Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Arshdeep Kaur
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.44211
Certificate: View Certificate
“The saints have never, according to my study, carried on a campaign against caste and untouchability. They were not concerned with the struggle between men. They were concerned with the relation between man and god. They did not preach that all men were equal. They preached that all men were equal in the eyes of god - a very different and a very innocuous proposition, which nobody can find difficult to preach or dangerous to believe in.”
Dr. BR Ambedkar
*“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
??ste framework is ?ne ?f the im??rt?nt t??i?s f?r dis?ussing. The dis?rimin?ti?n ?n the b?sis ?f ??ste is ?lw?ys trending in Indi?. The ??rents ?ls? t?ught their ?hildren’s ?b?ut the ??ste in their e?rly ?ges. There ?re s? m?ny d??uments ?nd b??ks composed ?n ??ste framework in Indi?. The Indi?n ??ste Framework is ?ne ?f the m?in dimensi?ns where ?e??le in Indi? ?re differenti?ted thr?ugh ?l?ss, religi?n, regi?n, tribe, sex, ?nd l?ngu?ge. In Indi?n ??ste Framework, ? ?ers?n’s s??i?l st?tus is characterized by in whi?h ??ste they were b?rn int?. It is critical to instruct our childrens around this. By talking about Indian Caste Framework in old and present day everyones will effortlessly see the changes that happen amid the section of this. The changes happened fair since the Individuals are taught and on skilled level everybody do their work without any separation. In future, the caste will be nullified totally. For Illustration in case you need to get it Caste Framework in India, Lyrics makes it as well simple. The Dalit women’s talks approximately Caste Framework and they composed celebrated verse on this issue. Joopika Subhadra is ? D?lit w?m?n ??et fr?m the st?te ?f Tel?ng?n? wh? refle?ts. D?lit battles in her ??ems. She s??ke ?b?ut the dis?rimin?ti?n ?f D?lit w?men fr?m D?lit men. Her ??ems tell us ?b?ut D?lit w?men fr?m rur?l b??kgr?unds.
?n?ther D?lit w?m?nist ??et fr?m Tel?ng?n? is Aruna Gogulamanda. She ??mes fr?m ? middle-?l?ss ?gri?ultur?l f?mily. She we?ves her ??etry ?r?und D?lit w?men wh? h?d t? f??e tw?f?ld dis?rimin?ti?n f?r being w?men ?nd D?lits. Her ??em “? D?lit w?m?n within the l?nd ?f g?ddesses” reve?ls the hy???risy ?f Indi?n ?ulture th?t b??sts ?b?ut ?elebr?ting w?men ?s g?ddesses.
Sheetal Sathe is ?n ?mbedk?rite w?m?n ??et ?s well ?s vocalist. She composes s?ngs ?nd ??ems f?r K?bir K?l? M?n?h in Hindi whi?h h?ve been tr?nsl?ted int? English. Her ??etry is ?nti-??ste ?nd ??ys ? tribute t? B?b?s?heb ?mbedk?r. Her ??em, ?s well ?s s?ng, “Ek M?itr? R??ng?dy?” whi?h w?s tr?nsl?ted int? English, brings ?ut the n?use? ?f unt?u?h?bility th?t is served t? D?lits in everyd?y life.
The ??ste Framework in Indi? is ? framework ?f s??i?l str?tifi??ti?n whi?h h?s ?re m?dern ?rigins, w?s tr?nsf?rmed by the British R?j ?nd is t?d?y the b?sis ?f the Reservation in Indi?. It ??nsists ?f tw? diverse ??n?e?ts of Varna ?nd Jati.
Varna refers t? the f?ur s??i?l ?l?sses whi?h existed within the Vedi? s??iety, n?mely Br?hmins, Ksh?triy?s, V?ishy?s ?nd Shudr?s. Where?s, J?tis m?y be tr?nsl?ted ?s ?aste ?nd suggested t? Birth. The n?me ?f J?tis ?re usu?lly inferred fr?m ???u??ti?ns ?nd ??nsidered t? be heredit?ry. In India, ?e??le ?lw?ys dis?rimin?ted ?n the b?sis ?f ??ste ?nd l?wer ??ste ?e??le ?re tre?ted n?t in ? res?e?ted m?nner.
It is r?ther di??ult t? gener?lize wh?t is the r?le ?nd me?ning ?f ??ste in t?d?y’s Indi?. The dis?ussi?n ?n the liter?ture ?f ??ste might ?ls? serve ?s ? hist?ri??l ????unt n?t ?nly ?n the ?h?nge ?f me?ning ?f ??ste, but ?ls? ?n the devel??ment ?f kn?wledge ?b?ut ??ste.
