Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Surekha Samsani, Phani Sasidhar Bollapragada
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.44784
Certificate: View Certificate
Now days all types of vehicles run on road are upgrading to automated self-driving techniques. Drifting is a complicated procedure for autonomous vehicle control which is used for high-speed sideslip cornering. It is difficult to drift a vehicle at a high speed of 80-120 km/hr by using traditional techniques like two-state single-track model and three-state single-track models, which depend on the knowledge of tire or road forces that are not to be known accurately due to the real-world environmental complexity. Because of these inaccuracies in these parameters there will be poor control performance and may lead to road accidents. In this scenario, this project presents a strong drift control algorithm, which is based on the most recent model-free deep reinforcement learning algorithm called soft actor-critic (SAC). SAC is used to control front-wheel drive (FWD) vehicles to drive at high speed (80– 120 km/h), and to drift through sharp corners quickly and stability which in turn helps to prevent road accidents at the time of drifting. The efficiency of this algorithm is evaluated by conducting experiments on Trajectories dataset taken from Git-Hub repository, which consists of some road maps with reference drift trajectories. The SAC algorithm can also deal with vehicle types with various actual properties, like mass, tyre friction, and so on to show its notable generalization ability.
The high-speed sideslip cornering, known as drifting, represents a difficult vehicle control. In order to make a fast turn through sharp corners, experienced drivers execute drifts by consciously inducing deep saturation of the rear tires by oversteering or using the throttle, thereby drifting the vehicle.
They then stabilise the vehicle as it begins to spin by controlling it under a high sideslip operation. Vehicle instability and corresponding control difficulty both increase as the sideslip angle increases. Therefore, drifting is a risky control technique to operate the vehicle efficiently and safely beyond its limits. Compared with the normal cornering in which drifting is usually avoided by lowering the speed and making slower turns but there is a chance of getting overspeed at the corners. high-speed drifting techniques can help decrease the accidents during vehicle driving at high speed.
During drifting, a list of high-frequency decisions like steering and throttle should be controlled correctly and safely. Therefore, by studying drift behaviours, we can design drift control algorithm which fully cover vehicle dynamics to high-speed sideslip cornering.
A. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is an area of Machine Learning. It is about taking related action to increase reward in a particular condition. It is utilized by various software and machines to find the best possible path it should take in a particular situation. Reinforcement learning is different from supervised learning in a way that in supervised learning the training data has the answer with it so the model is trained with the correct way itself but in reinforcement learning, there is no answer but the reinforcement agent decides to perform the given task. In the absence of a training dataset, it is bound to learn from its experience.
This type of machine learning wants the use of a reward/penalty system. The aim is to reward the machine when it understands correctly and to warn or stop the machine when it learns incorrectly.
Reinforcement Machine Learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence. With the broad range of possible answers from the data, the process of this type of learning is an iterative step.
B. Types of Reinforcement Learning
There are mainly three ways to implement reinforcement-learning in ML as shown in figure 1.1, which are:
The policy-based approach has mainly two types of policy:
3. Model-based: In the model-based approach, a virtual model is created for the environment, and the agent travel entirely in that environment to learn it. There is no correct solution or algorithm for this approach because the model representation is varies for each environment.
This project is about whether a vehicle can drift accurately at turnings at a speed of 80 to 120 kmph automatically without any interference of driver by using reinforcement learning algorithms. For that an important model free reinforcement learning algorithm is used which is called as Soft Actor Critic (SAC).
The SAC algorithm is implemented on the trajectories dataset which consists of different road map’s slip angles, turning ratios, throttle, steering angle and reference drift trajectories that make the vehicle to drift automatically by using a vehicle simulator called as CARLA and observe whether the vehicle is drifting or not.
If the vehicle is drifting then the result of the different drifts performed by it in the map using SAC are calculated and compared with different other reinforcement learning algorithms to measure the accuracy and prove SAC is better algorithm for autonomous vehicle drifting.
As the name suggests SAC is an actor-critic algorithm as shown in the above figure. In a simple description, actor-critic is a combination of policy-based and value-based approach.
Learning of the actor is based policy gradient approach and critic is learned in value-based fashion. In SAC, there are three networks: the first network represents state-value(V) parameterised by ψ, the second one is a policy function that parameterised by ?, and the last one represents soft q function parameterised by θ.
A. Dataset
B. Reinforcement Learning Techniques
Various reinforcement learning algorithms are used for drifting vehicle. There are many other methods for drifting vehicles but following Reinforcement
Interpolating Between Policy Optimization and Q-Learning. Serendipitously, policy optimization and Q-learning are not incompatible, and there is a range of algorithms that are present in between the two extremes. Algorithms that are in this spectrum are able to carefully trade-off between the strengths and weaknesses of both sides. Examples include
What to Learn in Model-Based RL?
