In country like India road accident result in loss of lakhs of human as well as animals lives and severe injuries to crores of people. In India itself more than eighty thousand people are killed in road accidents every year. The present transport system has reduced the distances but it has on the other hand increased the life threat. In most of the cases accident arises either due to negligence or due to lack of road safety attentiveness of the road user. Our ambition is to provide road safety information for road users to inspire safer road user behavior among current and approaching road users and minimize the number of people killed and injured on roads each year. In this study, the section of road from “(Dhandhuka to Dholera road state highway 20)” near Ahmedabad in the state of Gujrat. Road having considerable traffic during day time and some black spots on the road where accidents takes place continuously. A detailed analysis of road is carried out on the basis of data collection like classified traffic volume study, accidental data collection, potholes on road data collection, road safety signs and symbols, crust details of existing road etc.
A. General
Accord to the NCRB data, around 1.50 lakhs human deaths were observed in road accident in India in the year 2021 that is the highest among previous years. The reduction in accident crashes were observed in the year 2020 due to lockdowns and travel restrictions. According to report the no. of accidents were less than before pandemic period but the no. of deaths have raised after pandemic. States of Tamil Nadu (56,975), Madhya Pradesh (49,312), Uttar Pradesh (35,998), Kerala (33,217) and Maharashtra (30,333) reported high number of accidents. Deaths per 100 km of National Highways have come down from 44 in 2018 to 40 in 2021. According to World Bank report (‘Traffic Crash Injuries And Disabilities: The Burden on India Society‘) India accounts for 11% of the global death in road accidents despite having just 1% of the world’s vehicles. The road accidents costs INR 6 lakh crore or 3.14% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The main purpose of the study was to recognize the safety deficit and accident prone spots on SH-20 section from Dhandhuka to Dholera (approx. 27Kms). Based on which recommendations for appropriate safety measures that need to be provided at accident prone locations where being made as per the Guidelines for the existing road network as per IRC SP:88-2019 and various risk factors and priorities of their therapies were suggested. The aim of this study is to avoid the happening of any type of accident or to mitigate the harshness of possible crash on Dhandhuka to Dholera Section of SH-20, thus to making the road journey safe and ease for all road users and surroundings.
Omkar Gholap 2018 In this study, Road taken having considerable traffic during day time and some black spots on the road where accidents takes place continuously. They have collected peak hours & normal hours traffic volume, real time potholes, accident analysis data etc. From the above study they concluded that continues contact with potholes present on the road leads to major health issues. By cumulative study of various conditions The aim of study is the inspecting the road in the terms of the safety measures, road scenario, any type of flaws and to suggest the mitigative and preventive measures for the selected section of road for audit.
Yuha Huvarinen 2016 They have concluded that the need of safety auditing the roads they found the audit may prevent about 27% of the road accidents. Prevention of such significance cost of community justifies the cost required for safety audit performance and implementation of audit proposals. According to study safety audit can be implemented at any stage from planning to completion
Sudipa Chatterji 2019 In their study they identified the risk factors and given countermeasures for that. By analyzing they found the most of the road users suffers about the concept of road safety. By education and awareness about the road safety one can influence and change their behavior towards road safety. According to him school based education about the road safety can still safe attitudes of young people early which leads to reduction in number of road accidents.
Dr. S. S. Jain 2011 The study aims to evaluate Road Safety Audit of a section of four-lane National Highway NH- 58 they raised the issue of road standards such as high speeds. From data simulation process they found that, Road Markings, Condition of Shoulder, Traffic Volume, Spot Speed, Median Opening and Carriageway condition were main parameters for causing accidents they also observed the slow moving traffic creating hazards for fast moving traffic as it always occupied the innermost lane of highway. They also mentioned unauthorized median openings, adequate provisions for crossing local peoples, undeveloped major and minor intersections, adequate lighting provisions etc.
A. Traffic Survey
Traffic volume count survey has been done at ch. 7+250 for 4hr day & night pick hour time (8AM to 12PM) and (4PM to 8PM) for 7 days of week including sunday. Avg. traffic volume has been converted into PCU as per IRC guidelines. Summary of ADT and AADT in terms of total vehicles and equivalent PCU is given.
