Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Jaini Patel, Kiran R Dodiya
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.64370
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In the banking industry, technologies are changing rapidly. The banking industry is the first target to implement the new technology to provide better customer services. In the past, banking systems used the manual ledger system, which has many drawbacks. To overcome this, the banking industry implemented the computerised mechanism to implement the centralised system, in which data is stored in one place, like a data warehouse. However, this centralised, automated system has also led to increased threats and cybercrimes. There are various malicious software (ransomware, phishing) through which hackers can hack customers\' private data and use it illegally. The urgency to address these challenges has led to the adoption of blockchain, a leading technology based on decentralised, distributed behaviour and its public ledger system. Implementing blockchain in the banking sector is not just a choice, but a necessity. It can increase security, immutability, faster transactions, a decentralised system, consensus manner, transparency, etc. We will be discussing blockchain and its functionality. Furthermore, we will present a theoretical framework that uses consortium blockchain to reduce security threats in online transactions. Our model, IVSMOT, is a crucial step in this direction, as it divides the private key into two shares, thereby addressing the urgent need to enhance security in online banking transactions.
The traditional banking sectors often store the customer’s data in the physical ledgers and books[1]. Although there are so many challenges like limited accessibility, lack of real-time updates, and risk of errors and frauds because it is a paper-based document, the maintenance and storing of these documents are very tough; also, we cannot correctly analyse the data because of its physical mode, etc. The banking sectors have adopted centralised data modules to overcome these challenges and make the banking system more convenient.
This centralised model stores data in a single central location and server [7]. This can be efficient for managing and accessing the data. A centralised system provides a combined and efficient way to manage vast banking data. This storage helps to maintain data consistency, and it enhances the overall security of sensitive financial information. It provides scalability and streamlined banking operations, including transaction processes, account management, and customer interactions [9]. This system has some core components, such as storing the entire database in one place and data warehousing, which can store and arrange large volumes of datasets.
Centralised systems implement backups and redundancy from which banks make copies of their data[10]. Over the past five decades, the banking sector has relied on computers to enhance its services and offer convenience to customers through centralised systems. However, this reliance has also led to challenges such as cybercrime, including hacking. Hackers can easily breach systems to steal customers' data and personally identifiable information (PII). Various malicious software like ransomware, phishing, and spoofing attacks are used to gain illegal access to bank databases. This software can potentially cause significant harm to the entire banking network[12]. It’s essential to keep customer’s information safe from illegal access.
Figure 1 The benefits of blockchain in banking
Nowadays, blockchain is a highly renowned technology that provides enhanced security. The primary exposure to Blockchain started right after the submission of Bitcoin cryptocurrency [6]. The bitcoin uses this technology to track the records securely [5]. Blockchain is a technology that securely stores digital information in publicly shared databases. It is a decentralised and distributed ledger technology that secures records and verifies transactions across a network of computers.[2]. This technology is utilised in a peer-to-peer network, allowing participants to maintain shared and immutable data records. Blockchain is known as a reliable system because it acts as a transparent and temper-resistant system [22].
Figure 2Working of Blockchain
Blockchain, as its name refers, contains multiple blocks tied together. "Block" in Blockchain refers to a digital piece of information, while "Chain" refers to storing data in a public database. Each block in the network contains secured data connected through cryptographic principles. As mentioned earlier, cryptography ensures that transactions are conducted safely while securing all information.[14]. There are various types of blockchains, including public blockchain, consortium blockchain, private blockchain, and hybrid blockchain.
There are two modes of blockchain: private mode and public mode. Blockchain is an emerging technology that applies to various public and private sectors, such as healthcare, supply chains, media, government, financial institutions, and banking. The banking sector has always prioritised regularly exploring, innovating, and upgrading technologies for better customer service. Today, the banking industry is implementing blockchain applications, which can completely transform and reshape banking services by providing high security, transaction transparency, a decentralised system, and more efficient transaction archiving. India’s banking industry is a crucial component of the world’s fastest-growing economy, contributing 7.7% to India’s GDP. The "Indian Banks Blockchain Infrastructure Co PVT Ltd (IBBIC)" is a consortium of 15 banks, comprising ten private banks, four public sector banks, and one foreign bank. They are joining forces to address the significant challenges in traditional banking [2]. This paper is focused on exploring how blockchain architecture can improve technology and provide better security for customer data, which is the most critical information in the banking industry. We have proposed an Improved Version of the Secure Model for Online Transactions (IVSMOT) to ensure secure online transactions. The private key in this model is split into two shares: one stored on the user's device and the other given to the bank's server.
Saripalli et al. worked on [4]. They found current issues, such as slower payment transactions between the government and central bank, and tried to provide a solution using blockchain distributed ledger technology. Albeshr et al. reviewed [5] and found knowledge about blockchain technology regarding Bitcoin and some of its applications. Finally, they examined how blockchain is used in banking with its high security, transaction transparency, decentralised system, etc. Kalemis et al. study [6] and introduce the blockchain and its modern functionalities like payments, KYC, FX trading, etc. This paper discusses the use of blockchain technology in the banking sector and its potential to enhance banking operations. Chowdhury et al. worked on [7] and found how implementing blockchain technology can improve security and speed up transactions in the banking industry. The main goal is to show how blockchain functions and its potential usefulness in securing the banking sector. Chellaian et al. studied [9] and found the development of information security guidelines for the distributed system of the banking sector. They show concerns about the security of data collected by the banks, which can be easily attacked. They aim to utilise blockchain technology to enhance data security in the banking sector.
