Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Shital Bagriya, Sahil Khandewal, Shahrukh Mohammd, Shyanu Sharma, Vikas Mahala
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.60163
Certificate: View Certificate
The world is rapidly advancing towards automation, as individuals have limited time to manage tasks. Automation offers a straightforward solution where devices or machines can be programmed to fulfill desired tasks. The purpose of this paper is to construct and design a home automation system based on Arduino and a Bluetooth module. The proposed solution offers a simple and dependable technology that is assisted by an Android app. The home automation system, which includes an Arduino Unoanda Bluetooth module, controls home equipment such as fans, lamps, air conditioners, and automated door locks. The article focuses mostly on monitoring and controlling smart houses using an Android phone, providing security when in habit antsare absent. The objective is to manage home appliances in a user- friendly manner, designed atminimal cost withs impleinstallation procedures. The system comprises three key components: an Arduino microcontroller for appliance connectivity, a Bluetooth module for signal transmission, and a smart phone running the Android application. The Android application interprets the user’s voice commands and extracts their precise meaning. The system design is centered around an Arduino Uno board, with appliances connected to switches linked to the board. The smartphone communicates with the Arduino through Bluetooth. The primary focus of system development is to ensure afford abil- ity and scalability as per requirements. Additionally, password protection can enhance security measures. The Voice-controlled House Automation System utilizes voice commands for device control, offering several advantages. Notably, the reisnoneed for training in operating the technology, and the simplified services facilitate wider adoption, benefitting individuals with diverse disabilities who can access the technology effortlessly.
The primary allure of any automated system lies in its ability to reduce human labor, effort, and time. Home au- to mationendeavorstostreamlinehumanlives by enabling the activation of home appliances through means beyond con- ventional switches, such as smartphone integration. A notable advancement in technology that facilitates this interaction is natural language processing, allowing individuals to command and control devices through voice commands. In the modern era, wireless technology has gained paramount importance due to the inherent complexities and clutter associated with wired networks. These wireless technologies have profoundly impacted human life positively, accelerating the pace of human development [1] - [3].
Among the various technologies employed in home au- tomation, namely GSM, Internet, and Bluetooth, Bluetooth- based systems hold a distinct advantage. Bluetooth allows for deviceconnectivitywithinarangeof10mto100m,with the potential for extending this range. Moreover, Bluetooth operates at a frequency of 2.4GHz, universally available, and supports data transmission speeds of up to 2.8 Mbps. These inherent advantages have propelled significant advancements in Bluetooth-based home automation systems [4] - [6].
The proliferation of smartphones among the populace has furthers implified and popularized the design of home automa- tion systems.In this context, the Arduino platform emerges as a pivotal component due to its widespread adoption and versatility in automation projects. Arduino serves as the hard- wareinterfaceconnectingthecomputerwiththeprojectmodel, facilitating control through Arduino code. Functioning akin to the human brain, Arduino processes information and executes logical and mathematical operationsbasedonreceivedinstruc- tions.
In the proposed system, Arduino is integrated with a Blue- tooth module, enabling communication with users. Addition- ally, relays connected to Arduino serve as switches, executing operations based on received commands. Bluetooth technol- ogy, characterized by wireless radio transmissions over short distances,servesasanessentialenablerincreatingintelligence and controllability within home environments. This configu- ration establishes a personal area network within the home, facilitatinginter connection and monitoring of appliances using a microcontroller with Arduino, controlled via smartphones.
Home automation is a level of computerised or automatic control over specific electrical and electronic equipment within a building that promises increased convenience and efficiency in daily tasks.
Considering a room scenario, the automation system re- volves around an Arduino UNO, responsible for controlling devices and reading sensor data. The ”Room Architecture” figureillustrateshowtheArduinoUNOconnectswithvarious devices and sensors within the room. These device sencompass multiple controllable elements such as lights, fans, wall sock- ets, etc., alongside sensors including a Passive Infrared (PIR) sensortodetecthumanpresence,atemperaturesensor(LM35) for monitoring room temperature, and an LDR to gauge light intensity near the room window.
Fig.1 depicts the block diagram of the home automation system, which controls four or five electrical appliances. The system is built around the Arduino Uno R3 (Board1), the HC- 05 Bluetooth module, three relays (RL1 through RL3), and a few other necessary components. This project allows users to control the operation of appliances by turning them on and off using an Android app on their smartphone or tablet.
Communication between the user and the Android appli- cation occurs via the Arduino Uno through the Bluetooth module. This model is characterized by its resilience and scalability, promising maximum efficiency, safety, and security in integrating smart home appliances with minimal human intervention. The Bluetooth signal offers efficient energy uti- lization, facilitating seamless connections with out information loss and minimal harmonic interference.
The core of the home automation system resides in the Arduino microcontroller. Users must possess the requisite mobile application and establish proper connections to initiate operations. The system is designed to accommodate multi- tasking, enabling simultaneous control of multiple appliances. Through microcontroller programming ,the Arduino board is configured to interface with each home appliance. The microcontroller facilitates controlover electromagnetic relays, functioning as switches to receive signals from the Arduinovia the Bluetooth module HC-05. Upon signal transmission, the relays actuate, enabling control over various smart home appliances.
The home automation system comprises three main compo- nents:
Arduino Nano Bluetooth HC-05 Relay Drivers These com- ponents collectively enable the seamless operation of thehome automation system, promising enhanced convenience and efficiency in managing household tasks.
