Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Sakshi Jagtap, Vyankatesh Jadhav, Rashi Magar, Viraj Pandit, Prof. Rekha Kotwal
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2025.66617
Certificate: View Certificate
Handwritten gesture recognition is an area of rapid growth within the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, presenting significant opportunities for use in education, human-computer interaction, and digital note-taking. This paper provides an overview of the methods and strategies employed in AI-ML models to recognize and interpret handwritten gestures, with a particular emphasis on mathematical symbols, numbers, and related gestures. Furthermore, the paper explores how deep learning techniques influence gesture recognition accuracy and classification. Additionally, it aims to aid in advancing more accurate and optimized handwritten gesture recognition systems, ultimately benefiting applications in both academic and professional settings.
Handwritten gesture recognition plays a vital role in AI and ML, enabling machines to interpret and process human gestures, specifically those made by hand, including characters, symbols, and shapes. Recent innovations in AI and ML have significantly improved the ability to accurately identify complex handwritten gestures, making this technology valuable for various applications, including educational tools, digital note-taking, and mathematical problem-solving. Handwritten gesture recognition is a specialized area within handwriting character recognition, valuable for science and education as these symbols often appear in mathematical formulas and equations. Researchers have been working on methods to automatically recognize mathematical symbols for over fifty years[3]. Accurate hand motion and shape recognition in real- time is a challenging computer vision problem with potential applications in diverse fields such as sign language interpretation and immersive technologies [2]. While humans can effortlessly recognize hand movements and gestures, developing a dependable and optimized computer vision system for this task remains challenging. In recent years, machine learning-based hand and finger tracking technologies, such as MediaPipe Hands, have shown promising results in accurately identifying hand landmarks from a single frame [2]. In handwritten character recognition, automatic recognition becomes challenging because many characters look similar in structure and can appear in different styles and forms[3]. In this paper, we work on various gestures made by hands, such as photo clicking and adjusting volume, and explore the potential for solving mathematical equations without using pen and paper. For example, to take a photo, one might simply position both hands in a particular way, triggering an image capture without touching the device.
The recognition of hand and body gestures has emerged as an important research focus due to its potential applications in various fields, including human-computer interaction, sign language recognition, and prosthetic control. The integration of deep learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of gesture recognition systems [1]. There have also been advancements in recognizing gesture-based languages through computer vision and image processing techniques [2]. To make hand recognition easier, some systems initially used colored bands or position markers. Due to their inconvenience, they cannot be considered a natural interface for operating robots. Combining the three fundamental image processing tasks of object identification, recognition, and tracking helps address the motion recognition challenge [2].
Recently, numerous studies have been dedicated to enhancing human-machine interaction methods. While traditional tools like keyboards, mice, and pens aid this interaction, they have limitations. Utilizing gestures for direct interaction with computers can establish a more natural user experience [10]. Today, computers and computerized devices play a crucial role in society. Gestures serve as a means to convey meaningful information or interact with the environment through body movements such as fingers, head, arms, face, and hands. Multimodal gestures, including hand, arm, head, face, and body movements, are also used to control applications.
The meaning of the gesture often depends on the situation, typically involving spatial details (where it occurs), path characteristics (the direction it follows), symbolic details (the shape or sign created), and emotional context (its affective quality). For instance, to indicate “stop,” one can raise a hand with the palm facing forward [10].
Gesture recognition is frequently applied in sign language for individuals who are hearing-impaired, distance learning, video surveillance, remote control, and robotic guidance. Gesture recognition systems utilize computer vision, pattern analysis, and statistical modeling. Traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) often relies on input devices like keyboards, mice, and joysticks [10]. However, as the information society expands, computers have become increasingly central in daily life. Over the past few decades, the primary means of HCI has typically been through standard input devices such as the keyboard and mouse [13].
A. Existing System
1) Existing systems for gesture-based interaction often involve basic hardware devices like calculators or remotes that interpret simple hand movements or button presses to perform specific functions. These systems primarily rely on physical buttons and may include limited gesture recognition, typically requiring a direct physical interface, which restricts their versatility. While traditional remotes operate by pressing specific keys, gesture-based remotes could allow users to control functions like volume adjustment or channel switching through specific hand movements. Similarly, basic calculator systems can potentially incorporate gesture recognition for inputting numbers or performing arithmetic operations through hand gestures. However, these conventional hardware systems often lack advanced, real-time gesture recognition capabilities and rely heavily on physical contact, limiting their accessibility and interaction range. Integrating AI-based gesture recognition technology into these simple systems could enhance their functionality, enabling hands-free interaction and broadening applications in educational tools, remote controls, and more intuitive calculators.