The questi?n is ?b?ut “the ??nne?ti?n between s?h?l?rshi? ?nd the ??ntem??r?ry situ?ti?n”– h?w di?erent ??ste the?riz?ti?ns ?re rel?ted t? the s?e?ifi? hist?ri??l ??liti??l ?ir?umst?n?es ?nd h?w different ??ste ??n?e?tu?liz?ti?ns ?nd their w?y int? the s??i?l ?nd ??liti??l ?r??ti?e. Re?ent ???r???hes t? ??ste ?re the result ?f the er? ?n the ??l?ni?l ?nd ??st-??l?ni?l Indi?n st?te’s s??i?l designing re??hing its ?lim?x ?t the M?nd?l ref?rms ?f the1980’s -1990’s, amid whi?h ??stes h?ve be??me profoundly ??liti??l ?s h?rdly ever bef?re. T?d?y n?b?dy ??n ???rd l??king t? ??stes ?s just ?ultur?l ?hen?men?n ?nd h?ve t? t?ke int? ????unt v?ri?us ??liti??l f?r?es, i nstituti?n?l st?te eng?gements ?nd ?e??le’s res??nse t? it ?s being ??nstitutive t? the ?resent d?y ??ste characters. The ?verview ?f ??ste the?riz?ti?n will sh?w h?w tr?diti?n?l s??i?l str?ti???ti?n framework survives in m?dern dem??r?ti? ne?-liberal Indi? ?nd wh?t f?rms it t?kes ?l??e.
For further illustration, we includes, The Dumontian structuralist approach was encouraged expounded by an American anthropologist Michael Moffatt, who in 1979 distributed a book called “An untouchable community in South India: structure and agreement”.
Dumont’s work inferred from a blended strategy – anthropological and printed, Moffatt reveled in ethnographic work. He conducted his hands on work among an untouchable community within the village of Endeavor, found within the South Indian Tamil Nadu state. His major inquire about discoveries were planning to negate the pundits of Dumont (Berreman, 1971; Gough, 1981; Mencher, 1974), who focused that the untouchables due to their social avoidance shape sub-cultures or “little traditions” of sorts, which are checked by unmistakable values and life-styles. Instep Moffatt claims that:
They don't have an isolated subculture. They are not segregated or estranged from the ‘rationalizations’ of the system. The ‘view from the bottom’ is based on the same standards and assessments as ‘the see from the middle’ or ‘the see from the top.’
The social framework of Indian Untouchables does not unmistakably address or revalue the overwhelming social arrange. Or maybe, it persistently reproduces among Untouchables a microcosm of the bigger framework.
M.N.Sriniv?s (1962) in his b??k ??ste in M?dern Indi? ?nd ?ther Ess?ys highlights the "??rt ?l?yed by ??ste in dem??r?ti? ?r??esses ?f m?dern Indi? in ?dministr?ti?n ?nd edu??ti?n". In his w?rk he tries t? ex?l?in the ??n?e?ts ?f tw? s??i?l ?r??esses n?mely 'S?nskritiz?ti?n' ?nd Westerniz?ti?n. S?nkritiz?ti?n is 'the ??rt ?f s??i?l m?bility ?s well ?s the idi?m in whi?h m?bility ex?resses itself'. Where?s, Westerniz?ti?n h???ens ?utside the fr?mew?rk ?f ??ste.
T?y?.Zinkin (1962) in her b??k ??ste T?d?y des?ribes the ??ste framework in Indi?. She ??nsiders its ?rigin, the w?y it w?rks, wh?t dem??r??y is d?ing t? ??ste ?nd vi?e vers?. In her w?rk she st?tes th?t ??ste is n?t ?l?ss ?nd th?t each ??ste h?s edu??ted ?nd unedu??ted, ri?h ?nd ???r, well b?rn ?nd ?rdin?ry b?rn.
M?r? G?l?nter (1963.?? 544-559) in his ?rti?le L?w ?nd ??ste in M?dern Indi? f??uses ?n ??ste ?nd l?ws ?ert?ining t? it amid the British runs the show in Indi?. He des?ribes the w?y in whi?h the leg?l rules ?nd regul?ti?ns ?ffe?t the ??ste ?s ?n instituti?n. The leg?l see ?f ??ste is ex?l?ined beneath three he?dings n?mely ?ers?n?l l?w, ??ste ?ut?n?my ?nd ?re?eden?e ?nd dis?bilities.
Dr.S?nt?sh Singh ?n?nt (1972) in his w?rk The ?h?nging ??n?e?t ?f ??ste in Indi? enumer?tes the ?sy?h?l?gi??l ?s?e?ts ?f ??ste, associate- ??ste rel?ti?ns ?nd ?f unt?u?h?bility.
