Indi?n ?inem? is kn?wn in the w?rld f?r m?ny re?s?ns. Indi?n ?inem? h?s witnessed the ?r?ftsm?nshi? ?f auteurs like Hrishikesh Mukherji wh? h?ve set ex?m?les t? de?l with seri?us subje?ts in ? subtle m?nner, The field ?f ?inem? studies st?y enri?hed by researching these legends ?nd filmmakers. The ye?r 1971 w?s m?rked with sever?l ‘big vi?t?ries’ – in ??liti?s, ?ri?ket ?nd in w?r – ?ll ?f whi?h h?d l?ng term im?li??ti?ns f?r Indi?. The n?ti?n?l m??d w?s resilient, even if the ??untry ??ntinued t? struggle with endemi? ?r?blems. Fifty ye?rs l?ter, we l??k b??k ?t th?se times ?nd ev?ke s?me ?f th?t m??d. In ? series ?f ?rti?les, le?ding writers re??ll ?nd ?rti?ul?te key events ?nd ?r??esses th?t left their m?rk ?n ? y?ung, struggling but h??eful n?ti?n.
?n ?ll-time gre?t legend ?f Indi?n ?inem?, Hrishikesh Mukherjee knew h?w t? tell the sim?lest ?f st?ries in the m?st ???tiv?ting style. But wh?t m?de his w?rk res?n?te dee?ly with b?th ?riti?s ?nd ?udien?es w?s the f??t th?t he w?uld bring ?rdin?ry Indi?ns t? life ?n 70 MM silver s?reen.
“B?bum?sh?i …Zind?gi L?mbi N?hin ..B?di H?ni ?h?hiye” s?id ?n?nd Sehg?l, ? termin?lly-ill ??n?er ??tient t? his friend, Dr Bh?sk?r B?nerjee.
The line be??me ?ll-time f?v?rite t? ?ll the gener?ti?ns ?l?ng with the ?h?r??ter knit by Hrishikesh Mukherji. The film w?s l?ndm?rk f?r sever?l re?s?ns –S?lil ?h?udh?ry’s mel?di?us musi?, Gulz?r’s m?ving mem?r?ble di?l?gues ?nd Mukherjee’s unique w?y ?f l??king ?t ?nd ??rtr?y?l ?f de?th (Das,1998) .The qu?te symb?lizes h???iness ?nd living e??h m?ment t? its full thr?ugh the di?l?gue- “Life is n?t ?b?ut h?w l?ng y?u live; it is ?b?ut h?w well y?u live it”.
This di?l?gue, imm?rt?lised by R?jesh Kh?nn? wh? ?l?yed the unf?rgett?ble ?h?r??ter ?f ?n?nd in the 1971 ?l?ssi?- ?n?nd, sums u? the life ?f its legend?ry dire?t?r Hrishikesh Mukherjee. It’s ? m?ment in the film whi?h ev?kes ? blend ?f des??ir ?nd h??e.(Shrivastava,1990)
Life, ?fter ?ll, is ?b?ut living thr?ugh different m?ments ?nd ex?erien?ing them t? the fullest. Mukherjee t??k ins?ir?ti?n fr?m his ?wn life. Mukherjee’s b?nd with ??t?r R?j K????r, wh? w?s ill ?t the time, ins?ired ?nd fl?urished the rel?ti?nshi? ?nd true b?nding between ?n?nd ?nd Dr Bh?sk?r, ?l?yed by ?mit?bh B??h?h?n be?utifully .The legend?ry ??t?r ?nd dire?t?r R?j K????r used t? ??ll Mukherjee ‘B?bum?sh?i’ ?s ?n?nd ??lls Dr Bh?sk?r in the film. ?n?nd Sehg?l, me?nwhile, is ? ?unj?bi, just like R?j K????r.(Bose,1999)
The st?ry ?f ?n?nd, in m?ny w?ys, w?s ins?ired by Mukherjee’s fe?r ?f l?sing R?j K????r. Mukherjee ?r?fted his m?vies using the essen?e ?f life. This is the re?s?n why he dire?ted s?me ?f the best ?nd m?st mem?r?ble Hindi m?vies ??rrying inst?n?es fr?m d?y t?d?y lives. ?s ?brilli?nt dire?t?r Hrishikesh Mukherjis tre?tment with the st?ry stirs the ?ineg?er.
