Modular learning is a method of organizing the learning process based on the modular presentation of educational information.
The essence of modular teaching is that the content of teaching is divided into autonomous organizational and methodological modules, the content and scope of which can vary depending on the didactic goals, profile and level of students. The combination of modules should provide the necessary degree of flexibility and freedom in teaching (and independent learning) a particular category of students and in selecting and assembling specific learning material needed to achieve specific didactic and professional goals.
The purpose of the introduction of the credit module system:
Achieving compliance with the standards of the European education system based on knowledge, skills and abilities is the property of the graduate;
Demand for educational skills in Uzbekistan by the European labor market;
Approval of a universally recognized and comparative system of educational skills;
Introduction of a standardized diploma application, the sample of which was developed by the European system and contains detailed information about the educational results of the graduate;
Encourage teachers and students of higher education institutions to improve the system of objective assessment of knowledge;
Ensuring the transparency of the higher education system and the academic professional recognition of skills (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.) [1, 23].
The credit-module system has two main functions as an integral attribute of the Law on Education.
The first is to ensure the mobility of students and faculty and to facilitate the transition from one university to another.
The second is a clear definition of the scope of work to be performed by the student, taking into account all types of teaching and research activities. The amount of credits indicates that the student is able to study in a particular program.
However, it is important for the student-prospective professional not only to understand and master the information, but also to master its practical application and decision-making methods. Under such conditions, the share of direct, external information is reduced, and the work of students under the guidance of the teacher (teacher) and the interaction of completely independent work in laboratories, reading rooms, future facilities the use of forms and methods expands professional activity, which is especially important for the distance education system.
Introduction of credit-modular system of education Reorganization of the traditional scheme "academic semester - academic year - course", rational distribution of educational material on the subject in modules and theoretical and individual modules the use of a wide range of knowledge assessments, the decisive influence of the amount of points obtained during the semester, involves checking the quality of mastering practical materials for the final assessment.
The design of a credit-modular course involves the development of modular curricula that differ significantly from traditional curricula.
Discipline credit - a modular curriculum that clearly regulates both the group and the independent part of the mastery of the material and is designed to free the teacher from the functions of pure information. Credit - module software is developed according to a specific scheme and includes:
a. A complete list of educational goals and objectives;
b. Requirements for the preparation (competence) of students before and after mastering the subject;
c. Description of each module of the subject (summary of the sections of the module, texts of lectures, plans of seminars and laboratory-practical training, topics of supervised independent work, creative assignments, assignment and assignment schedule);
d. A brief organizational and methodological description (basic forms and methods of education, forms and methods of monitoring the results of the learning process, teaching policy);
e. System of assessment of educational results (including the schedule of assessment).
Before the start of the lesson (in some cases - in the first lesson) the teacher should give students the opportunity to get acquainted with the content of the credit-module program.
The credit-module system of education uses a rating assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities, which takes into account all types of educational activities of the student (outside the classroom and classroom), is evaluated by a certain score.
A rating is an individual cumulative indicator of a student based on learning outcomes. The rating is constantly changing depending on the results of the student's daily activities [6].
A student's individual academic ranking is based on the results of all subjects he / she has studied.
The use of knowledge rating is intended for:
Encourage students to work regularly and systematically on the subject;
Introduce an element of competition in the educational process by replacing the average categories (excellent, good, satisfactory) with a more stratified assessment and the possibility of its continuous accumulation;
Involve students in the successful development of each element of the curriculum, as they all contribute to the formation of the overall rating of the student;
To create an objective criterion for determining the best students for the award (various scholarships, awards), as well as recommendations for postgraduate education.
The interaction between teacher and student in the educational process takes place on a fundamentally new basis: with the help of modules, students consciously and independently achieve a certain level of prior preparation. The success of modular learning depends on maintaining equality between teacher and student.
Modular learning supports a holistic approach in addressing the following challenges:
- formation of educational content capable of responding flexibly to specific educational conditions, practical needs;
- Encourage students' independence and responsibility;
- increase the creative potential of the teacher, free him from everyday tasks;
- Ensuring individualization according to the pace of training, level of assistance and stratification of training content;
- Implement a high-quality learning process, as a result of which all students or most of them acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.
According to A.M. Aleksyuk, "a module is a relatively independent part of the learning process, which includes one or more concepts, laws, and principles that are similar in content and have a basic meaning".
The authors give different definitions of the didactic module. Thus, the didactic module:
• a unit of learning content designed and didactically designed to achieve a certain level of knowledge, skills and competencies, with controls at the entrance and exit;
• training package (conceptual unit of training material); teaching tool (because it includes teaching content, appearance, etc.); teaching method (provides a system of specific actions in the study of the material)
• theoretical production training is a logical and permissible part of work within a profession or field of work, which, as a rule, is not divided into smaller parts, with a clearly defined beginning and end;
• A logically complete piece of theoretical and practical knowledge in a subject tailored to the individual characteristics of the learners. In pedagogy, the module is a functional unit of the learning process, a perfect block of didactic customized information. The learning module is an integrated functional unit that optimizes the psycho-social development of the learner and the teacher. This means that the learning module is a meaningful module designed in a unique way. It will have a procedural and functional emblem in pre-designed modules.
The credit-module system of organization of the educational process is a model of the organization of the educational process on the basis of a combination of modular educational technologies and educational credit units (credits).
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