Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Sivasankar G. A.
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.40072
Certificate: View Certificate
In today\'s world, cyber security and artificial intelligence (AI) are two growing technologies. AI is built on the foundation of machine learning (ML) models. Everywhere AI plays a significant role is in access control, user authentication and behaviour analysis, spam, malware, and botnet identification. On the contrary, today\'s security challenges are numerous. Cloud computing, social media, smart phones, and the widespread usage of numerous programmes such as WhatsApp and Viber have all posed significant security risks to users. This research looks at seven machine learning algorithms: MLP, LSTM, GRU, Decision Tree, SGD, KNN, and CNN. This study uses a two-step efficiency test called AI in Cyber Security. KDD\'99 is used in the first step to train the models as well as for testing. Following the NSL-KDD data sets, train models go straight to testing. Following the examination of many cyber-attacks, the research continues on to deep analysis. The effectiveness of all seven AI models is examined, and the outcomes of cyber-attacks are discovered. All of the results have demonstrated the efficacy of using various AI models to perform cyber security.
In today's world, cyber security and artificial intelligence (AI) are two growing technologies. Network and communication infrastructures, as well as human actors who interact with computer networks and communication infrastructures, are all covered under cyber security [1]. This is an interactive domain for global digital networks. The field of cyber security covers a vast array of risks and domains. Malware analysis, intrusion detection, web application security, social network security, and so on are just a few of them [2]. AI is characterised as a machine-driven decision-making process capable of approaching human intellect. Furthermore, statistical learning algorithms, which are at the heart of AI, are referred to as machine learning [3]. A two-step efficiency test of AI in the field of Cyber Security was undertaken in this study paper. A two-step efficiency test of AI in the field of Cyber Security was undertaken in this study paper. The KDD'99 data collection is used to train and test a total of seven AI models. The trained model is then tested on the NSL-KDD dataset in the second step. In the first step, AI models have an average accuracy of 96 percent. Furthermore, the efficiency rate in the second stage is 87 percent. Following that, a thorough investigation is carried out, with several AI models detecting multiple cyber-attacks such as DOS, R2L, U2R, and Probe. The application of artificial intelligence in cyber security is demonstrated by the modelling of artificial intelligence using seven machine learning methods, identification of normal and attack instances, and detection of numerous cyber-attacks.
A. Research Contributions
This paper helps in the following areas:
Multiple AI models are put into practise employing novel training and testing methodologies in a cutting-edge data analysis environment.
An in-depth examination of the performance of various AI models in detecting various sorts of cyber-attacks.
A. Overview
Though a lot of research works have already been reported and published were carried out using various machine learning and deep learning methods, however, nothing worth standing have been reported in the IDS field. The gap found in the field of IDS was studied with available resources till today. The unique idea of applying the machine learning methods in the IDS was also a new theme in the contemporary research arena.
B. Literature Review Regarding Dataset
The most significant challenge in assault identification framework is whether to produce genuine system traffic or to utilize the accessible benchmark datasets. There is criticism about the use of datasets acquired from genuine system traffic as it makes greater uncertainty and there is no such methodology that obviously discloses how to precisely separate between ordinary system traffic and attack traffic.[4].This is the explanation behind utilizing the benchmark datasets for executing different attack discovery framework of this paper. The available attack datasets[5][6][7][8]are DARPA 1998, KDD Cup99, NSL KDD, UNSW NB15, etc.The DARPA 1998, KDD Cup99, and NSL KDD consists of 42 attributes including the class label. The UNSW NB15 dataset consists of 48 attributes including the class label.
C. Review Regarding Detection
Multiple detection methods have been carried out in various literatures. It includes traditional detection, ML-based and DL Neural-network based detection. In few research hybrid method is also used.Various detection techniques are analyzed in the following discussion.
