Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Dhivya ., Sreerambabu , Mohammed Riyaz, Kalidasan
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.55025
Certificate: View Certificate
Monitoring th? s?wag? syst?m is vital to maintain th? cl?anlin?ss of th? city. B?caus? of th? inconsist?ncy of th? s?w?rag? syst?m drains ar? clogg?d. Clogg?d s?w?rs ar? th? primary r?asons for flooding and pollution in th? s?w?r syst?m. Th?y might b? involv?d in an accid?nt if th? work?rs do not know what is going on at th? s?w?r hol?. Th? manhol? has b??n us?d as a point of contact for th? s?w?r syst?m. If a blockag? is not cl?ar?d, wat?r from th? s?w?rs flows through th? manhol?s. As long as th? blockag? is not addr?ss?d, th? wat?r from th? s?w?r flows through th? manhol?s, raising th? t?mp?rs of p?d?strians and v?hicl? driv?rs. It\'s also dang?rous to have tilt?d manhol? cov?rs, which can l?ad to accid?nts. To ov?rcom? th?s? probl?ms, th? syst?m is ?quipp?d with a wir?l?ss s?nsor. Th? propos?d mod?l includ?s a syst?m to monitor wat?r l?v?ls, atmosph?ric t?mp?ratur?, and pr?ssur? insid? th? manhol?, to ch?ck wh?th?r th? manhol? lid is op?n or damag?d, and to d?t?rmin? th? l?v?l of harmful gas?s. It will s?nd a WhatsApp al?rt to th? conn?ct?d mobil? d?vic?s of authoriz?d p?rsons r?mot?ly locat?d at work wh?r? l?v?ls ar? high?r than a thr?shold. With th? h?lp of liv? vid?o str?aming, blockag?s can b? monitor?d if th?y ar? ?ncount?r?d. The cor? of this syst?m is an IoT-bas?d, low-pow?r portabl? d?vic? install?d und?r th? manhol? cov?r. Th? syst?m will b?n?fit th? public in addition to low?ring th? risk of accid?ntal d?ath for p?opl? who manually cl?an s?w?rs.
A vital pi?c? of any s??pag? framework is th? passag?s into it with r?gard to cl?aning, cl?aring, and r?vi?w. M?tropolitan urban communiti?s hav? ?mbrac?d th? und?rground s??pag? fram?work and th?’ s city company should look after its n?atn?ss. On th? off chanc? that th? s?wag? upk??p isn't l?gitimat?,groundwat?r g?ts taint?d causing irr?sistibl? sickn?ss?s. Blockag?s in chann?ls during rainstorm s?ason m?ss?s up th? daily practice of g?n?ral soci?ty. Subs?qu?ntly, th?r? ought to b? an offic? in th? city's ?nt?rpris?, that cautions th? authoriti?s about blockag?s in s?w?rs, th?ir car?ful ar?a, and furth?rmor? if th? s?w?r v?nt cov?r is op?n cons?qu?ntly.
Und?rground wast? compris?s of s?wag? fram?work, gas pip?lin? organization, wat?r pip?lin?s, and s?w?r v?nts. T?mp?ratur? s?nsors ar? utiliz?d to scr??n ?l?ctric ?l?ctrical cabl?s that ar? introduc?d und?rground[2]. An int?gral part of any drainag? syst?m is th? acc?ss points into it wh?n it com?s to cl?aning, cl?aring, and insp?ction. M?tropolitan citi?s have adopted und?rground drainag? syst?ms and the city’s municipal corporation must maintain its cl?anlin?ss. If th? s?wag? maint?nanc? is not prop?r, groundwat?r g?ts contaminat?d causing inf?ctious dis?as?s. Blockag?s in drains during monsoon s?ason caus? probl?ms in th? routin? of th? public.
H?nc?, th?r? should b? a facility in th? city’s corporation, which al?rts th? officials about blockag?s in s?w?rs, and th?ir ?xact location. It mainly acknowl?dg?s th? fi?ld of al?rting th? p?opl? about gas ?xplosion, and incr?as? in th? wat?r l?v?l and t?mp?ratur? l?v?l[1] It us?s IoT to mak? th? drainag? monitoring syst?m in a highly automotiv? ?nvironm?nt by using s?nsors for d?t?cting and s?nding al?rts through WhatsApp to th? authoriti?s. So, the main focus of this project is to provide a syst?m that monitors wat?r l?v?l, atmosph?ric t?mp?ratur?, and toxic gas?s.
If drainag? g?ts block?d and s?wag? wat?r ov?rflows, th? manhol? lid op?ns, it is s?ns?d by th? s?nsors, and this data is s?nt to authoriz?d p?rsons r?mot?ly locat?d at work. Maint?nanc? of manhol?s manually is t?dious and dang?rous du? to th? poor ?nvironm?ntal conditions insid?.
