Road accidents leads to death, disability and hospitalization of people across world which leads to loss of potential income of individual and also affects the economy of the country. For every 10 people killed during road accidents across world one person belongs to India. In year 2020, total of 3,66,138 road accidents occurred leading to loss of 1,31,714 persons lives, injuring 3,48,279 persons. Number of road accidents and damage caused by it can be reduced by identifying the factors leading to it. In this project, we are applying the concepts of data mining and machine learning to identify the various factors that affect road accidents and its severity. The application will take variety inputs such as age of vehicle, light condition, road surface condition, speed limit etc. and will use random forest machine learning algorithm to calculate the severity of a possible accident. The severity of a possible accident will be displayed on a scale of 1 to 3, 1 being the highest and 3 being the least severe so, that they drive safely and take precautions. This data can be used in future to analyze inputs and improves the accuracy of the system output. In case of severity 1 which is the case of possibility of fatal accident an alert message will be sent to police so that they can take any preventive measures and therefore this application can prove to be very helpful in reducing accident fatality rates in the country.
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To design a framework that can get trained and extract the features from the large existing dataset.
To develop a probabilistic model that can predict the crash from the learner features.
To compute the efficiency of the proposed mode.
Importing dataset, cleaning it, identifying missing values and normalizing data.
Splitting dataset into training data and testing data.
Initially tried implementing model using random forest algorithm, logistic regression algorithm, decision tree algorithm and applied hyperparameter tuning to check which gives higher efficiency.
Random forest algorithm gave higher accuracy and hence model is implemented using it
Scalability: Machine Learning algorithms can process large number of classification parameters and are able to obtain useful patterns. It can process huge amounts of data efficiently and can be scalable.
Performance: Model is implemented using random forest algorithm which gave higher efficiency when compared to, logistic regression algorithm, decision tree algorithm and applied hyperparameter tuning.
We have developed a web-site for our model. It has four major components, they are:
Front-End: User entered inputs are taken and sent to the back end for processing.
Back-End: The user entered data is process here using machine learning model to identify the severity of accident. The machine learning model is deployed here.
Machine Learning Model: Machine learning model is implemented using random forest algorithm as it showed highest accuracy when compared to other algorithms. It is deployed on the backend. It processes user entered data and predict the severity on a scale of one to three: 1 being fatal, 2 being serious and 3 means slight chances of accidents. The predicted output is displayed to the user on the frontend. If the predicted output is 1=fatal then, an alert message will be sent to police so that they can take appropriate actions. The alert message will contain coordinates of the location of the user.
A. System Design
The home page that is the front end as shown in figure VI.I will take inputs from the user. The data collected from user involves age of driver, vehicle type, age of vehicle, engine capacity, day of week, weather conditions, light conditions, road surface conditions, gender and speed limit. For this user entered data output is predicted in terms of severity of accident.
This project used machine learning technology to predict the severity of accident at any given location. Machine learning technology has enabled us to analyse data to predict the severity of accident with accuracy that is greater than that of humans. This project can be used in future by government or organizations to prevent road accidents or at least reduce complication due to it.
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