Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Aryan Ringshia, Neil Desai, Prachi Tawde
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.46421
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Dealing with the class imbalance issue in the data is a big problem when creating fraud detection systems since valid transactions exceed fraudulent transactions by a large degree. Fraudulent transactions generally make up less than 1% of all transactions. This is a crucial field of research because it can be challenging to discern between a positive instance (a fraudulent case), and it gets tougher when more data are collected and a smaller percentage of such cases are represented. Eight distinct sampling techniques and two classifiers were used in this investigation, and the results of each methodology are reported. The results of this study point to favourable outcomes for sampling methods based on SMOTE. The best F1 score score obtained was with SMOTE sampling strategy on Random Forest classifier at 0.867.
Any credit card firm places an emphasis on spotting fraudulent transactions. In order to prevent customers from being charged for products they did not buy, credit card firms must be able to identify fraudulent credit card transactions. Credit card fraud often involves an unlawful transaction made by someone who is not authorised to handle that particular account's business. It may also be categorised when someone uses a card to make a purchase without the cardholder's or card issuer's express consent.
An example of a classification problem where the distribution of examples among the recognised classes is biased or unbalanced is an imbalanced classification problem. There is an uneven distribution of the classes. [1] Many real-world classification problems have an imbalanced class distribution specially where anomaly detection is crucial, such as:
Predictive modelling is challenged by imbalanced classification issues because the majority of machine learning methods for classification were built on the premise that there should be an equal number of samples in each class. [2]
An unbalanced classification predictive modelling problem may have several root causes for the class distribution imbalance. [3] It's likely that the manner the examples were gathered or sampled from the problem area contributed to the imbalance in the examples across the classes. This may involve biases imposed and mistakes committed during the data collection process.
a. Biased Sampling.
b. Measurement Errors
By using better sampling techniques and/or correcting the measurement mistake, the imbalance that is being generated by a sample bias or measurement error can be resolved. Another possible cause could be that imbalance might be a property of the problem domain.[4] For example, the natural occurrence or presence of one class may dominate other classes. (Anomaly detection) [4]
Imbalanced classifications pose a challenge for predictive modelling as most of the machine learning algorithms used for classification were designed around the assumption of an equal number of examples for each class. Decision Tree and Logistic Regression are two examples of common classifier algorithms that are biased in favour of classes with more occurrences. They frequently only forecast the bulk of the class data. The characteristics of the minority class are frequently dismissed as noise. As a result, the minority class is more likely to be incorrectly classified than the dominant class. As a result, models perform poorly in terms of prediction, particularly for the minority class. This is a problem because typically, the minority class is more important and therefore the problem is more sensitive to classification errors for the minority class than the majority class. [5]
There are several techniques to handle the imbalance in a dataset.[6] Re-sampling, a data-level strategy, is one of the most applied and well-liked techniques. Prior to supplying the data as input to the machine learning algorithm, we concentrate on balancing the classes in the training data (data pre-processing). The main objective of balancing classes is to either increase the frequency of the minority class or decrease the frequency of the majority class. [7]
A. Under sampling
The majority class points in the data are resampled while undersampling to be equivalent to the minority class points. By employing undersampling, the original dataset is transformed into a new dataset. To more evenly distribute the classes, it eliminates examples from the training dataset that belong to the dominant class. The main drawback of undersampling is that a sizeable portion of the data, which contains some information, is not utilised.
B. Over Sampling
C. Hybrid Sampling [11]
Accuracy is no longer a valid metric in the context of unbalanced data sets since it does not account for the proportion of examples from various classes that are correctly categorised. As a result, it could result in incorrect inferences. Even with a somewhat skewed class distribution, accuracy can still be a helpful metric. Accuracy can stop being a trustworthy indicator of model performance when the class distributions are severely skewed. For categorization that is not balanced, confusion matrix accuracy is meaningless.
A. Recall
Recall gives us the response to a different query, "What fraction of all of the positive samples did model accurately predict?" We are now concerned in false negatives rather than false positives. These are the faults that our algorithm failed to detect and are frequently the most egregious ones (e.g., failing to diagnose something with cancer that actually has cancer, failing to discover malware when it is present, or failing to spot a defective item). In this case, the term "recall" also makes sense because we are examining the proportion of samples that the algorithm was able to identify.
