Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Ar. Somya Singh, Ar. Gaurav Singh, Ar. Shishir
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.50997
Certificate: View Certificate
Flood management in urban areas is a complex issue that must be addressed using a wide range of risk reduction strategies because of its difficulty and complexity. The purpose of this research is to identify crucial components that must be included when developing strategies for the management and mitigation of urban flooding. The purpose of this research is to define the fundamental components of efficient flood management, and to do so, it analyses the existing literature on urban flood management and strategies to mitigate flood damage. According to the findings of this study, in order for flood control strategies to be effective, they must incorporate land-use planning, stormwater management, infrastructure design, and emergency response. At conclusion of the article, effective urban flood management requires an approach that takes a holistic view by incorporating each of these components into an all-encompassing mitigation plan.
Urbanization has resulted in a dramatic growth in the number of cities around the globe, which in turn has led to the development of a large number of structures and infrastructure projects that have reshaped the surrounding natural environment. Because of this, cities are now more susceptible to floods, which may have severe repercussions for the economy, society, and the environment. The management of urban flooding has thus become an important problem that calls for a variety of approaches to lessen the negative effects of the problem. In this research, our goal is to highlight the important aspects that are involved in the formulation of mitigation measures for the management of urban floods.
An In addition to the preventative actions described above, the management of urban floods can also benefit from the implementation of a variety of different(The Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) Is a Joint Initiative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP), n.d.) tactics. The implementation of environmentally friendly infrastructure is one such tactic. A network of natural and constructed systems that manage water at the source, so lowering the quantity of runoff that enters the sewage system is referred to as "green infrastructure." Rain gardens, green roofs, and bioswales are a few examples of different types of green infrastructure.
A rain garden is a landscape feature consisting of a small dip that has been built to collect and absorb rainwater runoff. They are planted with natural flora that is able to thrive in both wet and dry circumstances because of their adaptability. Rain gardens are an efficient method(Foudi et al., 2015) for lowering the total amount of runoff, filtering out contaminants, and replenishing groundwater supplies. Vegetated surfaces that are erected on the roof of a structure might be referred to as "green roofs." They are able to collect rainfall and keep it for longer, which lowers(STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE URBAN FLOODING, n.d.) the quantity of runoff that gets into the sewage system. Green roofs offer a number of benefits, including the mitigation of the urban heat island effect, the enhancement of air quality, and the provision of a home for many forms of animals.
The treatment and management (Decoding Urban Flooding, n.d.)of stormwater runoff is the primary purpose of bioswales, which are landscaped waterways. In most cases, they are planted with natural flora that is able to thrive in damp environments. It is possible to construct bioswales in such a way that they collect runoff from impervious surfaces such as parking lots, roofs, and other areas. They are(Tingsanchali, 2012a) efficient in cutting down on the amount of runoff, filtering out pollutants, and offering other benefits like as increasing the area's aesthetic value.
The installation of permeable pavements is an additional method that may be used to control urban(Gupta, 2020) floods. Pavements that are considered "permeable" are those that have been engineered(How to Reduce Flood Risk in Your City, n.d.) to permit water to pass through the surface and into the soil below. Interlocking pavers, permeable asphalt, and pervious concrete are a few examples(Sree et al., 2019) of permeable pavements. Pervious concrete is another option. Parking lots, walkways, and other locations that normally make use of impermeable surfaces are good candidates for the installation of permeable pavements.
In addition to these methods, it is essential to take into account the impact that climate change will have on urban floods. As temperatures rise, there is a greater likelihood that more intense rainfall events will occur, which will lead to an increase in the frequency and severity(Water_Resources_Series_No86, n.d.) of floods. For this reason, it is essential, while(Tucci, n.d.) developing and putting into practise methods for flood control, to take into consideration the long-term implications that will result from climate change. Cities have the ability to put into action adaptation methods(Mitigation Strategy-SOP — Vikaspedia, n.d.) that can combat the consequences of climate change. These strategies can include both structural and non-structural measures. The building of extra drainage infrastructure, modifying existing(Fenglin et al., 2023) infrastructure so that it can (Tingsanchali, 2012b)manage greater water flow, and enhancing coastal fortifications are all examples of structural actions that may be taken. The planning of land use, the construction of early warning systems, and the implementation of community education and awareness initiatives are all examples of non-structural interventions.
In general, multiple stakeholders need to work together in a concerted effort that is coordinated in order to manage urban floods effectively. This comprises non-governmental organisations, private businesses, government institutions, and the community. In order to achieve efficient flood management, it is vital to take a comprehensive strategy that not only tackles the underlying causes of flooding but also takes into consideration the requirements and points of view of all relevant parties.
When it comes to the management of urban floods, it is essential to give priority to the use of nature-based solutions (NBS)(Ferreira et al., 2022), in addition to the techniques that have already been outlined. The term "natural blacksmithing systems" (NBS) refers to the use of natural systems(Urban Floods | NDMA, GoI, n.d.) to manage water, rather than depending entirely on traditional "grey infrastructure" like as concrete drainage systems. Some examples of natural systems are wetlands and woods. NBS has the potential to offer a variety of advantages for the management of urban floods, including as the reduction of runoff, the improvement of water quality, and the enhancement of biodiversity.
