Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Shubham Mathur, Aakash Purohit
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.46072
Certificate: View Certificate
Email is one of the most popular modes of communication we have today. Billions of emails are sent every day in our world but not every one of them is relevant or of importance. The irrelevant and unwanted emails are termed email spam. These spam emails are sent with many different targets that range from advertisement to data theft. Filtering these spam emails is very essential in order to keep the email space fluent in its functioning. Machine Learning algorithms are being extensively used in the classification of spam emails. This paper showcases the performance evaluation of some selected supervised Machine Learning algorithms namely Naive Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, & XG-Boost for spam email classification on a combination of three different datasets. For feature extraction, both Bag of Words & TF-IDF models were used separately and performance with both of these approaches was also compared. The results showed that SVM performed better than all the other algorithms when trained with TF-IDF feature vectors. The performance metrics used were accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score, along with the ROC curve.
Email is one of the oldest modes of digital communication and it is being used since the 1970s. Today, billions of users send & receive emails every day because they are used for personal communication as well in a plethora of different fields such as academics, business, marketing, etc. Emails have remained relevant due to their results.
Emails remain one of the best sources of lead generation for businesses as compared to various social media platforms like Facebook & Twitter. As per Statista [1], around 306 billion emails were sent in 2020 and the number is expected to be around 347 billion by the end of 2023. This upward trend clearly shows that the popularity of email usage is surely going nowhere anytime soon.
The meaningful or genuine emails are often termed Ham while the unwanted emails that are generally sent in bulk to either annoy someone or to steal their data are often termed Spam. The majority of spam emails contain links to either phishing websites or to websites that are hosting malware.
Spammers lure people with lucrative emails to get them to interact with the spam. As per Statista, 45.1% of the total email traffic in March 2021 contained spam emails. As per Campaign Monitor [2], over 60 billion spam emails will be sent from 2019-to 2023. Spam emails are spread across various areas such as healthcare, online education/courses, free money/prize distributions, adult content, job offers, online gambling, etc to name a few. Classification of these spam emails is a very essential task these days as spam emails are increasing every day.
Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) where computers are trained to learn explicitly without being programmed.
Among its subtypes, Supervised ML has been used popularly in email spam classification. Spamassassin, Lingspam, and a subset of the Enron-spam dataset [3] are used in this study and together they contain a large amount of textual data. The handling and processing of such textual data is a part of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which is a subfield of AI where computers are programmed to process and work with natural language data generated by humans. For transforming textual data into numerical features, two feature conversion approaches namely Bag of Words and TF-IDF are used in this research.
This study aims to evaluate the performance of some of the most commonly used supervised ML algorithms for classification including Multinomial Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and XG-Boost with Bag of Words and TF-IDF feature vectors respectively.
Spam emails were a big problem even before the advent of Machine Learning and NLP techniques. During that time some fixed rule-based techniques were used to classify incoming emails as spam or ham, such as checking the domain name of the sender in the header field of the email. If it belonged to a blacklisted domain then higher chance of it being spam. Other examples include checking the content of the email and scoring it with the help of a list containing the most commonly used spam words [4]. A score higher than a set threshold would classify the email as spam otherwise ham, etc [18]. However, with time these techniques quickly prove inefficient as spammers always bring new tricks into the scene to bypass all these rule checks. Generating more and more rules for each and every trick is not only time-consuming but also inefficient in terms of computational complexity. According to authors in [5], spam email is constantly changing and evolving [book]. To tackle this behaviour spam filters should also do the same. Machine learning algorithms combined with the power of NLP techniques to handle and pre-process textual data prove to be highly useful for spam email classification. Leading email servers, client software, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Gmail, Yahoo mail, Outlook, etc. are using these techniques for spam filtering [6].
Email is mainly divided into two parts namely header and body, most of the data here are in form of text. Even in the case of a multimedia email, the subject line contains some text. The importance of textual data in spam email classification is thus very high. R. Miller and E.Y.A. Charles in [7], stresses the importance of analysis of email subject lines as they are first to be read by any recipient. However, Machine Learning algorithms can not work with textual datasets without feature selection and conversion processes. Bag of Words and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) are two of the most popular techniques for these tasks. The majority of research works based on email spam classification or clustering used either one of these two techniques and then trained the learning algorithms [8]-[11].