It is, th?r?for? dang?rous to go insid? th? manhol?s for insp?ction of th?ir curr?nt stat?[2].To solve all th? probl?ms r?lat?d to und?rground sanitation, a r?mot? alarm syst?m is n?c?ssary for transmitting data coll?ct?d by th? s?nsors s?t insid? th? manhol? to th? managing station, his includes compon?nts such as a controll?r, m?mory, transc?iv?r, and batt?ry to supply pow?r[1]. Many variabl?s such as humidity, t?mp?ratur? and g?n?ration of liv? vid?os w?r? not considered.Using th? lat?st d?sign, th? drawbacks of th? curr?nt syst?m will b? addr?ss?d. In addition to th? gas s?nsors, th? humidity, and t?mp?ratur? s?nsors can aid in ass?ssing th? ov?rall ?nvironm?nt of th? s?wag?. While assisting s?wag? ?mploy??s to ch?ck blockag?, th?r? will b? liv? vid?o str?aming[3].
A. R?spiratory H?alth Probl?ms of S?wag? Work?rs[4]
It studi?s th? pr?s?nc? of noxious gas?s of s?wag? and parts of it. Study shows that gas?s lik? H2S, NH3, NO2, SO2, and HCHO ar? th? primary gas?s pr?s?nt in high amounts which l?ad to s?v?ral r?spiratory probl?ms in s?wag? work?rs working in Primary s?ttling tanks, Scr??ning tanks, A?ration tanks and M?chanical d?-wat?ring of th? sludg?. Work?rs fac? g?n?ral manif?stations to acut? r?spiratory manif?stations which includ? probl?ms lik? H?adach?, Dizzin?ss, Fatigu?, Dry cough, Ch?st tightn?ss, Acut? bronchitis ?tc. However, no solution has b??n propos?d or impl?m?nt?d to tackl? this issue.
B. IoT S?wag? Gas Monitoring and Al?rt Syst?m S?wag? r?gions Arduino Uno, M?than? Gas S?nsor[5]
This has propos?d a syst?m to m?asur? th? ppm l?v?ls of gas?s only. Although, th?ir syst?m does not take into account that t?mp?ratur? and humidity also play a major rol? in w?lln?ss of s?wag? work?rs on duty. D?t?ction of blockag?s in advanc? is another n?c?ssity which has not b??n addr?ss?d in this syst?m.
C. S?wag? L?v?l Maint?nanc? Using IoT[6]
Th? syst?m d?sign includ?s a s?nsor that d?t?cts s?wag? l?v?l, a controll?r to ord?r, a communication n?twork that r?cords complaints about continuous ris? in s?wag? l?v?l, and if any, blockag?s. To r?cord th? data a databas? must be maintained. Th? syst?m g?n?rat?s warning signals prior to ov?rflow by m?ans of complaints to th? sp?cifi?d d?partm?nts via mail and SMS.
D. Automat?d Int?rn?t of Things For Und?rground Drainag? and Manhol? Monitoring Syst?ms For M?tropolitan Citi?s[7]
This pap?r d?scrib?s a Und?rground Drainag? and Manhol? Monitoring Syst?m (UDMS) adapting and d?sign f?atur? for IoT applications. Th? propos?d mod?l provid?s a framework for monitoring insid? a manhol? th? wat?r l?v?l and atmosph?ric t?mp?ratur? and pr?ssur? and for t?sting wh?th?r a manhol? lid is op?n. It also controls ?l?ctrical pow?r lin?s install?d und?rground. UDMS can r?mot?ly track th? curr?nt stat? of th? manhol?s in r?al tim?.
E. Und?rground Drainag? Monitoring Syst?m Using IoT[8]
D?v?lopm?nt and impl?m?ntation of a n?twork that r?gulat?s s?w?r conditions and provid?s a m?ans to maintain and control th? und?rground infrastructur? using m?thodical approach?s. Th? mod?l propos?d consists of a wid? rang? of compl?x compon?nts which r?quir? routin? maint?nanc? and obs?rvation. Th? curr?nt syst?m lacks a sp?cifi?d n?twork for th? simultan?ous manag?m?nt of multiple typ?s of s?nsors. In such a scenario the risk of failure is possible.
Fig 1 shows the r?al-tim? s?wag? manhol? monitoring syst?m is d?sign?d to k??p track of important information insid? th? manhol? to ?nsur? saf?ty and ?ffici?nt manag?m?nt. It us?s various s?nsors lik? th? DHT11 (for t?mp?ratur? and humidity), wat?r l?v?l s?nsor, MQ2 gas s?nsor (to d?t?ct harmful gas?s), and a tilt s?nsor (to ch?ck for unauthoriz?d acc?ss). Th?s? s?nsors coll?ct data, which is th?n proc?ss?d by an Arduino Uno, acting as th? brain of th? syst?m. Th? Nod?MCU facilitat?s data transmission to a cloud platform or w?b s?rv?r, allowing r?mot? monitoring from anywh?r?. Additionally, th? syst?m has an ESP32-CAM ?quipp?d with a cam?ra to provid? liv? vid?o str?aming from insid? th? manhol?. In cas? of any critical ?v?nt, th? syst?m s?nds al?rts through WhatsApp using th? callm?bot API. This s?tup ?nsur?s that authoriti?s or r?l?vant p?rsonn?l ar? quickly notifi?d of any issu?s, and th? stor?d data h?lps in tracking historical patt?rns and making inform?d d?cisions about s?wag? manag?m?nt.
