Today\'s social life, manufacturing companies are increasingly promoting their products through the media, television and radio through various visual aids. Advertising is not only a means of promoting a product, but also a rapid factor that demonstrates certain achievements in production, conveys information to the population, has a rapid impact on the mental and intellectual state of man, reflects the capabilities of language.
As the language of advertising reflects the life of a society, it develops in harmony with the issues of social life. For this reason, advertising language plays an important role in the study and analysis of social language knowledge. Importantly, the language of advertising is a source that reflects the lexical means available in the language of the ethnos, shows the scale of social means of expressing the social meaning, and identifies ways to develop it.
In linguistics, the importance of the study of advertising language is determined by the role of advertising language in the development of life and society, the study of the characteristics of the social environment, the specificity of the expression of simple, fluent, coherent language elements present in advertising language. Based on the above considerations, it can be said that sociolinguistics, which studies the role of language in the development of life and society, is an integral study of the external-functional aspect and internal-grammatical structure of language. The interaction of the external and internal aspects of language is called the social state of language.
In linguistics, the term sociolinguistics is defined as follows: “Sociolinguistics examines the problem of language and society, the question of the specific occurrence of language in the speech of a person of different classes, classes, ages, professions and genders in society. Latin has a combination of the words society and linguistics, a branch of linguistics that studies the issues of language to society and the impact of society on language. The term sociolinguistics was first used in linguistics in 1952 by the American researcher H. Curry. Pure linguistics examines the language itself. Sociolinguistics focuses on the fact that members of society use it differently in different contexts and environments. ”[Mengliyev B., Kholiyorov U ona tili Qomus. (For school teachers). –Tashkent: Teacher, 2009. - P.176.]
Sh.Safarov and G.Toirova explain the formation of sociolinguistics as follows: A new branch of special linguistics, sociolinguistics, which studies the living conditions, has been formed. [7.P.4.]
If we look at the history of society and language from the point of view of the Uzbek language, advertisements in ancient times appealed to consumers with such phrases as "stay, eat, those who receive are in need, those who do not receive are in wish." In this regard, the language of advertising should be recognized as an example of word art. In order to sell a product to the language, it is necessary to invent unusual sentences that can attract the consumer’s attention and to ensure that the product comes to mind when you hear that sentence. Thus, the language of advertising is a national language, rich in means of expression, with an important appearance that reveals the laws of figurative use of language means. For example, in the phrase “Taste of Life” (from an advertisement for a Coca Cola drink), social meaning is understood through the use of the word taste, which conforms to the vital and universal laws inherent in artistic language. This is because the importance of expressiveness has increased when the concept of positivity, expressed through the word vitality, is pragmatically used in conjunction with the word taste. At the same time, the social characters inherent in the language of advertising served to reveal the clarity and clarity of thought, as well as its aspects related to the content of life and society. Consequently, the language of advertising is a form of popular language in which the word, whether used in its own sense or in a figurative sense, feels its power in social relations. That is why the language of advertising has a special meaning.
The concept of advertising language is the same in all nations, but differs in terms of customs, lifestyle and social characteristics of the nation, which is explained by the fact that a particular ethnic language has some important or insignificant features that distinguish it from each other. Since the language of advertising is one of the peculiar forms of language based on the past history of the language, it is appropriate to study its historical path from the ethnolinguistic point of view.
Ethnolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the connections and relationships between a language and the people who own it, the development of language, the interaction of linguistic, ethnic factors on functional features. The interaction of language and ethnic features is twofold: the impact of ethnic factors (ethnic traditions, national traditions, philosophical, religious views, etc.) on language development and, conversely, the positive impact of language capabilities on the formation of ethnic factors. Ethnolinguistics studies the extent to which different ethnic groups have contributed to language and its development, and in the process, the similarities, commonalities, or separations between ethnic groups. [Https://],[7.P.5.] The field of sociolinguistics of linguistics also uses the scientific results of ethnolinguistics. Man responds to any advertisement with his emotions. [6.P.144.] In the process of expressing our direct attitude to the environmental phenomena, things and objects around us under certain conditions, the human body falls into different situations. The diversity of circumstances occurs under the direct influence of things and events on man. The main reason for a person to fall into different situations is love, affection, joy, happiness, wonder, sorrow, pain, fear, anger, hatred, greed, sin and many other inner feelings. These processes, of course, do not take place without the use of language. Bright impressions have a strong effect on emotional memory. In humans, along with visual memory, stable emotional memory is also important. In emotional memory, the principle of voluntary-involuntary, likes and dislikes is the guiding principle. Through the language of advertising, we create emotional images without realizing it, no matter how much it is created. This situation directly determines the viability of the language, as they are used in oral and written speech, dialects, vernacular, national language in the expression of social relations in everyday life. These are the basis for the emergence of the living state of language. The roots of advertising go back a long way. In the most ancient times, the Romans decorated the walls with announcements of gladiatorial battles. This was the first type of advertising. Another type was associated with the sale of slaves, black cattle, during the so-called “Golden Age” in ancient Greece.