In [12], the authors have presented a comprehensive review of email application areas, data sets used, feature space requirements, classification techniques, and usage of performance measures. In [13], the authors have compared four different types of Decision tree classifiers (ID3, J48, simple CART, and Alternating Decision Tree) in terms of classification accuracy in the WEKA environment. It was found that J48 outperforms the other classifiers in spam email classification.
Supervised algorithms are mainly used for solving Classification and Regression problems[]. As Email spam filtering is a classification problem there is more focus on Supervised ML algorithms. In this research work, a performance evaluation of the four most commonly used Supervised ML algorithms is carried out which are discussed below:
A. Naive Bayes Classifier
Naive Bayes is a general term for a family of classifiers which works on the principle of conditional probability given by Bayes theorem according to which the probability of occurring of an event A given the probability of other event B that has already occurred, is calculated as shown in Eq. (1).
P(B|A) = Probability of B, given A is true,
P(A) = Probability of event A, and
P(B) = Probability of event B
The model is a probability table that is based on the feature values and updated according to the training data provided. When dealing with data having discrete features such as textual datasets, Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) is a suitable choice [14]. Due to this reason, they are popularly used for various text classification problems in NLP. The approach is called naive because it assumes the presence of absolute independence of features (which means the presence/occurrence of one feature is independent of the presence of any other feature) and each feature has an equal contribution to the result, which is not true most of the time especially when we are talking about real-world applications.
Despite this fact, Naive Bayes classifiers have shown considerable accuracy and speed for spam classification problems. The speed of these classifiers is very fast both in training and testing because of the simple calculations involved and thus they are used for making real-time predictions. They are easily scalable with large datasets and are resistant to noise and overfitting.
B. Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are used for both classification and regression problems. The classification is done with the help of a decision boundary known as a Hyperplane. The data points are classified according to which side of the hyperplane they fall. The data points are plotted on an n-dimensional space where n denotes the number of features. The hyperplane depends on the value of n, for n=2 there will be a 2-dimensional space and the hyperplane will be a line. The given data can be linear or non-linear, when the data points are not linearly separable then SVM uses some complex mathematical functions to transform data points to make them separable. These functions are known as kernel functions and they covert low-dimensional input space to higher-dimensional space. Examples of these kernels are linear, polynomial, Radial Basis Function (RBF), etc. In this research work, the linear kernel is used as it provided the most accurate results according to the given dataset.
Choice of appropriate kernel function is necessary according to the given data. SVMs are very complex and take a long time in training but they provide fast and accurate predictions even with high-dimensional data. SVM works well with small datasets but performance degrades with large datasets, so they are not very scalable [15].
C. Random Forest
Random Forests (RF) are supervised ML algorithms based on the concept of ensemble learning. In ensemble learning multiple learning models are combined to solve a problem, this ensures higher accuracy and fewer error rates in comparison to the scenario where a single learning model is solving a particular problem. Ensemble learning is divided into two categories called bagging and boosting, random forests use the bagging approach in which multiple Decision Trees (DT) are trained from different subsets of the given dataset. Thus, each tree would be constructed differently according to the training data provided to it. During the test phase, each DT will generate its own result and the final prediction of Random Forest will be decided by the majority voting process. For this to be accurate, all DTs in the forest must have a low correlation between them, otherwise, all of them will train and predict in the same way. In this research work, a Random Forest with 100 DTs is used with Entropy as the Attribute Selection Measure.
RF practically overcomes or mitigates most of the drawbacks of a single DT. They provide great accuracy, reduction in overfitting, and improved stability along with all advantages that a single DT has. However, due to multiple trees involved the complexity and computational costs of RF are much higher along with longer training times.