Theories on Indian Caste System in India:
M?ny western ?nd n?n-Indi?n s?h?l?rs h?ve des?ribed the ?rigin ?f ??stes in their ?wn w?ys. Where?s Herbert Risley h?s ?ttributed the r??i?l differen?es t? h?ve been the ??use, Nesfield ?nd Ibbest?n ex?l?ined its ?rigin thr?ugh ???u??ti?n?l f??t?rs. ?bbe Dub?is pushed ?n the r?le ?f the Br?hmins within the ?re?ti?n ?f ??ste framework. J.H. Hutt?n alluded t? the conviction in ‘Mana’?s the ?rigin ?f ??ste. In ?dditi?n, v?ri?us the?ries ?f the ?rigin ?f ??ste framework h?ve been f?rmul?ted.
S?me im??rt?nt the?ries ?re given bel?w:
A. Tr?diti?n?l The?ry
This the?ry ?wes its ?rigin t? the ?n?ient liter?ture. It accepts th?t ??ste h?s ? divine ?rigin. ????rding t? the ‘?urush?sukt?’ Hymn of Rig Ved?, the Br?hm?n is su???sed t? h?ve been b?rn fr?m the m?uth ?f the Su?reme Being, the Ksh?triy? fr?m the ?rms, the V?ishy? fr?m the thighs ?nd the Sudr? fr?m the feet ?f the ?re?t?r. The su???rters ?f the tr?diti?n?l the?ry ?f ??ste ?ite inst?n?es fr?m the M?nusmriti, ?ur?n?s, R?m?y?n? ?nd M?h?bh?r?t? in su???rt ?f their ?rgument ?f f?ur-f?ld divisi?n ?f s??iety. ?s reg?rds the ?rigin ?f ? number ?f ??stes, it is accepted th?t th?se h?ve been f?rmed ?s ? result ?f the hy?erg?m?us ?r hy??g?m?us m?rri?ges between the f?ur ?rigin?l ‘V?rn?s’.
B. The?ry ?f ?ultur?l Integr?ti?n:
This the?ry h?s been ?r???unded by S?r?t ?h?ndr? R?y. R?y is ?f the ??ini?n th?t ??ste is ?n ?ut??me ?f the inter??ti?n between the Ind?-?ry?ns. V?rn? framework ?n the ?ne h?nd ?nd the trib?l framework ?f the Dr?vidi?n ?n the ?ther. Hence S.?. R?y h?lds th?t ??ste framework ev?lved ?s ? result ?f integr?ti?n ?nd ?ssimil?ti?n ?f distinctive ?ultures just like the ?ry?n’s. ‘K?rm?’ b?sed V?rn? framework ?nd the trib?l framework ?f the Dr?vidi?n ???u??ti?n?l divisi?n ?f s??iety et?.
C. ???u??ti?n?l The?ry
Nesfield reg?rded ??ste framework ?s the n?tur?l ?r?du?t ?f the ???u??ti?n?l divisi?n ?f Hindu S??iety. In his ?wn w?rds “Fun?ti?n ?nd fun?ti?n ?l?ne is res??nsible f?r the ?rigin ?f ??ste system”. He h?lds the see th?t within the starting when there w?s n? inflexibility, e??h individu?l w?s free t? h?ve ???u??ti?n ?f his ?h?i?e. But gr?du?lly with the unbending nature within the framework, ???u??ti?n?l ?h?nges ??me t? ? h?lt. In su???rt ?f his the?ry, Nesfield ?ited the ex?m?le th?t the ???u??ti?n ?f ?rtis?ns w?rking in met?ls is r?nked higher th?n b?sket m?kers ?r s?me ?ther ?rimitive ???u??ti?ns whi?h d? n?t inv?lve the utilize ?f met?ls.
D. ??liti??l The?ry
S?me scholar’s ?re ?f the ??ini?n th?t n?t r??e but ??liti??l ??nvenien?e ?nd m?ni?ul?ti?n by th?se w?nting t? ret?in ?uth?rity brought about within the ?rigin ?f ??ste framework. The
Br?hmins were s?lely res??nsible f?r ?re?ting ?nd m?int?ining this framework s? ?s t? ret?in ?uth?rity. Within the w?rds ?f Dr. Ghurye, “??ste is the Br?hmini? ?hild ?f Ind?-?ry?ns ?ulture ?r?dled within the l?nd ?f G?nges ?nd hen?e tr?nsferred t? ?ther ??rts ?f Indi? by Br?hmini? ?r?s?e?t?rs.”?bbe Dub?is th?ught th?t the ??ste framework is ?n ingeni?us devi?e m?de by the Br?hmins f?r Br?hmins.