A. Cyber Attack
Cyber Attack means to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system or computer network with the intent to cause damage. Cyber-attacks aim to disable, disrupt, destroy or control computer systems or to alter, block, delete, manipulate or steal the data held within these systems.
a. DOS: Denial of service attack is an attack against an internet operated network where legitimate users are restricted to access information system devices or network resources. Example: Lock, Land, Neptune, pod, smurf, teardrop.
b. R2L: Remote to local attack (R2L) is launched by an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a victim machine in the entire network [31]. Example: ftp-write, guess-password, imap, multihop.
c. U2R: User to root attack (u2r) is usually launched for illegally obtaining the root’s privileges when legally accessing a local machine [32]. Example: buffer-overflow, load module, perl, rootkit, ps, sqlattack, x term.
d. Probe: A probe is a program or other device inserted at a key juncture in a network for the purpose of monitoring or collecting data about network activity [33]. Example: ipsweep, nmap, portsweep, Satan.
B. Cyber Defense
Cyber Defense means the early prediction of adverserial cyber activity and to take measure to counter intrusions. It also refers to prevent, disrupt and counter cyber threats [34].
C. Machine Learning
Machine learning refers to processes and algorithms that generalize data and experiences from the past. It predicts probable future results in this process. Machine learning is therefore a set of mathematical techniques implemented on computer systems that allow information mining, pattern discovery, and data inferences to be drawn
Artificial intelligence (AI)indicates algorithmic solutions to complex problems. Machine learning is a fundamental building block for AI. AI decision engine that are hardcoded into rule engines, and that would not be considered machine learning[36].
D. MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron)
A feedforward artificial neural network called a multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a type of feedforward artificial neural network (ANN). The name MLP is ambiguous; it can be used to refer to any feedforward ANN, or it can refer to networks made up of many layers of perceptrons (with threshold activation) Multilayer perceptrons, especially those with a single hidden layer, are commonly referred to as "vanilla" neural networks.
There are at least three levels of nodes in an MLP: an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. Each node, with the exception of the input nodes, is a neuron with a nonlinear activation function. Backpropagation is a supervised learning technique used by MLP during training. MLP is distinguished from a linear perceptron by its numerous layers and non-linear activation. It can tell the difference between data that isn't linear and data that isn't.
Weight is updated to minimize the error. Weight update equation is narrated below:
E. Survey Of Cyber Security Data Set Kdd’99
The 1998 DARPA Data set was used as the basis to derive the KDD Cup 99 data set. The data set been used in Third International Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Tools Competition (KDD.1999). Despite various limitations at present day cyber-attack scenario, it remains as a bench mark within cyber-attack research community.
F. Data Analysis Platform
A. Cyber Attack Data Set
Corrected. CSV of KDD’99 and KDD Test + .TXT of NSL-KDD has been used to perform the two-step suitability test. No of instances and features are described below.
Table 1. Data Set Description
Ser |
Class Name |
Record No |
No of Record as per Subclass |
1. |
Normal |
64,954 |
2. |
2,29,855 |
Neptune-58,001 Smart-1,64,091 Snmpget-7,741 attack- back-1,098 process table-794 pad-759 tear drop-12 |
3. |
R2L |
11,978 |
Guess-password-4,367 snmpguess-2,406 warezmaster-1,602 multihop-18 named-17 sendmail-17 xclock-9 xsnoop-4 ftp-write-3 phf-02 Worm-02 imap-01 |
4. |
U2R |
70 |
httptunnel-158 buffer-Overflow-22 PS-16 rootkit-13 xterm-13 pearl-02 loadmodule-02 Sqlattack-02 |
5. |
Probe |
4,166 |
Saton-1,633 Mscan-1,053 saint-736 portsweop-354 Ipsweop-306 Nmap-84 |
6. |
Total |
3,11,028 |
Table 2. List of all 41 Features and list of selective 15 features
41 Features |
duration, |
srv diff host rate, dst host count, |
protocol type, |
dst host srvcount, |
service, |
dst host same srv rate, |
flag, |
dst host diff srv rate, |
src bytes, |
dst host same src port rate, |
dst bytes, |
dst host srv diff host rate, |
land, |
dst host serror rate, |
wrong fragment, |
dst host srv serror rate, |
urgent, |
dst host rerror rate, |
hot, |
dst host srv rerror rate |
num failed logins, |
num file creations, |
logged in, |
num shells, |
num compromised, |
num access files, |
root shell, |
num outbound cmds, |
su attempted, |
is host login, |
num root, |
is guest login, |
rerror rate, |
count, |
srv rerror rate, |
srv count, |
same srv_rate, diff srv rate, |
serror rate, srv serror rate, |
B. Data Set Preprocessing
Corrected.CSV of KDD’99 and KDD Test + .TXT of NSL-KDD have been used to perform the 1st step Efficiency test of AI in Cyber Security.Corrected.CSV of KDD’99 data set has been used while conducting the deep analysis part of this research. There are total forty-one features in this data set. The column forty-two signifies the exact type of attacks in that particular instance. Total 3.11, 028 instances are taken in this data set. In the initial coding total 37 types of attacks are grouped in major four types of attacks, DOS, R2L, U2R and Probe.
