Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Dhawade Sarika, Gawali Akanksha, Jathar Pallavi, Khamkar Snehal, Bhosale Swati S.
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.61748
Certificate: View Certificate
The Basically [NST] means a Neural Style Transfer is one Model for changing the whole behaviour of the images. Through the NST we can create a multiple new images using a multiple content image and multiple style images, through this model we can change the all internal structure & Environment of the images, and also in some images the model can transform the style or change a style. Neural style transfer is a machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence related one technique that combines the features of a content images and style images. Under the content images the all content are present and under the style images all style related images are present are over here. This technique combines the contents images with the style of another image creating visually captivating art works that bridge the gap between human creativity and computational process. Introducing the neural network architecture that enables the extraction of content and style features from images.
Transferring the style from one image into another can be considered a mystery of texture transfer. In texture transfer the goal is to synthesise a texture from a source image while constraining the texture synthesis in order to preserve the semantic content of a target image. For texture synthesis there exist a large range of powerful semi-parametric algorithms that can synthesise photorealistic natural textures by resampling the pixels of a given source texture. Most previous texture transfer algorithms rely on these nonparametric methods for texture synthesis while using different ways to preserve the structure of the goal image. For instance, introduce a correspondence map that includes features of the target image such as image intensity to constrain the texture synthesis procedure. Here use image analogies to transfer the texture from an already stylised image into a goal image. Focuses on transferring the high texture information while preserving the coarse scale of the target image. Enhance this algorithm by additionally informing the texture transfer with edge orientation Information. Although these algorithms achieve remarkable results, they all suffer from the same fundamental limitation: they use only lower image features of the goal image to. Ideally, however, a style transfer algorithm should be able to extract the semantic image content from the goal image (e.g. the objects and the general scenery) and then inform a texture transfer procedure to render the semantic content of the goal image in the style of the source image. Therefore, a fundamental prerequisite is to find image representations that independently model variations in the semantic image, content and style images in which generated in a new image. The use of image style migration technology has become extra and more extensive, usually to migrate the artistic style of one picture to another picture, is the image to ensure that the content characteristics do not change significantly without major changes in the art style. With the rise of deep learning with the help convolutional neural network models to achieve image style migration, which attracted wide attention. NST has been an important research direction for both decades. Firstly the emergence of neural networks, style migration was a field of non- photorealistic rendering, and then, the neural network- based texture synthesis technology provided new ideas for style migration. Although style migration has a nice visual effect, there are still few problems to be solved. How to better the efficiency of the algorithm under the premise of ensuring the quality of stylized images is the direction that needs to be studied at real-time. Here we will provide an overview of the few year’s developments in NST.
In [1] Progress in electron microscopy-based high- resolution connectomes is limited by data analysis throughput. Here, they present SegEM, a toolset for efficient semi-automated analysis of large scale fully Stained 3D-EM datasets for the reconstruction of neuronal circuits. By combining skeleton reconstructions of neurons with automated volume segmentations, SegEM allows the reconstruction of neuronal circuits at a work hour consumption rate of about 100-fold less than manual analysis and about 10-fold less than existing segmentation tools.
In [2] the primate visual system achieves remarkable visual object recognition performance even in brief presentations, and under changes to object exemplar, geometric transformations, and background variation (a.k.a. core visual object recognition). This remarkable performance is mediated by the representation formed in inferior temporal (IT) cortex. In parallel, recent advances in machine learning have led to ever higher performing models of object recognition using artificial deep neural networks (DNNs).
In [8] recently, methods have been proposed that perform texture synthesis and style transfer by using convolutional neural networks (e.g. Gatys et al. [2015, 2016]). These methods are exciting because they can in some cases create results with state-of-the-art quality. However, in this paper, show these methods also have limitations in texture quality, stability, requisite parameter tuning, and lack of user controls. This paper presents a multiscale synthesis pipeline based on convolutional neural networks that ameliorates these issues.
The results presented under were generated on the common of the VGG network, which was trained to perform object recognition and localisation and is described extensively in the real work. We normalized the network by scaling the weights some that the mean activation of each convolutional filter over images and positions is equal to one. Such re- scaling can be done for the VGG network without changing its result, because it contains rectifying linear activation functions and no normalization or pooling over feature maps. We do not use any of the totally connected layers.
A. Content Representation
Generally all layer in the network defines a non-linear filter bank whose complexity increases with the position of the layer in the network. Hence a given input image ~x is encoded in each layer of the Convolutional Neural Network by the sort responses to that image. We then define the squared-error loss between the both feature representations.
Here are the key algorithms & Technique used in a typical NST:
We concluded that, neural style transfer (NST) is a powerful and versatile technique that offers numerous advantages for a wide range of creative and practical applications. It combines the content of one image with the artistic style of another, enabling the generation of unique and visually appealing artwork. Whether you\'re an artist, a designer, a researcher, or a hobbyist, NST can be a valuable tool to enhance your projects. The GANs improvement style, explaining how Spatial, Colour, and Scale control can allow better image generation. Lastly, how NST can be applied over mobile devices in real-time using GANs has been explained. . In short, image style migration based on deep learning not only promotes the development of computer field, but also receives wide attention in other fields, so the development of NST has important research significance and broad application scenarios.
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Copyright © 2024 Dhawade Sarika, Gawali Akanksha, Jathar Pallavi, Khamkar Snehal, Bhosale Swati S.. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET61748
Publish Date : 2024-05-07
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here