Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Pranita Dhale, Pruthviraj Tarade, Adesh Waghmare
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.58951
Certificate: View Certificate
The word psychosomatics comes from the Greek word “psyche (mind) and “soma” (body) psychosomatic illness is on illness that affects the mind And body in some case mentl and emotions disorders can increases many studies have shown that chronic diseases . mouth burns etc. Psychosomatic disorder include physical and mental disorders. The physical symptoms of the diseases are caused by mental or emotional problems if often lead to stress , anixiety ,and depression when menatal disorder are not recognized ,physical pain wil occure due to hystriea although oral and paraoral patterns indicate psychosomatic disorders . The term psychosomatic diseases ,oral diseases , stress etc .relevent articles were selected and filtrated from the database using .
Health is a state of complete physical mental and emotional well being , not the absence of diseases or diseases mental disorder affects people in all countries and at all economic levels . one of the primary goal of the nations healthcare system should be improve the health and functioning of people with mental illness mental health affects personal behavior and performance. The word mind body is derived from the Greek word‘’ psyche ‘’and ‘’soma’’ in eodier times ‘’psyche’’ means ‘’soul or mind ‘’ and now also means “attitude ’“ soma “ means “flesh of the body ‘’
“ Psyche and soma ” are two ideas that explain the relationship between her past self causin damage to the hands and tissue
The history of mind Ayurveda and as body problems is as as the history of old as human civilization. and sharira entity, are but not because the body of heart, old In Ayurveda, Meana Manas considered is a sense separate of Separation, complex combination Therefore technically a in the a sow and body. Ayurvedic theory dualistic is still secondly approach; Part of theory a the rather than cannot be considered firstly because the soul is still a part of the human body and secondly the theory of ayurveda is unity rather than separation [3]
Although in psychosomatic medicine this approach can be applied to all disease, there is a special syrup, such as psychosomatic disorders, for which the relationship between psychological disorders and the outcome test of the disease. is particulary true. In this case, genetic factors and irregularities in the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous Systems are expected to play on important role in the disease. (8)
Psychological states influence disease in the body through a combination of three hormonal, and immune interaction. nervous harmonals and immune voluntary movements (eg. teeth clenching) are carried out by motor neurons through conscious commands from the brain under stress. teeth clenching, regulated by the same motor neurons also occurs, but this behaviorwill be involuntary and unconscious. stress often leads to activation of the nervous system and hypothalamic - pitutiory - adrenal axis, followed by a decrease in the immune system.
Immune meachanism can be partially suppressed by corticosteroid, but the decrease in T lymphocyte activity during stress may be not be corrected hormonally .
Modification of the works badly by the person but does not deliberately cause conflict or stress will be an important aspect of thinking . In particular unintentional change in the functioning of one’s body conflict or stress may be the main cause of thinking , convertion disorder rafers to physical symptoms reletated to the somatosensory nerous system or specific disorder that can not be explained by medical or psychiaatic , ataxia ,hearing loss and numbers of the feet [ sock numbess].
These symptoms may represent a conflict or there may be some form of physical communication the preferred treatment is psychotherapy.
To a certain affect a may degree psychological variables medical condition.
There are many types of strees , and same of can be beneficial . it is the felling of enthusiasm that makes life happy and strong . waking up in the morning and felling good for the next day is motivation if you’re ever been on a roller coaster ride or completed a task and experienced success you’re experienced “ good “ stress . Those who have experienced trauma,major life changes ,or other stressful events in their lives know what “bad “feels like although positive stress can affect the body negative stress can affect the body negative stress can also be felt in the mind anxiety disorders are invitable for people who “ can’t let go “ of their emotions or who try to ‘spoil everthing “.
The psychosomatic disorders in the pharmacological treatment are include following :
Chronic and persistant stress ,anxity, depression and other mental and emotional disorders affect people’s mental and physical health symptoms include –
Diagnosis of psychosomatic disorder has sign and symptoms common to all diagnostic categoriges relying on accurate diagnosis which includes appropriate history .mechanical examination ,psychological evaluation and clinical judgment is more effective than relying on examination or examination so far traditional medicine there is no clear test to distinguish organic diseases .
Psychological diseases but Hahnemann made a difference between them in 1810 . he even wrote a mental health treatment system 224 the verse says ‘ if mental illness there is still some doubt as a to whether it arias from the mind of the body or ……from error in learning , from bad behavior from morality ,ignore ideas ,vague beliefs or ignorance . this method , if begins with the ending . will determine whether it can reduced or improved by friendly advice ,comforting arguments wonderful explanation and good advice when the process can trigger such aa process . the hypocrite becomes more difficult dissatisfied suspicious and withdrawn the fool will become stupid ‘.
When looking at psychological diseases from modern perspective ,it is clear that in 1977 George Angell presented a bio- psycho-social model to explain complexity . the relationship between the biological 4,psychological and social interaction .
The interaction of these three areas can lead to psychosomatic problems . bio-psycho-social the biological components of the model need to understand diseases by observing the activities in the person’s body .
Psychological components of the above model find psychological cause of health problem’s such as lack of self control , confusion and feeling bad social processes of the bio-psycho-social model study of various social factors such as health , culture ,poverty ,technological science and religion affect people’s health . this view ha become very popular in the medical community today .
The same concept of was explained by our great acharyas 3000 years ago
As a result , we can say that the cause of many oral diseases affects the brain or is affected by some psychological disorder . in Ayurveda many treatment have been described for healthy people to be healthy and for the healing of the sick such as Rasayana ( treatment , especially Achara Rasayana ( compliance with all the rules and practices of the life , based on sadvrita [ good behavior ] of one’s body and mind on cleansing Swathavrita (clean healthy drink ) 15 . this education will not only improve the physical , mental , health and spiritual aspects of the individual , but will also improve people’s lives and contribute to a happy and healthy life in this world .
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Copyright © 2024 Pranita Dhale, Pruthviraj Tarade, Adesh Waghmare. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET58951
Publish Date : 2024-03-12
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here