2. Label Encoding :While conducting the efficiency test normal instance are converted to zero and attack instances are converted to 1. Through label binarize and one hot encoding the main normal data and four types of attacks are converted to binary 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in the deep analysis part of this research. Through label binarize, attacks are given the unique identification . Fig.6
A. Experimental Results and Analytical Review using all Features of KDD’99 Dataset
Seven model is analyzed through KDD’99 data set. These are MLP, LSTM, GRU, CNN, Decision Tree, KNN, and SGD. Detection rate of attack and normal flow of data are found out in three separate segments. Firstly, accuracy, and then sensitivity and FPR. In this segment of analysis, all 41 features of dataset are utilized. Higher the accuracy and sensitivity and lower FPR makes the models very effective and efficient. Here all the model’s accuracy is more than 90% and sensitivity is more than 85% and also the FPR is less than 10% excluding the case of CNN and SGD and partially GRU. Therefore, the models are quite effective in detecting attacks and normal flow of data.The average accuracy and sensitivity results of AI models using 41 features, in the 1st step, are more than 90% which is a very effective result. Furthermore, the average result of FPR is almost less than 10% that makes the AI models efficient. Once the trained ML models are tested in a new dataset NSL-KDD, still ML models using 41 features provides good outputs, almost more than 85% and FPR is less than 15%. Therefore, in the anomaly detection AI models acts efficiently.
Table 5. Comparison among the Steps of Efficiency Test
S.no |
Class Name |
Average Accuracy % |
Average Sensitivity% |
Average FPR% |
1. |
AI Model using 41 Features of KDD’99 |
96% |
93.44% |
10.72% |
2. |
AI Model using 41 Features of NSL-KDD |
87% |
84.16% |
14.21% |
Every learning algorithm has its own merits and demerits. Total seven AI models analyzed in this study has brought versatility to the research. Most of the models performed effectively less SGD and more or less CNN. The AI model\'s suitability in cyber security was tested in two steps. Both the steps provided the AI model’s prudency in cyber security. Use of two separate data sets, KDD’99 and NSL-KDD, in two steps and training and testing methodologies also brought uniqueness in the study. In addition, deep analysis through multiple cyber-attack detection by the AI models have further authenticate the credibility of AI in cyber security. A true aggressive model is consisting of higher accuracy and sensitivity and lower FPR. In most cases, all AI models ensure this principle. Final average accuracy, sensitivity and FPR results are also the testimonies of suitability of AI in the field of cyber security. Hence, it is concluded saying. “AI based cyber security is the prudent and time-worthy solution.” The two-emerging technology, cyber security and AI, has been blended in this research work. Attackers always choose to attack the defender, by achieving surprise. Therefore, use of modern technology’s the best arsenal to achieve surprise. Hence, it is expected to bring enormous success through this process of cyber defense.
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Copyright © 2022 Sivasankar G. A.. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET40072
Publish Date : 2022-01-25
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here