Encryption is based on precise algorithms and specific mathematical operations it is indispensable for the security and safety of information and files that are of great importance in our lives. This paper discusses a new encryption and decryption technique, we used very powerful and complex encryption and decryption algorithms. Our study relies on encrypting the blocks according to the code writing style by making the encryption process for each individual block individually and does not depend on all the blocks that precede it in the message. We focus on sending several messages with different keys. These algorithms will have a high ability to maintain confidentiality and increase the security of information.
Encryption is the process in which complex algorithms are applied to encrypt messages, data or files so that they can be read only by authorized persons. This ensures the confidentiality of the information. There are many researches in cryptography, for example, (see [1], [2], [3], [5], [7], [10], [14], [16], [17], [21]). The data or information to be encrypted is called plaintext. The plaintext data is then encrypted using various encryption techniques, mathematical calculations, and an encryption key and decryption is the process of repeating the encryption so that previously encrypted information can be viewed or accessed. This involves converting unreadable data (ciphertext) into readable text (plaintext). So, while encryption is the process of making data unreadable, decryption is the process of converting encrypted information into its original and understandable form. The method of encrypting and decrypting information depends on a specific type of encryption key. There are several encryption and decryption algorithms used for security and privacy protection. It is among the most common algorithms:
AES: The AES algorithm is one of the best algorithms used in data encryption, and it is used in many applications such as integrated encryption system, email, and online data storage services, (see [9], [12]).
RSA: It is one of the most prominent algorithms used in general encryption, and is widely used to protect electronic communications, (see [7])
DES: The DES algorithm is a traditional encryption algorithm known for its security, but it is considered simple compared to the security standards used nowadays, (see [8])
Blowfish: A good encryption algorithm that can be used easily, and has a security level similar to the popular AES encryption algorithm, (see [18], [20]).
SHA: They are algorithms for generating indicators based on cryptographic techniques, and they are widely used in security protocols used when logging in and authenticating, (see [13]). In this paper, we discuss a new method of encryption and decryption algorithms that differs from what was mentioned above. Caesar cipher algorithm: It moves the letters of the original text by a specific number of positions in the alphabet, in our method, we relied on a different encoding, similar to the encoding used in papers, [4], [15], with a slight difference, and Hill cipher algorithm, it uses a square matrix to encrypt the original text by converting it into numbers and performing mathematical operations on it ( see [11]), but in this paper our method generally relies on matrixes of the type of column and square matrixes which makes it more complex.
This scientific paper presented the TAS algorithm, a novel and decryption method. By combining the columnar and square matrices techniques, the TAS algorithm achieves increased complexity in the encryption process, subsequently enhancing the security of transmitted data. The implementation of the TAS encryption method has demonstrated its potential as effective tool for secure data communication. The use of columnar and square matrices has added an additional layer of complexity to the encryption algorithm, which enhances its robustness against various cyber threats. The results of this research show that our proposed TAS method provides a significant improvement compared to traditional encryption techniques in terms of encryption accuracy and computational efficiency. Further research and optimization of the algorithm will enable us to harness the full potential of the TAS encryption method and provide more secure communication channels to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
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