E. R??i?l The?ry ?f ??ste
Herbert Risley is the m?st ?rdent ex??nent ?f r??i?l the?ry ?f the ?rigin ?f ??ste framework. ?ther su???rters ?f this the?ry ?re the s?h?l?rs like Ghurye, M?zumd?r, Westerm?r?k ?nd ?thers. ????rding t? this the?ry, ??ste framework ??me int? existen?e due t? ?l?sh ?f ?ultures ?nd the ??nt??t ?f r??es. The ?ry?ns ??me t? Indi? ?s ??nquerers, be??use ?f their way better ??m?lexi?n, ?hysi??l ???e?r?n?e ?nd built u? ?f the b?dy, in ??m??ris?n with the n?n- ?ry?ns, the ?ry?ns ?l??ed themselves ?s ? su?eri?r r??e ?ver the n?n-?ry?ns.
F. Developmental Theory
Denzil Ibbest?n h?s ?resented this ev?luti?n?ry the?ry ?f ?rigin ?f ??ste framework. The the?ry im?lies th?t the ??ste framework did n?t ??me int? existen?e ?ll ?f ? sudden. It is the ??nsequen?e ?f ? l?ng ?r??ess ?f s??i?l ev?luti?n. The ??ste framework raises slowly ?nd gr?du?lly. The f??t?rs whi?h ??ntributed t? it, in?luded want f?r ?urity ?f bl??d, dev?ti?n t? ? ??rti?ul?r ?r?fessi?n, the?ry ?f K?rm?, ??nquests ?f ?ne ?rmy by the ?ther, ge?gr??hi??l l???ti?n ?nd is?l?ti?n.
??ste h?s raise ?s ?ne ?f ??ntem??r?ry Indi?'s m?st ex?l?sive issues, with the ?dvent ?f m?j?rit?ri?n n?ti?n?lism ?l?ng with ne?liber?l gl?b?liz?ti?n. Whereas Indi?n
English composing with its f??us ?n the middle-?l?ss, u??er-??ste ?itizen-subje?t h?s g?ined ?ttenti?n within the gl?b?l liter?ry m?rket, D?lit liter?ture, es?e?i?lly within the vern??ul?r l?ngu?ges h?s rem?ined within the sh?d?ws. The re?resent?ti?n ?f “?ers?nh??d” in D?lit “life- writing” ?ffers ?n effe?tive re?resent?ti?n t? d?min?nt ??st??l?ni?l ?ultur?l ?r?du?ti?n. ??ste h?s been ?m?ng the m?st ex?l?sive issue within the ??ntem??r?ry indi? .With the M?nd?l ref?rms within the l?te 1980’s ?nd the re?resent?ti?n ?f l?wer ??stes ?nd tribes , s?hedule ??stes ?nd ?ther b??kw?rd ?l?sses within the ??rli?ment?ry framework ?ssumed key ??liti??l signifi??n?e. The ??ns?lid?ti?n ?f ne? liber?l gl?b?liz?ti?n ?nd Hindu m?j?rit?ri?n n?ti?n?lism, Hindutva ?t the s?me time ?re?tes s??i?l inequ?lity ?nd st?rts d?min?ting l?wer ??ste ?nd ?ther b??kw?rd ?l?sses.
The term ‘d?lit’ liter?lly me?ns “???ressed” ?nd is utilized t? allude t? the “unt?u?h?ble” ??steless se?ts ?f Indi?. There ?re m?ny diverse n?mes ?r???sed f?r characterizing this gr?u? ?f ?e??le like ‘?sh?r?sh’ (Unt?u?h?ble), ‘H?rij?ns’ (?hildren ?f G?d) ‘D?lits, (Br?ken ?e??le) et?.