Bhatti et al. reviewed [12] and found a technique called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) by Blockchain technology, which is used to find authorised users by asking them for multiple identification information. The main motto of the authors is to prevent data breaches in the banking sector by using this new authentication method, which can’t be hacked so easily. Ko et al. work [13] and propose a secure and appropriate online payment solution through a web application. They provide solutions for challenges faced by non-face-to-face transactions like voice phishing, identity verification, transactional security, etc. They use the key management module to store private keys securely in critical store files and databases. Thanapal et al. study [14] proposing a secured online payment system.
The current gateways are easily attacked and tempered by attackers. So, the authors introduced a system that provides peer-to-peer transactions without involving any third party using blockchain technology, enhancing payment security. They also use a digital signature to ensure data integrity in the blockchain. Wankhade et al. reviewed [16], and they found an outline of blockchain technology, its fundamental workings, and how it can be used in the finance industry. This study investigates the applications of blockchain technology in the banking sector.
They also discovered various challenges (e.g., scalability, data privacy, and security) in implementing blockchain technology in the banking sector. Weerawarna et al. review [22], and they discuss blockchain meaning, its steps, its types, and various applications used in the banking industry.
They also address the success of blockchain in the banking industry and numerous challenges (Initial setup, Efficient Infrastructure, Legal issues, Security, etc.) faced by the banking sector while adopting blockchain technology. Further, they mentioned how to implement a blockchain in the Indian Banking Sector. Khare et al. [23] found the implementation of this phenomenal technology. The authors introduce blockchain technology's use and benefits (cost-effective, paperless, faster transaction) in this paper. The main focus is on explaining how this technology works and how the implementation of this technology can also make it easier for banking employees.
Khan et al. studies [25] and introduce a theoretical model based on consortium blockchain to resolve data storage, privacy, and transparency issues. This model provides three primary services: registration, the transaction between parties, and the transaction to the customer from the bank.
Types of Blockchain
Figure 3.Types of Blockchain [14]
Public Blockchain: Anyone can join and participate in the network on a public blockchain. This means anyone can read, write, and verify the transactions on the blockchain [16]. Transactions on a public blockchain are transparent and immutable, which means records of this network can’t be altered. Nowadays, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other cryptocurrencies use the network of public blockchains.
Private Blockchain: Private blockchains are also known as permission networks, which means only authorised persons have permission to join and participate. Organisations using this network gain more control over who can access and use the blockchain [17]. Many companies, such as HSBC, VISA, Barclays, and Intesa San Paolo, use private networks. Banks are using them for interbranch transactions.
Consortium Blockchain: A consortium blockchain is a hybrid approach that merges the characteristics of public and private blockchains [7]. A consortium network is also known as a semi-decentralized network. Multiple organisations are allowed to join and participate, but they must be approved by other members of the consortium blockchain[16]. Consortium blockchains are used to share data securely and effectively in industries like healthcare and finance.
Hybrid Blockchain: Blockchains bridge the gap between public and private networks, providing transparency and privacy features [7]. They get the benefits of both public and private networks. Organisations use public chains for transactions that need to be verifiable and private chains for transactions that need to be kept sensitive [17].
Implementing blockchain technology in banking has several challenges that must be overcome before a project can succeed.
Figure 4 SWOT analysis of Blockchain
A. Strength
B. Weakness
C. Opportunities
D. Threats
The current banking sector needs to adopt blockchain technology due to its high level of security for online transactions. Researchers like Mausumi Das Nath [24] have explored blockchain implementation to protect e-banking transactions. Nath proposed using the sender's public and private keys for authentication and security while utilising the SHA algorithm for the sender's signature. One primary security concern is phishing attacks, where malicious individuals trick others into giving away their passwords, installing harmful software on their devices, and stealing their private keys and secret phrases [26]. An Improved Version of the Secure Model for Online Transactions (IVSMOT) has been proposed to address this vulnerability, which is explained below.
A. Algorithm: Secure Key Distribution with IVSMOT
Figure 5 Splitting of Private key using Shamir’s Secret Sharing
Figure 6 Improved Version of Secure Model for Online Transactions (IVSMOT)
Blockchain technology is primarily recognised for its ability to provide security. Implementing blockchain technology in the banking sector is essential due to the increasing frequency of cyber-attacks that result in the theft of sensitive customer information. Many efforts have been made to enhance blockchain security, but unfortunately, there are still some vulnerabilities, such as phishing attacks, where attackers try to steal private keys. To address this issue, we have proposed a model called the Improved Version of Secure Model for Online Transactions (IVSMOT), which aims to prevent such thefts. The private key is divided into two shares, which prevents the risk of a single point of failure. Also, Miners are not involved in key management, maintaining decentralisation and security. A limitation of our proposed model is that secure key generation ceremonies and multi-party computation protocols add complexity that needs to be addressed.
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Copyright © 2024 Jaini Patel, Kiran R Dodiya. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET64370
Publish Date : 2024-09-27
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here