Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Sheetal R. Dehare, Pravin L. Yannawar
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.63581
Certificate: View Certificate
Over the past 20 years, object detection has developed into a productive research area and an extensively used task in computer vision. It aims to rapidly and simply find many different things in a given image using specified categories. Based on the training model approach, the algorithms can be separated into two groups: One is the detection single-stage algorithms. The other is the detection of two-stage algorithms. In this study, sample processes for every stage are briefly announced. Following a review and discussion of several fundamental techniques, this article introduces public and proprietary datasets that are often used in object detection. Thus, the challenges in object recognition are noted.
For humans, detecting objects is a simple task. A baby as young as a few months old can start recognizing common objects, but until the turn of the previous few years, teaching computers to do just that was difficult. It involves locating and identifying every occurrence of an object (such as vehicles, people, street signs, etc.) in the field of vision. Similar problems have existed with various tasks including classification, segmentation, motion estimation, scene interpretation, etc. in computer vision. Early Feature extractors like the Jones-Viola detector [1]. the histogram of oriented gradients (hog) [2], and others were used to create early object identification models. These models performed badly on unknown datasets and were slow and inaccurate. The field of visual perception was changed by the reintroduction of convolution neural networks (CNNs) and image classification for deep learning. Further research on using it in computer vision was inspired by using Image Net's 2012 Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) by Alex Net [3]. Currently, object detection is used for security, medical, self-driving cars, identity identification, and other purposes. It has experienced exponential growth in recent years along with the quick development of new tools and approaches. Deep learning has been used for datasets due to technological advancements and the availability of powerful graphics processing units (GPUs); researchers in fields including object classification, detection, and recognition have shown state-of-the-art results. Deep learning requires powerful computer resources and larger data sets to complete both training and testing. Image classification is the most widely studied subject of computer vision, and it has achieved outstanding success in international competitions with the use of deep learning algorithms like PASCAL, ILSVRC, VOC, and MS-COCO [3].
Even while object detection might be valuable, it can be difficult to solve all of its issues. However, despite the advancement of techniques, issues still arise as a result of various lighting, pose, foreground geometry, and other aspects. There are significant efforts made to obtain the best outcomes from every input source. The methods of implementation and the outcomes of each technique vary based on the various factors as new techniques and improvements in object identification are introduced. These factors also determine which techniques can be used for certain applications to achieve the best outcomes. While some methods are more accurate, they can also take longer to process. While some achieve results with less accuracy and in far less time. The selection of techniques may change depending on these criteria.
Figure 1. Basic Block Diagram of Object Detection [4]
In this section, the works carried out by various researchers are as follows:
Table1. Performance comparison among object detection networks[5]
System |
VOC2007 TEST mPA |
Number of Boxes |
Input resolution |
Faster R-CNN (VGG16) |
73.2 7 1 |
7 |
∼ 6000 |
~1000x600 |
52.7 66.4 |
7 21 |
98 98 |
448x448 448x448 |
YOLO (customized) |
63.4 |
45 |
98 |
448x448 |
SSD300 |
74.3 |
46 |
8732 |
300X300 |
SSD512 |
76.8 |
19 |
24564 |
512x512 |
SSD300*(VGG16) |
77.2 |
46 |
8732 |
300x300 |
SSD12 |
76.8 |
22 |
2456 |
12x512 |
SSD512*(VGG16) |
79.8 |
19 |
24564 |
512x512 |
Taking the visual as an input, either by an image or a video data set by mobile, webcam, etc.
Figure 2. Object Identification Flowchart
Any of the methods mentioned in the previous section can be implemented using the same three key steps, namely the identification of feature points, the description of each area surrounding those points as a feature vector using a descriptor, and finally the use of a function that enables the comparison of descriptors in order to carry out the matching. Figure.2 illustrates the process used to find and identify the objects.
Deep Learning Base Object Recognition Methods: There are two types of region-based convolutional neural network models:
Figure 3. Steps Architecture
A. Two-Stage Target Detection Algorithm
1) R-CNN
The R-CNN [18] was the first research work on R-CNNs, and it showed how CNNs may be used to increase and extend detection performance. To convert detection into classification, R-CNN combines CNNs and a module for class-neutral region proposals. Girshick introduced the R-CNN algorithm in 2014 as the first interesting model to use Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) for object detection. For classification, the model creates 2000 region proposals per image and resizes them. Furthermore,
CNN is used for feature extraction and model training, and an SVM classifier is used to identify objects. Finally, a bounding box regression process is performed using a trained linear regression model. R-CNN does significantly improve accuracy when compared to a traditional detection method, but it requires a lot of calculations and does it inefficiently. Second, converting a fixed-length feature vector and the region proposal directly might damage the objects.
Drawbacks of the R-CNN Model
The algorithm for selective search is not flexible. Due to its slow speed, it cannot be used for real-time processing. Training takes a long period because there are several stages. R-CNN is rarely employed in real-world applications.
Figure 4. R-CNN architecture [18]
The replacement for the original R-CNN is called Fast R-CNN. For accurate object detection, a number of proposed regions are developed using the selective search algorithm.