A. ArduinoUno
The Arduino Uno represents a compact microcontroller board, conceptualized and manufactured by Arduino.cc. It encompasses a microcontroller such as the Atmega328, com- monly utilized in the Arduino UNO. Renowned for its small formfactorandversatility,theArduinoUnofinds applications across a diverse range of projects. Arduino board variants include the Arduino Mega, Arduino Pro Mini, Arduino UNO, Arduino YUN, Arduino Lilypad, Arduino Leonardo, and Ar- duino Due, each geared to various needs. Other development boards include the AVR Development Board, PIC Develop- ment Board, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison, MSP430 Launchpad, and ESP32 board, which cater to a wide range of project requirements. [7], [8].
Despite its diminutive size, the Arduino Uno boasts func- tionalities akin to the Arduino Duemilanove board. However, itdistinguishesitselfthroughitspackaging,notablylackingaDCjack.PowercanbegiventotheUnoviaamicro USB portor directly through pinslikeasVCC and GND. Theboardrunswithinthevoltagerangeof6to20volts, with power input facilitated via the small USB connector onboard.TheArduinoNano,depictedinFig.2,servesasa cornerstone in numerous projects, offering compactness without compromising on performance.
B. Bluetooth Module
The HC-05 Bluetooth module serves as a vital link be- tweenthe microcontroller and the Android applicationin the home automation system. Its primary function involves receiving information from the user and transmitting it to the microcontroller (Arduino Uno). The module operates on the Bluetooth Serial Port Protocol (SSP), facilitating a wireless serial connection setup for seamless communication. Engi- neered for simplicity, the HC-05 module is equipped with Advanced Bluetooth v2.0+Enhanced Data Rate technology, boastingamodulationrateof3Mbpsandoperatingwithin the2.4GHzradiofrequencyband.Themoduleintegrates a baseband (BB) and radio receiver, ensuring efficient data transmission. Connection to the Arduino Uno is establishedbyinterfacingtheRxandTxpinsoftheHC-05module withthecorrespondingTxandRxpinsoftheArduino. The HC-05 module embodies user-friendliness, designed for straightforward implementation of wireless serial connections through the Bluetooth Serial Port Protocol (SPP). It utilizesthe CSR BlueCore 04-External single-chip Bluetooth system, leveraging CMOS technology and incorporatingAdaptiveFre- quency Hopping (AFH) feature for enhanced performance. Despiteitscompactfootprint, measuringassmallas12.7mmx 27mm,theHC-05moduleoffersrobustfunctionality,ensuring reliable communication between the microcontroller and the Android application [9]. Fig.3 depicts the HC-05 Bluetooth module, showcasing its compact form factor and highlighting its pivotal role in facilitating wireless communication within the home automation system.
C. Relay Drivers
Relays serve as electromagnetic switches, bridging two circuits electrically while remaining isolated magnetically. When the Arduino transmits a signal, the relay driver receives it and initiates its operation. These components are commonly employed to interface an electronic circuit operating at low voltage with an electrical circuit operating at significantly highervoltagelevels[10].Forinstance,arelaycaneffectively bridge a 5V DC battery circuit to switch a 230V AC mains circuit. This enables a small sensor circuit to control larger appliances such as fans or electric knobs.
Different relay configurations such as Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) and Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) offer varying numbers of changeover contacts. By utilizing the appropriate combination of contactors, electrical circuits can be effectively turned on and off as required. The relay circuit is depicted in Fig.4, while the relay module is illustrated in Fig.5.
To drive the relay, transistors are employed, requiring min- imal power for operation. As transistors serve as amplifiers, sufficient current flows from the base lead to allow increased current flow from the emitter to the collector. Once the base receives adequate power, the transistor conducts, enabling power transmission to the relay. This results in the relay functioning as a switch, driven by electromagnetic effects, allowing for the convenient switching on or off of home appliances [11].
D. Microphone
Microphones, commonly referred to as mic, serve as trans- ducers converting sound waves into electrical signals. Their versatility finds application across a multitude of scenarios, including telephony, hearing aids, public address systems for events,motionpictureproduction,liveandrecordedaudioen- gineering, sound recording, two-way radios, megaphones, and radioandtelevisionbroad casting.Moreover,microphonesplay crucial roles in various electronic devices such as computers andmobile phones, facilitating tasks such as sound recording, Speech recognition, Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP),and other functionalities like ultra sonic sensors or knock sensors.
Home automation offers numerous advantages that can sig- nificantly improve comfort, security, convenience, and energy efficiency within households. Below are some key benefits:
The culmination of the proposed plan is the successful developmentofahomeautomationsystem.Thisprojectallows for easy management of domestic appliances such as lights, fans, tube lights, air conditioners, bulbs, and more. The main goal of this endeavour is to provide a smart automation solution a taminimal cost.The integration of Arduino with a relay module, asdepictedin Fig.6,playsapivotalrole in achieving this goal. This paper elucidates key information about Arduino Uno, Bluetooth controllers, and relay modules, detailing their functionalities and roles within the automation system. Furthermore, the advantages of home automation, including convenience, security, energy efficiency, and cost- effectiveness, have been thoroughly discussed. The system ensures ease of access while maintaining robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access by intruders. The final outcome of the project is depicted in Fig.7, showcasing the tangible manifestation of the automation system.In conclusion, home automation represents a revolutionary technology that streamlines household tasks with minimal effort. This paper has demonstrated the creation of a home automation system, elaborating on its approach and potential applications. Additionally, future advancements in technology aimed at further reducing human effort have been explored. The devised device boasts compact size, affordability, high capacity, long lifespan, and extended signal reception range. The imperative of this research paper is to develop a device that conserves energy and enhances human lifestyle, paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable future.
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Copyright © 2024 Shital Bagriya, Sahil Khandewal, Shahrukh Mohammd, Shyanu Sharma, Vikas Mahala. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET60163
Publish Date : 2024-04-11
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here