Another aspect of the ad was the logo, which the sellers printed on their products. In fact, the word "advertising" is a Latin word that means "to shout", "shout", "call". The Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language explains: “ADVERTISING [fr. reclame <lot. reclamare to shout loudly] 1. ict. Information about these goods and services in order to inform buyers about certain types of goods or services, to create or increase demand for them. Commercial advertising. In the concept of marketing, advertising occupies a central place in the set of product sales activities. "Economic Theory". Although "Family and Society" is not advertised like other newspapers, it is in high demand. (From the newspaper). Advertising means promoting a product under its own name. (From the newspaper). 2. Dissemination of information about a person, organization, thing in order to promote it. Political advertising. Advertising and announcements section of the newspaper. This is the same thing in the stands, TV screens, this topic in advertisements (E. Ahunova, Across the Two Oceans). There is no doubt that you will achieve advertising productivity in cooperation with us (from the newspaper). 3. An announcement, poster issued for this purpose. Advertising. [4.P.374. ] So, the first appearances of the advertisement also consisted of verbal announcements, invitations, and so on. In the Central Asian region, advertising is mainly formed in market places. The first printed publication appeared in 1478 in English. In 1622, advertising entered a period of significant development. It can be said that this is due to the fact that newspapers are published in the society. The first ads were in the form of ads. An advertisement is a message, news, order, decree, document, paper, notification written in Arabic, which means to inform, inform, inform, inform and inform the public. [Uzbek dictionary. Edited by A.Madvaliev. –Tashkent, 2011. –P.66.] Today, there are different aspects of advertising and announcements, and in terms of style, advertisements are an official style, and advertising is an example of a journalistic style. “Ads usually consist of a context of no more than 100 characters. So, ads are a means of attracting attention, and advertising is a means of sales.” [5]
The amount and volume of information conveyed in the reception and procurement of information has a great influence. Excessive information in advertising, on the contrary, their insufficiency has a significant impact on the process of purchasing a product. It follows that the activation of cognitive need is a strong psychological factor in advertising activity. [1.P.22.] The ad asks you a question about creating a finished image and invites you to think. The answer to this is that the consumer’s attitude towards advertising depends on how perfectly, completely, and most importantly, reasonably the advertised product is being brought to his attention. The results of psychological research show that about 80 percent of consumers who receive advertising information are dissatisfied with the lack of information. The emotional content of the advertising effect determines the emotional relationship to the object of the advertising information. How does the subject react to advertising information?
These are in the following forms: positive, negative, neutral, and contradictory. [2.P.32.] In this regard, we have summarized the descriptions of many psycholinguists in advertising as follows:
Advertising is a tool that provides buyers and consumers with useful information about the quality of the product, the socio-psychological aspects for people. In fact, the power of influence in advertising plays a big role. The psychological processes associated with word usage are explored in more depth in direct psycholinguistics. From a psycholinguistic point of view, the following is recommended in advertising:
Mention the advertised offer in the title;
Focus on the word "free";
Repeat the text at the bottom of the title;
Provide images depicting the advertised product or service in action;
Include a sentence on the validity of the proposal;
It is necessary to write the word or sentence in capital letters, in which case even small advertisements can be as effective as adults;
The text should be composed using short words, short sentences, short paragraphs.
At the end of the last century, experts who were well versed in human psychology began to use advertising as psychotropic weapons. That is, before a product was advertised, they used invisible elements that prompted them to buy it, so that direct buyers began to feel the need to buy the same product, as if it were coded. Advertising uses colors, the use of words, and even elements that captivate even the music. And among those who see the ad, there are children from all walks of life, who have not yet realized what it is.
In short, the history of advertising proves that it originated in terms of human needs, demand. As a result of the influence of these needs and requirements, advertisements are becoming more diverse today. Socio-economic reforms are reflected in every sphere of our lives today. Also, as a result of independence, such aspects as new thinking, observation, and the formation of positive qualities in behavior are manifested in people's minds. This is reflected in the characteristics of the educational impact that takes place in the social environment and reality. Recently, the information and communication opportunities have expanded, and the audience of its recipients is growing day by day. It has been proven by scientists that advertising is one of the social phenomena that has the power to attract such a large audience.