Figure.5. Fast RCNN architecture [19]
In 2015, Girshick presented the Fast R-CNN [19] model. A Fast R-CNN design takes the complete image as input along with item suggesions, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Max-pooling and convolutional layers are used to process the image, creating a conv feature map. The layer of ROI pooling pulls the feature map's fixed-length feature vector for the respective object proposal. The various layers receive as input all feature vectors. Two separate outputs are produced: Softmax Each object class has four real-valued numbers as well as probability for different object classes. Fast R-CNN uses less processing power while improving detection accuracy. CNN receives the entire image as input in order to extract features.
Uses: Instead of SVM, Fast R-CNN uses SoftMax as in R-CNN, for classification. The model is faster and end-to-end trainable because of a pooling layer called Region of Interest (ROI).
Limitations: The process is lengthy and complex. Calculations take a very long time. The model's computation time is approximately 2 seconds.
3) Faster R-CNN
Regional convolutional neural network (R-CNN) Faster R-CNN is the next part in the series. [20] The model proposed by Ren et.al, replaces the previous Selective Search method to create region proposals with region proposal networks, as seen in Fig. 6. The model is made of 2 modules: the Fast R-CNN detection method and a full convolution neural network used to generate all region proposals. These two modules share a set of convolution layers. The shared convolution layer receives the input image and passes it through the CNN network at the very end. In order to create a higher-dimensional feature map, the picture is passed forward to the specified convolution layer, and the feature map is used as the RPN network's input, respectively. Even though Faster R-CNN has good detection accuracy, real-time detection is still not possible with it.
Figure 6. Faster RCNN architecture [20]
B. One-Stage Target Detection Algorithm:
1) SSD
In 2016, W. Liu et al [21] proposed the Single-Shot Detector (SSD) concept, which is seen in Figure.7. SSD uses a single pipeline for completing object detection, making it a one-stage approach. Since SSD only requires one step to complete, it has an increase in performance over the R-CNN series method and is hence more likely to be used in engineering. Using a convolutional neural network features from an image, which is then sent into the SSD process to create a feature map. Six layers' worth of feature maps are extracted, and the default box is then generated for each feature map point. The default box is then filtered and output once all the created default boxes have been gathered and placed into the Non-Maximum Suppression. The feature maps of some layers only need to be trained for object detection at a matching scale since the visual fields of perception of the different feature maps are scale-dependent. As a result, SSD combines the upper and lower-level feature maps and uses multi-scale regional features for regression. SSD also uses the previous framework of different scales and aspect ratios. It somewhat solves the issue of incorrect positioning and problems in identifying small things.
Figure 7. Single-shot multi-box detector architecture [21]
Previous object detectors using deep learning are multi-stage, sequential, two-stage finders that have difficulties with real-time applications. A single-stage network with quick frame processing speed is needed to overcome this. In a pipeline as shown in Fig. 8 such a model was YOLO, which combined the tasks of classification and regression to determine the class of an object and its location. Later, YOLO-v2 [8], YOLO-v3 [22], and YOLO-v4 [23] were released in successive waves as improvements to the real-time application for object detection. The YOLO versions have higher generalization capabilities on other unknown datasets and are accurate, quick, and easy to use.
Figure 8. You only look once architecture
In recent times one of the toughest and most basic subjects in computer vision is object detection though it is tough yet it has gotten a lot of attention in the current period. After studying these review papers according to my point of view I recognized that there are variations of algorithms for object detection, i.e Region proposal-based, and the other regression classification-based frameworks, whereas comparison both the Region-based is composed of 3 correlated stages including region-based, proposal generation, Feature extraction, and classification.
The Regression-based it is one step framework mapping straightly from image pixels to bounding box coordinates and class probabilities that can reduce time expenses. SSD, RCNN, FAST-RCNN, FASTER-RCNN, YOLO, etc. this is the different algorithms used by the researchers in their research in this most of the algorithms which are used are SSD and YOLO. SSD one of the main rewards is its speed and efficiency. Because a single network is used, objects can be detected in real-time. But still, there are some issues it may struggle to see items that are much smaller or larger than the objects in the training sample. Although DL-based detection algorithms have come to be common in various fields of diligence, there still exist a number of problems that must be addressed in order to achieve a high level of learning efficiency for small objects and proposed an improved-category object discovery. DL requires a large amount of data in order to produce good results.
Figure 9. Improved single-shot multi-box detector target detection method based on deep feature fusion [26]
Though object detection has advanced significantly over the last year, the finest detectors are still a long way from reaching performance capacity. The demand for lightweight models that may be used on mobile and embedded devices will rise rapidly as their real-world applications increase. Although there has been a rise in interest in this area, there are still many unresolved questions. In this study, we show the evolution of single-stage and two-stage detectors over their predecessors. This study provides a detailed overview based on deep learning object identification frameworks also classification mechanisms. Finally, from the aforementioned methodologies, it can be inferred that Single Shot Detector (SSD) has the greatest mAP of all the techniques, at 76.9%. This review is especially useful for improvements in learning systems connected to neural networks since it offers useful understandings and also suggestions for upcoming advancement. So our approach is using Android, and the MobileNet SSD model we will be performing future work using this we will try to improve the accuracy of Object detection and work on the Real Time Application, which will detect the object and speak the object name.
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Copyright © 2024 Sheetal R. Dehare, Pravin L. Yannawar . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET63581
Publish Date : 2024-07-08
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here