D. XGBoost
Figures XGBoost is short for Extreme Gradient Boosting. It is an ensemble technique based on gradient boosting and is used for a variety of classification and regression problems and was introduced in [16]. In XGBoost the sequential learners are decision trees. Thus, in simple words, XGBoost implements gradient boosting on decision trees. In normal boosting, all input data points are assigned equal weight and are then fed to the first DT to predict results. The weight of incorrectly predicted variables is increased and then they are fed to the next DT and so on. So in this scenario, weights are updated for improving the results but gradient boosting is different. In gradient boosting the loss function is optimized, i.e. instead of weights, the loss (or residual) is passed to the next learner. XGBoost works on this principle to improve performance. XGBoost open-source library is available for various languages like C++, Python, R, Pearl, etc. It can run on a single machine as well as distributed processing frameworks.
For this study, three different datasets were combined and the resulting dataset was pre-processed to remove null values, irrelevant characters, words, and other text as discussed in section 4.1. This pre-processed text was used to generate vocabulary followed by feature extraction phases and then finally these features were fed to ML algorithms for training as shown in Fig. 1
A. Data Collection and Pre-processing
The three datasets used are Spamassassin, Lingspam, and a subset of Enron-spam corpus [17] which are publicly available for research. All three of them were in form of CSV files with index, body, and respective labels. Spam emails are labelled as 1 and Ham emails as 0.
Spamassassin contains 4150 ham emails and 1896 spam emails, Ling Spam contains 2172 ham emails and 433 spam emails, and lastly, Enron subset contains 5000 ham emails and 5000 spam emails. It can be seen that the former two are imbalanced and the last one is a balanced dataset. The combined dataset after removing null entries contains 11322 ham emails and 7328 spam emails.
Textual data is high-dimensional due to a lot of features [18].
Feature selection is essential for eliminating irrelevant features to avoid the problem of Curse of Dimensionality. In the combined dataset, the data pre-processing tasks such as tokenization, punctuation removal, stop-word removal, lower casing, and lemmatization were performed using Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library [19] in Python.
B. Feature Extraction
As ML algorithms can not directly work with raw text data, it is desirable to convert it into a suitable numeric form of fixed-length vectors. This is done using feature extraction and the two most popular techniques for this conversion are-
TF: Term Frequency is the number of times a term t occurs in document d (having N total terms) and is calculated using Eq. (2) [20].
The entire dataset is spitted into 80% and 20% for training and testing respectively. In this study, both BoW and TF-IDF features are used separately with ML algorithms. In Phase-1 all algorithms were trained with BoW features extracted from the dataset and in Phase-2 all algorithms were trained with TF-IDF features extracted from the dataset. Then the results of all algorithms from Phase-1 and Phase-2 were evaluated. Performance evaluation of ML algorithms can be done in various ways, the most common one is overall accuracy. However, accuracy alone is not a sufficient performance metric for a classification algorithm especially when the training dataset is imbalanced. So, other metrics such as precision, recall, and f1-score are used [21]. All of these metrics are calculated using the following factors-
In the case of spam classification, email being spam is considered the positive case, and email being ham is the negative case. Now based on these factors the performance metrics namely Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-score are calculated using Eqs. (5), (6), (7), and (8) respectively as explained below-
In this study, three labelled datasets were combined to form a single dataset containing 18650 emails. The data was pre-processed to remove unnecessary contents and generate the vocabulary of useful tokens. Multinomial Naive Bayes, SVM, Random Forest, and XGBoost algorithms were trained with BoW and TF-IDF feature vectors separately and then the results were evaluated for both approaches. It was found that Multinomial Naive Bayes and KNN performed better with BoW vectors while SVM, Random Forest, and XGBoost performed better with TF-IDF vectors. Among all five algorithms, SVM performed the best with TF-IDF vectors and XGBoost scored the least in both phases. So, it can be seen that SVM still performs better than ensemble-based algorithms when it comes to text classification problems. For future work, more emphasis will be on increasing the performance of all classifiers and reducing the number of False Positives as much as possible. This is because, in spam filtering, False Positives are not tolerable so the precision of the classifiers should be very high.
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Copyright © 2022 Shubham Mathur, Aakash Purohit. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET46072
Publish Date : 2022-07-29
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here