.v
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a leading cause of death in India, accounting for a significant proportion of all deaths each year. According to recent estimates, the total number of deaths due to IHD in India is around 1.6 million per year. Predicting the death rate of ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a challenging task that requires the analysis of various risk factors, including age, gender, lifestyle habits, medical history, and clinical parameters such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and electrocardiogram (ECG) readings [1]. Several statistical and machine learning techniques can be used to develop predictive models for IHD mortality, including logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines (SVMs) [2]. These models can be trained on large datasets of patients with IHD to identify the most important risk factors and their relationship to mortality. Heart disease prediction is a complex problem that involves the analysis of various factors, including medical history, lifestyle habits, and genetic predisposition. The Improved Squirrel Search Algorithm (ISSA) is a metaheuristic optimization technique that is inspired by the behaviour of squirrels [3][4]. To use ISSA for heart disease prediction, you could start by identifying the relevant features or risk factors that may contribute to the development of heart disease, such as age, gender, smoking status, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and family history. You would then need to collect data on these factors for a large sample of individuals who have or have not been diagnosed with heart disease. Next, you could apply the ISSA algorithm to search for the optimal combination of risk factors that can predict heart disease with high accuracy [5][6]. ISSA could be used to identify the most important features and to optimize the weights or coefficients associated with each feature in a predictive model. To implement the ISSA algorithm for heart disease prediction, you would need to define the search space and the fitness function. The search space would include all possible combinations of risk factors and their associated weights or coefficients. The fitness function would evaluate the performance of each combination in terms of its ability to predict heart disease based on the available data. Once ISSA has identified the optimal combination of risk factors and weights, you could use this information to develop a predictive model that can be applied to new patients to predict their risk of developing heart disease. This model could be further refined and validated using additional data and statistical methods. In summary, ISSA could be a promising approach for heart disease prediction, but it would require careful implementation and validation to ensure that the resulting predictive model is accurate and reliable.
Jijesh et al. [7] created a supervised learning-based decision support system for multisensory healthcare data from wireless body sensor networks. The SSA is used to select features. Other methodologies such as Conventional Neural network, Deep Belief Network, and Artificial Neural Network are compared to the proposed M-DBN (modified deep belief network) technique. The proposed method outperforms all other techniques currently in use. Based on data mining techniques, Shan et al. [8] suggested a more accurate and practical risk prediction system. To reduce dimensionality, CFS Subset Evaluation was used with the Best-First-Search approach to picking key characteristics. The data is taken from the Cleveland Heart Disease Database and PKU People’s Hospital’s Cardiology inpatient dataset. SVM takes twice as long as the random forest classifier. To pick salient aspects of heart disease, an imperialist competitive algorithm with a meta-heuristic approach is proposed in this paper [9]. In comparison to other optimization algorithms, this approach can deliver an additional best solution for FS toward genetics. The categorization is also done using the K-nearest neighbour approach.
The efficiency of the FS method improved by applying the proposed algorithm, according to the evaluation results. The data for these tests came from the UCI ML repository’s HD data and the Tehran Shahid Rajaei hospital. The method proposed by Fuad et al. [10] is feature optimization, which aims to find the better variable size n-gram attributes for the supervised ML, also known as ‘‘discrete weights-based n-gram feature selection.’’ Pre-processing, appropriate attribute selection, attribute FS, and the classification approach used to predict the extent of the disease in a specific patient’s medical records are all things to think about. An Internet of Medical Things framework for the analysis of HD based on modified salp swarm optimization (MSSO) and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is presented to increase prediction accuracy. The Levy flight method, the proposed MSSO-ANFIS improves search abilities. For all iterations, the suggested Levy-based crow search algorithm for FS acquired the maximum fitness values. When compared to existing approaches, the suggested MSSO-ANFIS strategy provides superior F1-score, precision, accuracy, and recall as well as the lowermost classification error [11].
