Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Ashish Shirodiye, Ashish Gujwar, Suraj Upadhyay, Khushal Dhusiya , Rohit Meshram , Vilas Zade, Ashish Dhunde, Hemant Petkar
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.42353
Certificate: View Certificate
In t?d?y\'s w?rld ele?tri?-??wered te?hn?l?gy is ?ne ?f the m?inst?ys ?f ?ur d?ily life. Sin?e we ?re ?ll ign?ring the f??t th?t renew?ble energy s?ur?es ?re dwindling ?t ? r??id r?te. S? it is time t? ?h?nge the f??us ?n ??nventi?n?l energy s?ur?es t? ??nventi?n?l ele?tri?ity gener?ti?n. The ?ut?ut ?f ele?tri?ity gener?ted by n?n-st?nd?rd s?ur?es is less th?n their ??unter??rts. Renew?ble s?ur?es d? n?t h?ve ? neg?tive im???t ?n the envir?nment. The S?l?r-wind hybrid system b?si??lly ??nsists ?f ? s?l?r ?l?nt ?nd ? wind ??wer ?l?nt. It will hel? t? ?r?vide uninterru?ted ??wer su??ly. The hybrid system ??n be used f?r b?th industri?l ?nd d?mesti? ???li??ti?ns. H?riz?nt?l-?xis Wind Turbines (H?WTs) ?re ? ty?e ?f wind turbine in whi?h the m?in r?t?r sh?ft is set h?riz?nt?lly. ?m?ng the ?dv?nt?ges ?f this ?rr?ngement is th?t the gener?t?rs ??n be ?l??ed ?l?se t? the gr?und ?nd the s?l?r m?dule, m?king it ? hybrid system. This energy ??n be used f?r ? v?riety ?f ?ur??ses. Ele?tri?ity gener?ti?n will be d?ne ?t ?n ?ff?rd?ble ??st. The ?r?je?t is res??nsible f?r gener?ting ele?tri?ity thr?ugh tw? inter??nne?ted s?ur?es th?t le?d t? gener?ting ele?tri?ity ?t ?ff?rd?ble ??st with?ut h?rming the n?tur?l b?l?n?e.
The Hybrid energy system is a combination of two energy sources to power a load. In other words it can be described as a “energy system designed or designed to generate energy through two energy sources is called a hybrid energy system.” The Hybrid energy system has good reliability, efficiency, slow output, and low cost.
In this proposed system solar and wind power are used to generate energy. The sun and the wind are far more efficient than any other natural energy source. Both sources of energy are widely available. It requires low cost. There is no need to find a special place to install this program.
A. Solar Energy
Solar energy is the energy that is generated by the sun's rays. The sun's energy is concentrated in the earth's crust. Solar energy is free. It does not produce any gases which means it is not polluted. It is affordable. It has low maintenance costs. The only problem with the solar system is that it cannot produce energy in bad weather. But it is much more efficient than other energy sources. It only needs an initial investment. It is long lasting and has a low release.
B. Wind Energy
Wind energy is energy released from the air. Extraction using an air mill. These are renewable energy sources. Wind power requires less electricity generation costs. The cost of repairing it is also minimal in the wind energy system. Wind power is available for about 24 hours a day. It has a small discharge. The initial cost is also less than the system. The production of electricity from the wind depends on the speed of the flowing air.
In the proposed program we can use both sources to integrate. Another way is that we can use any source and save another source as unit configuration. This will lead to the generation going on. This will make the system more reliable. The main disadvantage of this program is that it requires high initial costs. Apart from being reliable, it has little relevance. The savings are minimal. The lifespan of this system is great. Efficiency is more. The great advantage of this system is that it provides continuous power supply. This hybrid system is designed to meet the energy requirement. With the use of a hybrid system, transmission costs are reduced in remote areas, as they can be established there to provide powe.
Renew?ble energy is g?ining m?mentum ?s ? s?ur?e ?f energy ?s ?etr?l ?ri?es flu?tu?te. ?t the level ?f edu??ti?n, it is theref?re im??rt?nt th?t engineering ?nd te?hni??l students h?ve ?n underst?nding ?nd ?w?reness ?f te?hn?l?gy rel?ted t? renew?ble energy. ?ne ?f the m?st ???ul?r renew?ble energy s?ur?es is s?l?r energy. ? l?t ?f rese?r?h is being d?ne t? devel?? ?ltern?tives t? in?re?se the effi?ien?y ?f ?h?t? V?lt?i? systems (s?l?r ??nels). ?ne su?h meth?d is t? use ? s?l?r ??nel tr??king system.
