Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Mr. Subhankar Sarkar
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.66047
Certificate: View Certificate
India is a riverine country; Riverine civilization has developed in India since ancient times. Our India has grown crops around this river. Just as the river has made our country rich in crops, the raging nature of the river has repeatedly brought our country to the brink of destruction. Almost every year, erosion along with floods cause financial and other losses in India. Due to climate change and the damming of rivers every year, river water dries up during summers, and floods during monsoons can cause sudden rises in water and cause loss of life and other damage to humans and other animals. I have tried to show here, Technically and using IoT - that there will be three dimensions to the water level of a river or sea. The first dimension will be the normal dimension second dimension will be the abnormal dimension third dimension will be the super abnormal dimension. And in this case of water level monitoring the three levels will be indicated by three different lights, when the water level in the river reaches the warning level or worse, the authorities in the river zone or sea zone will be notified through messages and warning sirens will be sounded if necessary. In this research paper of mine, the Smart River Water Level Monitoring System model I am trying to show, if implemented, People cattle or property can be saved from the damage caused by flash floods in riparian areas. Apart from that, how the research topics related to rivers can be further improved, those possible topics are discussed in this research paper.
Our India has been a riverine land since ancient times. India also has several natural and unnatural canals, bilges, lakes, etc. from North to South, east to West. And as a result, all these reservoirs naturally dry up in summer, and naturally rise in all these reservoirs during monsoons. Also, water in reservoirs can rise due to several natural or unnatural reasons. As a result, water rises in the riverbank or coastal areas and creates a flood-like situation. This results in massive loss of life and property. Due to these floods, every year in India, the loss is about several thousand crores of rupees, and several lakhs of agricultural lands are damaged. I tried to show in this project-based research paper that, riparian areas, coastal areas, or areas prone to flash floods, reduce the risk of flooding. Internet of Things and various sensor technologies used in computer science, also using cloud databases. So, warning messages can be given to common people in riparian areas as soon as the water rises in the river, and warning messages can also be sent to the local administration as soon as the water rises. Also, if the river water exceeds the danger level, the warning siren will sound immediately. Also, three different colored indicators will be used in this project, and by looking at those Indicators, common people and administration officials will be able to know about the current situation of river water level or about the advanced situation of flood. Also in this paper, IoT is used, IoT is one of the most widely used Internet technologies today. The Internet of Things is a technology that facilitates user connectivity with various devices and sensors through networks and the cloud. A cloud server is also used here through which the information about the increase or decrease in the water level of the river will be stored and sent as output to the user at specified intervals. Also used is microcontroller ESP-32 device, among other hardware devices. I have also used the online simulator platform-wokwi.com and C, and C++ programs to demonstrate this work experimentally. I will also try to discuss what other steps can be taken to deal with the risk of floods.
Internet of Things is a technology through which various devices connect to other network devices or the cloud and exchange data. It is embedded with different software, sensors, and different devices with different connections. That is, by interconnecting different devices, with the help of the internet and cloud, different data can be exchanged, and necessary decisions can be made with the help of different devices. In other words, the Internet of Things is a vast network of various devices, from which data can be collected as needed, data can be shared as per permission, and opportunities for automated systems can be created as needed.
Nowadays internet of technology is widely used in daily life, also through this technology, we can technically control another place from a remote place. The use of Internet of Things technology can be seen in various security applications including agriculture, vehicles, industry trade, hospitality, Robotic Applications, etc. I have used, in this paper, the Internet of Thoughts. So that you can take advanced measures to deal with natural disasters like floods. This time we will look at various applications of the Internet of Things-
Figure-1. Internet of Things applications.
The use of the Internet of Things can be observed in several areas, such as smartphones, Smart Watch, Laptops or Personal Computers, the Industrial Sector, Vehicle Tracking, Fire Fighting, Home Security, Fire Fighting, Smart Health care, Smart Garden monitoring, etc. In this paper, I have used the Internet of Things keeping in mind the safety of people living in riparian areas or flood-prone areas.
