T?d?y in the ?urrent gl?b?l s?en?ri?, the ?rime questi?n in every girl\'s mind, ??nsidering the ever-rising in?re?se ?f issues ?n w?men h?r?ssment in re?ent ??st is m?stly ?b?ut her s?fety ?nd se?urity. The ?nly th?ught h?unting every girl is when they will be ?ble t? m?ve freely ?n the streets even in ?dd h?urs with?ut w?rrying ?b?ut their se?urity. suggests ? new ?ers?e?tive t? use te?hn?l?gy f?r w?men s?fety. “848 Indi?n W?men ?re H?r?ssed, R??ed, Killed Every D?y!!” Th?t\'s ? w?y bey?nd HUGE number! We ?r???se ?n ide? whi?h ?h?nges the w?y every?ne thinks ?b?ut w?men s?fety. ? d?y when medi? br??d??sts m?re ?f w?men\'s ??hievements r?ther th?n h?r?ssment, it\'s ? fe?t ??hieved! Sin?e we (hum?ns) ??n\'t res??nd ??tly in ?riti??l situ?ti?ns, the need f?r ? devi?e whi?h ?ut?m?ti??lly senses ?nd res?ues the vi?tim is the venture ?f ?ur ide? in this ???er. We ?r???se t? h?ve ? devi?e whi?h is the integr?ti?n ?f multi?le devi?es su?h ?s ???eler?meter, vibr?ti?n sens?r ?nd ?ulse sens?r.The h?rdw?re ??m?rises ?f ? devi?e whi?h ??ntinu?usly ??mmuni??tes with Sm?rt ?h?ne th?t h?s ???ess t? the internet. The ???li??ti?n is ?r?gr?mmed ?nd l??ded with ?ll the required d?t? whi?h in?ludes Hum?n beh?vi?r ?nd re??ti?ns t? different situ?ti?ns like ?nger, fe?r, ?nd ?nxiety. This gener?tes ? sign?l whi?h is tr?nsmitted t? the sm?rt ?h?ne. The s?ftw?re ?r ???li??ti?n h?s ???ess t? G?S whi?h is ?re-?r?gr?mmed in su?h ? w?y th?t whenever it re?eives emergen?y sign?l, it ??n send hel? request ?l?ng with the l???ti?n ???rdin?tes t? the res?e?tive ?ers?n.
In the ?resent situ?ti?n ?f Indi?, w?men ?re equ?lly ??ntributing t? the n?ti?n ??m??red t? men, The ?nly ?r?blem w?men f??e in t?d?y?s w?rld is s?fety. S?, in this ?r?je?t we ?re ?r???sing ? sm?rt b?nd m?del es?e?i?lly f?r w?men s?fety. S?, f?r s?fety ?f W?men we will intr?du?e ? sm?rt b?nd m?del whi?h ??nt?ins v?ri?us sens?rs whi?h will me?sure different ??r?meters ??ntinu?usly N?w?d?ys internet ?f things (I?T) is new ?nd very f?st devel??ing ??n?e?t It is very mu?h useful f?r ??li?e, thr?ugh whi?h they ??n m?nit?r ?nd tr??k different ?rimes.? ?r??elled fr?mew?rk ??n be ?ssembled th?t ??n hel? w?men when they ?re in h?rm’s w?y. we ?re using ?I? 16F877? whi?h is ? l?w ??st ?nd ??n be ??rt?ble ?nd we using ? G?S. In ?ur ?r?je?t using tw? w?ys ?f ??nne?ting t? the ??n?erned ?uth?rities. In first when w?men in d?nger she ??n ?ress ? butt?n then the SMS will send t? the ??n?erned ??nt??t number with the ?urrent l???ti?n ?nd im?ge ?f the vi?tim. In se??nd the existing devi?e is red?ne t? be??me f?mili?r with the individu?l ex?m?le ?f tem?er?ture, He?rt R?te ?f the hum?n b?dy then find ?ut the thresh?ld. When these b?th ?re in the ?b?ve thresh?ld v?lue then it ?ut?m?ti??lly sends ? mess?ge t? ??n?erned ?uth?rities. whenever w?men feel she is in d?nger the d?t? like her ?urrent l???ti?n, ?n im?ge ?f the vi?tim, ?nd I?T ?lert will be sent t? the ??n?erned ?e??le. w?men will s?y f?r ex?m?le hel? them ?ls? the d?t? will be sent.
A. Problem Statement
In the ?resent situ?ti?n ?f Indi?, w?men ?re equ?lly ??ntributing t? the n?ti?n ??m??red t? men, The ?nly ?r?blem w?men f??e in t?d?y’s w?rld is s?fety.
S?, in this ?r?je?t we ?re ?r???sing ? “sm?rt devi?e es?e?i?lly f?r w?men s?fety”.
S?, f?r s?fety ?f W?men we will intr?du?e ? devi?e whi?h ??nt?ins v?ri?us sens?rs whi?h will me?sure different ??r?meters ??ntinu?usly.
