Stud?nt R?sult Management Syst?m (SRMS) is a w?bsit? d?sign?d to stor? stud?nt r?sults at th? institution. On this w?bsit?, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ar? us?d as advanc?d tools. Th? proj?ct aims to automat? s?m?st?r r?sults manag?m?nt. as it is a syst?m for th? manag?m?nt of comput?riz?d t?st r?sults of stud?nt ?xamination r?cords. It will simplify and acc?l?rat? outcom?s planning, manag?m?nt proc?ss?s, and activiti?s such as a craft r?duction tool, providing us with advanc?d pr?paration for both stud?nts and administrativ? authoriti?s to achi?v? r?sults. Th? proj?ct aims to provid? stud?nt t?st r?sults in an ?ffortl?ss way. It works for stud?nts and institutions to g?t r?sults in an uncomplicat?d way. B?ing a r?sult analysis that r?fl?cts th? natur? of th? subj?cts and grad?s h?lps stud?nts to look at th? r?sults. A program d?sign?d for stud?nts whos? rights hav? b??n grant?d to stud?nts to r?ad and practic? th?ir r?sults by providing us?rnam?s and passwords for s?cur? acc?ss. In th? cas? of n?w stud?nts, th? r?gistration syst?m is r?ady for us?, and th? gu?st us?r has th? right to r?ad only. Th? full r?sults syst?m (SRMS) will b? und?r th? control of th? administrator or admin and th? administrator or admin has full acc?ss to writ?, r?ad, and show th? r?sult. Th? guid? or admin also grants T?ach?r and stud?nts acc?ss and gu?st us?r acc?ss rights. Th? r?ad?r can shar? or publish his or h?r r?sult.
Th? study's primary obj?ctiv? is to d?v?lop and automat? a Stud?nt Outcom?s Manag?m?nt Syst?m (SRMS) for ?ffici?nt manag?m?nt and publication of stud?nt r?sults. This docum?nt outlin?s th? softwar? r?quir?m?nts for SRMS, focusing on robustn?ss and accuracy. SRMS is d?sign?d to addr?ss various issu?s in managing stud?nt r?sults and provid?s d?tail?d information on curr?nt and past s?m?st?r data.
In th? dynamic landscap? of ?ducation, organiz?d manag?m?nt of stud?nt r?sults is ?ss?ntial for ?ducational institutions, such as schools, coll?g?s, and univ?rsiti?s. Th? Stud?nt R?sult Manag?m?nt Syst?m (SRMS) ?m?rg?s as a valuabl? tool to simplify th? compl?x proc?ss of r?sult manag?m?nt. It str?amlin?s acad?mic ass?ssm?nt, grading, r?cord-k??ping, and r?sult publication, off?ring a us?r-fri?ndly int?rfac? and num?rous f?atur?s to ?nhanc? ?ffici?ncy and transpar?ncy.
K?y f?atur?s of SRMS includ? compr?h?nsiv? stud?nt data, including r?gistration numb?rs, marks, amounts, and ratings. It is acc?ssibl? to principals for r?sult analysis and off?rs stud?nts a portal to ch?ck th?ir curr?nt status.
Th? syst?m cat?rs to thr?? main us?r cat?gori?s:
Administrator/Admin: Manag?s s?m?st?rs, accounts, r?sults, and communication.
T?ach?r/Staff/Faculty: Handl?s stud?nt lists, marks, and profil? updat?s.
Stud?nts: Cr?at? accounts, acc?ss s?m?st?r r?sults, download r?ports, and updat? profil?s and passwords.
In th? cours? of r?s?arch, a thorough analysis of ?xisting syst?ms r?lat?d to stud?nt r?sult monitoring was conduct?d, with a focus on th?ir f?atur?s and capabiliti?s. Four notabl? syst?ms w?r? r?vi?w?d in th? lit?ratur? surv?y:
Faculty Support Syst?m (FSS): Shana and V?nkatacalam propos?d th? Faculty Support Syst?m (FSS), a low-cost syst?m utilizing op?n-sourc? data mining softwar?, WEKA. FSS ?mploys data mining t?chniqu?s, including classification, to pr?dict stud?nts' p?rformanc? in sp?cific cours?s by consid?ring various contributing factors.