2) Components and Functions of a Physical Calculator
Input System The input system, primarily the keypad, is a crucial component of the calculator. It includes a grid of physical keys representing numbers, basic operators (ad - dition, subtraction, multiplication, division), and specialized functions (such as memory storage and square root). Each key is hardwired to produce a unique electronic signal when pressed, which the microprocessor interprets as a specific input. Function: The keypad translates human commands into binary code that the microprocessor can interpret. Importance: A well-designed input system allows for intuitive and efficient entry of complex mathematical operations.
3) Operational Mechanism: The functional sequence of a calculator begins with user input and proceeds through a defined flow: User Input: A sequence of keys is pressed enter numbers and mathematical operators. Binary Encoding: Each keystroke is converted into binary code that the CPU can process. Processing in the CPU: The CPU receives and interprets the binary data, executing predefined algorithms to calculate results. Basic models perform operations like addition directly, while scientific calculators handle complex functions with algorithms (e.g., for trigonometric calculations). Memory Usage (if applicable): Intermediate values or results may be stored temporarily, facilitating multi-step calculations. Display of Results: The processed result is converted from binary to a decimal display format and shown on the screen.
4) Types of Calculators Basic Calculators: Perform simple arithmetic with limited memory and functionality. Scientific Calculators: Capable of more advanced functions, including trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential calculations, with increased memory capacity. Graphing Calculators: Support graph plotting, multi-variable equations, and advanced com- putations, requiring more complex CPUs and larger memory.
B. Advantages
C. Disadvantages
D. Proposed system
1) Architecture
Hand detection with CV Zone uses computer vision to recognize and follow hand movements in real time. CV Zone, built on OpenCV, simplifies the implementation of complex computer vision tasks. This methodology outlines the the approach for detecting hand gestures using the CV Zone library, focusing on theoretical aspects, including the algorithms and techniques employed.
Fig.1.Archiecture of proposed system
2) Computer Vision and Hand Detection
Computer vision uses algorithms to understand and analyze visual information from the real world.. In hand detection, the goal is to identify and track hands within an image or video stream. This involves several steps, including:
Fig.2.working of proposed system
The proposed system integrates AI and computer vision technologies for real-time handwritten gesture recognition and mathematical problem-solving. Below is a structured breakdown of the architecture:
E. Project Modules
F. Algorithms Used
1) Hand Detection and Tracking
2) Gesture Recognition (AI Model)
3) Image Processing
4) Data Manipulation: Uses NumPy for reshaping and manipulating hand landmark data to prepare it as input for the AI model.
5) Real-Time Interface Management: Streamlit’s internal algorithms ensure real-time updates of the video feed and predicted gestures in the user interface.
G. Experimental Results
H. Validation Environment
I. Observations and Insights
The system demonstrated robust gesture recognition capabilities with minimal false positives. Performance degradation was observed in extreme low-light conditions. Real-time inference remained consistent across multiple devices and environments.
Handwritten gesture recognition and mathematical ex- pression interpretation using AI and machine learning have emerged as transformative fields with significant potential across various industries. By combining the abil- ity to recognize human hand movements with advanced machine learning algorithms, these technologies offer innovative solutions for digitizing handwritten content, enabling faster and more accurate document processing, accessibility tools, and human-computer interaction. In the context of mathematics, AI models can be trained to recognize, interpret, and even solve complex equations written by hand, making it easier to automate tasks that would otherwise require manual input. As AI and ML techniques continue to evolve, these applications promise to enhance not only productivity and efficiency but also pave the way for more intuitive and intelligent systems that create a seamless connection between human gestures and digital systems.
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Copyright © 2025 Sakshi Jagtap, Vyankatesh Jadhav, Rashi Magar, Viraj Pandit, Prof. Rekha Kotwal . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET66617
Publish Date : 2025-01-21
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here