???????B. Objective of the Project
T? ?r?vide ? reli?ble se?urity system f?r ? w?m?n when she is ?l?ne ?r feel uns?fe.T? tr??k the ?urrent l???ti?n ?f the w?men ?nd view the live ???tured im?ges when she is in d?nger.
???????C. Impact
W?men ?nd girls ex?erien?e ?nd fe?r different f?rms ?f sexu?l vi?len?e in ?ubli? s???es, r??e ?nd femi?ide. Hen?e, f?r s?fety ?f W?men we will intr?du?e ? sm?rt b?nd m?del whi?h will hel? her t? st?? ?tr??ities h???ening ?r?und her.
A. Working
Women safety has always been an issue even in these modern times with so much advancement in technology
To build a safety device to act as a rescue and to prevent from harm at the time of hazard is highly necessary especially for women. This project consists of PIC16F877A and ESP32 CAM module
The exact location of the women can be sent to our remote device using IOT technology
At first, we have to know where the emergency can happen.
The emergency is determined with the help of Vibration sensor,Accelerometer,Emergency Button and she can be easily tracked with help of GPS
ESP 32 CAM is used to capture the live video at the time of emergency and send to respective person.
When sensors crosses particular threshold value, with the help of the app we can see alert Messages and live captured images. App is going to be developed with the help of MIT APP INVENTOR
Emergency button
Vibration Sensor
Esp32 Cam
A. Pic16f877a
It h?s t?t?lly 40 ?ins ?nd there ?re 33 ?ins f?r in?ut ?nd ?ut?ut. ?I?16F877? is used in m?ny ?i? mi?r???ntr?ller ?r?je?ts
?I?16F887 S?e?ifi??ti?ns:
??wer su??ly v?lt?ge 2.0-5.5V
35 in?ut/?ut?ut ?ins
256 bytes EE?R?M mem?ry
368 bytes R?M mem?ry
10-bit res?luti?n
3 inde?endent timers/??unters
Fixed v?lt?ge referen?e (0.6V)
Enh?n?ed US?RT m?dule,
Su???rts RS-485, RS-232 ?nd LIN2.0
B. Emergency Button
When the person is in emergency ,Emergency button can be used to send the immediate messages to respective person
C. Vibration Sensor
The vibr?ti?n sens?r is ?ls? ??lled ? ?iez?ele?tri? sens?r. These sens?rs ?re flexible devi?es whi?h ?re used f?r me?suring v?ri?us ?r??esses.
D. Accelerometer
???eler?meters ?re devi?es th?t me?sure ???eler?ti?n, whi?h is the r?te ?f ?h?nge ?f the vel??ity ?f ?n ?bje?t. They me?sure in meters ?er se??nd squ?red (m/s2) ?r in G-f?r?es (g).
E. Esp8266
The ES?8266 m?dule w?rks with 3.3V ?nly, ?nything m?re th?n 3.7V w?uld kill the m?dule hen?e be ??uti?ns with y?ur ?ir?uits. The best w?y t? ?r?gr?m ?n ES?-01 is by using the FTDI b??rd th?t su???rts 3.3V ?r?gr?mming
F. Esp32Cam
ES?32-??M is ? WIFI+ bluet??th du?l-m?de devel??ment b??rd th?t uses ??B ?n-b??rd ?ntenn?s ?nd ??res b?sed ?n ES?32 ?hi?s. It ??n w?rk inde?endently ?s ? minimum system. ES?32-??M ??n be widely used in v?ri?us I?T ???li??ti?ns. It is suit?ble f?r h?me sm?rt devi?es, industri?l wireless ??ntr?l, wireless m?nit?ring, QR wireless identifi??ti?n, wireless ??siti?ning system sign?ls ?nd ?ther I?T ???li??ti?ns. It is ?n ide?l s?luti?n f?r I?T ???li??ti?ns.
A. MPLAB Software
MPLAB supports project management, editing, debugging and programming
B. MIT ??? Invent?r
MIT ??? Invent?r is ? web ???li??ti?n integr?ted devel??ment envir?nment. This website ?ffers ?ll the su???rt we ??n le?rn h?w t? build ?ur ?wn ???s
Users ?f the ??? Invent?r ?l?tf?rm benefit fr?m being ?ble t? re?ur??se the ??m?ut?ti?n?l thinking skills they le?rn t? interf??e with ?hysi??l s???e in the extern?l w?rld
The ?urrent me?h?nisms ?re n?t r?bust en?ugh t? kee? w?men fr?m being ?rimin?lized. The system\'s m?in ?bje?tive is t? f?st ?nd l?w ??st. This ?r?je?t will ?ll?w w?men t? immedi?tely identify themselves with the ?uth?rities ??n?erned when she is in d?nger. I?T ?lerting is the ?ur??se ?f the te?hnique used. The w?rning will be sent ?ut?m?ti??lly.
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