Unlike model-free RL, there are no small number of easy-to-define clusters for model-based RL. There are many different orthogonal ways of using models. We’ll give a few examples, but the list is far from exhaustive. In each case, the model may either be given or learned.
Background: Pure Planning. The most basic approach is never explicitly representing the policy, and instead of that we use pure planning techniques like model-predictive control (MPC) to select actions. In MPC, every time the agent carefully observes the environment and computes a plan which is optimal with respect to the model, where the plan shows all actions to take some fixed window of time after the present. The agent then executes the first action of the plan, and remove the rest of it. It analyse a new plan each time it prepares to communicate with the environment, to avoid using an action from a plan with a shorter-than-desired planning horizon.
Expert Iteration. A correct follow-on to pure planning have to use and learn an explicit representation of the policy. The agent utilizes a planning algorithm (like Monte Carlo Tree Search) in the model, producing candidate actions for the plan by sampling from its latest policy. The planning algorithm creates an action which is more better than what the policy only produce, so it is an “expert” relative to the policy. The policy is then updated to produce an action more like the planning algorithm’s output. ? The ExIt algorithm uses this approach to train deep neural networks. ? Alpha Zero is another example of this approach.
Data Augmentation for Model-Free Methods. Use a model-free RL algorithm to train a policy or Q-function, but either 1) augment real experiences with fictitious ones in updating the agent, or 2) use only fictitous experience for updating the agent.
Embedding Planning Loops into Policies. Another approach is planning procedure directly to a policy as a subroutine so that total plans become side information for the policy while training the output of that policy with any of the standard model-free algorithm. The key concept is that in this framework, the policy can learn to choose how and when to use the plans. This makes model bias less of a problem, because if the model is bad for planning in some states, the policy can simply learn to ignore it.
By using the above code related to different reinforcement learning algorithms in the Carla simulator the autonomous vehicle drifting is done which can be observed from figure 3.1 and 3.2 , the below two tables are created by observing the C.T.E, H.A.E, Speed, and Slip angle of the vehicle drifting using different RL algorithms in Carla simulator as in figure 3.1and 3.2 which shows the results of the autonomous vehicle drifting done by implementing three different reinforcement learning algorithms like DQN DDPG and SAC.
We adopt seven metrics to measure the performance of different methods.
C.T.E. and H.A.E. is the cross-track error and heading angle error, respectively. The down arrow in these columns should be minimum as smaller value will be considered,
MAX-VEL and AVG-VEL is the maximum and average velocity of a driving test, respectively. Here the up arrow means both the velocities maximum value is considered.
L.T. is the time to reach the destinations (the lap time). Minimum will be considered
SMOS measures the smoothness of driving, calculated by the rolling standard deviation of steering angles during a driving test.
SLIP is the maximum slip angle during a driving test. Since larger slip angles mean larger usable state spaces beyond the handling limits, it can indicate a more powerful drift controller.
Comparing results of Proposed system with Existing Systems
The above table is mainly divide the results of drifting into two parts i.e. performance through whole track and performance through corners.
Where the CTE and HAE are two error identifiers present in both parts in table which get lesser values while using SAC when compared with existing systems like DQN and DDPG i.e., 0.899 and 5.699.
Then coming to the max velocity and Average velocity where there are present in the performance over the whole track and performance through corners. These two velocities are showing maximum values while using SAC compared to DDPG and
DQN i.e., 103.71 and 79.76
The remaining LT, SMOS an SLIP are representing the lap time, smoothness in drift and slip angle where these three should be minimum for accurate or perfect drifting.
While comparing SAC with DDPG and DQN these metrics show less values than existing system algorithms values. So, from the above table we can prove than SAC is the better reinforcement learning algorithm for autonomous vehicle drifting.
In the simulator we can see the vehicle drifting in the following figures from three different angles.
In this project, to realize high-speed drift control through manifold corners for autonomous vehicles, we propose a closedloop controller based on the model-free deep RL algorithm soft actor critic (SAC) to control the steering angle and throttle of simulated vehicles. The error-based state and reward are carefully designed and an action smoothing strategy is adopted for stable control outputs. Maps with different levels of driving difficulty are also designed to provide training and testing environments. After the twostage training on six different maps, our SAC controller is sufficiently robust against varied vehicle mass and tire friction to drift through complex curved tracks quickly and smoothly. Moreover, we have discussed the necessity of slip angle information, and the nondegraded performance with a rough and easy-to-access reference trajectory during testing, which is valuable for applications. So, by this project it is concluded that the use of SAC algorithm for vehicle drifting will prevent accidents at the time of drifting. This project can be further developed to drift two or more vehicles at a time in single lane in same direction or in opposite direction by giving different way points using different datasets.
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Copyright © 2022 Surekha Samsani, Phani Sasidhar Bollapragada. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET44784
Publish Date : 2022-06-23
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here