A. St?ry & Theme
The st?ry rev?lves ?r?und m?ny ?h?r??ters ?nd tw? unlikely friends. Dr Bh?sk?r B?nerjee (?mit?bh B??h?h?n), ? medi??l d??t?r, is the ?uth?r ?f ? b??k, ?n?nd, ?b?ut his rel?ti?nshi? with ?n?nd (R?jesh Kh?nn?), wh? is dying ?f ??n?er but w?nts t? enj?y every minute ?f wh?t is left ?f his life. The film h?s been ? true ins?ir?ti?n t? milli?ns ?f de?ressed ?nd dis????inted ?e??le wh? ??uld m?ke ?ut ? me?ning ?nd mess?ge ?ut ?f the film.
The theme is ?b?ut l?ughter ?s the best medi?ine, while the tw? medi??l d??t?rs, Dr Bh?sk?r ?nd Dr Kulk?rni, get ?n with their lives, the f?rmer bem??ning the dise?se ?f ??verty whi?h he ??n’t ?ure while the l?tter is m?re ?r?gm?ti?, t?king m?ney by giving multi??l?red ?l??eb?s t? we?lthy hy???h?ndri??s t? ?ll?w him t? set u? ? ?lini? t? tre?t the ???r. Medi??l ethi?s intrude little in the film, medi?ine being ? met??h?r r?ther th?n ? s?ien?e. The medi??l ?berr?ti?ns ?re m?stly ?nly ? ?l?t devi?e, ?s f?r m?ny viewers the film is ?b?ut the tw? m?le st?rs in ? dee? friendshi?. The u???ming de?th ?f ?n?nd ?bserved ?nd seen ?n the f??e ?f Dr B?nerjee every n?w ?nd then gives me?ning ?nd weight?ge t? the s?ri?t in ? be?utiful yet subtle w?y. R?jesh Kh?nn? here h?s been in his ?e?k ?nd ?erf?rmed ?s ? st?r in ?ne ?f his m?st ?herished r?les, while ?mit?bh B??h?h?n w?s then ?lm?st unkn?wn.(Somaya,2008)
B??h?h?n’s r?le in the middle-?l?ss Hindi ?inem? ?f the 1970s is ?versh?d?wed by his w?rk in m?instre?m ?inem?, ?n?nd being m?de ?nly tw? ye?rs bef?re Z?njeer, ?nd f?ur bef?re Sh?l?y ?nd Deew??r. B??h?h?n is well ??st ?s the Beng?li (th?ugh he writes his di?ry in Hindi), ?nd h?d w?rked in ??l?utt? bef?re m?rrying J?y? Bh?duri, wh?se ??reer st?rted with S?ty?jit R?y ?nd ??ted w?nderfully with Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Kh?nn?, the ?hen?men?n, m?kes ? w?nderful st?r entr?n?e t? ? f?nf?re here. B??h?h?n’s ?erf?rm?n?e is extr??rdin?ry: very un-filmi, intense ?nd th?ughtful. He’s n?t ? Devd?s figure ?s there’s n? element ?f self-destru?ti?n, n?r is he his ?ngry Y?ung M?n/Vij?y ?h?r??ter, ?s here he is ?ngry ?b?ut injusti?e ?nd ??verty r?ther th?n s?mething th?t s?me?ne h?d d?ne t? his f?mily.
Kh?nn? w?s the guy next d??r, ?r the ?h?? y?u’d like t? h?ve ?s ? neighb?r, wh? winked ?nd t?ssed his he?d in ? m?nnered w?y but w?s ?lw?ys ?h?rming. He w?s the sm?ll-t?wn her?, th?ugh s??histi??ted himself, wh? ste??ed ?ut ?f ? Hindi n?vel. Wh?t stru?k ?nyb?dy in ?n?nd w?s his ?st?unding ?bility t? h?ndle ? s?ng with?ut d?n?ing. It’s mu?h h?rder n?t t? l??k silly when w?lking ?nd gesti?ul?ting while li?-syn?ing, but Kh?nn? ??rries it ?ff be?utifully. It’s e?sy t? s?y he h?d g??d musi? but the w?y he ?erf?rmed the s?ngs is rem?rk?ble.