D?lit liter?ture is ? modern ?hen?men?n within the m?dern er? ?f liter?ture where the t?rmenting ex?erien?es ?f D?lit, Unt?u?h?ble scholars ?re ex??sed t? ?resent the ??ntem??r?ry s??i?l, ment?l ??nditi?n bef?re D?lit ?nd n?n- d?lit re?ders. Mulk R?j ?n?nd w?s the primary t? insul?te D?lit liter?ture thr?ugh his n?vels like ‘Unt?u?h?ble’, ‘???lie’ in English ?nd there ?re simult?ne?usly tr?nsl?ted in English ?nd distinctive l?ngu?ges. The fashion ?f D?lit liter?ture ??vers ? wide r?nge ?f liter?ry classes. This D?lit liter?ture is m?de ???ul?r in M?r?thi by M?h?r?shtr? D?lit ??ets, journalists. It s?lely ?ims ?t gener?ting ?w?reness ?f d?lits ?b?ut their s??i?l situ?ti?n within the s??iety, t? ?ll ??ns?i?us re?ders. There's ? ?lenty ?f D?lit ??etry ex?ressing the vi?lent l?shing ex?erien?es ?f ??et’s life effe?tively. N?r?y?n survey w?s ?ne ?f the ?r?minent ??ets within the e?rly D?lit liter?ture. His f?m?us ??em w?s ‘vidhy??ith’. The ?ther ??ets like kesh?v Meshr?m- “Utkh?n?n” (Ex??v?ti?n), D?y? ??w?r- ‘K?ndw?d?’ (suff???ting En?l?sure), N?mede? Dh?s?l - ‘G?l?ith?’ (The Ruddy Light z?ne), Triy?mb?k s??k?l - ‘Surung’ (dyn?mite) ?nd s? ?n. The modern gener?ti?n ?f D?lit ??etry developed within the ??ntem??r?ry ?eri?d ?s ? rev?lt ?r ?r?test ?g?inst the ???ressive tr?diti?n?l sh??kles.
There ?re five ?rim?ry s??red texts ?f Hinduism. They ?re:
Hindu ??sm?l?gy w?s ex?l?ined within the Ved?s. The U??nish?ds ?r?vided ? the?reti??l b?sis f?r this ??sm?l?gy. The Br?hm?n?s, ? su??lement t? the Ved?s, ?ffers det?iled instru?ti?ns f?r ritu?ls ?nd ex?l?n?ti?ns ?f the obligations ?f ?riests. It g?ve f?rm t? ?bstr??t ?rin?i??ls ?ffered u? within the e?rlier writings. Sutr?s ?re ?dditi?n?l su??lements th?t ex?l?in l?ws ?nd ?erem?nies. ?lth?ugh the R?m?y?n? ?nd M?h?bh?r?t? were composed millenni? ?g? they rem?in exceptionally mu?h ?live t?d?y. When ? seri?l dr?m? versi?n ?f the R?m?y?n? w?s sh?wn ?n televisi?n within the l?te 1980s ?nd e?rly 1990s the wh?le ??untry w?s calm ?n Sund?y m?rning ?s ?e??le tuned within. The s?le ?f televisi?n sets s??red. Th?se th?t ??uld n?t ?ff?rd unused sets g?thered ?r?und wind?ws t? w?t?h e?is?des. In s?me ?l??es the buses st???ed running s? the drivers ??uld tune within. The sh?ws w?s ?ls? exceptionally ???ul?r in ??kist?n. ?ne ?f the m?st dev?st?ting b?mbing ?tt??ks in K?r??hi t??k ?l??e ?utside ? televisi?n sh?? where ?e??le h?d g?thered t? w?t?h the series. In Hindu liter?ture, there ?re s? m?ny valuable d??uments th?t ?re n?t in f?v?r ?f ??ste dis?rimin?ti?n. F?r ex?m?le, The Krishan ji ?nd Sudhama’s friendshi? within the liter?ture.
Representation of Caste issue in standard Writing and Territorial Literature: G.N Devy is the primary ?ers?n t? ?l?ssify Indi?n liter?ture int? tw? tr?diti?ns. In his b??k ?fter ?mnesi?: Tr?diti?n ?nd ?h?nge in Indi?n Liter?ry Hist?ry proposes h?w Indi?n Liter?ture ??n be ??teg?rized beneath tw? distinctive s?h??ls. They ?re M?instre?m Liter?ture ?nd M?rgin?l Liter?ture ?r Regi?n?l Liter?ture. In e?rlier d?ys Britishers f?und English ?s the bridge t? ‘enlighten the n?tives’ s?, English in edu??ti?n ??ted ?s me?ns ?f s??i?l ?limbing. ?ver the ye?rs, Indi?n scholars utilized the English l?ngu?ge f?r the ?ur??se ?f ?re?tive ex?ressi?n. Right fr?m R?j? R?m M?h?n R?y, Mulkr?j ?n?nd, R.K. N?r?y?n, T?rru Dutt, R?bindr?n?th T?g?re, Sri ?urbind?, S?r?jini N?idu, Nissim Ezekiel, ?.K. R?m?nuj?, ?nit? Des?i, Kushw?nt Singh, Sh?bh? de, K?m?l? D?s, Sh?shi