Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Divekar Nikhil, Kakade Komal, Karale Sumit, Pandarkar Sakshi, Prof. S. S. Bhosale
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.62488
Certificate: View Certificate
In the present era, the world is moving towards computerization. Everything is made easy so, automatic answer sheet checker is required. Checking the answer sheet manually takes a lot of time and energy. The application in this project is based on verification or evaluation of answer sheet using ML and AI. The main objective of this project will be to save time and manpower. An automated answer checker app that checks and marks answers just like a human. This software application is designed to check the answers in the exam and allocate marks to the students after verifying the answers. The system requires teachers to store the original answer for the system. This facility is provided to teachers. Teachers can enter questions and related subjective answers into the system. These responses are stored as database files. The first answer is captured in PDF form and then compares this answer with the original answer written in the database and allocates marks accordingly. The total marks are calculated and the result is finally shown. The system allocates marks according to how good a student is.
There are many ways of conducting exams in today's world. Every day, various examinations are carried out all over the world. The most important aspect of any exam is checking the student's answer sheet. This is usually done by the teacher manually, so it is very tedious work if the number of students is very large. Traditional methods of marking and grading written questions can be time-consuming, error-prone, and subject to bias. In such a case, automating the response checking process would definitely prove to be very useful. Automating the answer checking process would not only make it easier for the examiner but the checking process would also become much more transparent and fair as there would be no possibility of bias on the part of the teacher. Currently, there are various online tools available for reviewing multiple choice questions, but there are very few tools for reviewing long answer type exams. This project aims to review long answer type exams by implementing machine learning and artificial intelligence. This application can be used in various educational institutions to check subjective answer type exams. This project aims to change the assessment process, making it more efficient, accurate and unbiased.
A. An online system for verifying subjective answers using artificial intelligence:
Authors: Jagadamba G, Chaya Shree G.
Organizations/Educational Institutes are always dependent on the system of evaluation through examinations. However, most examinations are objective. These systems or any other such system is preferable in terms of saving resources but it has failed include subjective questions. This article attempted to evaluate the descriptive response. The evaluation is done by means of a graphical comparison with the standard response.
2. Evaluating Subjective Responses using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (2021)
Authors: Hamza Arshad, Abdul Rehman Javed.
In the past, various methods were used for the subjective evaluation of answers and their shortcomings were observed. In this paper, we propose a new approach to solve this problem, which is to train a machine learning classification model using the results obtained from our result prediction module, and then use our trained model to reinforce the results from the prediction model, which can lead to a fully trained machine learning.
3. Automatic Response Check
Authors: Vasu Bansal, M.L. Sharma,Krishna Chandra Tripathi
The proposed system could be very useful for educators whenever they need to conduct a quick test for revision purposes as it saves time and effort to evaluate the packet documents. This system would be beneficial for universities, schools and colleges for academic purposes by providing ease faculties and examination assessment cell.
Human graders may introduce bias or subjectivity into the grading process. Different graders may assign different scores for the same answer based on their personal interpretation or preferences. Manual grading is time-consuming, especially for subjective questions or open-ended responses. It requires significant manpower and resources, which can slow down the feedback process for students.
An automatic answer sheet checking system is a software that can evaluate and grade answer sheets from exams without the need for a human to do it manually. Answers written on the paper, comparing them to the correct answers, and then assigning a score to each question or the entire test.
This system can save time and reduce the potential for human error in the grading process.
An automatic answer checker is an application that helps in checking the answer sheets submitted by the student in a similar manner as a human being. This application has been built with an aim to check the long answer type questions and then allot marks to the students after performing the verification of the answers. To carry out the whole operation, it is required by the user to store the answers of the questions so that the application can cross verify the answers from the answer sheet.
Answer sheets are collected and digitized. The AI system processes the data, mapping answers to questions. Scoring criteria is used to understand and evaluate responses. Machine learning models assign scores based on criteria. Scores are generated. Reports are generated and data is stored for analysis.
The AI system learns and improves over time.
The process of checking answer sheets using generative AI involves the following steps:
A. Heuristic Rule Based Algorithm
A heuristic rule-based algorithm is used to calculate the similarity between two texts.
Working Steps:-
Text Extraction: Uses Mammoth.js to extract raw text from .docx files.
Text Reading: Reads the extracted text using FileReader.
Text Comparison: Splits the model and student answers into words and sentences.