Filtering metrics are used in hybrid techniques to minimize the computational complexity of wrapper algorithms, and they have been shown to provide better feature subsets. Although filtering metrics select features based on their importance, the majority of them are insecure and subjective toward the metric in question.
The proposed studies only focus on improving the selection process and reducing the number of features while enabling better decision making. In this study, a meta-heuristic approach was used to refine the squirrel search optimization algorithm to select salient features of heart disease. A comparative study of the proposed Ischemic Heart Disease Squirrel Search Optimization (IHDSSO) model with a random forest classifier for better selection.
A. Data Pre-Processing
The dataset is a collection of connected data, with a report for each instance based on the data it represents, and an attribute for each attribute in the dataset. This dataset from the Kaggle for Ischemic Heart Disease Prediction.
Ischemic Heart Disease Attributes
Attribute |
Description |
cp |
Chest pain type |
trestbps |
Resting blood sugar |
Chol |
Serum cholesterol |
Oldpeak |
ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest |
Slope |
Slope of peak exercise ST segment |
Table IV.1 Attributes and Description
B. Feature Selection And Reduction
Among 5 attributes, the attributes which are used to identify the personal information are removed like age, sex and the remaining attributes are considered as they are important in finding the heart disease.
In machine learning, random forest is the most powerful and widely used algorithm. It belongs to supervised machine learning [12]. It is used for both classification and regression problems in Machine learning. The process of random forest is: It collects the information. It builds decision trees on different samples. It takes the average of the decision trees It can handle the dataset containing categorical variables but compared to a single decision tree it is slower. Doesn’t handle missing values.
A. The Improved Squirrel Search Algorithm
This section presents an improved squirrel search optimization algorithm by introducing four strategies to enhance the searching capability of the algorithm. In the following, the four strategies will be presented in detail.
B. Random Forest
In machine learning, random forest is the most powerful and widely used algorithm [15][16]. It belongs to supervised machine learning. It is used for both classification and regression problems in Machine learning.
The process of random forest is:
It can handle the dataset containing categorical variables but compared to a single decision tree it is slower. Doesn’t handle missing values.
‘‘Age, Sex, Cp, Trestbps, Chol, Fbs, Restecg, Thalach, Exang, Oldpeak, Slope, Ca, and Thal’’ are selected from the preprocessed data set of HD. This feature information has some not null values and unnecessary details. By using data preprocessing techniques, we further make the features with more specific data. Along these features, we have to find, which of them, give more accurate prediction of ischemic heart disease. [20] For feature selection process, we used Squirrel search algorithm. It sets the lower bound and upper bound limits. It is very useful for optimization of the features. According to these algorithm concept, it generates random location for the n number of squirrels, by that way, it generates random features to be selected within the limit concession. It evaluates the more accurate fitness value for every selected feature. It sorts the feature of heart disease in ascending order depending upon the fitness value [18]. It will provide a more accurate classification result of the classification of ischemic heart disease. The performance of the Squirrel Search algorithm evaluated by the metrics of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity. The model evaluation will be done by using Random Forest Algorithm. It aggregates a greater number of Decision Trees to make more accuracy of the model.
Ischemic Heart Disease Squirrel Search Optimization feature selection algorithm is verified considering the UCI heart disease dataset. The proposed IHDSSO model classifies the most essential features which could be used as a strong predictor for heart disease classification. In the study, we verified that the features like ‘‘Cp’’, “trestbps’’, ‘‘oldpeak’’, ‘‘Ca’’, and ‘‘thal” are more essential for the prediction of heart disease. The proposed IHDSSO model in conjunction with a random forest classifier ensured accuracy of over 98.38% and optimal heart disease prediction. The proposed IHDSSO model will be incredibly helpful in supporting healthcare solutions for diagnosing ischemic heart disease.
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Copyright © 2023 S. Rajalakshmi, R. Ragulraja, K. Kalvi, S. Dhinesh Kumar, B. Murugan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET51836
Publish Date : 2023-05-09
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here