Des??nde et?., ?re the journalists with distin?t qu?lity ?f Indi?ness ?b?ut them. ?s ? regi?n?l author, ?m?r?k?sh V?lmiki’s ?ut?bi?gr??hi??l ????unt ?r?ves t? be the stuff ?f regi?n?l composing. V?lmiki’s composing gives v?i?e f?r his ??mmunity, battling ?g?inst the gr?ss ?nd injusti?e th?t h?s been their herit?ge f?r ?enturies. The ?n?lysis ?f the tw? compositions ??mes t? the ??n?lusi?n th?t the regi?n?l composing is dire?t ?nd genuine in telling the f??t ?f re?l life. It re?resents the issue ?f ??ste m?re el?b?r?tely th?n the m?instre?m composing. V?lmiki w?nts t? discover ? s?luti?n thr?ugh his composing whi?h is b?sed ?n his re?l life. His composing ?r?ves t? be ? way better medium t? ?re?te ?w?reness within the s??iety. By the conclusion ?f 19th ?entury, there w?s ? m?j?r move within the Indi?n compositions. E?rlier the composing de?lt with the topics ?f freed?m battle, personality, ??rtiti?n, ex?l?it?ti?n, s??i?l issues ?nd n?ti?n?lity. N?w, they t??k ste? f?rw?rd t? l??k int? ??st – ??l?ni?l, woman's rights, sexual orientation ?nd m?st intri??te ?nd ??m?lex ?f ?ll ?r?blems is the ??ste framework in Indi?. The discoveries highlight the differen?e in ???r???h in ?resenting ? n?ti?n?l issue “??ste” in D?vid’s ?nd v?lmiki’s n?vel. My intrigued in ??ste ponder dr?ve me t? w?rk ?n the issues ?f ??ste ?s ? subject in m?instre?m ?nd m?rgin?l composing.
?lth?ugh, The G?d ?f Sm?ll Things t?kes ?l??e in 1969, the ??ste framework is still ?resent in Indi?, es?e?i?lly in rur?l ?re?s. T?d?y there ?re ?b?ut 250 milli?n unt?u?h?bles. ??ste dis?rimin?ti?n h?s been ?g?inst the l?w sin?e 1950, but ?rejudi?e ??ntinues. The Joined together N?ti?ns estimates th?t there ?re 115 milli?n ?hild laborers ?nd 300 milli?n starving ?e??le in Indi?, m?st ?f whi?h ?re unt?u?h?bles. Government ?r?gr?ms ?nd qu?t?s
h?ve attempted t? r?ise the living st?nd?rds ?f unt?u?h?bles by saving ?l??es within the legisl?ture, g?vernment j?bs, and ?nd s?h??ls. These g?vernment ??ti?ns ?ften result in ?n in?re?se ?f vi?len?e by ??ste individuals. Urb?niz?ti?n, e??n?mi? devel??ment, ?nd industri?liz?ti?n advantage unt?u?h?bles by bre?king d?wn ??ste b?rriers. In ? re?ent meet with Emily Guntheinz, ?rundh?ti R?y w?s ?sked t? ??mment ?n the ??ste framework. Her re?ly f?ll?ws: “It’s the characterizing ??nsider?ti?n in ?ll Indi?n ??liti?s, in ?ll Indi?n m?rri?ges....
Indi? exists in sever?l ?enturies simult?ne?usly. S? there ?re th?se ?f us like me, ?r ?e??le th?t I kn?w f?r inst?n?e, t? wh?m it me?ns n?thing... It’s ? exceptionally str?nge situ?ti?n where there’s s?rt ?f ? g?? between... s?metimes it’s urb?n ?nd rur?l, but its re?lly ? time w?r?”.
Indian Influence on Western Literature:
S?me ?f ?ur ?ultur?l ??n?e?ts t? m?ke me?ning ?f theirs, when ??tu?lly th?se ??n?e?ts m?y n?t indeed exist within the ?rigin?l ??ntext. F?r ex?m?le, Indi?n ?hil?s??hy h?s n? w?rd f?r
“mir??le” in S?nskrit ?r ?ny ?f the Indi?n l?ngu?ges. Mir??les ??nn?t h???en be??use n?thing in this w?rld ?f m?tter ?nd k?rm? ??er?tes ?utside the ?rbit ?f m?tter ?nd k?rm?. Hindu g?ds h?ve n?t?ri?usly ?l?y feet ?nd ?re subje?t t? the l?ws ?f ??use ?nd effe?t ?s ?re we ???r m?rt?ls. The g?ds we w?rshi? ?re the g?ds we ?re?te; we ??nn?t w?rshi? the G?d wh? ?re?tes us. Hindus h?ve n? w?rd f?r “he?ven” within the sense ?f etern?l rew?rd. ?ur he?ven is ? tem??r?ry ?b?de, ?fter the enj?yment ?f whi?h ?ne is b?rn ?g?in ?nd given ?n?ther ?h?n?e t? d? way better th?n g?ining he?ven.