B. ?h?r??ters ?nd Depiction of ?ity
In this ?ity, ?e??le fr?m ?ll ?ver the ??untry g?ther. The Beng?li Dr Bh?sk?r, the ?unj?bi ?n?nd (wh? re?ds his ??etry in Urdu), the M?h?r?shtri?n Kulk?rnis, the ?unj?bi wrestler (D?r? Singh), the ?hristi?n Mrs D’S? ?nd the Guj?r?ti-s?e?king Muslim Is?bh?i Sur?tw?l? (J?hnny W?lker), ?nd the l?vely Durg? Kh?te ?s the ?r?hety??l wid?wed m?ther. They s?e?k their ?wn l?ngu?ge, f?ll?w their ?wn religi?ns ?nd ?ulture but they ??n ?ll live t?gether in the gre?t ??sm???lit?n ?ity. Bh?sk?r’s serv?nt, R?ghu K?k?, s?e?ks u? f?r himself ?s he n?urishes them with his f??d, whi?h is, ?f ??urse, the gre?t blend – khi?hdi. The w?men ?re ?gents ?nd m?ve ?r?und with ??nfiden?e. The ?nly ?ers?n wh? is te?sed is the ??t?r M??l?h?nd with his huge belly. L?lit? ??nw?r ?l?ys be?utifully the ?h?r??ter ?f ??ring m?tr?n Ms D’S?. The minute she enters the s?reen , her sign?ture, the meaning. It seems d?ted t? fe?r ??n?er, whi?h is s?id t? be untre?t?ble in the film, m?re th?n ?ll ?ther dise?ses. The f?rm ?f ??n?er whi?h ?n?nd h?s is r?re but kn?wn by ?ll Hindi film f?ns: ‘lym?h?s?r??m? ?f the intestine’. ?ne ?f the themes ?f the film is th?t ?ne must live life t? the full (‘zind?gi b?di h?ni ?h?hiye, l?mbi n?hin’). The ?n??l?gist, Bh?sk?r, ??n’t ?ure ?n?nd but ?n?nd gives him life, ?nd indeed ? ?ubli??ti?n.
?lth?ugh we see s?me s??ry h?s?it?l m??hinery, ?n?nd l??ks rem?rk?bly well ?nd m?nifests n?ne ?f the un?le?s?nt sym?t?ms ?f intestin?l ??n?er but h?s ? be?utiful ?nd fully mel?dr?m?ti? de?th.
The film is s?id t? be ins?ired by Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s friendshi? with R?j K????r. B??h?h?n’s r?le ?s Dr Bh?sk?r w?s m?delled ?n the dire?t?r (?nd ?n?nd even ??lled him b?bu m?sh?i, whi?h w?s K????r’s n?me f?r Mukherjee), while ?n?nd w?s K????r. ?ert?inly ?n?nd h?s m?ny ?h?r??teristi?s ?f the imm?ture but exuber?nt m?le th?t K????r ?nd ?thers, in?luding Sh?h Rukh Kh?n in s?me ?f his e?rlier r?les, h?ve ?l?yed. L?lit? ??w?r re?rises her r?le ?s Mrs D’S?, fier?e but kind, ?s she h?d in the Mukherjee’s dire?ted ?n?ri, 1959, whi?h st?rred K????r ?nd h?s m?ny elements ?f his style.
It’s str?nge t? im?gine Mukherjee’s ?rigin?l ??sting, th?t is Kish?re Kum?r ?s ?n?nd ?nd Mehm??d ?s Dr Bh?sk?r. The st?ry is th?t Kish?re Kum?r h?d ? fight with s?me Beng?li im?res?ri? ?ver ? st?ge sh?w s? t?ld his d??rm?n t? refuse entry t? ‘the Beng?li’ if he ??me t? the h?use. The d??rm?n assumed Mukherjee w?s th?t Beng?li…
Gulz?r, wh? w?s ? l?ter ?dditi?n t? the Beng?li gr?u?, des?ite being ? ?unj?bi, ?l?yed ? m?j?r r?le in the film, fr?m ??-writing the st?ry, the eminently qu?t?ble di?l?gues, s?me ?f the lyri?s ?nd the ??em th?t Dr Bh?sk?r re?ites, ‘M?ut Tu Ek K?vit? H?i’. In ?n?nd, w?rds ?re ?t su?h ? ?remium th?t t??e re??rders m?ve the st?ry ?l?ng, whether Sum?n (Seem? De?) ?n?nd himself ?t the end th?t ?ll?ws him t? ‘s?e?k’ t? Bh?sk?r ?fter de?th. The l??k ?f the film is s?metimes ?r?blem?ti?, ?s it’s quite n?nfilmi? with h?rsh ?nd unfl?ttering lighting th?t m?kes RK’s skin l??k blemished ?nd ?B lugubri?us. The ind??r l???ti?ns ?re m?stly undr?m?ti? ?nd f?rgett?ble, ?erh??s highlighted by the w?nderful ?utd??r s?enes thr?ugh?ut the film.