B. Precision
What percentage of the positive predictions made by the model are accurate? can be answered using precision. The precision will be low if your algorithm properly predicts every member of the positive class while also producing a sizable number of false positives. Given that it is a gauge of how 'precise' our forecasts are, it makes sense why this is termed precision.
C. F1 score
The F1 score is a single-value statistic that utilises the harmonic mean to combine precision and recall (a fancy type of averaging). The parameter, which has a strictly positive value, is used to express how important recall is in comparison to precision. A bigger value places more weight on recall than precision, whereas a smaller value places less weight on recall. If the value is 1, equal weight is given to both precision and recall.
What does an excellent F1 score imply? It implies that both the recall and precision have high values, which is positive and what you would expect to observe after creating a successful classification model on an unbalanced dataset. Low values signify poor memory or precision, which may be cause for concern.
Good F1 scores typically perform worse than good accuracy (in many situations, an F1 score of 0.5 would be considered pretty good, such as predicting breast cancer from mammograms).
D. AUC score
AUC-ROC is the valued metric used for evaluating the performance in classification models. The AUC-ROC statistic definitely aids in determining and informing us about a model's capacity for classifying data. Higher AUC indicates a better model, according to the grading standards. The relationship and trade-off between sensitivity and specificity for each feasible cut-off for a test being conducted or a set of tests being run are typically shown graphically using AUC-ROC curves. The advantage of utilising the test for the underlying question is indicated by the area under the ROC curve. At various threshold levels, AUC-ROC curves are another performance metric for classification issues.
The dataset of credit card fraud detection is taken from Kaggle. The dataset contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders. This dataset presents transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. It contains only numerical input variables which are the result of a PCA transformation. The only features which have not been transformed with PCA are 'Time' and 'Amount'. Feature 'Time' contains the seconds elapsed between each transaction and the first transaction in the dataset. The feature 'Amount' is the transaction Amount, this feature can be used for example-dependant cost-sensitive learning. Feature 'Class' is the response variable and it takes value 1 in case of fraud and 0 otherwise. The total legit transactions are 284315 out of 284807, which is 99.83%. The fraud transactions are only 492 in the whole dataset (0.17%) making it a highly imbalanced dataset
We would like to express our appreciation for Professor Prachi Tawde, our research mentor, for her patient supervision, ardent support, and constructive criticisms of this research study.
Credit card fraud detection is categorised as a cost-sensitive topic because there is a cost involved in mistakenly identifying a legitimate transaction as fraudulent and a fraudulent transaction as real. Financial institutions do not pay any related administrative costs when fraud is absent or does not occur. The specific transaction value is lost if the scam is not discovered. False Positives, in which legitimate transactions are marked as fraudulent, have a cost. On the other hand, the cost of failing to spot a fraudulent transaction might be quite high. A base model was implemented using an unsampled dataset, followed by the implementation of eight different sampling strategies. For each of the sampled datasets, two classifiers—Random Forest Classifier and XG Boost Classifier—were used. Each was assessed based on their F1 and AUC scores. SMOTE sampling strategy produced the best results, hence it can be regarded as a more effective sample strategy to use. Despite the fact that the study\'s primary goal was to address the principal issues associated with anticipating fraudulent transactions, the study\'s time and resource constraints led to the selection of a small number of sample strategies. A number of other sample techniques might be taken into account as a direction for future study to enhance the performance of the classifier. Unsupervised machine learning was not included in the purview of this study, but it is still a promising area that must be explored. The application of semi-supervised or unsupervised learning approaches, such as one-SVM, k-means clustering, and isolation forests, may further enhance this work. Finding the ideal thresholds for identifying the cut-off points to maximise the recall score and striking the proper balance between precision and recall are two other areas where research can be expanded to produce possibly beneficial outcomes.
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Copyright © 2022 Aryan Ringshia, Neil Desai, Prachi Tawde. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET46421
Publish Date : 2022-08-22
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here