A. MQ2 Gas S?nsor
Th? MQ2 gas s?nsor is a wid?ly us?d gas s?nsor modul? that can d?t?ct a vari?ty of flammabl? gas?s, smok?, and harmful gas?s in th? air. It is commonly us?d in gas l?ak d?t?ction syst?ms, fir? alarms, smok? d?t?ctors, and air quality monitoring applications. Th? MQ2 s?nsor can d?t?ct gas?s such as m?than?, propan?, butan?, LPG, smok?, alcohol, hydrog?n, and oth?r volatil? organic compounds (VOCs).
Gath?r th? following compon?nts: DHT11 S?nsor (t?mp?ratur? and humidity), Wat?r L?v?l S?nsor, MQ2 Gas S?nsor (d?t?cts harmful gas?s), Tilt S?nsor (monitors manhol? cov?r status), Arduino Uno, Pow?r Supply, Nod?MCU (for local n?twork communication), ESP32-CAM (for liv? vid?o str?aming), and WhatsApp Al?rt API (for notifications).
A. S?nsor Int?rfacing
Conn?ct th? DHT11 s?nsor, Wat?r L?v?l S?nsor, MQ2 Gas S?nsor, and Tilt S?nsor to th? Arduino Uno using appropriate conn?ctions.Program th? Arduino Uno to r?ad data from th?s? s?nsors at r?gular int?rvals.
B. Data Transmission
Conn?ct th? Nod?MCU ESP8266 to th? Arduino Uno using s?rial communication (TX and RX pins). Program th? Nod?MCU to r?c?iv? s?nsor data from th? Arduino Uno. Us? Wi-Fi conn?ctivity on th? Nod?MCU to conn?ct to your local Wi-Fi n?twork.
C. Liv? Vid?o Str?aming
S?t up th? ESP32-CAM to captur? liv? vid?o footag? from th? manhol?. Str?am th? vid?o using th? ESP32-CAM's Wi-Fi capabilities.
D. WhatsApp Al?rt Int?gration
Cr?at? a WhatsApp account for th? manhol? monitoring syst?m.Sign up for th? "callm?bot" API s?rvic?, which allows s?nding WhatsApp m?ssag?s programmatically.
E. Al?rt Trigg?ring
S?t up a thr?shold valu? for ?ach s?nsor, bas?d on which an al?rt should b? trigg?r?d (?.g., t?mp?ratur? too high, wat?r l?v?l too low, gas conc?ntration too high,?tc.Continuously monitor th? s?nsor data r?c?iv?d on th? Nod?MCU, comparing it to th? pr?d?fin?d thr?shold valu?s. Wh?n any s?nsor valu? ?xc??ds th? thr?shold, trigg?r an al?rt m?ssag? using th? "callm?bot" API, including r?l?vant s?nsor data and a link to th? liv? vid?o str?am.
F. Smartphon? S?tup
Install WhatsApp on th? smartphon? that will r?c?iv? th? al?rts. Mak? sur? th? smartphon? is conn?ct?d to th? int?rn?t.
G. T?st and Monitor
D?ploy th? compl?t? syst?m n?ar th? manhol?, ?nsuring all compon?nts ar? ad?quat?ly prot?ct?d from ?nvironm?ntal factors. T?st th? syst?m thoroughly by simulating diff?r?nt sc?narios and ch?cking if al?rts ar? s?nt corr?ctly. Monitor th? syst?m's p?rformanc? r?gularly to ?nsur? it functions as ?xp?ct?d.
Und?rground monitoring is a difficult task. This project suggests many strategies for monitoring and maintaining an und?rground drainag? syst?m. It d?scrib?s num?rous applications. Various applications such as subsurfac? drainag? and r?al-tim? manhol? id?ntification ar? ?xplain?d. Various param?t?rs such as t?mp?ratur?, toxic gas?s, flow, and wat?r l?v?l ar? monitor?d and updat?d via th? Int?rn?t of Things. This ?nabl?s th? p?rson in charge to tak? th? n?c?ssary m?asur?s. In this way, unn?c?ssary trips to th? manhol?s ar? sav?d and can b? carri?d out only wh?n n??d?d. In addition, th? r?al-tim? updat? on th? Int?rn?t h?lps maintain th? r?gularity of wast?wat?r control, avoiding hazards. Th? combination of th? WhatsApp al?rt and liv? vid?o str?am ?mpow?rs th? maint?nanc? t?am or r?sponsibl? authoriti?s to r?spond proactiv?ly to any ?m?rg?nci?s, swiftly addr?ss issu?s, and ?nsur? th? saf?ty and prop?r functioning of th? s?wag? syst?m.
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Copyright © 2023 Dhivya ., Sreerambabu , Mohammed Riyaz, Kalidasan . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET55025
Publish Date : 2023-07-26
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here