The musi? is ?utst?nding, even by S?lil ?h?wdhury’s high st?nd?rds. The ???ul?r numbers like K?hin D??r J?b Din, Zind?gi K?isi H?i ??heli, M?ine Tere Liye, g?ve ? mess?ge t? live life h???ily. The ?i?turis?ti?n ?f ?n?nd l??king int? ? gl?ri?us B?mb?y sunset but feeling th?t s?mething t?u?hes him in ?n un??nny w?y ?nd reminds him ?f the ??st ends with Bh?sk?r ???e?ring, bringing him b??k d?wn t? e?rth (Prasad,1998).?ll the s?ngs but ?ne ?re ?i?turised ?n ?n?nd, m?rking him ?s the st?r ?f the film ?nd the ?ers?n wh?se inner life we ?re f?ll?wing. ?lw?ys ?heerful ?nd b?un?y, the s?ngs ?ll?w him t? ex?ress his inner self el?quently th?ugh s?mewh?t ?ut ?f ?h?r??ter. There is ? feeling th?t he ?rrives re?dy m?de, kind, trying t? hel? ?e??le ?nd s?re?d j?y in su?h ? w?y th?t he d?esn’t seem re?l. The film ??ens with wh?t I think is ‘Zind?gi k?isi h?i ??heli’ set t? ? ?inem?ti? m?r?h, ?s we see B?mb?y, m?stly S?uth B?mb?y, fr?m high buildings, when it l??ks ??hingly be?utiful, the tr?ffi? bustling, n?t sn?rled, ??sm???lit?n, ? ?ity where the streets ?re lively ?nd the ???ul?ti?n is m?bile. The h?nds?me buildings, su?h ?s VT ?nd the high rises ?re set ?g?inst the stunning M?rine Drive, truly ?ne ?f the w?rld’s gre?t ?ities. (Huda, 2004
The study not only unveils the directorial vision but also gives a message that how beautifully a dull dry idea of death can be executed by brilliant filmmakers in a subtle manner. This film sets an example for other filmmakers to portray the reality on screen this way too. ?n?nd n?t ?nly ? film w?t?hed by milli?ns billi?ns ?r?und the gl?be stirs everybody and compels to cry many times but le?ves ? message th?t h?w be?utifully we ??n see the life g?d h?s given t? us. ?n?nd ? mem?r?ble , be?utifully ?nd s?ulfully knit ?h?r??ter exquisitely ?l?yed by R?jesh Kh?nn? in ? sm?ll s??n ?f tw? h?urs s?ell b?unds us t? ?n?ther w?rld. The amazing creation Anand on 70 MM screen is an ocean for researchers of cinema studies.
[1] Ganti, T. Bollywood: A Guidebook to Popular Hindi Cinema. New York: Routledge, 2004. 97-98. Print.
[2] Huda, A. The Art and Science of Cinema. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2004. 66, 144. Print.
[3] Prasad, M.M. Ideology of Hindi Film – A Historical Construction. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998. 163-174. Print.
[4] Sharma & Srivastava 2014 106 Ray, S. Our Films Their Films. Kolkata: Orient Longman Limited, 2001. 49-70. Print.
[5] Somaaya, B. “Fragmented Frames: Reflections of a Critic”. Delhi: Pustak Mahal, 2008. Print.
[6] Shaikh, A. ‘The importance of being Hrishida’. The Times of India Crest Edition. Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., June 30, 2012. Web. September 1, 2014. .