For instance, (National Disaster Management Guidelines Management of Urban Flooding, n.d.)rehabilitating wetland areas can assist in the absorption and storage of surplus water, which can reduce the likelihood of flooding farther downstream. In a similar fashion(10 Measures to Prevent Flooding in Cities., n.d.), urban trees have the ability to assist in the reduction of runoff volumes by absorbing precipitation and increasing infiltration.
NBS may give numerous co-benefits in addition to the advantages they provide for water management, including improvements in air quality, a reduction in the influence of urban heat islands, and habitat for a variety of different types of species. The use of NBS for the management of urban floods needs a strategy that is interdisciplinary and engages several stakeholders. These stakeholders include city planners, engineers, ecologists, and community members. In order for the implementation(UFRM_FINAL, n.d.) to be successful, it is necessary to take into consideration (Freni & Oliveri, 2005)the local ecological circumstances, such as the kind of soil, the flora, and the terrain, as well as to have an awareness of the social and economic aspects that impact land use and development.
Cities have the ability to adopt laws and regulations that support the application of NBS, which may be used to encourage the use of NBS for the management of urban floods. For instance, communities may provide financial incentives to property developers that include NBS features in their designs (such as green roofs or rain gardens) in order to encourage(Singh, n.d.) their use. In addition, cities have the ability to mandate the utilisation of NBS in newly constructed buildings and the incorporation of NBS in preexisting infrastructure.
In addition, active participation from the community is crucial to the achievement of favourable results during the NBS implementation process. Members of the community have the potential to make significant contributions to the development, design, and maintenance of NBS initiatives. Engaging communities may assist in the development of social capital, the promotion of a sense of ownership, and the guarantee that NBS initiatives will fulfil the requirements and goals of the community. Last but not least, monitoring and evaluation are very necessary(Qin, 2020) to guarantee the efficiency of NBS in the management of urban floods. The efficacy of NBS initiatives, such as those aimed(Kimic & Ostrysz, 2021) at improving water quality, biodiversity, and flood mitigation, may be tracked by monitoring systems that cities can develop. Evaluation is a useful tool for determining areas that need improvement and for informing decisions about the future.
Effective urban flood control necessitates a variety of measures for reducing flood risk and mitigating its effects. These tactics can be categorised as either structural or non-structural.
A. Structural Aspects
To control and manage flooding, structural techniques entail the creation of physical infrastructure. Included in these tactics are the following:
Stormwater drainage systems are crucial for mitigating urban floods. To prevent floods, these systems collect and redirect rainwater runoff. Included in this category are storm sewers, culverts, ditches, and detention basins.
Flood control structures, such as dams, levees, and flood walls, can aid in the management and control of flooding. These constructions are intended to prevent water from reaching flood-prone regions by containing it.
Green infrastructure: Rain gardens, bioswales, and green roofs are examples of green infrastructure that may absorb rainfall and reduce runoff volume. They are meant to resemble natural systems and can be incorporated into urban environments to mitigate floods.
B. Non- Structural aspects:
Non-structural techniques include land-use planning, public education, and disaster response planning. Included in these tactics are the following:
Land-use planning tries to limit the vulnerability of people and property to flood risks by avoiding or regulating growth in high-risk regions. It also entails the establishment of green spaces that can function as natural water retention zones, therefore lowering the volume and velocity of runoff during high rainfall events.
Effective GIS-based Mapping: This covers the mapping process in which the entire metropolitan area is mapped critically based on the existing hard and soft surfaces, following the likely drainage slope that might result in flooding during heavy rains.
Public education is essential for increasing knowledge of the dangers of floods and fostering preparation. It may provide details about flood warning systems, evacuation methods, and the significance of flood insurance.
Emergency response planning: The goal of emergency response plans is to prevent loss of life and property damage during flood disasters by providing a coordinated and effective response. This includes the creation of evacuation plans, the delivery of emergency supplies, and the installation of emergency communication networks.
A comprehensive and integrated plan that includes both structural and non-structural measures is required for effective urban flood control. This strategy is essential for preventing flooding in urban areas. The most important aspects of urban flood control are the planning of land use, the management of stormwater, the design of infrastructure, and the preparation of emergency response plans. These plans need to be modified to the particular characteristics of each city, and they should involve a variety of stakeholders including government agencies, community organizations, and partners from the private sector. By implementing an all-encompassing plan for urban flood management, cities can lessen the impact of floods, protect lives and property, and foster sustainable growth. This all-encompassing strategy has the potential to make the development of integrated flood management more feasible (IFM).
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Copyright © 2023 Ar. Somya Singh, Ar. Gaurav Singh, Ar. Shishir . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET50997
Publish Date : 2023-04-25
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here