Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Rajesh Tanti
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.66073
Certificate: View Certificate
The web has turned into a principal part of our conventional social and financial activities. Web works arriving at clients all around the globe with no commercial center limitations and with successful utilization of internet business. Consequently, Internet customers may be defenceless against different kinds of web risks, that may cause financial damages, information forgery, brand reputation mischief, the sacrifice of private information, and loss of customers\' confidence in online business and electronic banking. Thusly, the reasonableness of the Internet for business exchanges becomes dubious. Phishing is seen as a design of web peril which is classified as the forte of mimicking a website of a legitimate undertaking proposing to gain a client\'s private accreditations, for instance, usernames, passwords, and federal retirement aide numbers. In this paper, we present an survey on the phishing activity, their impact, causes prevention, threads , reports and Cyber Lab security concern . we also discuss about how we can establish a batter cyber security lab to protect from phishing and malware This paper also present an overview report of LACL Cyber Lab which establish in Los Angeles to protect from all cyber attack and how we can gain the knowledge about new threads. .
Today is the era of digitalization , every individual is using the internet facility . Internet makes the life so much easy and predictable . every individual is using the social media , internet banking , online commerce etc. for their personal use and efficient process. People are sharing their information , uploading photos , live location and performing transactions of money and other things.
Because people are no awareness about the cyber-attack, the hackers are taking the benefit and performing the criminal activities .
Phishing is an act of attempting a victim for fraudulently acquires sensitive information by impersonating a trustworthy third party, which could be a person or a reputed business in an electronic communication. The objective of phishing attack is to trick receivers into divulging sensitive information such as bank account numbers, passwords and credit card details. For instance, a phisher may misrepresenting himself as a large banking corporation or popular on-line auction site will have a reasonable yield, despite knowing little to nothing about the recipient .Phishing is a common type of cyber-attack that targets individuals through email, text messages, phone calls, and other forms of communication. As a popular form of social engineering, phishing involves psychological manipulation and deception whereby threat actors masquerade as reputable entities to mislead users into performing specific actions. These actions often involve clicking links to fake websites, downloading and installing malicious files, and divulging private information, like bank account numbers or credit card information. However, phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and are now broken down into different types, including email phishing, spear phishing, smishing, vishing, and whaling. Each type is characterized by specific channels and methods of execution – email, text, voice, social media, etc. – all with a similar underlying intention.
The first time someone used the term ‘phishing’ can be traced back to January 2nd, 1996. During the 1990s, hackers would pretend to be AOL administrators and phish for login credentials so they can access the internet for free. A group called the Warez community, mainly composed of pirates and hackers, would steal user’s credentials and generate random credit card numbers in order to get an AOL account. This scam, although very simple, was effective since no one. This scam, although very simple, was effective since no one really knew anything about phishing threats. However, phishing would only continue to be one of the most prevalent problems companies face today.
The following table-1 shows the phishing attack scenario from 2005- 2019
Table 1: Phishing report generated by APWG.
A. Today
While cybersecurity experts are catching up, it’s far from enough. Both security researchers and hackers are stuck in a never ending battle where they constantly try to one-up the other using new technologies, scenarios, and attack methods.
INTERPOL mentions that in March 2020, there were more phishing attacks compared to February 2020. Additionally, while emails have been dominating in phishing the past decade, 2020 marked the rise in scams done through phone calls (vishing) and SMS or text messages (smishing).
In 2021 Tessian research found that employees receive an average of 14 malicious emails per year. Some industries were hit particularly hard, with retail workers receiving an average of 49. ESET’s 2021 research found a 7.3% increase in email-based attacks between May and August 2021, the majority of which were part of phishing campaigns.
And 2021 research from IBM confirmed this trend, citing a 2 percentage-point rise in phishing attacks between 2019 and 2020, partly driven by COVID-19 and supply chain uncertainty. CISCO’s 2021 Cybersecurity threat trends report suggests that at least one person clicked a phishing link in around 86% of organizations. The company’s data suggests that phishing accounts for around 90% of data breaches.
There’s an uneven distribution in phishing attacks throughout the year. Cisco found that phishing tends to peak around holiday times, finding that phishing attacks soared by 52% in December. We’ve written about a similar phenomenon that typically occurs around Black Friday.