Keyword Matching: Counts the number of words in the model answer that also appear in the student answer.
Sentence Matching: Counts the number of sentences in the model answer that also appear in the student answer.
Meaningful Sentence Matching: Counts the number of sentences in the model answer that also appear in the student answer.
Percentage Calculation: Calculates the total percentage of matches relative to the length of the model answer.
B. Comparison Algorithm
Comparison algorithm is used to calculate the similarity percentage between the model answer and the student's answer.
Working Steps
A. Keyword Matching
Description: This involves splitting the text into individual words and checking how many of these words in the student's answer match the words in the model answer.
Set Intersection: The number of common words (keywords) between the model answer and the student answer.
2. Given
????M as the set of words in the model answer.
????S as the set of words in the student answer.
The number of matching keywords is calculated as:
B. Sentence Matching
Description: This involves splitting the text into sentences and checking how many sentences in the student's answer match exactly with the sentences in the model answer.
Set Intersection: The number of common sentences between the model answer and the student answer.
2. Given
????M as the set of sentences in the model answer.
????S as the set of sentences in the student answer.
The number of matching sentences is calculated as:
3. Meaningful Sentence Matching
Description: This involves identifying sentences and checking how many such meaningful sentences match between the student's answer and the model answer.
a. Mathematical Model
Set Intersection with Length Filter: The number of common meaningful sentences between the model answer and the student answer.
b. Given
????M as the set of meaningful sentences in the model answer.
????S as the set of meaningful sentences in the student answer.
The number of matching meaningful sentences is calculated as:
4. Total Similarity Score Calculation
Description: The script combines the matches from the above three metrics to compute a total similarity score, normalizing it to a percentage.
a. Mathematical Model
Combined Score: The total matches are computed by summing the keyword matches, sentence matches, and meaningful sentence matches. The total percentage is calculated by normalizing this combined score.
b. Given
????K as the number of keywords in the model answer.
????S as the number of sentences in the model answer.
The total matches are:
The total percentage is:
A. HTML Structure
The code snippet itself is JavaScript, but it's designed to work with an HTML structure that includes elements like file input fields for uploading model and student answer files, buttons for actions like submitting, and elements to display processing messages and results.
This function is triggered when the user clicks a button to check papers. It retrieves the uploaded model and student answer files from the HTML input fields. If both files are uploaded (modelAnswerFile and studentAnswerFile), it hides certain elements (like the file upload fields and submit button), displays a processing message, and then calls the readAndCheckPapers() function after a delay of 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).
2. readAndCheckPapers() Function:
This function reads the contents of the model answer and student answer files using the FileReader API.
When the contents are loaded (onload event), it extracts the text from both files.
It then calls the calculatePercentage() function to compare the model answer with the student answer and determine the similarity percentage.
After calculating the percentage, it updates the UI to display the result and messages indicating whether the student passed or failed based on the similarity percentage.
3. calculatePercentage() Function:
This function calculates the similarity percentage between the model answer and the student answer.
It splits both answers into keywords, sentences, and meaningful sentences. It then counts the matches between the model answer and the student answer at these different levels (keywords, sentences, and meaningful sentences).
The total number of matches is divided by the total number of keywords and sentences in the model answer to calculate the percentage. The calculated percentage is capped at 100% and returned as a string with two decimal places.
B. External Library Usage
The code uses an external library called "Mammoth" (mammoth.browser.min.js) to extract raw text from uploaded files.
It utilizes the mammoth.extractRawText() function to extract text from the uploaded files asynchronously. Once the text is extracted, it's passed to the respective FileReader for further processing.
We concluded that while generative AI can offer various applications in the context of question paper checking, it is important to recognize its limitations and use it as a complementary tool rather than a complete substitute for human judgment. Its potential lies in automating routine tasks, providing standardized assessments, detecting plagiarism, and offering personalized feedback to students. However, it may struggle with subjective evaluations, lack contextual understanding, and exhibit biases present in the training data. Integrating generative AI into the education system can enhance efficiency, provide valuable insights, and support educators in offering a more personalized learning experience. Yet, the role of human expertise remains indispensable in ensuring fairness, contextual understanding, and holistic evaluation, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach that combines the strengths of both AI and human educators.
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Copyright © 2024 Divekar Nikhil, Kakade Komal, Karale Sumit, Pandarkar Sakshi, Prof. S. S. Bhosale. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET62488
Publish Date : 2024-05-22
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here