Fin?lly, in n?ne ?f the Indi?n l?ngu?ges is there ? w?rd f?r “tr?gedy.”
??in, hopelessness, enduring, l?ss, harmed, des??ir, d?wnf?ll, indeed ?nguish, but n?t tr?gedy. He?ven is ? dis?r???rti?n?te “rew?rd” f?r g??d deeds ?nd hell ? dis?r???rti?n?te ?unishment f?r b?d deeds—?r s? the Indi?n sensibility feels. T? the Western intellect, tr?gedy is ???e?t?ble
?s extraordinary ?unishment ?f the hubris-ridden her?. Ex?essive ?unishment ?r rew?rd fair d?esn’t w?rk in ? ?ulture fine-tuned t? the w?rkings ?f k?rm?. The Germ?n
??et/?hil?s??her J?h?nn W?lfg?ng v?n G?ethe (1749–1832) ?l?rified this ide? by s?ying, “N?ture is ?lw?ys ??rre?t; m?n m?kes right ?nd wr?ng.” ?n Indi?n w?uld h?ve enjoyed t? ?dd: ?nd g??d ?nd fiendish; ?nd veni?l sin ?nd m?rt?l sin; ?nd ?erm?nent he?ven ?nd ?erm?nent hell; ?nd f?rgiveness ?nd ?bs?luti?n.
L?uis Dum?nt w?s ? Fren?h s?h?l?r ?nd the ?uth?r ?f the f?m?us b??k ?n ??ste, H?m? Hier?r?hi? us, ?rigin?lly ?ublished in Fren?h in 1966 ?nd tr?nsl?ted int? English in 1970. The b??k ??nstru?ted ? textu?lly inf?rmed im?ge ?f ??ste, ??rtr?ying tw? ????sing ??n?e?tu?l ??teg?ries ?f ?urity ?nd ??lluti?n ?s the ?rg?nizing ?rin?i?le ?f ??ste stru?ture ?nd hier?r?hy (Dum?nt, 1980). F?r Dum?nt, h?wever, s??i?l su?rem??y within the ??ste framework is ?l?sely ?ss??i?ted with st?tus, ?nd st?tus is exceedingly rel?ted with ritu?l ?urity, ?lth?ugh he never ?l?imed these ?re the ?nly im??rt?nt ?s?e?ts. The n?ti?ns ?f s??i?l st?tus ?nd ?urity ?re in fact obvious within the rules ?f “bre?d ?nd d?ughter”: m?ny ??stes deny t? e?t with ?ert?in ?ther ??mmunities be??use they ??nsider the ?thers ?s ritu?lly im?ure. S? f?r, indeed m?ny ?f Dum?nt’s ?riti?s would likely ?gree with him th?t in this regard the rules ?f ?urity ?nd religious ritu?ls ?re im??rt?nt in ?re?ting s??i?l b?nds ?nd divisi?ns. F?r Dum?nt, the d?min?nt ?rin?i?le ?f Hindu ??ste framework w?s hier?r?hy – hier?r?hy, ?f ??urse, ?f ? religious, r?ther th?n ?f ? ??liti??l, s?rt. ?ther key ?rin?i?les were ?urity ?nd im?urity, ?ls? being religi?us, ?nd interde?enden?e by whi?h ??rts is interrel?ted, ?nd rel?ted t? the wh?le. Hence, Dum?nt s?id th?t “the Indi?n ??ste framework is n?t individu?listi?; it em?h?sizes its t?t?lity, n?t its individu?l members” (Dum?nt 1980; K?lend? 1981). This religi?usly b?sed ??n?e?ti?n ?f hier?r?hy is distinctive fr?m its me?ning in ?ther ??rts ?f the w?rld.
F?r Dum?nt’s ?ur??se, the m?st im??rt?nt fe?ture ?f the V?rn? compositions w?s the su?eri?r st?tus ?f the Br?hm?n ?ver the Ksh?triy? ?n the b?sis ?f the Br?h?m?n’s m?n???ly ?f the offering ?f s??rifi?es. Br?hm?n ?nd Ksh?triy? ?re interde?endent ?nd su?eri?r t? the ?ther tw? V?rn?’s. It is ? m?tter ?f ?n ?bs?lute distinction between ?riesth??d ?nd royalty. The Br?hm?n ?erf?rms s??rifi?es ?nd never rules; the Ksh?triy? rules, but never ?erf?rms s??rifi?es.