A. Key Statement
We are now more interested in the use of renewable energy sources as an alternative to generating electricity. Hybrid systems are basically a combination of solar panels and wind turbine, the output of which is used to charge batteries, this stored energy can then be transferred to local power stations. In this system a wind turbine can be used to generate electricity where air is available and solar energy panels are used where the sun's rays are. Power can be generated by both phases at the same time as well. Battery use to provide uninterrupted power supply. This program requires a high initial investment. But honesty, longevity and a little care make that worse. The wind turbine output power is DC converted to AC with the help of an inverter.
Now the amount of electricity needed can be generated depending on the environment, using two systems at a time or using only one, depending on the conditions.
Total energy generated by the system is the total energy generated by the solar PV panel and the power generated by the wind turbine. According to statistics, it can be represented by,
PT = NW * Pw + Ns * PS
Total energy generated = PT
Power generated by wind turbines = PW
Energy produced by solar panels = PS
Wind turbine number = NW
Number of solar panels used = NS
A. Calculations for Wind Energy
The energy produced by wind power is provided by,
Energy = (air density * swept area * cubed velocity) / 2
PW = ½. ρ (AW) (V) 3
P is the power in watts (W)
ρ air pressure per kilogram per cubic meter (kg / m³) AW area of ??air per square meter (m²) V wind speed per meter (m / s).
B. Calculations for Solar Energy
To determine the size of the PV modules, the required power consumption should be measured. Therefore, power is calculated as
PS = Ins (t) * AS * Eff (pv)
Ins (t) = separation at t (kw / m2)
AS = one PV panel area (m2)
Effpv = full efficiency of PV panels and dc / dc converters.
The overall efficiency is provided by,
Eff (pv) = H * PR
H = Annual rate of solar radiation on oblique panels.
PR = Performance rate, loss coefficient.
C. Cost
The total cost of a solar-wind energy system depends on the total number of wind turbines used and the total number of solar panels used. The total cost is therefore provided as follows
Total Cost = (Wind Turbine Number * Cost of One Wind Turbine) + (Solar Panel Number * Cost of One Solar Panel) + (Number of Batteries Used in Battery Bank * Cost of One Battery)
CT = (NW * CWT) + (NS * CSP) + (NB * CB)
CT is the total cost per Rs
CWT is the cost of a single wind turbine
CSP costs one day panel per Rs
CB One Battery Cost Rs
NW is the amount of wind turbine used
NS is the number of solar panels used
NB is the number of batteries used in the Battery Bank.
This is a model of the solar-wind hybrid system, the system-developed power is transferred to the load as shown in the picture. The output voltage and power of the solar panel, wind turbine, batteries and load are measured more accurately and the final results are calculated. The amount of energy produced and used is measured.
?er?dyn?mi??lly, it is ? dr?g-ty?e devi?e, ??nsisting ?f tw? ?r three s????s. If you look down at the rotor from the top, the two scoop machine will look like an "S" shape in the cross section. Due to the bend, the scoops face less drag when opposed to the wind than moving with the wind.
Differential suction causes the wind turbine to rotate Because they are gravity type tools, wind turbines emit much less wind energy than other lifting turbines of the same size. A large swept area of ??the air rotor may be close to the ground, if it has a small ladder without extended transmission, making the total power output inefficient due to the low wind speed found at high altitudes.
A. Solar-PV Wind Power hybrid power is Provided Below
PV Array Power = 20 watts
Air / generator engine = 3W
Electrical power of the system = 48V
Battery = 12V
Inverter Rate (VA) 25
The outgoing AC Wave makes a Sine-wave
Output AC Voltage (Vnom), +/- 10% = 230 V / AC Output Ac frequency, Hertz, +/- 0.5% = 50 Hz.
Developing hybrid systems is one of the simplest and most efficient solutions for generating electricity compared to non-renewable energy resources. Not only is it expensive but it also does not cause environmental damage. Also, it can be used to generate electricity in hilly areas, where it is difficult to transfer electricity in normal ways. Depending on the need the setting can be determined. All the people in the world should be encouraged to use extraordinary resources to generate electricity so that they can be relatively reliable. Longevity, minimal care is one of your best places. It just needs a higher initial investment. As we know the mixed system has additional production costs per unit but uses the resources available effectively. This Hybrid program is also capable of recovering from any accidental or unwanted situation. And the hybrid system is able to harness power in remote and rural areas. So it is clear that the Hybrid system is the best choice.
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Copyright © 2022 Ashish Shirodiye, Ashish Gujwar, Suraj Upadhyay, Khushal Dhusiya , Rohit Meshram , Vilas Zade, Ashish Dhunde, Hemant Petkar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET42353
Publish Date : 2022-05-07
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here