Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Mr. Manish Jadhav, Mr. Sourabh Jamdade, Miss. Shrutika Mane, Mr. Omkar Sonawale, Prof. Archana H. Renushe
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.44086
Certificate: View Certificate
While analyzing the problem we thought about the importance with respect to data security. Since everything is getting digitalized, security is the key point in this digital era. So, when it comes to data security or data integrity, there are serval ways through which we can achieve this. So, we started finding loop holes in digitize donation system. As this way we came on the conclusion that there are loop holes in the charity system. Hence, we have decided to use the most spectacular data security related technology i.e., “blockchain”. We are implemented blockchain technology in this proposed system, so that whatever transaction / donation done between donor and beneficiary will be transparent and open to world. which will ultimately reduce chances of corruptions usually happen in the donation system.
Charity is a critical part of a democratic society. It is known that there are many incidents take place in this world which causes tragic loss whether it can be related to wealth or life and cause extensive damage every year. To recover from various types of losses many require help from organizations who providing services which can be financial aid to basic necessities. People are now becoming gluttonous to contribute to the society. So, Charity is a highly growing sector in today’s world and it has evolved from its traditional organizational concepts to a decentralized crypto-currency based system.
The traditional system suffers from various problems such as lack of transparency, lack of trust between donors and corruption. Blockchain is a remarkably transparent and decentralized way of maintaining this kind of different charity-based transactions. So, we are going to propose a blockchain based decentralized system that acts as a platform to donate money for donors to beneficiaries and this entire system taking place under maximum security and fulfilled trust. Fake charities try to take advantage of our generosity and compassion for others in need. Scammers will steal your money by acting as a genuine charity. These scams not only cost you money but they also divert much needed donations away from legitimate charities and causes. Following statistics will state the broader view about this crisis related to frauds in charity.
The charity system mode proposed the use of blockchain technology to solve problems in social emergency assistance also analyzed the application of blockchain technology in India’s philanthropy. and affirmed the advantages of blockchain technology in philanthropy.
The blockchain system can bring transparency to online charity trusts. Contributors can see the journey of the donation in real time and confirm if it’s reaching the deserving hands or not. With the addition of blockchain into charities, donors would no longer be unaware of what’s being done with their money. donation information would be stored in blocks. Each data block contains the hash code of a previous block and their own hash. This hash is generating for each new transaction. Hash is nothing but the string of numbers and letters. And suppose if we make a small change in the transaction, a new hash is generated immediately. So that we can immediately understand that something went wrong or someone tries to malpractice. Like this blockchain technology works.
Research on Charity System Based on Blockchain. Hangzhou Institute of Service Engineering, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, author- hubaokun (2020). The charity organizations in India having lack of transparency. and supervision to them is difficult to achieve, which has a negative impact on the willingness of the people to donate. Blockchain as an underlying technology of Bitcoin system provides a new solution for the charity system in terms of technology. This paper proposed a charity system based on blockchain technology and expounds the design pattern, architecture and operational process of the platform. Some core functions of the charity platform have been realized and verified on Ethereum. We hope to increase the transparency of charities to enhance the people trust in charities and promote the development of philanthropy by blockchain-based charity system.
Research on Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Author: Satoshi Nakamoto (2008). Before implementing blockchain into our project, we first need to understand how blockchain works, how it is implemented onto the network. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial organization. This paper proposed a peer-to-peer electronic cash transaction through blockchain. Which we will be using in our respected project for the transaction purpose. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work.
This proposed system builds such a platform where all the people who genuinely wants to donate for a good cause and wants to help the needy, they able to do here through this website with all their trust. And they able to get or see the track record of transaction. And also, the people who need help should able to fill the information on the form provided by charity organization for review. And approved projects will be post on the charity platform. Organization gets donations from donor and transfer them to the campaign donor select for a donation.
A. Modules
5. Blockchain Node/ Smart Contract: Blockchain nodes are network stakeholders and their devices that are authorized to keep track of the distributed ledger and serve as communication hubs for various network tasks. A blockchain node’s primary job is to confirm the legality of each subsequent batch of network transactions, known as blocks. In addition, allocating a unique identifier to each node in the network helps to distinguish a node from other nodes in the network easily. We have developed our own blockchain network by using the concept called as smart contracts. Smart contracts are smart because they are far more functional than their inanimate paper-based ancestors. No use of artificial intelligence is implied. A smart contract is a set of promises specified in digital form, including protocols within which the parties perform on these promises. These contracts are written in on programming language that is Solidity. We have used the same programming language in our project. Codes or more specifically we can say functions which we are going to use in our smart contracts are already predefined in the solidity, we just have to modify them according to our need. In our smart contract we have taken the parameters such as sender’s address, receiver’s address, amount etc. according to these parameters our transaction happens. Also, the tokens that we have made which is MOSS. That is also made in smart contract.
B. Functional requirements
Blockchain technology has a great future worldwide. An incredible scope of blockchain technology has been observed in the financial field. Blockchain technology helps charities to become more transparent. In the future, we may see accountability for the spending of donations tied to smart contracts, enabling donors to donate directly to those best in a position to help.
We would like to give the special thanks to the Computer Science and Engineering department of the college AGTI’s Dr. Daulatrao Aher College of Engineering Karad. HOD Prof. Ashish N. Patil and Project guide Prof. Archana H. Renushe to have their guidance.
We have proposed a system using Blockchain along with cryptocurrency for charity work to make it more transparent through a decentralized system. In today’s date people are more concerned about others and this has made a lot of people benevolent. But at the same time many fake charity organizations and random people pose as genuine and loot money from innocent people in the name of charity. Those people want to ultimately make illegal money in the process. This system will provide both the requirements which are better authenticity and security. Also, it will provide the trusted system and will make the entire process more transparent. This will help to get donors and beneficiary without taking middle man in between, Because the system does not rely on an intermediary to transfer funds. The scope of the Blockchain technology is limited due to the unawareness of value of Cryptocurrency. In a scenario where the banking economy can be collapsed, Crypto-Currency will be the only viable option. System can be expanded at global environment. The philanthropic model could be applied in different situations e.g., when smartphones, laptops and Internet connectivity are unavailable. The decentralized structure especially the open source blockchain platforms prove problematic due to the challenges involved in ensuring these updates are installed at each node.
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Copyright © 2022 Mr. Manish Jadhav, Mr. Sourabh Jamdade, Miss. Shrutika Mane, Mr. Omkar Sonawale, Prof. Archana H. Renushe. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET44086
Publish Date : 2022-06-11
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here