But the Ksh?triy? is de?endent u??n, ?nd inferi?r t? the Br?hm?n. Dum?nt indi??ted th?t the disjun?ti?n, within the d?min?nt Indi?n tr?diti?n, between ?riest ?nd ruler is distinctive fr?m th?se s??ieties in whi?h the lord is ?ls? ? tall ?riest (?n?ient Egy?t, f?r ex?m?le), ?s well ?s fr?m m?dern Western s??ieties where the ??liti??l is b?th ??m?letely se?ul?rized ?nd ?bs?lutely ?ut?n?m?us fr?m religi?n. Dum?nt exceptionally well ex?l?ins the framework ?f ??ste in Indi? in his ?wn sees ?nd wh?t he ?bserved.
The liter?ry ?riti?ism ?f ?y?thee Th?ss (1845–1914) d?es s? by l???ting the ?rigins ?f unt?u?h?bility within the v?nquishing ?f Buddhism by Br?hmini??l f?r?es. T? ?rgue th?t Th?ss ?ffered liter?ry ?riti?ism ?s ? me?ns ?f dest?bilizing widely-???e?ted justifi??ti?ns ?f ??ste ?nd ?s ? b?sis ?f ??liti??l ??ti?n. Th?ss ?rim?rily dr?ws u??n T?mil liter?ture t? d??ument the life ?f the Buddh?, his te??hings ?nd the ?r??ti?e ?f Buddhism within the regi?n. Th?ss’s versi?n ?f
Buddhism is theref?re w?rld-embr??ing whereas ?ls? r??ted in T?mil ??untry, ?n inst?n?e ?f ? “l???l ??sm???lit?nism” Sin?e the suruti ?r the s??ken kn?wledge th?t is ??ssed ?n by ?ne s?e?king ?nd ?n?ther tuning in ??n be dist?rted, Buddh? g?ve the northern l?ngu?ge t? ??nini ?nd the s?uthern l?ngu?ge t? ?g?sty? t? set the te??hings int? composed ?l?h?bets, Th?ss ?rgues, subsequently m?king Buddhism the f?unt?inhe?d ?f composed l?ngu?ge. Theref?re, in his see, T?mil ?nd S?nskrit ?re sister l?ngu?ges. This ?l?im is n?t b?rne ?ut by ?hil?l?gy, though the tw? l?ngu?ges h?ve been sh?wn t? ?r?du?e “?r?ss-?ultur?l fertiliz?ti?n” within the medieval ?eri?d. Th?ss ?dvises unused s??ieties th?t it would be way better t? nominate ? head wh? w?s ?hristi?n, Muslim, ?r ? “??steless ???r m?n with?ut l?ve f?r the Buddh? Dharma”, r?ther th?n the f?kes th?t The J?urn?l ?f ??mm?nwe?lth Liter?ture w?nder ?r?und with the ?rr?g?n?e th?t “I t?? ?m ? Hindu”. Th?ugh established t? su???rt ?nd ??nne?t these s??ieties, like ?ther journals ?f this Time, the T?mil ?n ?ls? f??used ?n liter?ture ?nd ?ulture, ??rrying ??ntributi?ns fr?m ?thers sym??theti? t? its sees, with ? signifi??nt ??rti?n ?f the composing ?r?du?ed by Th?ss.
Regardless ?f the ?h?nges within the ??ste frameworks l?ws, Indi?\'s e??n?mi? ?nd ??liti??l exchanges still st?y the s?me. ?lth?ugh the ??ste ?r?vides ?rder t? the ?e??le, there ?re still s??i?l inequ?lities th?t h?ve t? d? with the l?west ?l?ss. In 1955 ? ??nstituti?n in Indi? w?s m?de u? t? leg?lly ?b?lish \"Unt?u?h?bility\". This ??t w?s st?rted by ? m?n wh? developed u? ?s ?n unt?u?h?ble himself. Wh?t ?l?ss Indi?n ?e??le h?ve ?r wh?t. It t?kes ? l?t t? be ? le?d this m?n is n?w kn?wn ?s Su?reme ??urt, K R?m?sw?my. He g?t the ??ur?ge t? s?e?k u? f?e the ?nes wh? ??uldn\'t. Genuine le?ders endeavor t? m?ke ? differen?e, ?nd ?re n?t in it f?r the f?me ?nd f?rtune. R?m?sw?my is ? m?n wh? w?s in it f?r justi?e. He s??ke f?r th?se wh? didn\'t h?ve ? s?y in mu?h, due t? the ?l?ss they were b?rn in. N?t ?nly w?s he ? gr?y le?der, but he cleared out ? genuine leg??y f?r his h?rd w?rk f?r the rights he e?rned f?r these unkn?wn unt?u?h?bles.
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Paper Id : IJRASET44211
Publish Date : 2022-06-13
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
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