After studying several research papers on the rise in river levels, and after observing several flood-prone areas. Most of the research papers have been written on water quality management, or sometimes on water level and multiple issues including water speed, temperature, humidity, etc. Also, some research papers have seen the use of web applications for monitoring. And in research papers, cloud applications, and GSM Shield have been used to exchange information. Most research papers use Arduino boards as microcontroller devices. I have visited several flood-prone areas for research and other purposes. In most cases, a manual scale is used to measure the water level of the river. At that scale there is no technical touch, manpower is required to watch the rise in the water level of the river. Nor have I seen the use of any of the smart flood detection systems described above at flood sites. So I tried using some sensor devices and an ESP-32 microcontroller board and at a very low cost, email or get information about the water level of river or sea through SMS every 5 minutes. Besides receiving SMS or email, in my research paper, I have also tried to show the Use of three types of color indicators to indicate water level (Normal level - Green, Yellow alert - Yellow, Red alert – Use Red Indicator) When the water level rises above the danger level, alerting the people living in the riparian areas through the buzzer.
A. Hardware Descriptions:
1) ESP-32 Microcontroller: ESP-32 Microcontroller is an open-source platform, It is also a hardware part, which can be called a physical programmable circuit device it is used in various projects of the Internet of Things. This device can also provide Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality and interface with other systems. Not only this, but this platform does not require any separate hardware to load the code. It is therefore a popular device among programmers, as it generally consumes less power than other microcontrollers.
Figure-2. ESP 32 Microcontroller Board.
2) Water Level Sensor: A water level sensor is a widely used hardware device, this device is used to detect water levels. It measures the height of the water liquid level and converts it into an electrical signal for output. Here also, I have used the water label sensor which will know the current status of the water level through the indicator as the water level rises.
Figure-3. Water level Sensor.
3) Resistor: A resistor is an electrical component that is passive and serves to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. resistors in electrical circuits help reduce current flow and maintain voltage levels. Resistors are commonly found in various circuits to reduce the voltage in a particular part of the circuit.
4) LED Indicator: It is an illuminated element used to show the output of various circuits, that is, these lights are used to show an experiment circuit the result of a circuit, or a permanent result of a circuit, and they are of different colors. Here I have used three colors of indicator (Red, Yellow, and Green) that indicate different conditions of water level for water level measurement.
5) Buzzer: Buzzer generally refers to an electromechanical audio signaling device. This device usually converts various signals into audio or sound as required. It is usually powered by DC voltage and is used to generate various music bell sounds for various types of alarms or warning alarms. Bazars are also used here, as the water level of the river rises, when the water level reaches its highest level, the bazaar is struck.
Figure-4. Buzzer.
6)BreadBoard:Thebreadboard is a tool used when testing a circuit or electrical test before completing it. A breadboard is a tool used when testing a circuit or electrical test before completing it. This board consists oftwo parts, the upper part is connected to the side, the lower part is connected up and down. users will use this card in various digital electronics laboratories or computer architecture laboratories or when designing circuits according to their needs.
Figure-5. Breadboard.
6) Connecting Wires: In making various experimental electronic circuits, when microcontrollers different types of sensors, indicators, or ICs are placed on the breadboard, connecting wires are required to connect them to each other, and to supply power. In these cases connecting wires of different colours are used for ease of understanding.
7) LCD Screen / Output Monitor: LCD screen or Output Monitor is a device commonly used as an output of computer devices. When the entire circuit is run, the water level situation will be visualized in the output form. Here also the complete information regarding the river water level, the current situation of the river water level can be seen through the LCD screen.
8) Power Supply: A power supply is required for making any new electronic project or any new circuit and running microcontroller boards, here also electronic power supply is also required (For ESP-32, 5 volts are used here).