B. Jan-Jun 2024
Phishing involves an attacker trying to trick someone into providing sensitive account or other login information online. All the different types of phishing are designed to take advantage of the fact that so many people do business over the internet. This makes phishing one of the most prevalent cybersecurity threats around, rivaling distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, data breaches, and many kinds of malware.
Knowing the different types of phishing attacks can equip you to protect your organization from each.
Phishing is a type of social engineering and cybersecurity attack where the attacker impersonates someone else via email or other electronic communication methods, including social networks and Short Message Service (SMS) text messages, to reveal sensitive information.Phishers can use public sources of information, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, to gather the victim's personal details, work history, interests and activities. These resources are often used to uncover information such as names, job titles and email addresses of potential victims. An attacker can then use information to craft a believable phishing email.
Figure 1 Showing the general method for phishing activity by hackers
Typically, a victim receives a message that appears to have been sent by a known contact or organization. The attack is then carried out either when the victim clicks on a malicious file attachment or clicks on a hyperlink connecting them to a malicious website. In either case, the attacker's objective is to install malware on the user's device or direct them to a fake website. Fake websites are set up to trick victims into divulging personal and financial information, such as passwords, account IDs or credit card details. Although many phishing emails are poorly written and clearly fake, cybercriminals are using artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as chatbots to make phishing attacks look more real.
Other phishing attempts can be made via phone, where the attacker poses as an employee phishing for personal information. These messages can use an AI-generated voice of the victim's manager or other authority for the attacker to further deceive the victim. Figure 1 Showing the general method for phishing activity by hackers.
1) Technology
Phishing statistics for Technology:
2) Healthcare
Healthcare phishing statistics:
3) SMEs
Phishing statistics for SMEs:
4) Educational Sector
In terms of security against such phishing scams, educational institutions rank very last.
A. The Most Targeted Industries
In the second quarter of 2024, APWG founding member OpSec Security found that social media platforms were once again the most frequently attacked sector, representing 32.9 percent all phishing attacks. Phish- ing against the Financial Institution (banking) segment were mostly steady at 10 percent, down from 24.9 percent of all attacks in Q3 2023 and 14 percent in Q4 2023. Attacks against online payment services (such as PayPal, Venmo, Stripe, and similar companies) were also steady, with another 7.5 percent of all attacks.
Matthew Harris, Senior Product Manager, Fraud at OpSec, explained why banking and payment sites are being attacked less frequently. “We have observed an increased share of fraud being targeted towards sites that do not require high security, such as social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, and SAAS and Webmail accounts such as Microsoft Outlook and Netflix.” Phishing that uses email lures is being hampered by advanced filtering technologies and sending requirements, making it more difficult for scammers to get their emails into victim in-boxes. Figure 2 showing the graph of most targeted industries in the world by APWG 2024 report.
Figure 2 APWG 2024 report
B. The Most Impersonated Brands
Phishing attackers exploit popular enterprise applications by impersonating popular brands and themes. ThreatLabz researchers found that following enterprise brands a like Microsoft, OneDrive, Okta, Adobe, and SharePoint are prime targets for impersonation due to their widespread usage in enterprise environments and the value they hold in acquiring user credentials.
S.no |
Name |
S.no |
Name |
01 |
Microsoft |
11 |
02 |
One drive |
12 |
ANZ Banking Group |
03 |
Okta |
13 |
Amazon |
04 |
Adobe |
14 |
FBay |
05 |
SharePoint |
15 |
06 |
Telegram |
16 |
07 |
pCloud |
17 |
Sparkasse bank |
08 |
18 |
Pay |
09 |
19 |
Gucci |
10 |
FedEx |
20 |
Rakuten |
Table 2 : List of Top Brands infected by phishing attack
C. Phishing by Country
Not all countries and regions are impacted by phishing to the same extent, or in the same way. Here are some statistics from another source showing the percentage of companies that experienced a successful phishing attack in 2020, by country:
Phishing awareness also varies geographically. Here’s the percentage of people who correctly answered the question: “What is phishing?”, by country:
United Kingdom: 69% ,Australia: 66%,Japan: 66%,Germany: 64%
France: 63%,Spain: 63%,United States: 52%
As you can see, there’s no direct correlation between phishing awareness and phishing susceptibility, which is why security training isn’t enough to prevent cybercrime.