Stud?nt P?rformanc? Analyz?r (SPA): SPA is a s?cur? w?b-bas?d tool d?sign?d for analyzing, displaying, and storing stud?nt ass?ssm?nt data. It classifi?s stud?nts' p?rformanc? r?lativ? to ?xp?ct?d l?v?ls and g?n?rat?s various p?rformanc? r?ports, such as progr?ss and achi?v?m?nt r?ports, bas?d on upload?d stud?nt data.
Int?llig?nt Mining and D?cision Support Syst?m (In Minds): In Minds is ?mploy?d by th? Univ?rsity Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) to analyz? p?rformanc? across diff?r?nt d?partm?nts and cours? fi?lds. It provid?s insights through figur?s, formats, and risk analysis, ?nhancing p?rformanc? analysis. Th? syst?m int?grat?s op?n-sourc? data mining softwar?, WEKA.
Stud?nt P?rformanc? Analysis Syst?m (SPAS): SPAS, us?d by th? Univ?rsity Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), off?rs a us?r-fri?ndly syst?m for pr?dicting stud?nt p?rformanc?, tracking stud?nt r?ports, and ?xamining factors aff?cting pr?dictions. R?ports ar? g?n?rat?d in Portabl? Docum?nt Format (PDF), making th?m ?asily acc?ssibl?.
Additionally, th? n?w Stud?nt R?sult Manag?m?nt Syst?m (SRMS): Aims to mak? data storag? mor? ?ffici?nt and acc?ssibl?, b?n?fiting institutions, staff, and stud?nts. It provid?s a us?r-fri?ndly int?rfac? for stud?nts to manag? and track th?ir r?sults, and for t?ach?rs and institutional staff to organiz? data, calculat? marks, and str?amlin? th?ir work proc?ss?s. SRMS l?v?rag?s t?chnology to automat? traditionally manual r?sult manag?m?nt proc?ss?s, aligning with th? broad?r tr?nd of t?chnology int?gration in ?ducation.
Ov?rall, th? lit?ratur? surv?y und?rscor?s th? significanc? of Stud?nt R?sult Manag?m?nt Syst?ms (SRMS) in mod?rn ?ducational administration, ?mphasizing th?ir rol? in ?nhancing ?ffici?ncy, accuracy, and th? int?gration of t?chnology in ?ducation.
In conclusion, a Stud?nt R?sult Manag?m?nt Syst?m is an ?ss?ntial tool for ?ducational institutions. It provid?s a c?ntraliz?d databas? of stud?nt information, automat?s many of th? proc?ss?s involv?d in managing stud?nt data, and improv?s communication b?tw??n ?ducational institutions, par?nts, and stud?nts. SIMS provid?s ?ducational institutions with valuabl? insights into stud?nt p?rformanc?, which can b? us?d to mak? b?tt?r d?cisions r?garding curriculum d?v?lopm?nt, stud?nt support, and oth?r ar?as. Impl?m?nting SIMS can h?lp ?ducational institutions sav? tim?, improv? accuracy, and provid? b?tt?r s?rvic? to th?ir stud?nts and par?nts. Th? Stud?nt R?sult Manag?m?nt Syst?m (SRMS) is discuss?d in this work. Th? product is d?sign?d to solv? th? chall?ng?s that und?rstudi?s fac? in school with th?ir board r?cords. Th? SRMS was built with PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, and PHP, and it was host?d locally using Apach? w?b work?r. Th? product improv?m?nt conc?pt is also bas?d on th? Participatory St?ady Proc?ss Mod?l (PIP Mod?l). A us?ful br?akdown of th? fram?work and its cor? compon?nts is provid?d in ord?r to und?rstand th? fram?work’s primary functions. Similarly, a us? cas? graph is giv?n to d?monstrat? th? various fram?work cli?nt class?s as w?ll as th? num?rous functionality associat?d with ?ach fram?work cli?nt.