B. Software Descriptions
Mainly I want to show the Smart River Water Level Monitoring System, instead of the scales that were used in the old days to measure the water level of the river, I tried to make a smart modern water level meter to measure the water level of the river using Internet of Things. And as a result, the current water level of the river will be known through three different color indicators as the water level of the river increases and we can see and know it through the LCD screen. When the water level of the river rises above normal, the red indicator will flash, and the warning siren will sound. If necessary, the complete information will go to the local Disaster management office or the administration in the form of a message. Those local people can be saved from floods or given enough time to deal with floods. Here it is mainly tried to show that, instead of the old scale which was used to measure the water level of the river, the modern digital method of measuring the water level of the river and warning the people if necessary. I tried to explain how the smart river water level monitoring system can work through an algorithm so that the whole system can work like this.
Working Algorithm:
Step 1: To measure River water level
Green Blink River water level: 50 meters
Yellow Blink River water level: 51 to 80 meters
Red Blink and Sound River water level: 81 meters
Step 2: Initialize variables:
Present water level
Step 3: Repeat indefinitely:
a. Read the Present water level of the river.
b. If the River water level is below or equal to 50 meters;
then Blink Green LED.
c. If the River water level is between 51 to 80 meters;
then Blink Yellow LED.
d. If the River water level is above 80 meters;
then Blink Red LED and sound an alarm.
e. Wait for a while to avoid rapid blinking.
Step 4: End loop.
Figure 6. System Functioning.
Figure-7. Flowchart Diagram.
Equipment: - Breadboard, ESP-32 Microcontroller, Indicators (Red, Yellow, Green), Buzzer, Water level Sensor, LCD, Connecting wires.
Figure-8. Experimental Circuit Diagram and Necessary Equipment.
Figure-9. Graphical River Water Level Monitoring, When water level is 0-50 meters.
Figure-10. Graphical River Water Level Monitoring, when river water level crosses 50 Meters.
Figure-11. Graphical River Water Level Monitoring when river water level crosses 81 Meters.
Figure-12. Email Alert.
Figure-13. Email Alert. (Every five minutes interval)
In this research paper, the result section, I have shown that. The proposed model for river water level measurement, after running it using an online simulator platform. The whole system runs successfully, and when the water level sensor is raised and lowered (used to measure the water level). The water level is then displayed on the output screen as a number. When the water level is close to the danger limit, the yellow indicator lights up, and when the water level exceeds the danger limit, the red indicator lights up, and a buzzer sounds as a warning. Also, water level information is sent to the user via email at regular intervals. Also in the results section, a part of the graph is shown, through which the information regarding the increase or decrease in the river level can be better understood. Also the graph that I have shown in the result section implies that when the water level rises excessively we can also know about the rise in water level through the graph.
In this research paper, I tried to show that it is possible to measure the water level of the river by using the Internet of Things and sensor technology without being physically present in the river bank area. This time I will discuss several points on how to improve the research on river water level or flood.
This paper is generally designed keeping in mind the people living in riparian areas or flood-prone areas, I have done this research paper to digitally monitor the complete information related to rivers or floods. India is a riverine country, and natural calamities especially floods occur every year. In dealing with floods, in most cases, detailed information about river water levels is not available. As a result, various problems have to be faced while dealing with floods. In my research paper, I have shown the measurement of river water level and its data through the online simulator (wokwi.com). Here, if the water level of the river rises suddenly, the graph also shows that the water level of the river has increased more than normal. Also, if the water level of the river rises excessively, besides the siren buzzer, it will be known through email or SMS at a fixed interval. For receiving SMS or email, I used the Amazon web service here. As three indicators are arranged to understand the current situation in the river water level, we can also know about the water level with the help of an LCD or output monitor. Finally, several points on how to improve river level rise or river-related research are also highlighted in this paper. If the work of this research paper is implemented, our country will take several steps forward in dealing with disasters - especially floods in the future.
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ISSN 0973-4570, Volume 12, Number 1 (Year of Publication 2019), Page no . 21-25 © Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com
Copyright © 2024 Mr. Subhankar Sarkar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET66047
Publish Date : 2024-12-21
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here