D. Safety Audit Recommendations
Continuous vegetation growth, branches and bushes along side of the roadway causing the invisibility on horizontal curve and facing the problem of sight triangle visibility on intersection, also covering the successful width of carriageway leads to severe accident at night time mainly. Thus, an urgent need to control the excessive vegetation is required throughout the stretch.
Frequently electric pole along side of the highway causing distraction to the high speed movement of traffic stream. Thus an urgent need to maintain such poles or to be shifted elsewhere at suitable location.
Illegal side road movement cause the inappropriate merging and diverging. Thus, the approach of such path should be changed or to be closed permanently can be effective to preventing such wrong turning movement of vehicles.
Over speeding of the vehicle causing severe accidents. Traffic calming measures should be taken to prevent the over speeding of the vehicles.
Road side barriers at complex locations can be effective in guide the driver at night time. Thus an urgent need to maintain the damaged barriers and should be painted by retro reflective colors to enhance night time visibility.
Less overtaking opportunities due to slow moving heavy vehicles are affecting the overall journey time for the fast moving vehicles hence extra widening at few sections are suggested to rectify this problem.
Parking of vehicle on road side shoulder are also causing the distraction to the operation of traffic movement. This should be prevented by strict enforcement of law and order.
Road marking throughout the highway is suggested with road studs on both side to guide the traffic in night time. Accident statistics shows that the frequency of heavy vehicle involvement in the accident is very high. Thus, illegal operation of such heavy loaded vehicles should be checked by the government officials.
There should be an annual Road Safety Audit of the roads to checks efficient operation of traffic and severity measures on the highway.
A. Conclusion
There were 50 numbers of sign board has been found in damaged or in tilted position throughout the section.
1) More than 50 locations were identified with accidental zone where severe incident can be occur, such locations are without any sign board, damaged crush barrier, without speed breaker, damaged head wall, this situation leading to misguide the vulnerable road users leads to severe accident at day & night time. Thus, there is an urgent need to installation of these features.
2) Major & minor junctions were identified without any control from entry and exit.
3) Unnecessary growth of vegetation and tree bushes were found throughout the section of the roadway on both side of the shoulder blocking the visibility and also affecting the traffic movement of the section.
4) Pavement deterioration condition such as alligator cracks, longitudinal cracks, pot holes, edge cracking were found at most of the locations that leading to further damage to the pavement surface.
5) Small narrow bridge were found without any marking or painted leads to hazards at locations.
6) Stray animals or cattle were found to feed the grass on shoulder causing danger to the vulnerable road users.
7) Over speeding of the vehicles were noticed at speed limit zones leads to severe accident along the roadway.
B. Recommendations
1) Continuous vegetation growth, branches and bushes along side of the roadway causing the invisibility on horizontal curve and facing the problem of sight triangle visibility on intersection, also covering the successful width of carriageway leads to severe accident at night time mainly. Thus, an urgent need to control the excessive vegetation is required throughout the stretch.
2) Frequently electric pole along side of the highway causing distraction to the high speed movement of traffic stream. Thus an urgent need to maintain such poles or to be shifted elsewhere at suitable location.
3) Illegal side road movement cause the inappropriate merging and diverging. Thus, the approach of such path should be changed or to be closed permanently can be effective to preventing such wrong turning movement of vehicles.
4) Over speeding of the vehicle causing severe accidents. Traffic calming measures should be taken to prevent the over speeding of the vehicles.
5) Road side barriers at complex locations can be effective in guide the driver at night time. Thus an urgent need to maintain the damaged barriers and should be painted by retro reflective colors to enhance night time visibility.
6) Less overtaking opportunities due to slow moving heavy vehicles are affecting the overall journey time for the fast moving vehicles hence extra widening at few sections are suggested to rectify this problem.
7) Parking of vehicle on road side shoulder are also causing the distraction to the operation of traffic movement. This should be prevented by strict enforcement of law and order.
8) Road marking throughout the highway is suggested with road studs on both side to guide the traffic in night time. Accident statistics shows that the frequency of heavy vehicle involvement in the accident is very high. Thus, illegal operation of such heavy loaded vehicles should be checked by the government officials.
There should be an annual Road Safety Audit of the roads to checks efficient operation of traffic and severity measures on the highway
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