D. The Most Common Subject Lines
According to Symantec’s 2019 Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR), the top five subject lines for business email compromise (BEC) attacks:
Analysis of real-world phishing emails revealed these to be the most common subject lines in Q4, 2020:
IBM has released its annual Cost of a Data Breach report, which revealed that the average cost of a data breach in India has reached an all-time high of Rs. 19.5 crore ($2.35 million) during the financial year 2024. The numbers have jumped by 39% since 2020 and 9% from the previous year as data breaches become increasingly common.
Figure 3: source – cost of data breach 2024 by IBM.
The 12 best tools for phishing simulations
In a world where social media reigns supreme, attackers are increasingly leveraging these platforms for phishing endeavors. This trend spans the globe, with the Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa experiencing similar patterns of exploitation. Figure 4 shows the most targeted social media platforms observed by ThreatLabz.
A. Most Exploited Social Media Platforms Worldwide
Phishing Attacks Observed in the Zscaler Cloud Platform
Figure 4: Top social media platforms used in phishing attacks
Above figure showing the phishing hits rate on social media platform , Such media uses more frequently by the world wide people. More details are as follows
Telegram, with 792,883 observed phishing hits, remains a popular target for malicious activities—a trend explored in our blog post on DuckTail. The platform’s end-to-end encryption and emphasis on user privacy make it an attractive choice for secure communication. However, threat actors attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in Telegram’s security measures to gain unauthorized access to user accounts or distribute malicious content.
Facebook, with 532,243 observed phishing hits, faces ongoing challenges in protecting user data and privacy. As one of the largest social media platforms globally, it attracts cybercriminals who aim to exploit security flaws, launch phishing campaigns, or engage in identity theft.
WhatsApp, with 378,968 observed phishing hits, encounters various security concerns due to its large user base and ubiquitous usage for messaging. While WhatsApp incorporates end-to-end encryption for secure conversations, attackers seek to exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, distribute malware, or deceive users through social engineering techniques.
Figure 5: Phishing attack on Whatsapp plateform
Instagram: with 231,630 observed phishing hits, grapples with threats such as account hijacking, phishing attempts, and the spread of malicious links or content. As a leading photo and video sharing platform, it attracts cybercriminals who exploit weak passwords, social engineering tactics, or third-party app vulnerabilities to compromise user accounts.
VKontakte: with 35,768 observed phishing hits, encounters security challenges specific to its user base in Russia and neighboring countries. Cyberthreats targeting VKontakte, a social media and networking service based in Russia, include account breaches, phishing attacks, and the distribution of malicious content.
X (previously Twitter): with 2,437 observed phishing hits, encounters a range of security issues, including account breaches, impersonation attempts, and the dissemination of fake news or malicious links. X’s real-time nature and large user base make it an attractive target for cybercriminals seeking to spread misinformation or compromise user accounts.
Snapchat: with 2,406 observed phishing hits, faces unique security concerns related to its multimedia messaging features and user- generated content. While Snapchat’s self-destructing messages provide a level of privacy, attackers may attempt to exploit vulnerabilities to compromise accounts or engage in social engineering scams.
Phishing is a growing security issue for both institutions and individuals. Although there are various mitigation techniques, proactive anti-phishing training is an important building block of any multi-level phishing defence strategy. In this paper, we discuss about the various factors of phishing, phishing trends and prevention technique , effect of phishing , cost of breach. This is crucial, as our literature analysis showed that research results concerning some of the parameters are inconclusive or even contradictory, indicating that these parameters require further investigation. In this paper we include the report generated by APWG and ThreadLabz with the accurate facts . By the study of research literature we observe that there is no proper Lab or exact method to find and protect from phishing attack because of its upgradation technique ,high technology and lack of knowledge . Because phishing activity developing continuously with high technology , so there is a requirement of high-tech laboratory as a Los Angeles Cyber Lab (LACL) , which provide us a better platform to support the anti phishing program, and courage us to develop such group of specialist to identify new threads and their solution. We are convinced that greater awareness of phishing techniques and means of addressing them increases overall security and peace of mind.
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Copyright © 2024 Rajesh Tanti. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET66073
Publish Date : 2024-12-23
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here